WhiteBeards Siren.

Marco never thought that a girl can step onto the Moby Dick and change his life as much as one small woman did, but he's happy about it and so is Ace. Akiyama Megumi was a small quite child, the Whitebeard Pirates help her voice be heard.

Marco groaned and stretched, shifting the weight on his chest and blinked a few times, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. A sound of constant knocking on his door had woken him, "Come in, yoi," He called out, slightly rolling Ace over onto his side of the bed.

The door opened slowly and Thatch´s head poked through the gap, the man had a large grin on his face, witch didn't settle well which Marco, "Morning bird brain… " The cook grinned widely at him, in return Marco glared at him and reached for the pillow that was keeping his head up, "Alright…" The man chuckled holding his hand out in sign of surrender before pushing the door open and leaning against the frame, "We've found someone out in the sea."

"Really all the way out here?" Marco questioned, sitting up and looking at him.

Thatch nodded, "Seems like it was a world government ship, with a couple of marine ships protecting it…" He shrugged slightly before continuing, "We could only tell that by the flags… but we found a girl in the wreckage."

"Take it pops wants to bring her into the family, yoi." Marco stated as he got out of bed, Thatch nodded in reply, watching the man pull on shorts over the boxers he was sleeping in, and get a shirt. "What´s she like then…?" Marco questioned the man as he shoved Ace slightly waking him up.

"Don't know, she's asleep in the medi-bay at the moment, hasn't spoken a single word since we got her on board," Thatch answered watching as Ace got up and just grabbed shorts putting them on and walked to the door stretching and yawning.

"She's been awake though?" It was Ace who asked through a yawn, scratching his head slightly.

Thatch moved out the way for the younger man to pass him as he walked lazily down the corridor towards the stairs leading up onto the deck, Marco sighed and followed him, closing the bedroom door behind him, neither men had bothered about shoes.

"Yeah… well sort of, she seemed completely dazed maybe the heat had got to her I don't know," Thatch shrugged following the two.

Marco shrugged slightly and jogged up the stairs onto the deck, their Captains Nurse stood outside the door leading down to the medi-bay glaring at the pirates surrounding them, "NO NOW SHOO THE LOT OF YOU," Crystal shouted, the head nurse of the group, "ONLY DIVISION COMMANDERS AND THE CAPTAIN ARE ALlOWED TO SEE HER!" Crystal was a terrifying woman when it came to health, she was like a mother to the crew… terrifying but she was the best at her job.

"OI!" Thatch shouted through the crowd and the pirates turned to see the three division commanders, "Move it, will you, Pops wants to see us."

The large group parted for them, to see Crystal in front of the door, the woman was in her mid-forties golden blonde hair that was normally up in a bun, her fringe pushed back by her reading glasses that were normally perched on the top of her head and her honey coloured eyes locked on the three as moved closer, "You are late," She stated.

Thatch chuckled and sent a dazzling smile trying to win over the nurses heart, "Have you ever tried to get these two out of bed… its like trying to push a boulder up a steep hill."

"No flirting with our guest, the child needs rest and you constantly swooning over her is not gonna help her healing process, the girl has been out in the heat for too long, hasn't eaten or drunk anything in days. You make my patient worse, Thatch," Crystal glared at him pointing the file that had been tucked under her arm at the man, "I know how to immobilize your legs for a month."

Thatch gulped and grinned slightly at the woman, "Not gonna do anything, promise," he shivered slightly at the thought of her immobilizing his legs and pushed the door open, a grinning Ace walked past him, patting his shoulder and Marco just shrugged and followed Ace. After Thatch entered the room, Crystal slammed the door behind them, Marco sighed rubbing his temples, it was too early for all this shouting and he was getting a headache.

He glanced around the room, to see Pops, who was sitting on a bed facing another, the division commanders stood to the side of the bed Pops was sitting on, and the line curved round to the other bed. "Got them," Thatch called out, making all heads turn to them.

"Sorry, yoi," Marco stated before Ace could get a word in, "Over slept."

"Not your fault boys," Whitebeard chuckled, beckoning them forward, "You two had night watch last night, it's understandable that you slept in."

Ace smiled brightly up at their Captain, "So the new girl, where is she?"

The division commanders parted to show the other bed, Izo sat on the edge of the bed talking softly to the person sitting on the bed, and the girls hands were the first thing they saw, they moved rapidly in sign language to the Okama, who nodded his head every now and then, telling her to continue. They looked over her body. As Thatch would put it, if he was fantasying about the woman, she had the perfect hour glass figure. A thick collar encircled her neck, the pale skin was pinkish around the edges of the collar, they glanced up to her face not a single blemish was seen, bright silver eyes shined slightly in the light and cherry blossom pink hair framed her face.

"What a goddess…"Thatch murmured only to get hit on the back of the head by Vista.

"The Lady is resting, you should not have such filthy thoughts, Thatch," Vista scolded the man.

Izo hummed slightly before finally speaking, "Well… do you want me to tell them, or do you want me to remove the collar first?" Her hands moved again but neither Ace or Marco spoke sign language, "Ok… This is Akiyama Megumi Celestial Dragon from the Sparkling Enclave Islands. She wants to thank us for saving her today," She smiled brightly and nodded her head telling them that what Izo was saying was right.

"What's with the not speaking and sign language thingy?" Ace asked getting hit on the head by both Marco and Thatch.

"I think he was getting to that," Marco stated.

"You don't ask such rude questions," Thatch scolded the younger man.

"Megumi is a devil fruit eater like Pops, she ate the voice-voice fruit her devil fruit powers linked to her voice, so if sea-stone comes into contact with her she can't speak. She says that her fiancé didn't want her to use her power to escape at any point, which she had tried to do in the past," Izo sighed, slightly looking at the girl who nodded to him, telling him to continue, "The collar round her neck is a mix of sea-stone and silver and she's worn the collar for the last five years."

"Poor child," Pops murmured catching all their attention, "Who is your fiancé my dear?"

She looked to Izo, the man looked down at her hands which were shaking as she signed the next few words. "Red…. Dog…" Izo murmured, "Admiral Akainu… he's your...?" She nodded, not looking at him anymore, her hands balled up into fists on her lap, her eyes shined with tears and she shook slightly.

"Bastard," Thatch and a few other division commanders murmured under their breath and Pops eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked down at the pink haired woman who was now visibly shaking at the thought of the man.

"Izo…. Get the collar off the girl," Whitebeard ordered.

Izo nodded his head gently and took out a few of the pins in his hair. "Will you turn around for me to get the lock?" The girl nodded her head and scooted around the bed slightly, she lifted up her long hair piling it on top of her of her head, "This might take a while…. What's with the…" Izo started to question but she jerked her head to the side, making the okama stop talking and look down at her. He nodded his head softly in understanding before fiddling around with the pins in the lock.

"You can't send her back there pops," Thatch stated looking at his Captain, "If they did this to her when she was younger think of her future."

The Captain laughed as the collar broke away, she dropped her hair covering her neck again and she turned back to Izo as she put the collar down on the little table next to the bed, "Thank you," She smiled softly.

"Wow… What a musical voice," Thatch murmured being hit on the head again by Vista. "Hey! No need for such violence in the presence of a lady."

She giggled softly and looked up to their Captain. "Thank you… for letting me be treated by your nurses, Whitebeard."

The Captain chuckled again, "Couldn't leave you out there to die now could we? Thatch go cook something for the girl she looks like a stick."

Thatch was about to mumble something about her figure but the other fifteen division commanders turned to stare at him and he dashed off out the medi-bay. "No, there is no need for it…" Megumi shook her head looking at the Captain, "You can drop me off on the next island it´s…"

"NO!" Ace snapped at her, she gasped and scooted back slightly eyes wide at the second division commander who stared into her eyes, "Look what he did to you! You think we would send someone back to someone who hurt them?!"

They all nodded in agreement with Ace looking at the woman who sat on the bed, her hand drifted up to her throat and brushed over the smooth skin, flinching, as her finger brushed over the pink scar. "I didn't know…." She whispered bowing her head, "It hurt yes… I didn't…. I didn't think he was cruel enough to make it leave a scar."

Marco moved forward before Ace could explode again, Izo nodded and stood up moving over so Marco could sit down. "You don't need to go back to them," He put his second and middle finger under her chin pushing her head up to look at him, "We can keep you safe, if your parents let that happen they can't be good people."

She backed away from his hand feeling herself blush slightly, "I-I-I…."

Ace chuckled and wrapped his arm around Marco's shoulder, leaning in slightly, his face extremely close to hers and her face burned slightly with embarrassment, being this close to two men who don't have shirts on. "Pineapple is right, you don't have to go back, you can stay here with us we are a family, the bigger the family the better… right Pops?"

Whitebeard chuckled watching the two men lean in towards the girl, "It is your decision my dear."

She looked between the grinning faces of the division commanders and she smiled softly at them, it was so different from home, no one ever smiled. Stern faces always looked at her silently, as she would walk into a room, they would always speak for her, she could never speak.

She rubbed her eyes, getting rid of the tears that formed there, sniffing slightly, "Why though… I'm a Celestial Dragon you are supposed to hate me."

Whitebeard chuckled and shook his head, "We all walk our own paths and you can change your path Miss Akiyama."

"You mean… become a pirate?" She looked past the two men who were sitting on the edge of her bed, towards the man.

He nodded his head in reply, "You can live a life of freedom on the seas, with us as your new family."

"I would like that," She smiled in return, "Very much."

The division commanders cheered as the new member to their already large family blushed, as Ace wrapped his arms tightly around her, bringing her against a rather muscular chest, Marco leant back slightly and chuckled softly as he watched the woman's reaction to being hugged by the bare chested man. There was a small pause before they heard the soft sound of snoring and all of them looked up to Ace who had fallen asleep his head on top of hers.

The rest of the division commanders chuckled at the sight of the two, Megumi's face was as bright as a tomato and Ace was completely content with sleeping while using pink locks as his pillow. Marco rubbed his temple chuckling as the woman tried to push him away, "Does he do this often?" She asked looking at Marco, forcing her eyes to stay on his face and not his tattooed chest.

Marco shrugged and smacked the younger man round the back of the head lightly making him jolt awake, "Alright flame brain. Off."

"Hey! I'm not a flame brain, pineapple head!" Ace pouted and shifted to sit on the bed next to Megumi who laughed softly.

Whitebeard shook his head slightly, "Alright you lot. I think we should leave Megumi to rest. Marco and Ace stay here to make sure that Thatch leaves as well, after she ate."

"Sure Pops," Marco smiled up at the Captain as he ushered the rest of the Commanders out the room, Izo was the last to leave, smiling at the young woman softly and she smiled brightly at the okama.

"Izo…." She looked questioning at them and both nodded in reply, "He's nice."

"He's going to have fun with you on board," Ace laughed as he folded his arms behind his head seeming wide awake compared to his sleeping state a few minutes ago.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, tilting her head.

Marco moved over and sat on the bed that Whitebeard was originally sitting on, but Ace stayed sitting next to her grinning widely, "There aren't many girls on the crew, excluding the nurses but they are a scary bunch don't want to cross them… but now he has a dress up doll, finally."

Her eyes widened slightly at the thought of the okama trying to force her into kimonos, "He seemed nice though he wouldn't though… would he?" She questioned her eyes shining in curiosity.

Both Marco and Ace chuckled, smiling at her as the door opened, all three of them turned their heads to see Thatch coming in, he carried a tray with a plate and dish cover along with a tall glass of orange juice next to the plate. "Where did everyone go?" Thatch questioned as he placed the tray down in her lap and removed the dish cover, revealing a risotto dish with some type of meat.

"Pops wants her to rest," Marco stated, "So we are waiting for her to finish and to make sure you don't bug her."

Ace picked up the spoon on the tray whilst she picked up the fork ignoring both men and took a bit of the food on the fork and started eating, "So good," She murmured, the meat was pork, and continued eating, at the corner of her eye she saw Ace steal a piece of her food, but didn't shout at him for that, or pulled her plate away, she only smiled and pushed the tray slightly towards him.

He smiled in gratitude and took some more, "HEY! That's not for you," Thatch stated.

"It's ok," Megumi smiled softly, "I can't eat all this and I don't want to waste the food you went out of the way to cook."

Thatch sighed before ruffling her hair softly messing up the pink locks and her eyes narrowed slightly, he chuckled, "Well at least you have some life in you."

Marco smiled, already starting to like the girl, but knowing Ace, he's gonna glue himself to her because she's sharing her food with him. Thatch was already drawn to the girl, but slightly different from the other girls he talked to and Izo seemed taken by her already. She's most likely going to capture the hearts of a lot of men on this crew, he looked over to see the three talking as she finished off the meal, put the fork softly down and drank the orange juice.

"Was that ok? You had your fill?" Thatch asked.

She smiled brightly putting the glass down, "It was lovely, thank you Thatch."

The man smiled brightly down at her and took the tray from her, "Pops is right, you should rest."

"Thank you…" She looked round at them, "All of you, including the Captain… I would most likely died out there and you saved me."

Ace bumped her shoulder playfully, "Call him Pops everyone does."

"You sure…? I mean…." She started.

Marco stood and smiled down at her, "Don't worry about it, one of us will be here when you wake up, we will show you around the ship later," Ace slipped off the bed as she shrunk down slightly, it was Marco who shifted the covers up to her shoulders, "You need rest."

She hummed softly and closed her eyes resting her head back on the pillow, "Thank you," She mumbled.

Marco smiled slightly before pushing both men from the room and closing the door behind him, Crystal smiled at him and he glanced back quickly, a small thought of, 'a lot of things are gonna change on the this ship.'

AN: Hi, This is the start of the Re-Write of Whitebeards Siren, the ideas from the one-shots are still going to be used in this story but will expand more on the thoughts of them. I hope you enjoy the re-write, review, favourite, follow and so on and so forth…. Should have the next Chapter soon.

Scarlet Newgate.