Sol's Revenge & Whisper's Path



My eyes drifted around the dark cave, Echo's blood-stained pelt slowly started to fade. Wherever she was going now, I knew she couldn't hurt Ashclan anymore. I had completed my mission, I had saved Ashclan and all of the clans in the world perhaps. But my sister was also gone.

I hauled myself to my paws and I hobbled over to what was left of Echo. I could see clear through her now, I could see through her fur and onto the rock floor beneath her. I sighed and pressed my muzzle against her pelt, no heat or cold escaped from her. Then she was gone, faded into oblivion.

"The last Echo of death has faded at last." I whispered to myself, finally understanding the prophecy. Then I saw Sol, he was crouched alone in a corner of the cave. His eyes were troubled. He saw me staring at him.

"So you came here to kill me, but end up saving my life," he muttered to himself.

"A simple thank you would suffice," I said and set to work cleaning my wounds.

"Thank you," he said earnestly, making my heart seize. How could I still care about him after all he had done? But he wasn't done, he continued speaking.

"Thank you for looking out for me when we were kits, thank you for helping me off the mountain when I broke my ankle, thank for saving me even now. Even after all I have done...I never thanked you before Whisper."

"My name is actually Whisperheart. It is my clan name. The thing about the clans is that they are forgiving. I am sure Blossomstar would let you join Ashclan." I offered, which surprised me. Was I really willing to let Sol join my clan and risk putting everyone in danger? But my offer didn't matter, Sol didn't want it.

"No, your clan is your home. Not mine."

" this goodbye then?" I asked sadly. Sol walked over to me, with each stride he took he gained back the days Echo's curse had taken. When Sol was directly in front of me we were both the same age again.

"You are the light Whisper. You belong up there, with the clans," Sol explained."I am the dark. My home is here now," he added. I frowned and started to argue but Sol cut me off.

"I don't belong with other cats, I am different. I am the darkness, and darkness doesn't always have to be a bad thing. This is my home Whisperheart. And I think it's time you returned to yours." Sol stated. Despite myself I let out a small laugh.

"I wonder what Ashclan will think when I return half the age of when I left?" I chuckled. Sol cracked a smile too.

"I know that one day I will see you again. Goodbye for now." Sol amended and started to pad away. I watched him leave with a sunken feeling in my chest. But it was time for me to leave. I emerged from the caves and felt the warm dawn light smother my pelt. Sol was indeed right, I belonged up here, his path was underpaw. And Echo's path lead her somewhere else entirely.

"Home, here I come." I smiled and began making the long journey back to Ashclan.


Three moons had passed since Echo's final death in the caves. I had returned to Ashclan and resumed my medicine cat duties, sadly without Icefire. However, I watched Blossomstars kits Icekit and Firekit grow with strength. At first the warriors of the clan were wary of my younger nature, but they eventually grew used to it. And although I watched Ashclan continue to grow and prosper, I still constantly thought about my brother. The one who was born different, the one who turned evil, the one who found the light again. I wondered how he was doing all alone in the tunnels. I wondered if he thought about me often.

I shook my head to clear it of all thoughts of Sol. He was no longer a part of my life, and I was no longer a part of his. I had to move on.

I picked up a bundle of leaves which I had been sorting and carried them to the nursery.

"Blossomstar, eat these," I ordered. She was not fond of the herb concoctions I had her eating now that she had two kits. Blossomstar grudgingly choked down the leaves.

"Honestley Whisperheart, you've got me eating more plants than prey these days!" Blossomstar laughed. I laughed as well, but my laugh hid sadness. I felt like I had to keep Blossomstar and her kits strong, because Icefire died for them. And I was the reason Icefire was dead. But Icefire had to die to save all of the clans. She died to save Icekit and Firekit, whose destinies would sculpt the future. I had to leave my brother to save the clans. And that is something I can't regret. I can't regret saving Ashclan at the cost of losing my kin. It was time I moved on, it was time to let go.

"Goodbye, Sol." I said softly and retreated back to my den.


The cat who led me out of the tunnels when I first got lost found me again when I decided to make the cave my home.

"Greetings, Fallen leaves." I called out. The golden tom stared at me warily.

"Why are you back here?" he questioned. "I told you to leave."

"I was hoping you wouldn't mind some company," I smiled. Fallen leave's eyes darkened.

"Many cats have come down here before, they have befriended me, and then abandoned me. Why should you be any different?" he spat.

"Well those cats didn't belong down here. But the darkness is my home, I can see that you don't belong down here," I retorted. Fallen leaves gaped.

"I have been down here since before you were born. I lived a thousand lifetimes in these tunnels!" he hissed, the golden fur on his shoulders rising.

"You have trapped yourself here because you fear the light, the unknown," I reasoned. Fallen leaves shook his head and glared.

"You would never understand why I have to stay down here."

"Wouldn't I?" I laughed. "You and I are very similar Fallen leaves. You hide here because you are ashamed of your failure."

"I was young, I had to come into these tunnels and find my way out. It was a challenge. I failed and I had to stay down here. I thought my mom would come find me...but she didn't." Fallen leaves admitted. So he was one of the ancient clan cats, whose spirit was left to forever wander the tunnels. A ghost like Echo. I rested my tail on his shoulders comfortingly.

"It's ok, this is our home now." I murmured.


My paw shot into the stream and I hooked a minnow. I flung it out of the water and it flopped on the cold ground for a moment before I bit it swiftly. I hungrily devoured the meager fish in two bites. Fallen leaves watched but didn't try to catch a fish for himself. In the many seasons I had spent living in the cave with Fallen leaves he began to confide in me...about his curse.

He was born many lifetimes ago, he was born to one of the first clans. Back then the you became a warrior if you went into the tunnels and found your way out. Fallen leaves didn't find his way out. But he was so sure his mother Broken Shadow would come find him he waited. He made a deal with Rock, a mysterious and powerful cat. Rock allowed Fallen leaves to live in the caves for until his mother found him. If Fallen leaves ever left the cave his spirit would go up to starclan, but he might not find his mother. So Fallen leaves stayed in the cave, his prison.

I knew he didn't belong down here, but he stayed because he was determined to believe his mother was still looking for him.

I admired his faith in his mother, but I also thought he was a fool. How could a cat rely on someone so much as to spend an eternity in the darkness, just hoping they hadn't forgot about you? Then I realized I was the fool. I had relied on Whisper so much through out my life that when he left I was powerless. That's how Echo tricked me into turning to the darkness. And now the dark was my home. So really, I was the one who was a fool.

But I didn't regret my decision to stay in the tunnels. I had never belonged to any place till now. I loved the sound of paw steps echoing through out the cave, I loved the cool tang of the underground river. Minnows were my favorite prey. I relished in the feeling of having the dirt and grass as a blanket over my head. I truly belonged beneath the earth, with no one but myself and Fallen leaves for company.

And I had found my purpose too. I would guard the tunnels, so no cat would ever find their way down here and be lost to its eerie darkness. I would protect the caves ancient secrets with my life. Fallen leaves and I became good friends over time too. Together we patrolled and marked the cave entrances and exits. We covered most of the holes with dirt and rocks to prevent anyone from falling in. but we left enough open for air and light.

One day or night, I had lost the ability to tell the difference between the two when I was always in the darkness, I was awoken by a strange noise. I crawled out of my mossy nest and followed the noise into the main cavern with the river. Rock sat in the center of the open cave. He was waiting for me. I didn't know why but I suddenly started to cry.

"All my life I was different, strange, I was a failure. I finally found my home!" I shouted. "But I am not happy. No... I cannot be happy without the one cat who has ever cared for me. I miss my brother. Why did you make this my destiny? Why couldn't my destiny have been that of a normal cat! Why did you do this to me?" I wailed. Rock laughed at my expense.

"You think I have that much power over you? You think I created your destiny?" Rock spat. "You have no one to blame buy yourself. You cannot be happy because you refuse to let go of the past. Forget your old mistakes already! Forget Echo, who always tormented you! Forget Whisper, for he has already forgotten you." Rock growled. I bowed my head.

"Whisper has never forgotten me. I am his one brother. We've been friends since birth. Maybe he let me go, but he has not forgotten me." I said with conviction. My eyes blazed as I faced Rock.

"Maybe you have no power over my fate anymore. But this was your fault, Rock. You created the prophecy of death, light, and darkness. You chose me to be part of that prophecy." I growled. "But why?" I wondered aloud. For the first time Rock looked apologetic.

"You and your siblings were born into this prophecy that I created. Your lives were sacrifices."

"Sacrifices for what?" I pressed. I was so close to an answer.

"Your miseries would almost destroy the clans, but in the end would be the thing to save them. The night you fought Echo's spirit there was another war going on. A war between the living and the dead. The spirits of Starclan and the Dark forest have been angry for so long. They were unable to forget their past lives and the held onto that poison, letting it fester and grow. The whole realm of death was on the brink of collapse. There needed to be a war, so the living and the dead could finally move on. But it isn't that simple, to just allow the dead one night where they can take on a physical form and hash it out. It needed preparation."

"You gave Echo her powers?" I guessed.

"Yes, I did. She was the first part of the prophecy. Back in my lifetime, I was the first tribe leader. I started it all, the tribes, the clans, even you. I was given so many abilities so I could forever watch over the clans and tribes and protect them. I gave Echo some of my powers. Her spirit never made it to Starclan or the Dark Forest, it remained on Earth. Nothing but a whim. I let her control time, to curse you and Whisper to age so you would know pain. I let her take on a physical body so she could be killed once and for all. And in the powers I gave her she created a gap that allowed every dead cat to come back for one night. So that their spirits might be killed, or might at least be put to rest by finally settling ancient grievances."

"All of what happened to me...was because the dead could not let go?" I said with anger. Rock nodded.

"The prophecy was terrible. It forced Whisper onto a path he didn't want. It trapped you in the darkness forever. And it killed Echo. Light, dark, and death. But it was necessary. I am telling you this to beg you to let go. Let go of Whisper before you let regret take over. Let go before you make another mistake." Rock murmured. He started to dissappear, and I chased after him. My paws carried me through the tunnels, and suddenly I was above ground again. The moon glistened over me and somehow I knew Whisper was looking at the same moon. I sighed, knowing there was nothing else to be done but let go.

"Goodbye, Whisper." I murmured and retreated back down into the tunnels, forever.


I start to fade,
no body to decay
my grave won't make a sound
My heart left to drown

I cannot escape this fate
I was born with a purpose of hate
This isn't what I wanted
This life was never mine

I was a pawn to cause pain
I had to drive my brothers away
I loved more than they could know
But here I lay, my love could not let me stay

Goodbye Sol, my darkness
Goodbye Whisper, my light
And I am Echo
I am death