Last chapter so sad

Chapter 10

Astrid POV

Back on Berk we arrived without saying a word.

"You think this will work?" I finally asked Hiccup whose face was all serious and in deep thought.

"It has to," he replied.

A few days later we heard the Attack Horn and ran towards the beach. Off the coastline we could spot a fleet of ships getting nearer to us.

"Do you think it's Dagur?" Fishlegs asked.

"Of course it is, we took his dragon, remember?" Ruffnut replied.

"Umm guys? My dragon. And, you're right, it has to be Dagur, the sails have the Berserker crest on them," Hiccup said.

"Ok then, everyone ready your dragons!" I shouted and started jogging back to the arena.

"Astrid, wait!" Hiccup yelled and ran after me. He stopped in front of me half smiling.

"I don't want Dagur to get you again," he said.

"Don't worry, Hic! I'll be fine. and besides, I have Stormfly and you with me," I replied leaning forward to kiss him.

"Astrid?" Tuffnut shouted and I realised they were all watching.

"Oh, ummm," I started and looked to an amused Hiccup for help for an explanation, yet I knew he would just stand there and let me embarrass myself. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on guys, they aren't going to wait for us to get ready!" I yelled and tugged Hiccup behind me. The gang followed slowly behind, and I started to run and Hiccup did too.

Once we were around the corner he pulled me aside and pressed my back against the stone wall. He leaned forward and kissed me. I was glad he still cared for me, and not just for Toothless.

After kissing for a long time we finally heard the chatter of Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut and we pulled away. We smiled as we caught our breath and rested our foreheads on each other's. We then continued to walk to the arena with the others to get our dragons.

It was still unusual to have a Night Fury with us in the arena, but we still greeted him and continued to our own dragons.

Toothless was the first dragon in the air, followed by my dragon, then Barf and Belch and then finally Meatlug.

"I'll go get the back up," Hiccup yelled

"Wait, what back up? We don't have back up except for a few dragons on Berk! Unless you plan to carry all the adults back from their trading mission on Toothless' back!" I yelled when he started to turn around and fly away.

He swiveled around on Toothless before yelling, "Just distract them for 5 minutes ok!"

I growled this was not part of the plan but there was nothing I could do. I ordered the small dragon army, riders and some people of berk who had stayed behind from the trading mission to dive and start fighting the Berserkers. I jumped of stormfly to land on top of a

Berserker knocking him out cold I then proceeded to hit as many people with my axe as I could. As I waited for more of them to attack me I heard a voice that made my blood run cold.

"Well, well look! It's Hiccups toy," I turned around to see Dagur smirking, with Snotlout behind him sitting on Hookfang.

"Snotlout you traitor!" I shouted.

"Now don't blame him. He just joined the winning side," Dagur sneered as he walked closer drawing out his sword ready to fight.

"Yeah he is on the winning side," I said smiling.

"Yeah wait aren't you suppose to disagree?" just as Dagur finished his sentence, Hookfang swung his tail around knocking Dagur to the ground and disarming him, before he pinned Dagur to the ground with his claws.

"Thanks Hookfang. You too Snotlout."

"No prop babe," I rolled my eyes at that.

"Wait, what is going on? Snotlout, you're betraying me? Dagur the deranged?" It looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel in his face by how angry he looked.

Snotlout just ignored him.

"The Berserkers are really bad at fighting fast moving objects or ones that move around too much. It makes them dizzy," he said as he drew his axe and jumped down to help me fight some more Berserkers that had gotten on the ship.

"Got it!"

"Berserkers, attack them! Kill them!" Dagur had yelled I looked to see that there were too many of them. A lot more than we had planned. What are we going to do? My question was answered as a high whistling sound traveled through the air followed by a purplish blue explosion happening on one of the giant crossbows the another ship had pointed at us. Hiccup jumped down and brought out his flaming sword taking down berserkers left and right while Toothless pounced on all of them and flung them of the ship with his tail.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"Oh you know, calling for some backup."

"Backup from who?" I looked up as a dark shadow appeared over us. It was a giant swarm of dragons, all types of species ready to attack the ships.

"A Terrible Terror showed up before we left, telling me there was a giant dragon army on the way to help. They heard what had happened and what we were doing from some of the dragons on Berk. I tried telling them we were fine and they should not risk their lives, but they just told me to shut up and that they were going to said they owed us for stopping the war," Hiccup said with a slight confused look on his face,"long story short, dragons are stubborn and these dragons want revenge on Berserkers so this should be interesting. Look! theres even the Skrill from Berserker island!"

I looked up to see it was true all these dragons were helping us.

"Well lets do this then," I said

We all jumped back on our dragons and started attacking the ship making it slowly capsize. The swarm of dragons that had come to our aid flew down and started attacking everyone and everything.

Soon there was nothing left but ash and floating piles of flaming wood with Berserkers trying to grab them to help them float in the water.

Hiccup and I flew over to where Dagur was struggling to hold onto a piece of drift wood.

"Are you going to leave me and everyone on Berk alone now, including the dragons?" Hiccup asked.

"Never!" Dagur sneered.

"I thought you might say that," Hiccup sighed."Toothless plasma blast!" Toothless shot a blast at Dagur ending his life. The tribe of Berserkers saw this and quickly started to swim away.

As they swam away we saw ships on the horizon.

With the Berk crest on them.

As they got closer we could see the shocked look on all the adults faces and as Stoick looked up to see Hiccup riding a dragon. He was speechless.

"Well looks like you found him, I knew you would," said Gobber with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah, yeah," replied Hiccup as we all landed on the docks as there ship pulled up next to us.

Stoick walked off still shocked.

"Wait, what happened here?" He asked looking at us riders.

"That, dad, is a very long and very complicated story," said Hiccup smiling as Toothless nudged his hand.

After the mess from the battle tidied up, Hiccup looked to Astrid. That girl loved Deadly Nadders, he thought. He waltzed off to the forge and shut the wooden windows.

Hours later he stepped outside with a little wrapped box.

Hiccup ran over to Astrid who was busy grooming her beloved Stormfly.

"Hey, Astrid!"" He called out and she turned around just as he stopped in front of her. Smiling, he gave her the small box. She beamed at him and dropped all her scale-grooming brushes to open it.

Inside lay a pin in the shape of a Deadly Nadder.

"Hiccup… It;s beautiful!" She exclaimed and reached out to hug him.

"Wait until you see this," he said taking the pin from her, holding it away and pressed a small, concealed trigger.

Out of the small pin drew a knife coated in Monstrous Nightmare saliva, setting it alight. He gave her the Nadder weapon. Astrid was lost for words.

"Do you like it?" Hiccup asked. To give him his answer, Astrid put the blade back in the pin and tied it to her coat.

She then reached forward for Hiccup's neck pulling him closer.

They passionately kissed with love and devotion.

"I love you", Hiccup whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you to", astrid said. pulling him down for another kiss.

So thats it... I hope u liked...oh and me and the co-wrighter of this story are wrighting a new fic it had tourcher and death and...magic...wot could it possibly be...dun dun dun...So thank you for all the coments and you guys are awsome.