A/ N: Hey guys. I know this chapter has taken longer to write than the others, but I'm not gonna lie… this one was a killer. The beginning and ending went just fine but O had bad writer's block in the middle. But anyway, the chapter is finally here, and we'll get to see Anna's POV along with Elsa's in this chapter. I hope you like it, and don't forget to review.


Jack and I weren't too far from his old house, and that was our first stop. Since we didn't have a long ways to go, we opted to walk rather than fly. Jack made sure no guards were in or near his house (we had figured this would be one of the first places they'd think to check for us), but we were in the clear. Jack and I stepped quietly through the back door.

Heidi was the first to greet us. "Oh good, you're here. I was starting to think something had happened," she said, obviously relieved. "The guards came here almost immediately looking for the two of you, but I think we managed to convince them that we had no idea what you were planning."

"I helped, didn't I Mommy?" Rebekka asked proudly, as she bounded into the room.

"Yes, you were fabulous," Heidi smiled at her daughter. "I told the guards that the reason we didn't come to the wedding was because Rebekka wasn't feeling well and I didn't want to expose her to anything that might cause her to get sick again. Luckily, she was able to sell being sick."

"Nice job, Rebekka!" Jack exclaimed, holding his hand up to give his sister a high five. I smiled at their interactions, but it also made me a bit sad. I was already missing my own sister fiercely, and I remembered that Jack would also be leaving Rebekka and his mother behind for at least a couple months.

"Elsa, dear, here are the clothes I sewed for you," Heidi told me, a small bundle in her hands. "I'm afraid I don't have anything as nice as the dresses you must have had at the palace, but I did the best that I could with the short time frame…" her voice trailed off as she took in her dress that I was still wearing. "I loved making that dress," she all but whispered. "And you look so lovely in it."

On impulse, I hugged the woman gently. She was startled at first, and even though I had initiated the hug, I was uncomfortable. But she wrapped her arms back around me for a moment before we released each other. "Go change, quickly," she told me, giving me a gentle push. I hurried into her room, which was the first door in the short hallway.

Heidi followed me to help me undo the laces of my dress, but then left to give me some privacy. I hurriedly changed into the dark green dress Heidi had made for me, which was modest but pretty, and carefully laid the wedding dress out over her bed. Heidi would be making new clothes for Jack and I for about a week, until we had enough to live off of. Jack would be flying at night to pick them up every other night or so. Anna would be leaving us food, which Jack would also collect in the middle of the night. I checked over everything in my mind once again, and once I was positive all the bases had been covered, I went out to meet Jack.

He was standing in the living room, with a sack that I knew contained our food for the evening. He was in the middle of saying his goodbyes to his mother and sister, so I lingered in the hallway until they were done. I didn't want to impose or cause any more inconvenience than I was already inflicting upon their family.

When Jack called my name softly, I stepped around the corner. I could see that Heidi and Rebekka both had tears in their eyes, but I didn't mention that fact. I simply thanked them for their immense generosity, and then it was time for Jack and I to make our departure.

We left through the back door again, and I took the sack from Jack, holding it firmly in my hands, then wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his own hands securely around my waist, and then took off into the sky, making sure not to fly too high, and we began our course to the North Mountain.

It wasn't long before the majestic mountain came into view. It easily towered over every other landmark in the vicinity, but the summit was completely out of view for those on the ground. Even Jack and I had trouble seeing it, high as we were. He craned his neck to smile at me. "You might want to hold on tight," he told me, that devilish grin once again planted on his face. I tightened my grip around his neck, and not a minute too soon. Jack shot straight up in the air, faster than he had ever flown before.

My eyes almost immediately began watering from the wind speed, so I closed them until I felt Jack hit the ground. My eyes were opened to an amazing scene. We were near the top of the mountain, but in a small but sturdy ledge before the very tip. And when I looked down, I could see the fjord, and even my kingdom in the middle. My castle, which had always been giant to me, was now a miniscule dot on the landscape.

"Well, this is it," Jack said, spreading his arms wide. "I hope the cold doesn't bother you too much," he added, grinning at me. I simply rolled my eyes at him in response, but there was an undeniable smile on my lips. After a minute or so, I looked at Jack expectantly. "What?" he asked, noticing my stare.

"I thought you said you were going to build a home for us up here," I inquired. "What are you waiting for?"

"Well, you know better than I do how you want to live," Jack said, shrugging. "I figured you could do it better than I could."

"Are you sure?" I asked nervously. I began wringing my hands together. I had never used my powers for something that monumental before. I wasn't even sure if I had the capability.

"Go for it. Don't think about it, just let it happen," Jack reassured. I took a deep breath, steeled myself, and nodded.

I thought about how I had no more worries, living up here. For the first time in forever, I was completely free to do whatever I wished. Even better, I no longer had to worry about exposing my powers. And I wouldn't even be alone. Jack was here and there was no one I trusted above him (save Anna, of course).

Before I knew it, my power flurried through the air into the ground; and my soul was spiraling in frozen fractals all around. A castle was made of gorgeous ice, my every thought crystallizing like an icy blast. Being free to use my power in this way, without any inhibitions, made me never want to go back, because the past was in the past and there was nothing I could do about it anymore.

Never, ever since I had hurt Anna, was I free to use my powers in this way before. For once, being here with Jack, knowing that I was finally free from the burden that I had carried all my life, I was finally able to release anyone's hold on me. I was able to let it go, and that's exactly what I did. Not even thinking about what I was doing, I let my powers seep through my clothes, creating a form-fitting blue dress and matching cape, all made of ice. With one last flourish, I stepped back and looked at what I had created.

Jack and I were no longer outside, exposed to the elements. We were in a crystallized room of ice, with an elaborate chandelier hanging above us. Even though I remembered every detail about creating it, the sight of something as simple as that chandelier amazed me. My own powers were astonishing to me in that moment. I had spent so long regarding my powers with fear that I had become utterly blind to the beauty I was able to create with nothing more than a thought.

"Well, it's big, but I have an inclination I'll be able to adjust," Jack teased, stepping up next to me. He caught sight of the awed look I wore on my face, and his smile only widened. "I'm guessing you didn't think that you could do all of this, huh?" he asked. I simply nodded as an affirmation to his words, unable to tear my eyes away from my creation.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I would love to take a full tour of this place," Jack said. "Although from my first assessments, I think that if the whole queen thing doesn't work out, you could make one hell of a career out of being an architect." I rolled my eyes at him, but allowed him to lead out of the room, exploring our temporary home together.


"We need to find her!" Hans exclaimed, slamming his hand down on the table, adding a resounding bang to his words. I flinched at his fierceness, and was so glad that my sister wasn't marrying him. He had seemed great when we had first met him, but now, seeing his reaction to Elsa's departure, for the first time I saw the same man that had hit my sister in the face. As much as I missed Elsa, I was super thankful that she was somewhere else, and wouldn't be able to be hurt by this monster.

"I assure you, every effort is being made to bring her home. All our troops are gathering in search parties. Our queen's safety is our number one priority," Kai reassured Hans. "Until then, we need someone to lead Arendelle in this troubled time. It would be a disaster if the citizens learned of their queen's disappearance. We need to keep things running as smoothly as possible until we find Queen Elsa and bring her home safe and sound."

"A good number of people already saw what happened when Jack flew her out of the chapel," Rapunzel pointed out. "We would have to say we found her in order to keep the country calm, and then they would want to see her, not to mention all the questions that would be asked about what happened."

"Even if we find her, she might not be in any fit state to lead the country," the Duke of Weselton put in. I gave him a dirty look, sure that he was questioning my sister's ability to be queen. I knew that no one would be a more loving or effective ruler than Elsa. The Duke caught my glare, and seemed to realize what his words implied. "I am not meaning to offend the queen, Princess Anna," he said quickly, giving me a little bow. "I am merely referring to the fact that the queen has obviously been hoodwinked by that villain, Jack Frost. I don't know if the spell will linger, even if we manage to bring her home."

Hans listened to their words carefully. "I understand that Arendelle cannot be turned upside down by this atrocity," he said abruptly. "And I also recognize the Duke's wisdom. I recommend, no I demand, that if Frost can be found, he be killed immediately. I think that will be the only way to break the curse placed on Queen Elsa. And, although it is with a heavy heart that I will not have my queen beside me, I am prepared to ascend to the throne and be the king Arendelle needs."

"I don't think that's going to work," Rapunzel said in a quiet voice. All heads turned to look at her. It was moment before I remembered that I was supposed to be surprised by her words, so I was a little late to turn towards her, but I was pretty sure that no one noticed. Everyone's attention was on Rapunzel. I risked the teeniest of glances towards Hans, and he looked just like he did when earlier when Elsa had left him at the altar. "Hans, no disrespect to you, but you and Elsa were never actually wed. The ceremony was interrupted before the vows could be said. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the position go to the next in line? That isn't you Hans, but Anna. Anna should be made the temporary queen until Elsa's return."

"I am to be crowned king of Arendelle!" Hans spit out as soon as the words left my cousin's mouth. Slowly, I turned to face him. The words were on the tip of my tongue, but looking at Hans seemed to make me forget what I was going to say. He was just so tall, and looked just like a king would. As for me, well, I was just a clumsy teenager. As much as I knew Kai and Gerda loved me, they also wanted what was best Arendelle, and I didn't know if they thought that I fit the criteria. But I knew that I had to do this, for Elsa.

I cleared my throat once before speaking. "Actually, according to the uh, traditions of Arendelle, I'm next in line for the throne, at least temporarily until Elsa gets back. And obviously, I'm the most familiar with the politics. I used to help Elsa, so I think if we want to keep Arendelle running smoothly, I could do the best job of that. Oh, and Hans, if I stay here and take care of all politics, that would free you up to head the search for Elsa yourself. I know you want to do that."

"All the points Princess Anna brought up were valid," Eugene spoke, for the first time since the wedding. "I know I'm new to this whole 'royal' shindig, but if you don't want to let people know that Elsa's not here, Anna is the one that knows her the best and would be the most likely to run the kingdom like she would."

"But our citizens knew the wedding was today," Hans argued, though I noticed that his tone was becoming more and more desperate. "Even if we tell them that the queen is back, and Princess Anna rules in her stead, they would know something was amiss if the wedding did not take place again, and especially if no one ever sees the queen. And besides, even if we did manage to convince them the wedding was completed, then they would be wondering why there will be no formal announcement of the wedding, which would proclaim me King. There is absolutely no way we can avoid suspicion until Elsa is found."

A brilliant yet simple idea suddenly popped into my head while Hans was running his mouth. "Oh, oh, oh, we could say that we found Elsa, but she was sick after what happened with Jack Frost. I mean, none of that was her fault. And then we can say that the wedding will be postponed until she is feeling well enough to reschedule the ceremony!" I exclaimed. Rapunzel, Eugene, Kai, and even the Duke of Weselton all expressed that they thought my idea was the best one. Only Hans looked like he wanted to argue, but after his eyes passed over each of our faces many times over, he sighed and resigned himself to the inevitable. I gave a private little cheer in my head for beating him in this first obstacle.

"I will head out immediately to look for Queen Elsa," Hans proclaimed. "Princess Anna, I wish you all the best at taking the throne. Hopefully, I will find Elsa soon, and we can relieve you of that duty." I nodded in thanks to his words, barely managing to stop my mouth from saying something nasty about him. "Has anyone checked Frost's mother's house?" Hans suddenly addressed Kai.

"That was the first place we went to," Kai answered. "It seems that Heidi Frost had no idea of her sons plan, or even of his power. The reason she was absent from the wedding today was because her daughter, who was recently sick as you all know, was feeling unwell. Heidi didn't want to risk anything. The premises were searched, and we found no sign of the queen or Frost."

"I want a full time guard posted on that house," Hans growled. "If he comes back, I need to know the second he arrives. Meanwhile, I will arrange scouting expeditions all throughout Arendelle, and perhaps even surrounding kingdoms. Princess Rapunzel, if you please, could you write to the King and Queen of Corona and tell them to be on the lookout for Queen Elsa and Frost? It may be that he might try and leave the country altogether."

"Of course I can do that," Rapunzel answered, but I could tell by the look in her eyes that Rapunzel had no intentions of ever writing that letter. We shared a small smile when Hans had turned away. Our plan was working perfectly, and when Hans realized that he couldn't find Elsa, he would go home and everything would be back to normal.

Later, when the meeting was finally over, I snuck down to the kitchens to get the food for Elsa and Jack. Even though there was a 24 hour guard over the castle, especially now that Elsa was missing, I knew from my nighttime explorations as a child when the guard would change, and Jack would have just enough time to fly to my window and grab the food. If anything happened to him or Elsa, I would immediately know when the night hit, because Jack wouldn't come down. Then I would have Kristoff take me up the North Mountain. Everything would work out just fine, and Elsa and I would be reunited soon. I held on to that hope as I mentally prepared myself to take her job. "I'm ready, I was born ready," I murmured to myself. But what comforted me the most was that I knew Elsa had faith in me, and I knew that if I had my sister's support, I could do anything.

A/N: Well, Anna is going to take the throne and Elsa is going to try and adjust to her new life of freedom with Jack. I'm thinking about including an Anna POV every other chapter or so, so we can see what is happening at Arendelle during Elsa's adventures (I promise, she's not just going to be sitting around her ice castle all day… she has an interesting ride ahead of her). Thank you to everyone who has read this story and supported me, all the feedback I get really makes my day! Until next the next chapter.
