I decided to revise this...again

I went back and corrected a few mistakes, as well as combined some of the chapters to make them longer

tell me what you think

Chapter 1

Naruto and his brother, Denai, walked to their house, deep in the woods, far away from the now chaotic village of Konoha. It was an hour from curfew and already people were screaming and running, trying to get home, and away from the dangers that are "werewolves".

'Werewolves...how ridiculous. Seriously, I live in a village full of idiots,' Thought Naruto. 'I mean, the people of this village will believe in anything. Just because some people were found horribly mangled in the woods does not mean werewolves attacked them. It could have just been regular wolves. I mean, They actually exist. I cant believe I get pushed around by these jerks.'

"Can you believe these people? Scared of some imaginary dog monster." Naruto said. "I mean, come on, I can see if they were talking about demons. Now they definitely exist. We should know, being half demons ourselves, right Denai?"

"...Huh?" Denai replied, obviously not listening to Naruto's latest rant about how stupid the villagers are. "Did you say something?"

It was the same thing, everyday. Naruto would rant about the villagers to Denai, who only pretended to listen, not interested in hearing the same thing every time. Stupid villagers this, stupid villagers that. Ugh, honestly, does the blonde even have an off button?

"You weren't even listening to me!" Naruto yelled angrily. "What does it take to get you to listen once in a while?!"

"Why do you expect me to listen to the same words that come out of your mouth everyday?" asked Denai.

"I expect you to listen be cause your my brother!" said Naruto.

"...Ugh, the brother card...fine, I'm listening. What do you want to tell me?" Denai asked.

"I was saying that those stupid villagers belief in werewolves is completely crazy. As if werewolves existed." said Naruto, completely unaware by the tattooed boy and his dog, hidden in a tree, watching the two teens.

"Hmm...so that blonde idiot doesn't believe in werewolves, huh? Well I'll make him believe." said Kiba as he chuckled evilly to himself.

He leaped out of the tree and hid behind a bush, still watching the two walk to their destination.

"They look sooo...tasty." he said, licking his lips, thinking of his scrumptious feast, walking only a few feet away. "I cant wait to devour their delicious flesh...I hope they aren't too salty."

He began to move closer to them when he accidentally stepped on a twig.


'Dammit!,' he thought, as he knew they had discovered him.

Naruto and Denai heard a loud cracking sound and, startled, they quickly turned around to see what it was. There was a long pause before anyone finally spoke.

"Hello?! Is somebody there?!" Naruto yelled. When he didn't get a reply, he just assumed that it was their own paranoid minds. Thank you idiotic villagers.

He and Denai began walking towards their home in a now quicker pace, just in case.

"That was a little creepy, huh Naruto?" asked a seemingly calm Denai, although he was completely freaking out on the inside.

"Yea, lets just try to get home, ok." said Naruto, heart still beating 50 times a second." I just want to get out of this creepy for-"


Interrupted by yet another cracking sound, Naruto quickly spun around, paranoia slowly taking over him. 'Man, what if those villagers were right?!' thought Naruto. Even though his instincts told him that he should get the hell out of there, his pride and ego got the best of him. Though that didn't stop him from stuttering in fear.

"W-Who ever y-you are, c-come on o-out. B-B-Before I h-have to h-hurt you...!"

Deciding that he couldn't keep up the charades anymore, Kiba calmly walked out of the bushes, hands in his pocket as if he were trying to seem perfectly normal.

Hot-headed as always, Naruto, trying to seem intimidating, although he completely failed at it, for the look of fear on his face completely gave him away, screamed, "What were you trying to scare us for you jerk?!" as he glared nervously at the tattooed stranger.

"Yea, you nearly gave us a heart-attack!" added Denai.

'Hmm, they don't seem to notice the danger they appear to be in. I guess I could screw around with these to for a while...I rarely ever get to play with my food...Hehehe,' the dog lover thought, chuckling evilly to himself.

"What are you two doing, roaming around the forest at night? Haven't you heard, werewolves live in this forest." Kiba said, completely ignoring Naruto's previous question.

"Ugh, don't tell me you believe in werewolves too?" said Naruto, rolling his eyes in disbelief. "Werewolves aren't real. What's with everyone?"

"Oh, are you sure werewolves aren't real?" Kiba asked, smiling creepily.

"Y-Yea, I am." replied Naruto, becoming even more paranoid by the second. 'What's with this creep? He's really starting to freak me out. I'd better try to shake him.' thought Naruto, as he backed away ever so slowly, hoping that the stranger wouldn't notice him...he would have been able to put enough distance between them were he could easily run away...if it weren't for the very large dog that somehow snuck up behind him when he wasn't paying attention. 'Where the hell did this dog come from?! I don't like the looks of this one bit...' thought Naruto, as he started sweating from the nervousness. he looked over at Denai to see his reaction at the situation. 'Even that emotionless weirdo looks scared.' Naruto thought. He really hoped his brother would come up with some kind of a plan to get them out of this situation...or at least distract the stranger long enough for him to figure out a way for him to escape. Finally, for after what seemed like an eternity, Denai opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey, if you believe so hard that werewolves exist, than why are you walking through the forest alone...when its dark?"

"Oh, because I am a werewolf." replied Kiba, nonchalantly.

After a long pause of silence, Naruto broke out into a fit of laughter, while Denai wondered how he always seemed to get into these situations when ever he was around Naruto.

"HAHA, I...cant believe...you think you're...a...WEREWOLF! HAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto said, between laughs.

Kiba only smirked at this display of disbelief.

"You idiot, I don't think I'm a werewolf, I know I'm one. See, fangs and claws." he said, pointing out his bizarre animalistic features. "Now, please hold still so I can devour you and then use your bones to pick your flesh out of my teeth."

Hearing this just creeped Naruto out even more.

'First, he believed in werewolves, and now he thinks he is one? This guy must be completely deranged. Naruto thought, trying to figure out a way to get out of this very odd situation. However, it seems that Denai had beat him to it, as he picked up a stick and threw it off in the distance. And just as he had hoped, the huge dog blocking his path went of to fetch the stick. Although, what really confused them both, was the fact that Kiba went of to fetch the stick as well.

"This guy just keeps getting weirder and weirder huh?" Naruto asked Denai, one eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Yep...but now's not the time to be worrying about that. We should be trying to, you know, run away." Said Denai, still watching as the stranger ran off with his dog to fetch the stick.

"Oh, uh right."

After running for what seemed like 10 minutes, they decided to rest, seeing as though that crazy person who thought he was a werewolf was nowhere to be seen.

"Man...can you...believe that guy?" Naruto said, completely exhausted. "He...actually believes he's a...werewolf! What an idiot, right Denai?"

"He may...be an idiot...but he sure is...cute." said Denai, between breaths. "Uhhh...I mean in an idiotic way."

Just then, a slight chill went up their backs as they slowly turned around, and to their horror, the crazy freak was right behind them.

"Aww, you flatter me. But kind words wont get you anything less than eaten from me." said Kiba, with an evil grin plastered across his face. "Although, you two are pretty...mmm, sexy. For humans anyway. It's to bad I have to eat you."

"H-How did you catch up to us so fast?!" yelled a terrified Naruto.

"I told you, I'm a werewolf, idiot." said Kiba, wondering if all humans were this dense. "Anyway, even if I wasn't a werewolf, I'd still be able to catch you. You're so weak. It's like all you ever eat is ramen." Kiba stated sarcastically.

"Uhhh, actually, that is all we ever eat." said Denai. " It's the only thing he'll eat. I told him, eating just ramen wasn't healthy, and that it was gonna get him in the end, but did he listen, noooo."

"Hey! I'm right here! What are you doing, talking about me to the guy that's been chasing us?! And anyway, ramen is the best food ever created!" Naruto said, defensively.

"Come on! If you ate something besides ramen, maybe he wouldn't have caught up to us so soon!" retorted Denai " You never listen to me!"

"Never listen?! You're the one that never listens!" snapped Naruto.

Kiba sweat-dropped as he watched the two frightened teens constantly throw insults at each other. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally decided he'd played with his food long enough, besides, the sun should be rising soon.

"Ugh, ok, enough you two! I've had all I can take!" said Kiba "Now, can you two be good little snacks and hold still so I can eat you, please?! If I'm not back before sun rise, that asshole, Sasuke, is gonna bite my head off!"

As the two teens slowly remembered their predicament, they gave frightened looks before taking off again.

"Oh, man! Well, I do like fast food...just not that fast." sighed Kiba, as he and Akamaru began running behind the two boys.

"Naruto, which way is our house?!" asked Denai, as he slowed down and realized that none of his surroundings looked at all familiar.

"Uhhh...it's...well it should be...I don't know!" said Naruto, trying to catch up two his friend. "I thought you knew! Isn't that why I'm following you?!"

"No, you're following me because you're so slow! I told you to eat something besid-" Denai began to say, but was interrupted by Naruto.

"Look! Now isn't the time for that! We have some crazy person chasing us, and now we're lost!" yelled Naruto.

"Whatever...are you absolutely sure you don't remember the way?" asked Denai.

"Uhh...wait, maybe its this wa-" Naruto was cut off as they heard an angry howl.

"You can't run forever!" yelled Kiba. "Humans get tired really fast!"

"He's still behind us!" cried Naruto. "Doesn't he ever give up!"

"I'm guessing no." replied Denai.

Just then, Naruto spotted what appears to be an old looking cabin.

"Hey, wait! Is that...I think...It is! It's our house! We're home free!" said Naruto, as the two began running to safety.

They were only a few feet away when something hard hit both of their heads. The last thing they saw was themselves hitting the ground and Kiba walking closer and closer to them with a horrendous grin on his face...and then...nothing.

Naruto and Denai laid tied up against a tree. They were still alive, however, unconscious as well, unable to protect themselves from any and every threat that may come their way. Kiba just watched his meal with hungry eyes. 'I hope all that extra running didn't make them to salty...hehe. Kiba thought, chuckling evilly to himself.

"Mmm, I hope they're as tasty as they look." Kiba said, licking his lips. "And now I don't have to worry about them running. Ok, now...who should I eat first, hmm?" Kiba looked over the two boys for a moment. Naruto was a little shorter and somewhat leaner, and his skin did look perfectly smooth and soft to the touch. Denai, on the left, was slightly taller and just a bit plumper, plus he had somewhat softer lips that left Kiba imagining the kinds of tricks they could do, and...and...

'MAN! THESE GUYS ARE JUST TO SEXY TO EAT! What to do? What to do?' Kiba wondered.

'Hmm, I could bring them back with me. Kiba thought. But Sasuke would get mad at me for bringing back more mouths to feed. I could offer the blonde to that bastard. But what about the others? They'll just end up eating them. Unless...unless I turn them. Hmm, well that could solve MOST of my problems. Ok, I'll do it, but I'd better hurry, the sun is almost up. I'll start with my future mate.' He thought.

With that, the dog loving teen walked up to the red head and crouched so that he was face to face with the teen. He looked over the boy and thought of all the things he could do to him while he was in this state. He drooled at all of the wonderfully sexy thoughts. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time for that, so he leaned in and licked the boys neck, earning him a soft moan. He continued his act by kissing and sucking on his neck before he bit down, causing a trickle of blood to come out of the freshly made wound, which he hurriedly lapped up before it could mess up the boy's clothes. He didn't want to stop, but he still had to turn the other.

He turned to the blonde teen and repeated his actions. He sucked and licked the blonde's neck, tasting all the interesting flavors that made up Naruto.

'Hmm, just as I thought. He taste just like ramen,' thought Kiba to himself. He bit down on the blonde's neck, earning what sounded like a moan of pure pleasure. He licked up the blood, making sure not to make a mess. Realizing just what time it was, he quickly threw both boys over his shoulders, and began running in the direction of his village.

Naruto was surrounded by mountains and mountains of ramen. Beef, barbequed pork, you name it. It was to good to be true.

"This is the best day of my life!" said the blonde, downing yet another bowl. As he went to pick up a new bowl, he heard a faint whisper.

"Narutooo..." said the whispered voice.

Naruto just dismissed it at his own mind, playing tricks on him. He continued enjoying the greatest treasure known to man, at least until the voice got even louder.

"Naruto. Naruto! Naruto! NARUTO! WAKE UP!"

The blonde awoke to Denai, shaking him furiously.

"I'm up, I'm up! Can you stop shaking me?!" said Naruto, a little mad that his ramen dream was interrupted. When Denai finally stopped shaking the blonde, the teen boy stood up and stretched. It took him about 5 mins, give or take, before he realized that they weren't in the comfort of their home.

"Just were the hell are we?" he asked, with a confused look on his face.

"Well, I wish I could tell you, but I don't even know." replied Denai. "Do you remember what happened?" he asked as he searched for clues that could tell him where they could possibly be.

"Uhh, no, I don't." said the blonde. "What about you?"

"Well, if I knew, then I wouldn't have asked you, would I?" Denai asked, sarcastically.

"Hey! I just asked! you don't have to be such a jer-" he was interrupted by two voices outside.

"You idiot!" said an unfamiliar voice which belonged to a pink haired alpha female. "We have enough mouths to feed without you adding to the pack!"

"Hey! You saw how hot they where! You try to eat something that se-" Just then, Kiba heard a muffled sound coming from inside the fur covered den.

"Great, sounds like they're awake. What should we do now, Sasuke?" asked a still slightly fuming Kiba.

"Don't ask me. This is your mess. As long as I get the blonde like you promised, I don't care what you do." said Sasuke, not noticing the look of shear anger, and what also appears to be slight jealousy, on the pinkette's face.

"Fine, I'll just go and see how they're doing. They'll probably have a lot of questions." said the dog lover, as he walked into the den.

"Well, it's nice to see you two awake." said Kiba with an uncharacteristic smile. "How did you sleep?"

A look of shock and fear appeared on both of their faces.

"IT'S YOU! H-how did you catch us?!" Naruto asked, as the memories of what had occurred came flooding back into their minds.

"And why did you bring us here?!" added Denai, fear completely taking over his entire body.

"Well, to put it bluntly, I basically brought you to be mine's, and my egotistical bastard-of-a-friend, Sasuke, mates." said the brunette.

Naruto and Denai both shared a lot of bewilderment, before they both fainted, as their hearts just couldn't take much more stress.

"Uh...are you two ok?"

Review please

This is xxXKiba-KunXxx signing off