Boo! : Coffee Pain
Marceline always scares Bubblegum because its so funny to the thousand year old Princess Bubblegum x Marceline
Author's Note: This is for my wonderful girlfriend. I love you, My Marcy. Love ~ Your Bonnie.
Bubblegum hated being scared. Everything about being frightened was awful. She hated the way she would jump and the way she yelped awkwardly but mostly she hated the way Marceline would laugh at her embarrassment.
Bonnie was doing experiments in her lab and if she had to guess it was probably some time past midnight. The only light was a small lamp that sat next to her as she worked.
She reached in her lab coat to get out a vial filled with the Celasn to test subject 323 for any variation in the subject. She opened the vial and carefully poured a single drop into the test subject 323's habitat.
Smash! A testing tube crashed to the ground mysteriously and Bubblegum eyed the spot where the tube fell. She got up from her spinning lab chair and put the top back on the Celasn.
"Marceline?" Bubblegum asked into the silence of her beloved lab. When things went mysteriously wrong it was usually Marceline's fault. Bubblegum stepped to the broken tube and looked around in the dim lit lab.
Bonnie didn't see anything or anyone. She sighed in relief realizing that her lab rat, Science, was by the test tubes.
"Did you knock down this tube?" Bonnie asked smiling as she petted the candy corn shaped rat. The mouse squeaked in response and curled up in a ball falling asleep.
Bubblegum reached above her. In a white cabinet, She grabbed a small hand brush and a sweep pan. She then bent over sweeping the remains of the tube into the pan.
Pb stood up and threw the glass in the trash and set the brush and pan on the counter. She then returned to her lab table and looked under her microscope at an algie organism.
Cold fingers brushed the back Bubblegum's neck and she let out a gasp whipping her head around to find no one was there. Bubblegum put her pink hand on her neck.
"This isn't funny Marcy." She called out her eyes narrowing. Nothing answered back and she stood there a moment before returning to her work with her hand rubbing her neck. Her body tensed waiting for Marcy to scare her next.
Thirty minutes passed by without any mishaps and Bubblegum relaxed back into her work. She diligently wrote down her observations of subject 323.
Has changed colors rapidly and is moving slowly.
Subject shows no sign of pain.
Bubblegum wrote scribbling on a piece of paper. She reviewed the notes when she rubbed her eyes beginning to feel tired. Bonnie let out a yawn and stood up. She walked to the door planning to head to the Candy Kingdom's kitchen for a cup of coffee to wake her up.
Bubblegum reached her hand out to the door knob. She opened the door and in front of her stood a snarled monster. It shrieked at her and she screamed falling onto her butt on the ground. She placed her arms protectively in front of her face.
Marceline laughed loudly and turned back into her vampire state. She slapped her knee, uncontrollably laughing.
"You should have seen your face." Marceline laughed out and Bubblegum moved her arms away from her face glaring up at the vampire. She stood up and wiped off her dress. Bonnie pushed past the vampire highly irritated and embarrassed.
"Hey wait up Haha." Marceline said laughing and wiping away tears from laughing so much. Bubblegum speed up her pace turning corners as she bawled up her fist. Marcy followed her.
Bonnie reached the pink candy kitchen and grabbed coffee material quickly setting it on the table.
Why does she have to be so childish!? Bubblegum thought, angrily. Marceline sat on the counter next to Bubblegum, smiling.
Bonnie ignored her and scooped some black coffee mix into the top of her pink machine. She then grabbed the pitcher and went to the sink.
"You gotta lighten up, Bonnie." Marceline said with a smirk.
"You need to grow up." Bubblegum snipped at Marceline as she filled the pitcher with warm water. Bonnie walked back to the coffee maker and placed the water filled pitcher into a slot pressing the button for it to start brewing.
"Ouch. That really hurt you know." Marceline said pretending to be offended. Bubblegum ignored her and grabbed her favorite coffee mug from the cabinet and looked at marceline.
"Move.I want my coffee creamer." Bubblegum commanded seeing that Marceline was sitting right in front of the cabinet that held her cherished coffee cream.
"You have you to ask nicer than that." Marceline said giving a grin and a challenging look. Bubblegum sighed out in frustration and glared at the vampire.
"Please move."Bubblegum hissed.
" You're gonna have to make me move if you want your oh-so-precious coffee creamer." Marcy teased, challenging Bubblegum.
"Marceline Please." Bubblegum huffed walking towards the cabinet. Marceline shook her head and crossed her arms.
"Nope." Marceline said enjoying herself. Bubblegum glared and walked closer to Marcy. She reached her hand out trying to reach around Marceline to force open the cabinet. Bubblegum got closer and moved in between Marcy's dangling legs to get a better grasp on the cabinets handle.
"Oh Bubblegum you naughty girl." Marceline teased wrapping her legs around Bubblegum's waist. Marcy pulled her closer squeezing her waist.
"Marceline!?" Bubblegum said trying to pull out of her grasp while her face turned a deep shade of red. She pulled and pushed away from Marceline but Marcy locked her legs behind Bubblegum's back.
Bubblegum stopped struggling and looked up at the vampire who was only inches away.
"..Marceline please let me go." Bubblegum said looking away from Marceline blushing and embarrassed.
"Kiss me." Marceline said with a non mocking voice. Bubblegum turned her head towards Marceline shocked. Marceline wasn't snickering or smiling. Marcy's face was tinted pink as she looked in Bubblegum's pink eyes. Their face softened as they fell into their own world.
They stared into each others eyes before Bubblegum leaned forward closing her eyes and Marceline did the same. Their lips touched and to Bubblegum the cold lips felt wonderful as shivers went down her spine.
Bubblegum stepped closer to Marceline and Marcy cupped Bubblegum's cheek in her hand as they shared a sweet kiss. Bubblegum felt butterflies rush in her stomach and Marcy felt warm over her body. Bubblegum reached out a hand and softly grabbed Marceline's free hand and held it in between her and Marcy.
Ding! The coffee machine blared breaking Marceline and Bubblegum back into reality. Princess Bubblegum pulled away her face completely red. She looked down and pulled Marceline's legs from her waist, which Marcy didn't stop.
Bonnie went to the coffee machine pouring herself a cup. She grabbed a spoon and stirred it staring at the coffee. She felt Marceline watch her.
What did I just do?! Princess Bubblegum thought. Marceline moved off the counter and reached into the cabinet for the coffee creamer. She floated to Bubblegum who was trying to process what she just did.
Marceline tapped Bubblegum's shoulder and Bubblegum jumped. Bubblegum looked at Marceline as her blush returned.
"Y-yes?" Bubblegum asked nervously. Marceline showed her the coffee creamer.
"Here." Marceline said giving a faint smile.
"Thank you." Bubblegum said. She took it from Marceline careful for her fingers not to touch Marcy's. Bubblegum poured the cream into the black coffee stirring it until it turned a caramel brown.
Bubblegum took a sip of the coffee refusing to face Marceline. Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Marceline put her hand on Bubblegum's shoulder and Bubblegum froze.
"Are you alright, Bonnie?" Marceline asked sincerely.
"..I..I think you should go home Marceline." Bubblegum said in almost a whisper. Marceline let her hand drop as she stood back with a frown. An awkward silence fell over them before Marceline spoke up.
"..Okay Princess Bubblegum." Marceline said in a low voice as a tear slipped from her left eye and fell to the ground. Bubblegum stared at her coffee and felt her heart squeeze at hearing both her formal name from Marceline and hearing the tear splash against the floor.
Marceline turned around and walked away towards the kitchen window. She didn't look back as she jumped out of the window and flew back to her cave home.
Next Chpt. Coming soon. Review, Favorite, follow, love. ~ N.s