Author's Note: And here's part five in the Why series. Fluffy nonsense. Maybe not the most convincing premise but I needed a Why Thor…. And I should probably apologise for the fact Thor isn't actually in this in person – I tried to write the bits with him but they just would not come out.
Please note the series was started before Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out and I will not be working in any of those events.
For the record I will be going back and changing the last chapter of Why Tony Should Not Interfere With Clint's Love Life (minor change where Thor, Steve and Bruce have all come across Cayden prior to finding out about him and Clint leaving Tony as the only one to never have met Cayden) but I will do that later when I post the next story.
Chronological order of Why series (at time of posting):
Why Clint Has Never Tried It On With Natasha
Why Tony Should Not Interfere With Clint's Love Life
Why Doctor Poole Gave Agent Barton An Extra Check Up
Why Natasha Is Allowed To Interfere With Clint's Love Life
Why Thor Is Responsible For Cayden Getting a Little TLC
Warnings: Clint/OMC. That means Clint is gay. If that's not your cup of tea then please don't read.
Disclaimer: Don't have anything to do with Marvel and their wonderful play-land of creations … sigh…
Why Thor Is Responsible For Cayden Getting a Little T.L.C.
Chapter 1
Cayden blinked awake slowly, not needing to look at the clock to know it was stupidly early. Too many years of waking up at the ass-crack of dawn had made it almost impossible for the doctor to sleep in. On a morning like this though he did not mind so much.
A smile spread over his lips as he registered the weight around his waist. Rolling his head to the side he looked at the man still sleeping peacefully next to him. Cayden exhaled softly through his nose, lightly tracing his fingers over the arm laid across his stomach. His smile widened as Clint's nose screwed up slightly, his arm twitching faintly under the doctor's touch. Cayden stilled his fingers, settling his hand over Clint's gently. When the archer had first started staying over the slightest movement had woken him up but recently he had been more likely to stay sleeping and Cayden was learning how much he could push the other man without waking him up.
Cayden had not made a big deal the first time Clint had stayed overnight, nor had he made a fuss since. Over in the corner of his bedroom sat a small rucksack, filled with a change of clothes. This was another thing Cayden had not made a big deal out of – the first few overnight stays had ended fairly early with Clint needing to get back to his own place or generally having something else to do. Now he would frequently stay for the majority of the next day too. Cayden never really pushed him – just dropped subtle hints and semi-mockingly whined when the archer threatened to leave…
What the doctor really did want to do was suggest that Clint just leave a few things at his apartment but he was scared that would be pushing the other man too far. Things were going so smoothly since they had made up following Cayden's chat with Natasha and he could not help but worry that even a small gesture could rock the boat. And not-withstanding Clint's already demonstrated tendency to freak out over progression in relationships Cayden had no idea if it was too soon to be suggesting something like that. Sure Natasha had commented that most normal guys would have practically moved in with him weeks ago but he was pretty sure that was a joke – at the very least an exaggeration.
No he decided, closing his eyes and twining his fingers gently around Clint's, things were good the way they were – no need to upset anything…
Cayden ran a hand over his face as he pushed his chair back from his desk, a tired sigh escaping his lips. The day was dragging and all he could think about was finishing time and getting back to his apartment and what he was going to make for dinner for him and Clint and…
A short, sharp beep from his computer snapped the doctor from his thoughts. Pursing his lips he looked at the screen, tapping his fingers against the desk as he opened the incoming file – the incoming alert that agents were being deployed.
Agent: Hawkeye. Mission Type: 1. Length: Undetermined.
Another sigh slipped from Cayden's lips, this one far more weary and disappointed than the last. Well that sorted the dilemma of dinner – take out for one and worrying about his lover it was. It may be mission type 1 (highly covert) but that was not going to stop Cayden's concern. He had seen enough covert missions go south in the blink of an eye – both in the Navy and as a SHIELD doctor.
Delving into the top drawer of his desk he pulled out his person cell phone, which he had left on silent, finding he did indeed have one message. From Clint.
Rain-check. Sorry.
A wry smile pulled on Cayden's lips. At least Clint – who had no idea Cayden got these little messages when agents were sent away – had followed through on a promise to let him know whenever he was sent away. Hopefully it would not be for long…
Clint rolled his shoulders as he stepped off the quinjet and back onto American soil. It had only been just over a week he had been away but it had been a week alone with very little sleep. A week with not much to do but think about his friends and how much he missed them (despite his best intentions to never let anyone else into his life who would have that big an impact) and think about Cayden and…
A faint frown pulled on Clint's brow as his thoughts drifted back to the doctor. Again. He would not mind so much if he kept finding himself thinking about the other man's body – between Cayden's work pattern before his mission and then the week long mission itself it had been almost two weeks since the two had properly been together – but no. What Clint found himself missing the most was just talking to the other man. He missed hearing his voice or even just the silly little text messages that the two exchanged when Cayden was working. A tired sigh escaped Clint's lips as he ran a hand through his hair. He'd worry about that after his debrief.
And it was a strange day indeed when Clint Barton was almost relieved to be heading off to a debrief.
Honey I'm home
Clint hit the send button and shoved his cell phone back in his pocket, hoisting his rucksack further onto his shoulder as he made his way down the SHIELD corridors towards the basement garage where his Jeep was parked. His brow furrowed faintly as the cell phone started to ring. Natasha normally just replied to that message with a text…
"Hey Tasha," he answered. "Miss me that much did you?"
"Of course sweetheart," came the mocking reply. "I was actually just wondering if you'd heard about our little escapade while you were away?"
Clint pouted slightly as he continued towards the garage.
"You had an escapade without me? No… Hill didn't mention it during my debrief," the archer's pout turned into a more concerned frown. Why on earth was Natasha phoning him to tell him this? "Why? What happened?"
"I'll let Tony give you all the gory details," Natasha replied flippantly. "You know how he likes to tell a story. I thought you'd be more interested by what Thor got up to in SHIELD medical."
Clint stopped dead in the corridor.
"Thor?" the archer's frown deepened. "Was in SHIELD medical?"
"Indeed he was," Natasha's tone remained overly casual. "Like I say I'll let Tony give you the details all you need to know is Thor was unconscious for a short while and ended up under the care of one Doctor Poole."
Clint's eyes closed briefly as he sighed inwardly.
"Of course he did," the archer grumbled. "Do I wanna know?"
Natasha chuckled.
"Well from what I've been told Cayden was actually the only one who had ever bothered to read the big guys medical record. He warned everyone to stay back in case the big lug woke up suddenly and sent people flying but unfortunately no-one was listening to him so when he noticed Blondie stirring when he had a little harem of nurses crowding round him…"
Clint rolled his eyes.
"So he was the one that got sent flying?"
"Yup. Gave his head a good crack off the wall," the other agent's voice grew more serious as she continued. "Aaaaand jarred his knee pretty badly when he landed."
Clint's eyes closed again. He did not need Natasha to specify it was his bad knee Cayden had landed on.
"How bad is it?"
"I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure," Natasha admitted. "Thor did go in and speak with him once he woke up from being knocked out and the big guy was quite taken with him so sounds like Cayden was in a relatively good mood. I don't know how bad his knee is but I do know that he stayed in medical last night because of the concussion and then insisted he get home today against medical advice. Something along the lines of if he was kept in medical he'd keep getting up and trying to leave but if they let him go home he would do as he was told and rest."
Clint rolled his eyes, exhaling heavily.
"Hypocrite…" he grumbled but it was without malice as he ran a hand though his hair.
"So… am I telling everyone you're back or will I wait until tomorrow?" Natasha asked after a brief pause. Clint arched an eyebrow, biting his lower lip thoughtfully.
"May as well wait and tell them tomorrow," he replied lightly, continuing on his way down the corridor toward the garage. "I'd better go round and make sure Cayden's not doing himself more damage..."
And he could tell Natasha was smirking as she agreed and said goodbye to him but the archer decided he did not really care.