"We are not docking on an island for a solid month just so you can go and get drunk and sleep with women Thatch." The calm, but commanding tone of the 1st Division commander could be heard throughout the entire hall where all the Division Commanders sat, in one of their many meetings.

"You are no fun bird boy. Why don't you live a little?!" The whiny voice of the 4th Division Commander rang through everyone's ears much to their annoyance.

Marco choosing to ignore the affectionate nickname, pressed on with the next issue.

"Next, we have the issue on rations-"

"Everyone! Get on deck! Hurry!" The sound of their men outside caused every division commander to jump up and head outside to see what all of the noise was about.

"If we're getting attacked, I'm blaming it on you and your bad luck Thatch!"

"Me?! How is this my fault Izo?!" Thatch yelled, following said man out the door of the meeting hall.

Marco took the lead and led the others to the deck of the Moby Dick, and the sight they came upon had many with their mouths open, and all speechless.

Standing on the deck of the Moby Dick, stood the 2nd Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Ace!" Running forward, Thatch latche onto him, pulling the young fire user up in a hug, spinning him around the process.

"Put me down Thatch! You're gonna break my ribs!" Ace laughed, trying to break free of the cook's hold.

"Put the guy down. We all wanan see him Mr. Pompadour." Haruta teased, stepping up to have his turn at hugging the commander who had been gone for about a month.

"My turn!" Just like that, Thatch was moved, none-too-gently, to the side by the Kimono wearing commander. As the commanders lined up for their hugs, Marco stayed back, taking in the warm sight with a slight smile on his face. It had been a few months since Ace's welcome into the family, and a mere six weeks since his induction to 2nd Division commander. Whitebeard sending Ace off on a month long mission so shortly after promoting him seemed a bit cruel to the zoan user, but he knew their father cared deeply for the hot-headed youngster.

A slap on his back tore Marco out of his thoughts and back into reality. Glancing to his right, he saw the amused grin of Thatch staring at him. Raising a questioning brow at his brother, Marco received the point of a finger in Ace's direction.

"I don't think Marco missed you a bit Ace. He doesn't want a hug or anything!" Thatch teased, dodging a whack from blonde commander.

"Stop spouting nonsense idiot. Of course I missed him." Marco stated, turning his gaze back toward said person. The look he received had his eyes widening and his heart racing.

Ace was staring at him with a blush adorning his cheeks, and he was fidgeting? Marco's shock quickly wore off and a smirk spread across his face. Stepping forward, Marco pulled Ace into his arms, crushing the younger to him.

"Welcome home, yoi." He whispered, nuzzling into the crook of Ace's neck, causing him to blush furiously. By that time, more of the divisions present on the ship came to crowd around Ace and wish him a welcome home. Reluctantly, Marco let him go for everyone to get a chance to see Ace. Stepping back, he caught Ace's eye and mouthed that he would be back in a bit. Pouting, Ace nodded and turned his attention back to the men.

Making his way up the stairs of the Moby Dick, he found himself in front of Whitebeard's door. Giving a few raps, he heard a grunt for entrance and stepped inside.

"Ace is back." He smiled, watching Whitebeard sipping out of what seemed like a regular cup. A sense of relief washed through the zoan user. Pops was finally taking the nurses' advice and drinking more healthy things.

"I knew that before any of you brats did." Whitebeard laughed, taking another sip out of his cup. Marco's brow twitched, but shook his head a moment later, deciding to leave that matter alone. A faint smell in the air caught his attention though. Glancing back up, he noticed that Whitebeard hadn't set the cup down and his cheeks were the faintest tint of a pink color.


"Oh pipe down Marco. A little sake hasn't ever killed anyone." Whitebeard grumbled, finally setting the now empty cup down. Standing up, he made his way to the door.

"Come on. I need to go greet my son." And with that, Whitebeard was out the door, Marco trailing close behind.

Lively would have been an understatement for the condition the Moby Dick was in a few hours later. The sun had set and lights were strung up all around the deck, everyone aboard partying, drinking, falling down, etc. Whitebeard took a moment to look around at all of his children, a smile spread across his face. Never had he ever thought he would get the family he so desperately desired.

His gaze traveling from one face to another, before it stopped on the newest member to the family, Ace. When he had met the cheeky little brat for the first time, he knew he liked the kid for his spunk, something he hadn't had the chance to encounter in quite some time.

A loud crash had everyone glancing over toward the railing, where a drunken Thatch was stumbling around, one of the nurses pinned to his side.

"Let the nurse go Thatch, you're scaring her, yoi." The sound of Marco's calm voice made the captain laugh. Everyone else could be completely hammered and slurring, but his loyal Marco would be as sober as ever, watching over his brothers, a big relief to Whitebeard himself. It was a big job after all, looking after so many sons.

"Aww but she said I was cute!" Thatch hiccupped, taking another swig of his drink.

"Cute? You? You must be drunk." Marco muttered, pulling his brother off of the blushing nurse and slinging his arm across his shoulder.


Ace turned a questioning glance toward the phoenix.

"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere alright?"

Ace nodded, a shy smile forming.

Smirking, Marco hauled a slurring Thatch toward the commander's quarters.

"Mm not drunk, bird brain. Let me go." Thatch muttered, sagging against Marco.

"Oi. I'm not carrying you back to your room. Walk like an adult." Marco growled.

"You jush wanna go back and smoochey smoochey with our wittle Ace!" Thatch giggled, running into his bedroom door.

"There's a door there idiot." Marco chuckled, opening it.

"No shit sherlock. I ran into it." Thatch giggled.

Marco rolled his eyes, pulling the pompadour haired man through the doorway and unceremoniously tossed him on his bed.


Gritting his teeth, Marco turned to glare at his whiney brother.

"Yes, Thatch?"

"I don't wanna be all alone."

Marco threw his palm flat against his face and slid the hand down it slowly. Glancing between the doorway, where he could hear the music and laughter, and his brother, as well as his best friend, Marco swore. Walking over to the bed, he pulled the covers back and shoved Thatch under them. After firmly tucking him in, Marco sat down next to him at the head of the bed. A few silent moments went by before Marco glanced down to see that Thatch was staring up at him with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What?" Marco growled, annoyed. Instead of sitting here with this drunken idiot, he would of much rather been out on the deck, spending time with Ace, who he had missed deeply.

"Hey, birdie."

"Thatch, if you call me anything resembling a bird one more-" The soft pressure of something soft against his lips caused Marco to freeze and his body immediately tensed up.

What. The. Hell?

Jerking back, Marco gripped Thatch's wrists, glaring down at the drunken idiot.

A thud stole Marco's attention toward the door, where his eyes widened in shock.


Dun. Dun. Dun! I'm terrible about moving from one project to another. But when something pops in my head, I have to write it down or I'll lose it forever. So yeah, I'm in absolute love with MarcoxAce. These two are just so...yummy! This'll be a two chapter kinda thing. It won't be drug out like my other stories because I don't think I can write these two very well yet. Let me know what you guys think!