


I know, I know... I've been gone for so long and I am so sorry for that. I've lost insterest in this story over time but I've had this chapter saved in my documents for months and I finally decided to post this chapter.

I'm sorry for disappointing everyone but I'm going to continue posting regular chapter updates.

Thank you and sorry for the wait.




Mary paced through the silent corridors that were only private to the royal family and those closest related to them. She surveyed the luxurious tapestries, sewn with pure gold. The beauty of art was to be greatly admired and she had found herself at peace around that area. Mary had felt stifled at court with all those fake personalities and hidden secrets. They were all the same… Noblemen craved the attention of their King to shower them with titles and the the woman were no different. They all dressed like the harlot Queen with those ludicrous French dresses while taking extra caution to make sure their white bosoms were exposed.

Her mother would have never let such sinful appearances to take place in court. Fuming at the thought, Mary did not realize she had gone further then expected. The hallway she walk through was filled with velvet and olive colours.

As Mary contemplated where she was, a sudden cry of a child echoed through the halls. Her first instinct was to follow the noise and she certainly did. Within minutes, she had entered a fairly large chamber and it was clear to any fool that the chamber was a nursery. The squeals and cries of the young infant was heart wrenching for Mary to bear.

Slowly, Mary approached the crib and look down at the red-faced child. The baby was dressed in silky white and the red tudor rose was sewn on the chest. Mary immediately realized the squirming baby was her sister, Elizabeth.

The baby continued to cry at the neglect she had received while thrashing her chubby legs. Immediately following her motherly instincts, Mary picked up the child and cradled her close to her chest. Soon Elizabeth's cries turn to soft whimpers that were stifled as Mary began to sing an old folk song to the infant.

Finally, Elizabeth's nursemaid had finally decided to pay her charge a visit and was stunned when she found the Lady Mary cradling Princess Elizabeth.

"M-m-my lady!" the fat nursemaid stuttered.

Mary glared at the servant and snapped "Have you been neglecting your duties, wrench?"

Before the woman could reply, Lady Bryan who was once her own governess but was now Elizabeth's stepped inside the chamber. Even Lady Bryan did not bother to hide her shock from her wrinkled face.

"Lady Mary! What are you doing here?"

"I heard her cry, so I came" Mary said simply.

Lady Bryan turned to glare at the nursemaid.

"Also, as you may have heard, Lady Bryan. I have been made apart of Elizabeth's household and therefore I will make certain to participate in all activities with my younger sister."

Standing upright, Mary handed to silent child to Lady Bryan and stepped out of the chamber.

On that day, Mary decided that Elizabeth was innocent of her mothers wrong doings and she would make sure that her younger sister would not be influenced by her whore mother.

Thomas More's trial was to be taken place today and all of his enemies gathered in one chambers, plotting the poor mens execution.

Ambassador Chapuys closed his weary eyes as he sat down onto the cushioned chair. The enormous showcase was to start and all the noblemen gathered together like bees in a hive, discussing Thomas More's upcoming trial.

Thomas was one of those rare friends who would never back down on what he believed in, no matter the circumstances. He would even go as far as refuse the King in signing the oath in renouncing all claims to the Roman Catholic Church. Thomas More was indeed a strong, religious men and their were many who would not dare do such a deed he had done.

Ambassador Chapuys calmly waited to the trial to take place, hoping by some miracle that Thomas would be judged not guilty.

After a few minutes, the doors were stormed open and a group of guards proceeded inside while dragging the weak body of Thomas More behind them.

The Duke of Norfolk cleared his throat and announced "Thomas More has been tried and found guilty on the accounts of treason against the King. He is to be executed on the morrow"

The court burst with murmurs and angry, hateful insults towards Thomas More but Thomas did not seem swayed by the courts decision and held his head high as a true saint would.

All Chapuys could do was look onwards in pity. A good, holy mans life was lost today and he could do nothing to stop it.

The Ambassador shakily rose up on his two feet and headed out the door. He would not be there to watch a good mans life taken from him.

4 Weeks Later…

Maria gathered little Arthur into her arms but the dark-haired boy easily wiggled out and run as fast as his little chubby legs could carry him across the gardens green fields.

She couldn't help but grin as she gazed at the young child's running figure. If his mother was to see how fast and healthy Arthur was growing she would surely burst with joy.

"Ma'am" Betty called.

"Suppers ready, Ma'am"

Maria gave her a curt nod and called Arthur to come.

The child had come wobbling back, grinning a toothless grin.

"It's time for dinner, young man"

The moment she stepped inside the manor, the smell of roasted acorns and fish stew filled her nostrils. The food was carefully laid out in the kitchen table.

Maria placed Arthur into the wooden high seat and sat down beside Betty who was hurriedly cutting the butter for the white buns.

The stew did not taste all that bad, all that was needed was a bit of seasoning but their budget could not afford such luxuries.

"Splendidly done, Betty"

The servant girl beamed, happy to receive some praise.

Maria fed Arthur a spoonful of fish stew. His tiny face contorted in disgust and suddenly there were tiny beads of stew rolling down on the corners of his mouth. She quickly wiped the mess off his chin and fed him another spoonful.

"Stew, stew, stew" Little Arthur cried. "Yuck, yuck, yuck"

Maria ignored the toddler and instead turned to the maid "Betty"

The girl attention was immediately towards Maria.

"What do they speak about the Capital in the village?"

Betty appeared a little confused at her question so Maria rephrased it.

"Is there any… ugh mention of … the Queen or the King?"

The nurse maid shook her head "Nay, I ain't heard no nothing on the royals, ma'am"

Betty frowned. It had been long since she last heard from Thomas More. She hoped that the man would have sent a messenger but not a word was heard since he had come and left.

King Henry must know as soon as possible that Arthur was his heir before that witch is able to welcome another of her horrid offspring into the world.

Where in the world was Thomas More doing?


