A/N: This was previously posted ubetaed on tumblr in honor of MK's bday , if you haven't read it yet, enjoy, if you have, thanks for rereading.

-Pessi . Rom

Mindy Lahiri applied the last touches of her makeup to her face, pursed her lips and looked directly into the mirror before speaking, "You are Chloe Silverado and you're here to have a good time in beautiful St. Barths. A place where there are no loser guys, or cheating ex-boyfriends, to ruin your day or your life."

With that said she grabbed her purse and headed out of her hotel room and toward the elevators. Her friend Gwen and Gwen's husband Carl had invited her and some friend of Carl's to St. Barths for a week. Carl had just gotten a promotion and the trip was part of his new bonus. Mindy was reluctant at first to go. She was a successful doctor with her own women's health clinic in Manhattan. She owned her own condo, and could afford anything she wanted. The only thing Mindy hadn't been successful in was love.

She'd gone through a string of relationships, some of them short, others longer, but they all ended with the same result. The relationship went from good to bad and Mindy, whether she ended it or had gotten dumped, always ended up being heartbroken. That was why she only agreed to go on the trip if they agreed to only refer to her as Chloe Silverado, and that they did not try to set her up with any guys. Ever since Mindy broke up with her boyfriend of two years, Cliff Gilbert, Gwen had been trying to fix Mindy up. Gwen had promised that she wasn't going to set her up anymore, and that Carl's college friend, though a male, was married.

Mindy met Gwen and Carl in the lobby of their hotel, and they caught a cab to the restaurant. Mindy was curious about where they were going and decided to ask some questions.

"So where are we having dinner? And what happened to Carl's friend, his wife make him back out of the trip? I mean who lets their husband go off to on their own on a non-business trip, am I right?" Mindy said, laughing at her own joke.

"He's staying at a different hotel, and meeting us at the restaurant actually. And I didn't want to tell you till we got here, but he's not married, he's single," Gwen confessed.

"What the hell, Gwen! You promised you weren't going to set me up," Mindy said, annoyed.

"Well he was married, he's just not anymore, something Carl neglected to tell me till last night. The tickets were already booked, and I didn't want to say anything so you wouldn't back out of the trip. You needed a vacation, Mindy, and I promise we are not trying to set you up, you've gotta believe me."

"I haven't seen the guy in about a year. I just assumed his wife was traveling, which is why he was coming, but when I asked about her, he told me they weren't together anymore," Carl explained.

"Fine, fine, since we're already here, I guess it doesn't matter, and remember it's Chloe," Mindy said.

"We're not in public yet, so I'm still gonna call you Mindy."

"Well, what about the cab driver? They're people, too, Gwen," Mindy said.

"Doesn't matter. We're here," Gwen said as the cab driver pulled up to their restaurant.

They went inside to discover Carl had forgotten to set a reservation, but that if they wanted to stay, there was a communal table available. After some discussion, mostly Gwen yelling at Carl and Mindy looking annoyed, they agreed to just sit at the communal table since they were already there. They made their way to the table, sat down, and perused the menu. Mindy suddenly saw a handsome, dark-haired man approach them. She couldn't stop staring. She was immediately attracted to him, until he opened his mouth.

"Hey, Carl, sorry I'm late. The map the hotel clerk gave me to this restaurant was terrible. I had to ask for directions, and the first guy I asked said I should just use my GPS. I was like, are you kidding me? Real men don't rely on technology to tell them where to go. My grandfather never got lost a day of his life, he didn't have GPS, and in fact, he never finished the fifth grade," the man said.

"Danny, you made it. You remember my wife, Gwen, and this is her best friend from college, M-I mean Chloe, Chloe Silverado. Sorry, I'm always confusing her with Gwen's other friend, Maggie. You can have a seat next to her. We're just about to order," Carl said, correcting himself when Mindy glared at him.

"Dr. Daniel Castellano. Nice to meet ya," Danny said, taking a seat next to Mindy.

"You seriously don't use GPS? It's like in every kind of smart phone these days," Mindy said surprised. This guy looked so young and handsome, but he was so arrogant and curmudgeonly, it instantly drew her off him.

"I don't have one of those. All you need is a basic phone, all those applications and social media crap isn't necessary. Your Twatters, Mybooks and Facespace are just a waste of time," Danny said, then picked up his menu.

"Exsqueeze me, first of all it's apps not applications. Applications are what you fill out for jobs or government stuff. Second of all it's Twitter, no one's on Myspace anymore and it's Facebook. What, did you walk out of the stone age or something? What the hell is your problem, man? No wonder you're divorced," Mindy said.

"Mindy!" Gwen said, shocked.

"Sorry, I apologize, let just get through dinner so I can go back to my hotel room and drink wine," Mindy said.

"You're one to talk lady. I don't see a ring on your finger. You're what, in your late thirties and still single? Might have to do with your head being stuck in all that social media crap, not to mention up your plus sized ass,'' Danny said after thinking through a response. Who did this woman think she was? He thought she was kind of cute, until she opened her mouth. She was obviously one of those superficial Manhattanites, judging from her over the top sparkly shirt.

"Oh, hell no, I am a smart beautiful woman in her mid to late twenties, with an ass that won't quit, definitely not plus sized. Look at me I'm like a dainty bird."

"Alright, Chloe, Danny, let's just all settle down and enjoy the meal," Carl said.

Mindy was still steaming but decided to just leave it alone, she was not in the mood for an altercation with the handsome jerk she'd just met sitting next to her. Danny was in no mood to argue either, so he didn't say another word. The dinner was very awkward, even more awkward then normal when eating at a communal table. Nonetheless Gwen and Carl convinced Danny and Mindy to dine again at the same restaurant the next night. Mindy begged to be seated anywhere but next to Danny again, but was given no choice.

They bickered again through out dinner. Mindy got so fed up with Danny's ideals on life and ridicule of her interest in popular culture that she got up from the table and walked away. She heard a voice calling after her and thought it was Gwen, but was surprised to see it was Danny.

"Chloe, stop! Wait, I'm sorry," Danny said, running up to her.

"Go to hell, Daniel Castellano," Mindy said, then continued to walk away. But Danny reached out his hand, gently grabbing her arm to stop her.

"Wait, I really am sorry. Clearly we got off on a wrong foot yesterday and today. I know I can be a bit of a crab. I get kinda grumpy when I'm jet lagged and this hasn't exactly been the best year for me," Danny said apologizing again.

"Oh so you mean, you aren't always an asshole?" Mindy said with a frown.

"Ok, ok, I deserved that. Can I buy you a drink to apologize/" Danny said with a crooked half smile..

"Yeah, sure, but It will take more than buying me one drink to be fully forgiven." Mindy said with a smirk.

"Fine, two," Danny said.

"Now we're talking, Castel-lamo" Mindy said, grabbing his hand and leading him toward the bar.

Somehow two drinks turned into three. They found themselves having a civil conversation as Danny found himself opening up to a complete stranger. Chloe just seemed to have an effect on him, where he couldn't help but blurt out pieces of his life story. The alcohol he was consuming wasn't helping either. Suddenly they found themselves staring into each other's eyes. She wasn't sure who leaned in first, but suddenly Danny Castellano's mouth was on hers, his tongue in her mouth, hand on her thigh. They then found themselves in a cab going back to her hotel. They didn't cease their kissing even in the cab.

Danny had one hand cupping her face deepening the kiss, while the other snaked around, to firmly squeeze her ass. Mindy roughly ran her hands through Danny's shaggy hair, before letting one of her hands move down to his jeans, grazing her hand up and down his groin region. Danny paid the cab driver when they arrived, and Mindy would have protested if not for the urgency to get up to her hotel room. They practically raced toward the elevators. Once inside Danny immediately claimed her mouth with his, his hand again claiming possession of her ass cheeks. Mindy moaned against his mouth as he moved his other hand to cup her breast.

The elevator signaled their arrival on Mindy's floor and she struggled to find her room key as Danny started to kiss her neck. They stumbled into her hotel room and once inside Danny immediately pushed her up against the wall. Danny growled as Mindy's hands moved to unbutton and unzip his pants, her hand immediately circling and stroking his now free, hard and pulsating member. Danny removed his jeans, and his shirt, remaining in only his boxers as Mindy worked her hand magic.

Feeling himself getting close he stopped her ministrations. Danny was normally a missionary type, but for some reason he wanted to take his time with Chloe. He wanted to revel in every part of her voluptuous body, especially that round and full ass of hers, if only he had some melted chocolate.

"You have too many clothes on, not fair," He growled.

"You're, you're right," Mindy said her breathing hard and heavy.

She pulled her shirt off and Danny made quick work of removing her lacy bra. He took a moment to admire her full and supple breasts, before taking the left, then the right into his mouth. He gently nipped at and sucked on them before trailing kisses down from her breast to her abdomen and lower. He then recaptured her mouth with a slow and sensual kiss. Mindy had never been kissed this passionately before. She may not have liked some of the things that came out of his mouth, but she sure as hell enjoyed the things he could with it when it was connected to hers.

Danny's hands worked to pull down her skirt, slipping a finger in to the seam of her panties. Thank god she'd only packed her sexy cute underwear. She didn't expect to be having sex with basically a stranger, but hell, it pays to be prepared. And boy was it paying, as Danny pulled her panties down to her thighs with his teeth. She moaned as he slipped one finger then a second into her core, thrusting slowly at first, then faster.

"Oh God, Chloe, you're so wet, so tight," Danny said, taking a moment to breathe.

When had his voice gotten so dark and raspy? Mindy didn't care that he still thought her name was Chloe as long as he kept doing what he was doing with his fingers. Danny continued to work her with his fingers, his other hand teasing and flicking across her clit. Mindy found herself moaning as she could feel her climax approaching. Danny could feel her muscles start to clench around his fingers. He wanted to taste her so he stopped kissing her and exchanged his finger for his tongue.

His tongue delved into her folds, darting it in and out of her vagina. He moved his mouth to her clit, sucking and licking it with his mouth. He reintroduced his finger as well and Mindy lost it, cumming long and hard around his fingers. He returned his mouth lower, sucking up the juice as a second orgasmic wave hit her.

"Oh my god...oh my god, Danny," Mindy said, panting and barely able to speak. She was not expecting this, but she wasn't complaining either. Danny just smiled, stood up, and kissed her.

"I really am so sorry for what I said when we first met. You are absolutely fucking gorgeous, inside and out. I was an idiot. I know we haven't known each other that long, but I can tell you're, you're really great," Danny said, looking away and running his hand through his hair shyly.

"Danny, look at me. You're really great, too, not to mention smoking hot and really, like really good with your hands. I'm sorry your ex couldn't see that. I've only known you two days, and, clearly, she's an idiot for giving up, well, all of this," Mindy said, motioning with her hands to his rock hard and fit body.

"Thanks, Chloe, that's really nice of you to say," Danny said with a crooked smile.

"Chloe, right. That's not actually my real name. I figured if I'm gonna have a guy go down on me like you just did, he should at least know my real name." Mindy said with a grimace, not sure what Danny was going to think.

"You don't have to worry about that. I already know it. You're Dr. Mindy Lahiri," Danny said with a smile.

"Wait, what? What do you mean you already know it's Mindy? Are you some crazy stalker serial murderer like the ones on Dateline," Mindy said, moving away.

"No, oh come on, why would you jump straight to that conclusion? Carl let it slip yesterday when you and Gwen went to the restroom. I promised him I would play along so he didn't get in trouble with Gwen," Danny said.

"Oh, ok, yeah that makes more sense. For the record I'm really glad you're not going to murder me and throw my body into the ocean, never to be found, leaving my parents, friends and colleagues wondering what happened to me. They'd express their grief in a Dateline special about my disappearance, and two years later they'd make a Lifetime movie about me. The actress playing me would be Frieda Pinto," Mindy said dramatically.

"You, uh, sound like you've thought about that a lot. You're hot, but you're kind of a little nut job. And for the record, I like Mindy Lahiri a lot better than Chloe Silverado. It fits you more," Danny said, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She could feel his erection poking through his boxers and rubbing against her heat.

"Now that you know my name, how about we introduce your penis to my vagina?" Mindy asked with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know why, but I still want to hit it," Danny said with a smirk.

"What do you m-" Mindy said, but Danny's mouth was already on hers. He removed his boxers, kicking them off, and was now as naked as she was.

"Put your leg up," He practically growled, and she complied.

She wrapped her leg around his taut muscles as he pressed her against the wall. He entered her in one swift motion, causing her to gasp at the feel of his hard, full length inside of her. Once he got his footing right, Danny begin to pump into her, slowly at first then faster, while sucking and biting at her neck. Mindy moaned as she pulled at Danny's hair.

"Oh God, Mindy, damn!" Danny said as he continued to pump in and out. He found her ass, cupping her cheeks and pushing himself even deeper. Mindy gasped again as her climax began to build again, with each pump and thrust into her from Danny. She thought his oral, and kissing was good, but hot damn, Danny really knew how to use his cock, too. Mindy climaxed first, her walls shuddering around him. A few minutes later, she felt Danny's body jerk then the warm sensations of him emptying into her as he came.

They stayed connected for a few minutes, Danny's head resting on her breast as she leaned against the wall of her hotel room.

"Wow," Mindy said after finally catching her breath enough to speak.

"You could say that again," Danny said, lifting up his head and looking at her with a look of adoration that no one else had ever given her. He pulled out of her and went to clean up in the bathroom.

"Are you, um, are you gonna stay?" Mindy said, looking down. She didn't know what this was to him. Was this just a one-time thing on vacation? Was it just two single and lonely people connecting in lust?

"Why would I leave?" Danny asked, confused.

"Well I mean, not like I do this all the time, but this is usually the point where the guy leaves," Mindy said.

"What! No, I don't know how any guy could walk away from you. I know it's still really early, and I don't know about you, but I felt something. There's something here between us," Danny said.

"Yeah, no, I, I felt it, too." Mindy said.

"Good, cause I'd like to get to know you some more, here in this hotel room. Then tomorrow I'd like to take you on a date, a real one at a non-communal table. How does that sound?" Danny said, walking closer to her and cupping her face in his hands.

"Perfect," Mindy said, closing the gap between them and kissing him.

A/n:So that was my second attempt at smut, this time with an actual plot and I've been encouraged by one of my beta's to continue this, which I'm considering doing, after I've written and posted my other drafts. Thanks for reading, special thanks to my lovely beta Robin follow her on tumblr at redrobin2175 and twitter at mindian3, and as always you can follow me at mindiangrowl twitter/tumblr for all things fanfic wrting and tmp related, till next fic, see ya on the flippity flip.

-Pessi . Rom