Chapter 32

Epilogue-Here we are! Finally it's over. It's hard to believe we are done. I want to say thank you to my reviewers but a big shoutout goes to JLC63 who gave me the idea on what to do with Snow White and Prince Charming. Someone who is a writer and good with Snowing should take it from there. Maybe I will some day.

I'd like to say that a lot of this is exposition and when I said it would take years before Regina would let go of bad habits, especially in regards to Snow, I meant it. This epilogue really encompasses a lot of time and could start a whole new story (Actually several). I hope you enjoy it.

One year later

Robin's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight woke him. He'd been living in the castle for several months now but he still wasn't used to sleeping so late. Hearing a child's laughter, he sat up and looked through the cavernous bed chamber to the open door. Getting out of bed, he put on a robe and headed towards the sounds.

Walking in he saw Regina, sitting on the floor, with Roland. They had his knights out playing with them. A few months ago she had thought about getting him real toy knights but the boy insisted they would be no match for his own army and how could she argue with that? Now she sat, holding a clay made orc creature, as Roland ordered his knights to attack.

Robin loved watching Regina play with Roland. It warmed his heart and to him she never looked more beautiful. However, he knew her well enough to know this morning it was more of a distraction. Many changes had happened to the kingdom and themselves in the last year. Most of them good and welcoming. But today's was an enormous one and something he knew was far more difficult for her than she let on: Snow White's coronation as queen.

Freeing Snow White last year had been so surprising, it took time for the kingdom not just adjust but to fully trust it. Robin couldn't really blame them, Regina had been so absolute in her pursuit for Snow, why shouldn't this be another one of her tricks? Even some of the merry men, especially those that did not participate in Roland's rescue, were hesitant to trust this new era that seemed to be thrust upon them. In her visits to the merry men camp, Regina could sense that distrust and it hurt Robin's heart but unfortunately there wasn't much to be done about that. You can't force someone to trust another.

The same held true for the kingdom as well and as the months went by and Snow was seen in public and eventually made appearances at the castle and at social functions, many began daring to utter that which before her pardon was taboo, that the castle technically belonged to her. She was the one who should have ascended the throne after her father's death.

Robin was the one to have to tell Regina this news. It was after he and Roland took up staying in the castle full time and the advisors had begun asking him to relay news to the queen. Robin didn't mind because it helped him feel important, necessary. There wasn't a proper position for a former bandit in court. And in this case the archer was very glad to be the messenger, he hoped to help lessen the sting and be there for her.

Immediately upon being told her mask went up, it had been so long since he'd seen it, he had almost didn't recognize it. She stood regally as always and answered that of course the people were right. Robin reached out for her arms, he didn't say anything. What could he say? The people were right but Regina's ruling had overall been good. In spite of her rigid punishments, especially for those that helped Snow White, she actually improved the people's lives with better programs and less taxes to the poor. Regina's eyes met his and she stepped into his arms where he embraced her. They rarely showed intimacy in the public areas of the castle but this time was different and without hesitation Robin took her in his arms.

Now today was the day and Regina was diving into Roland's room like she wasn't about to hand her crown over to her former nemesis. "Regina." Robin said softly.

Her eyes left his son's and traveled to his, he expected to see sadness and possibly anger. Instead she surprised him as she smiled and he recognized it as a real one. "I'm fine."

Robin stood in the doorway, aching to take her in his arms and back to bed but he knew they hadn't had time for that. In fact, judging by how high the sun had climbed, they really needed to start getting ready.

As if reading his mind, Regina kissed Roland on the cheek and told him she had to get dressed. The boy frowned but he knew today was a big day too. Since moving into the castle, Regina told him that he was going from knight to a prince and he took the job very seriously. Taking his hand, she led him away so he could get ready. Robin watched the pair of them and he was about to pick up the knights but with a flick of her wrist as they exited the room, she took care of that as well.

After the ceremony there was a celebratory ball with food in the grand hall. Robin watched as Snow was forced to greet all the dignitaries coming in. Regina stood at her side introducing them and if he didn't know any better, he'd say Regina was enjoying herself. On the other hand, Snow was looking quite worn out though she'd never admit that. Regina's eyes met Robin's and she leaned to the newly crowned queen and whispered something. Snow nodded her head and Regina walked towards Robin.

"Your Majesty," Robin greeted as she approached.

"You won't have to call me that anymore," Regina said glancing behind her a little. "That title goes to Snow now."

Robin nodded, he knew that. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "How are you holding up?"

Yet again, she surprised him with her reaction. "Believe it or not, this is not as bad as I thought it would be. It's still tedious of course," she gestured at the still long line that led from Snow and headed down the room. "But I am glad to not be forced to endure making pleasantries with those I do not know and for the ones that I do, I mostly dislike."

"Now it's her turn," Robin said, looking in Snow's direction.

"Yes, it is," Regina said watching her stepdaughter. "You know, all that effort in chasing her down but seeing her now I wonder if perhaps I should just have stepped back and let her become queen years ago. She's quite miserable."

Robin's eyebrow arched. Regina was trying to act like she felt bad for Snow, but it was clear she was enjoying it to some extent. "I'm sure once she gets past the awkward transition she'll do fine."

"I'm sure she will too." Regina replied flatly. Her eyes darting away, they rested upon someone else in the room. "Oh, look, there's your biggest fan!"

Robin followed hers and he immediately tensed at the sight of King George. "I've already seen him. He's been glaring at me since he walked in."

"Well, for now his kingdom isn't what it once was, he doesn't have the money or resources to take care of his own people much less go after you."

Robin nodded but also frowned too. "Until his son marries that is, right?"

She took his arm and squeezed it. "James and Abigail marrying will solve a lot of George's problems, I admit, but King Midas isn't just going to give out unlimited gold…" she paused then…" even though he's quite capable of it."

Robin didn't answer, his eyes fell on George's son and his fiancée. Both looked like they wished to be anywhere but where they were. But arranged marriages were common and he doubted he would get lucky enough for the engagement to fall through. "Still, I think any opportunity George has at capturing me, he will take it."

"Well, maybe I'm simply the dowager queen now," Regina said, pulling Robin closer, "but I'm still a witch. And he's going to have to go through me."

Robin almost kissed her for that, she obviously meant it. But she wasn't supposed to be spending today of all days making him feel better, he should be doing that for her. "May I have a dance, Milady?"

"Yes, you may," she answered.

Robin could hardly take his eyes off Regina, she really did look gorgeous in her gown. However, her attention wasn't entirely focused on him, she had to keep her eyes on Snow, making sure she didn't need any help. Halfway through the dance, Regina paused, and Robin had to look over to see what got her attention.

Of course it had to do with King George, or what looked to be more like his son. Snow was suddenly wet and whatever happened had James apologizing. Abigail looked quite embarrassed and George was redder than Robin had ever seen him. "What happened?"

"I think…" Regina said, "an opportunity."

Their last night in the castle was spent packing everything up. Though he knew this situation was tough on Regina, he was quite looking forward to heading back to the merry men camp. He was elated when Regina told Robin she would like to live there if he thought it appropriate. He could hardly believe she needed to ask.

A knock at the door and Snow's voice came through, "Regina? Robin? May I come in?"

Regina was in the other room with her father. Henry was coming too and Robin hoped that would help the conversion from living in a castle to the forest easier for Regina. It was one thing visiting the camp but moving their full time would be hard on any queen and Robin knew she would be no different. Hearing Snow's voice, Regina walked into the main room, giving permission for Snow to enter.

"I hope I wasn't disturbing you." Snow said. "Remember I told you that there was no rush for you to move out."

"No, no, you're the queen now and it's important that we make it clear to the people so there is no question as to who is in charge."

Snow straightened at Regina's words. She started to say something, Robin was sure it was to argue with Regina but something stopped her. Robin wondered if it might be his presence. "Perhaps I should go check to see if Henry needs help with Roland's toys."

Since Snow had returned to the castle, Regina had done everything to keep herself from being alone with her stepdaughter. Whether it was servants or advisors but usually Robin, the two women made sure someone else was in the room. Regina insisted on this but today it seemed Snow did too. "No, please stay, I know it makes Regina more comfortable and besides, I want you to hear this too."

Robin took a step closer to Regina, placing a protective arm around her. Snow approached them, just a few feet away. "Regina, I want you to know you will always be welcome here. This is your kingdom as much as mine. I also want to say that your service as queen, though perhaps a bit single minded at times," Snow glanced down and he felt Regina stiffen at her words, "was overall good for the kingdom. I know if I had taken over right away, I would have followed my father's example. I'd never would have believed those programs could have improved and you did that."Snow now met Regina's gaze and stepped even closer. She reached out and took her hand, "Thank you for that."

It took some time for Regina to reply. Robin could feel her almost shiver at Snow's touch. Eventually she said, "Thank you for admitting that. Though, the truth is Leopold did love his subjects, if he had just had the foresight, he'd want the best for them."

Robin had to hold back a snort, he felt Regina was giving the former king too much credit but she was speaking to his daughter so it was probably more for Snow's benefit. Snow smiled at Regina's words and before he could stop her she engulfed her stepmother in a hug. Robin's eyes grew big, he wasn't sure if Regina was ready for that but she managed to wrap her arms around the younger woman and squeeze back.

Robin took the sight of them and smiled.

They were almost to the camp. It was dusk and Roland was singing. Regina had insisted on no military escort but the new black guard, many of the soldiers came from Tripp's Landing, had at least insisted on taking them as far as Sherwood forest. Once there they bid their former queen ado. Robin was so pleased that Regina had some loyal followers who would miss her greatly.

Now the four of them were almost to the camp and he turned to Regina. "How are you doing, MiLady?"

"Would you believe," Regina said, "relieved?"

No, he wouldn't. "Really?"

She laid her head on his shoulders. "There was a time that I just wanted a simple life with the man that I loved. And now I have a second chance at it." She smiled when she saw they arrived. "I can hardly believe I deserve it."

He chuckled a bit. If she was in awe now, wait until they got further into the camp. Helping her down from the wagon, Roland hopped down too and ran off. "Where's he going?" Regina asked as she made sure her father was down on the ground.

"He's going to get ready." Robin asked, suddenly nervous. "You see, I'm hoping that with you giving up the crown, we can actually do something that politics prevented us before."

Regina glanced back and forth between Robin and her father, the older man was smiling. "What's going on?"

"I know many eyebrows were raised when I came to live with you at the castle but if you can concentrate on one good aspect of passing the crown to Snow, that there is no longer any stigma to a lady such as yourself marrying a former outlaw like me." Regina started to argue, she had always made it clear to Robin that she didn't give a damn of their class distinctions. He interrupted her before she could repeat what she'd made clear months earlier. "No, Regina, I know you didn't care but we both know the realities of the world. But now…today we can move forward. That is if you want to."

Getting down on one knee, Robin pulled out a ring. "I want you to know I did not steal this ring. Nor did I buy it with profits from my stealing. If you recall I did odd jobs around the castle and when I told you I only did it to keep myself busy, that was a bit of a lie. The truth was people were paying me for them and I got enough, I bought this ring. Do you like it?"

She started to speak but she was unable to get any words out. Robin went on, he was too nervous for her reply anyway. "Well, I hope you do because it's all I could afford. Regina, will you marry me?"

Tears instantly fell and she looked at her father who teared up himself. Robin had asked for his blessing a long time ago but he knew the moment of truth was finally upon them. "Yes, of course I will."

Robin jumped up and grabbed her, swinging her around. "Okay, good, I hope you mean it, because I've already made arrangements."

Putting her down, he gave her one kiss and ran away. Henry stepped up, placing an arm around his daughter. From the sides came a few women, the ones who had warmed up to Regina. Sara was leading the way, with help from her husband she had become the closest to a friend at the camp for Regina. They had a bouquet and veil for her. Regina was so overcome with emotion she didn't know what to think.

The ceremony was performed in the center of the camp with Friar Tuck presiding. Henry walked her down the aisle, candles lighting their way. Roland was the ring bearer though unbeknownst to his father, since learning of this surprise, he had made the tray from the clay but hadn't had time for it to dry. The rings were rather dirty for the ceremony. Once he realized it, Robin was almost angry, he had wanted everything to be perfect, but Regina just laughed, saying it actually was perfect.

And for Robin, everything was too.

"Is everyone ready?" Regina called out as she put on her earrings. She stood up, studying herself in the mirror.

It had been nine years since leaving the castle for Sherwood and so much had happened. Regina had downplayed her worry over King George but knew once she left the throne they would be vulnerable. After finally getting everything she wanted she wasn't about to trust that George would keep his word. Luckily the coronation ball had provided Regina with help for that. She'd seen James enough times to know the man was many things but a klutz was not one of them. The way the man stammered after he accidentally spilled his drink on Snow also was out of character and George's own reaction verified this was an imposter before her. But why would George support such fraud? Now away from the castle, it took some time but Regina discovered through various former servants that this man was James's long lost twin brother and he was forced to take his place when the young man was killed right before he was to be save the kingdom from ruin.

Regina used her knowledge of the secret and managed to find a way to undo the engagement between "James" and Abigail. Back to being near bankruptcy, Regina managed to trick Snow and King George into a marriage treaty so that "James" would have to marry her ensuring her family's safety forever. Snow was angry and fought against the idea but ultimately she had no choice as the young woman struggled with learning the politics of royal life. When Robin found out about it, he was furious. Regina tried to explain to him she did it for the safety of their family (she had just given birth to their first daughter) but Robin didn't believe that was the sole reason, he felt underneath it all it was also another way to get back at Snow. Eventually they worked through it but it was the lowest point in their marriage.

Then the next major crises was her former teacher, Rumplestiltskin had thought to be lying low, actually marrying his true love, Belle. But in truth nothing would ever stop his wish of the great curse to be cast and without Regina's help in it, he was forced to look to another. As it turns out, Regina had a long lost sister, Zelena, and she proved quite powerful. Regina and Robin on their own couldn't have stopped her, thankfully Snow and David who had finally fallen in love were willing to join in and defeat them both.

Ironically it was Regina's own flesh and blood sister who helped forged a true friendship between the two former enemies. Since then Regina and Robin would come to the castle for celebrations, many times held in her honor (after saving the kingdom from a terrible curse, everyone was ready to let bygones be bygones). This occasion wasn't for Regina though but for celebrating Snow and Charming's first child, a daughter, Emma.

"Mom, I don't want to go!" Regina walked to her door, leaning over the railing to the forest floor. Her older daughter Sadie stood while whining as loudly as she could. At eight years old Regina felt she was too old for that behavior but Robin, who was clearly wrapped around his daughter's finger, usually disagreed.

"It's only for the evening. We'll be back by bedtime and we will have months before we have to do this again." At least that did appease her daughter to some extent. Looking around, Regina realized her other daughter's lack of presence was probably not a good thing. "Go find your sister before she dirties up her dress!"

Sadie was about to argue but one look from Regina and she changed her mind and off she went to find Henrietta. Though annoyed, Regina had to fight back the urge to smile. Both girls couldn't be more different. Henrietta was born shortly after her own father's death so she became his namesake which turned out to be providential. While very sweet and a disposition to please others, she was quite the little tomboy.

Sadie, on the other hand, enjoyed being a little girl with her dolls and dresses, but balls weren't that much fun for children and that was her primary issue for tonight. But a ball for a new baby born meant children were brought out too and so they had to come along.

Giving herself one last look in the mirror, Regina smiled at herself. She didn't wear these gowns much anymore but was pleased they still fit.

"Stunning in every way."

Regina turned to see her husband appearing in the doorway. He might be older but he still managed to climb up to the tree house in record time. The look he was giving her now left no room for guesses on where he'd rather spend their time tonight. "Stop looking at me like that, Robin, we don't have time plus the children could come up and catch us."

He laughed a bit as he stepped forward. "It's a good thing then I'm married to a sorceress who knows how to lock the door and silence the walls."

She blushed at that, it did come in handy but not tonight. She took a good look at him. He looked very handsome in his suit, she had insisted he needed a new one and it was perfectly tailored. "My goodness, I think the merry men should go into the clothing business. I doubt I'd seen a finer job from the royals."

He snickered and pulled her into a quick kiss. Well, it should have been quick but she began to forget herself. She eventually stepped back and tried to shoo him away. Pleased he had affected her, he headed out the door. "I'll go check on the girls. We need to make sure Roland is ready too."

She turned around, grinning foolishly. No longer able to really be bandits anymore, the merry men had found ways to occupy their time and eventually settled on being a rebuilding team when natural disasters hurt villagers. It was hard work but very rewarding.

Regina was about to take one last look at herself when she noticed something missing on her dresser. Anger rose in her heart when she realized he must have taken it. "Roland!"

Stomping down the ladder which was quite difficult in her dress, she landed as regally as she could and started looking for that teenager. He was coming tonight too as he had a chance to unveil something very special. He had made a real statue in Snow White's honor. It was quite ornate, with Snow holding a beautiful baby in her arms. Regina had no doubt the queen would place it in a public area.

"Where is it?" Regina demanded as she came upon him. He stood up straight but didn't back down, he had too much of his father in him.

"Where's what?"

He knew very well what. "Don't play games with me. I want it back."

"Regina!" he whined, echoing Sadie from earlier but at least at his age he wasn't about to get away with it. "Please, let's just say it's in a safe place and you can have it back after!"

Getting in his face, Regina glared. "I want it back now."

Robin showed up, his hands full of both daughters. Seeing Regina all puffed up, he had little doubt as to what caused it. "Roland, give the squirrel cone back to her."


"Roland!" Regina didn't yell but did something even more effective. Her eyes teared up and Roland lost his nerve. He couldn't stand to see the woman that had raised him these last 10 years cry. "Fine, but please, don't show it to anyone!"

He handed her the squirrel cone, and she wasted no time hugging it to her. She really was quite fond of that ugly thing. "How can I not? People should see how talented you are and how far you've come."

"By showing them some ugly little squirrel I made when I was four? That's not fair."

Robin laughed at his boy, putting the girls down. "It could be worse, she never saw the stuff you made before that." This prompted Regina to join in laughing and Roland just folded his arms, not quite ready to accept defeat.

Henrietta glanced up at the skies. "I think it's going to storm." The five year old was afraid of storms and usually cried during them.

"Well, then," Regina said, kneeling down, "I guess it's good we are leaving before it gets here."

She took her daughter's arms and gave her a once over to verify she hadn't gotten her pretty dress dirty. Satisfied, she turned to Sadie who was rolling her eyes at her sister's worries. "You don't need to worry about storms, Mama and Papa met in a storm."

Henrietta looked up at that and Regina smiled. They had told Sadie the story of how they met but up until now her younger sister hadn't been old enough. Maybe she was now.

But the story would have to wait. The triggering stone lit up. Snow would activate it at the allotted time which was upon them. "Everyone ready? There isn't much time now."

Robin smiled and managed to pat Regina's bottom before taking her hand. Regina tried to act upset at the gesture but couldn't quite pull it off. The camp around them were grinning as they were watching the family though Regina believed some might be rather glad to get a break from the ceaseless energy of the girls. The statue they were bringing was within the perimeter and Roland checked it one time to make sure the drape was securely over it. He didn't want Snow to see it yet. When he was done, he took his little sisters' hands who in turn took each of their parents.

Before the stone glowed one final time, Regina glanced over at her husband who was giving her the biggest smile. "What?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing." But Regina knew exactly why he was smiling and she returned it.

Whew! Thank you. It's finally over. I can't begin to thank all of you, this story has given me the most reviews I've ever had on a story. Thank you for following me, your patience and if it brought you any enjoyment, I am so glad.