When he walked into Granny's Diner the next morning, a blasted headache destroying whatever chance he had of a good morning, he did not expect to feel any semblance of peace, not after that godawful night.
But even he was caught unaware by the sight he was greeted with as soon as he entered.
Because he saw them, Roland curled up in Regina's arms, Daniel leaning over, ruffling the boys unruly curls. And they looked so much like a family, like a perfect family with no darkness hanging over them, that he wasn't sure what he would deal with such an image so soon after his dream had turned into such a twisted nightmare. He physically stumbled at the sight, the urge to retch almost overpowering him. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene playing out in front of him, because that was everything he wanted, it was everything he thought he could have less than a day ago right after the fairy cursed him into one of the darkest pits of hell.
(Because what is hell without a first glimpse of heaven? Knowing what was possible, teasing a person with a taste before condemning them to see it from the outside, your tantalising picture of perfection being lived through someone else, that was the worst hell imaginable. Especially when it was you who had condemned yourself to such a fate.)
Robin felt Charming's presence behind him, providing some form of support to the thief who had his whole life upturned in less than twenty-four hours. And while the princess may have been harbouring a few lingering doubts, both her and her prince were there for the thief, pushing the shocked man away from entrance of the diner, attempting to protect him from the sight that had captivated his heart and mind, torturing him more than he thought possible.
But, for the life of him, he couldn't look away.
Robin slid into a booth, Snow and Charming not entering it with him, knowing his eyes would be only on the trio of people near the front of the diner, knowing that their presence would have have been welcome. Not with the strength of their love palpable, something he had been denied, something he had denied himself.
(And by Jove, he hated himself for it.)
So he watched them, from the way that Roland had been swayed by the time-traveller, to the way that Regina looked around the room, her eyes, so light dimming as they met his, her smile flickering as she took him in. Whispering a few words to her love, she handed the young boy to him, and Robin flinched at the kiss on the forehead, at the way his son seemed to befriend the man with such ease, his infectious laughter echoing through the diner.
But Robin's attention was soon taken by the woman walking towards him slowly, as though he would run if she walked any faster - as though he would ever desire to leave her presence. Rather unsteadily Regina slid into the booth, facing him, her face giving away the thoughts that had haunted her the past night.
'Hi Robin.' She pressed her lips together, a clear sign she felt awkward and he hated it. He hated her not feeling comfortable around him, he hated that they could not resume what they had before. (He hated that after all the months, after the one single day, her perfume was still as intoxicating, the dark orbs that held the secrets to her innermost thoughts and desires, drawing him ever closer to her.
But most of all, he hated that he couldn't hold her, he couldn't comfort her. Because it was him that was making her feel this way, it was him that was the issue.)
'Well, I thought you should know that Roland has taken to calling me mom.' And the agony that accompanied her confession, almost a physical blow to the man who had dreamed of such a moment ever since he had tasted he lips, the forgiveness and compassion given to him with such ease.
'I apologise M'lady, he mentioned he would like to do so yesterday, before your true love returned, and I had yet to talk him out of such designs.'
'Yes, well, I allowed him to for now -'
'M'lady?' There was an air of amazement that surrounded the man, his voice not hiding the wonder he held, but she plowed onward with her statement, crushing the hope that decided to wield its head without permission.
'- I do expect you to get him to stop soon.'
'M'lady, I must ask, if you did not wish such a title, why did you accept?'
'Have you seen his dimples?' The smirk that adorned her face was playful, teasing, hopeful that things wouldn't have changed so drastically between them, holding evidence that she knew it had. 'I couldn't say no, not to him. But you can.'
'I will do so, have no fear.'
'Yes, well, good.' And she seemed so unsure now, the purpose of her approaching him dealt with, the question of whether she should remain or simply walk away still lingering.
'And how is Daniel dealing with such a transition?'
'He's doing quite well, though the thought of not needing to draw one's own shower is a confusing concept for him.' She sighed, her eyes drifting to the side, watching the man and the young boy he was with laughing so easily, as though their world hadn't been turned on its axis.
'And he should be with you, shouldn't he? Learning. And I'm interfering with it aren't I?'
'Oh, don't worry about it. He's telling Roland all about the epic quests of King Robin of Albion and his little son Prince Roland.' She wasn't looking at him, the soft smile that he dreamed of, spent every waking moment yearning for, being directed instead at her true love.
'But I cannot help it M'lady.' He searched the tabletop for answers, too afraid of the ones he may find lurking in his soul mate's eyes. 'Well, Roland and I must be heading off now.' Any attempt to interject did not make it through, Robin cutting her off before she had the chance to speak. 'I'm afraid I must insist Regina. Well, I wish you both the very best.' With a horrid attempt at a smile, he called Roland towards him, he exited the diner and he didn't look back.
If he did he would have seen a very confused queen, mouth open and hand slightly outstretched. He would have recognised the bewilderment and loss in her eyes and known that she didn't feel right leaving the conversation as they did, wanting to comfort and care for the man that walked away from her. He would see the confusion, the hurt and he would have known that maybe, just maybe, his assumptions would turn out to be incorrect.
But of course, he didn't.
It had been arguably one of the hardest weeks he had lived through, but he was making it. And not a small portion of it was because he had yet to see the object of his affections and her armored lover.
So having her approach him as he wandered listlessly around the forest, returning to the clearing where his life had changed irrevocably: when he had given her heart for the life of his son. Because seeing her there, again, with the feelings that were so new before, now flourishing and crippling, simply hurt. Because everything was no longer fresh, opportunities were no longer endless.
Because he could no longer imagine a future with her. Not here, and possibly, not ever.
She had seemed so determined walking towards him, but her confidence and gait faltered as she came closer, the wreak of sorrow hitting her as she approached.
'I - I didn't realise you would be here, M'lady.' His eyes were everywhere but on her, planning his escape from her presence, unsure as to whether his heart would be able to take the oncoming rejection. 'I'll leave you to your thoughts.' He went to leave, only stilling when she called out his name.
'Why are you avoiding me?'
'I wouldn't dream of such a thing. I -' Her raised eyebrow was all that was needed, a gentle chuckle his response to her challenge. 'I simply thought it best if your fiance was not surrounded by any unpleasantness during this important part of your lives together.'
'Robin you would never be considered that, why would you even think it?'
'Let's just say I have some experience in your predicament.'
'Please Regina.' And she could hear his pain, the anguish slipping into his tone as he pleaded for her to end the topic, whatever wound in his heart unable to take the battering it was currently enduring.
And he paused for a moment, collecting himself, reminding himself that it was not his place to worry her as he was doing, that he couldn't demand such things when he himself was so neglectful of her own feelings.
'So when is the wedding?' He tried to sound happy for her, he truly did, because whether it was with him or another, all he wanted was for her to be happy, but the lightness he tried to inject fell flat on even his own ears.
'Robin, what are you on about?' Her confusion was palpable, the conclusion reached by the man not expected.
'You have your true love back, why are you even hesitating? You should be grasping this opportunity with both hands. I am happy for you, truly I am. All I have ever wanted since being with you is your happiness, and if it isn't with me...' His shoulders shrugged slightly, all his strength leaving him as the weight of his words laid heavily on his heart. 'I consider myself privileged to have bought you it for whatever time I could.'
'I-' Words failed her at the moment, his devastation so evident and she felt his pain keenly, as though it were her own. 'Oh Robin.'
'What is it M'lady?'
'Well, maybe if you weren't so intent on avoiding me I could have explained what was was happening.'
'Happening?' His voice cracked, the toll of his emotions having an audible effect.
'I told him everything.' She looked away, and suddenly everything about her seemed less sure, and the cold flush of dread washed over him. 'I told him that in this world it was longer than a few hours since I had seen him last, and longer still since we had been in a romantic relationship. I told him that he would always hold a special place in my heart, but that it belonged to someone else, that I had given it to someone else Robin.' Her voice trembled, her breath hitching as she confessed to him her feelings, her eyes watching the man, taking him in.
And he realised what was happening.
She chose him.
She chose him.
She chose him while he didn't do the same.
(And, heavens above, he finally decided which result would be more crushing.)
'No.' He backed away slowly, the truth something he couldn't believe, it was something he couldn't even start to comprehend.
'No? What do you mean, no?' And he could hear her disbelief, the reaction clearly not expected nor exactly welcomed by the Queen.
'You can't chose me Regina, you have to chose him.'
'Because!' His words sounded ridiculous to his own ears, the childish reasoning not satisfactory for her, but the truth - the truth would be so terribly hurtful, and he couldn't do that to her, not again.
'Robin, you're sound like my twelve year old son.' She rolled her eyes, annoyance evident in her tone and posture.
'Because he is your true love, your fiance.' His mind was so overwhelmed with it all, with the thought that she would choose him and not the man whose murder she had sworn to avenge, the life she spent decades pining over, longing for. He could not conceive of a world where he would be chosen.
And yet, here one was.
'He realises that we have been a part for a long time in this reality, he understands that I've moved on. That I've fallen in love with another.' He stumbled as he backed away from her, hating how she flinched at his movements.
'You don't understand Regina, you need to chose him.'
'Why!' She snapped at him, her hurt and confusion at his constant rejection of her choice seeping into her voice. 'Why do I have to chose Daniel?'
'Because I chose Marian!' And if he had one regret in his life, it would be looking her in eye as he spoke those words aloud. It may have been a split second before a whiff of purple smoke was left in her place, but the image was burned into his mind, unlikely to ever leave him.
He crumpled down in the spot, the very spot he went to when he lost her heart to Rumpelstiltskin and Zelena. (He was adept at that, he noticed, losing her heart - breaking her heart - why she would entrust such a valuable thing to a common thief like himself he would never grasp.)
And he embraced the pain.
Her judgement may have been clouded, but let it not be said that Marian was an awful Merry Woman. She may have been emotional, but she was in no way blind.
She knew that Regina was magicking herself into Robin's room every night and leaving before the first rays of dawn escaped the horizon. She may have denied it before, believed it impossible, but she could no longer do so now. It seemed that the Evil Queen truly did have feelings for her husband. (Not love though, she may be able to do much, but not that). The truth of the matter was undeniable and so, with a reluctant and heavy heart she made the decision that she had sworn to never make.
She knew what she had to do.
The Evil Queen was about to receive a very special visitor.
And she hoped, for Roland's sake more than anyone else's, that the Evil Queen would grant her request.
'What exactly are you doing here, dear?'
Okay, so breaking into the Evil Queen's abode may not have been the most wisest thing that she had done. In fact, Marian reflected as she hovered above the ground, and invisible rope holding her in place, she doubted it would rank amongst the top hundred. But if she was going to do what she needed to, she would ensure that at least the Evil Queen would also feel off kilter... she didn't consider that the Evil Queen would sense her presence and trap her without moving a muscle.
'I was simply following your instructions. Surely you cannot condemn me to death for that.'
She saw the Evil Queen tense at the barb, a mild one by all means, and she paused, doubt flickering through the haze of hate she had surrounding the monarch.
'Well then, if you are following my instructions, I would expect that question to be answered. What are you doing here?'
'I concede.'
'You concede? About what exactly?' The cheshire grin that spread across her face, the glint in her eye that indicated she knew exactly what Marian was referring to, it sent shivers down her spine, but it did also serve to leave questions lingering in her mind long after the event took place. Because she had seen a image quite similar to that before, but the crazed look wasn't present, the stench of blood-lust didn't linger upon her. She seemed sane, normal, if not a bit heartbroken.
'Well spit it out dear, I haven't all day.'
'I need you to kiss Robin, I need you to wake him up.' Marian averted her head, unwilling to see the victorious smirk on the Queen's face, the acknowledgement that maybe his feelings for the Evil Queen were genuine, that it was true love, eating away at her soul.
'Okay? That's it? No price to pay, no debt owed? You're just going to do this from the kindness of your heart?' There was skepticism and disbelief dripping from each word, her face conveying exactly what her voice did.
'I'm not the imp, dear. I'm am neither glittery nor am I obsessed with deals. It would do you a world of good to remember that. Unless, of course, you want to be in my debt.'
'No!' The words couldn't come out fast enough, but taking in the smirk that adorned her face, that is exactly the response Regina desired.
'Well then, it seems your presence here is no longer required.' With a flick of her wrist Regina released the young mother. 'I'm sure you know where the front door is, I advise you to leave through it this time dear.'
And with that, Marian knew she was dismissed.
A slow realisation that the Queen had maybe changed, didn't diminish the years of fear she had instilled in the Merry Woman, and so, as soon as she was able, Marian vanished.
It was only after Marian had left that Regina let the true weight of what she had agreed to hit her. And it hit hard.
Because, while he may have fallen out of love with his wife, it in no way indicated that he had fallen in love with her in these past months.
(Not like she had with him.)
And if he hadn't, and this didn't work...
... well she didn't know how she would cope with that.
Robin wandered around the town aimlessly, alone and defeated, desperate for any form of distraction that would allow him to forget the image that had been burnt into his soul. But there was no place that had not already been tainted by memories, his mind torturing him with scenes of the past, of a happier time. He didn't know how to handle Roland's queries about Regina and that new, strange man she had been seen wandering around with. He had yet to adequately explain to the young boy why exactly he couldn't call Regina mama, or any equivalent title, his voice getting choked at the very thought of hearing his son say it her, tone infused with love and adoration for the woman. Robin would daily get bombarded with questions of why, and what had Roland had done for her to not want to be his mama.
But those thoughts were for another time because, in that very moment, he needed to be alone.
He has been so intent on not remembering he didn't recognise Daniel as he walked past, his mind barely acknowledging anyone else in the quaint town other than its mayor. It was only when he was forcefully pushed against a nearby wall, his soul mate's lover the only thing he could see, that he was jerked back into reality.
'Do you love her?' The growl erupting from the mouth of her fiance (ex-fiance?) has put him immediately on edge, the dark glint on his eye doing nothing to calm those frayed nerves. 'Your Marian? Do you love her?'
She told him, he realised, she had told Daniel everything.
'Of course I love her, she is the mother of my child, she was my wife, how can I not?' Daniel's eyes narrowed as he took the thief in, the thin sheen of sweat developing at his forehead, the eyes that were unable to hold contact for very long, he analysed it all.
'My mistake, what I meant to ask is, are you in love with her?'
And that was the answer he was avoiding. Because no, he was no longer in love with his wife and removing any temptation, trying to force the spark to rekindle was impossible.
And he couldn't do that to her.
But he also couldn't lie.
The truth only seemed to infuriate the time-traveller more, subconsciously pushing the thief more firmly into the wall behind him, trying to quell the anger from within him.
'Then what would possess you to chose the woman over your soul mate? Why would you do that to her? To Regina?'
'It's the honourable thing to do.' The words were weak, worn down by constant repetition, its meaning slowly losing strength until it was nothing but an empty excuse.
'Honourable for who exactly? The wife who is trapped in a loveless relationship, constantly doubting whether her husband was truly cursed by an evil queen, or the woman who had been battered by life, the only person she thinks will be there abandoning her without a second thought, or the son who who is forced into the predicament by his father, his idol. Just who exactly is benefiting from this honour of yours?'
'Are you telling me that you would rather Regina be with me then you?' It was not an acceptable answer in any form, but rather the defensive strikes of a wounded heart. However, Daniel was neither deaf nor naïve, he heard the loss, the utter desperation in the man's voice, his pain and confusion evident, the weight of his decision present in his words. The stable hand knew that the King - no - the thief sought some validation, that the decision he made, while selfish and cowardly, was one that they all would have fallen prey to.
But Daniel refused to lie, to sugarcoat the truth so that it would be simpler to swallow.
Especially not to the man who had shattered his beloved's heart as he did.
'Of course not. I may not be her love, but she is mine, and while she may not want me, I will always want her. But more than that I want her happiness, and if that happened to lay in the hands of some thief who didn't realise the gift he had been given in that beautiful woman, than so be it. Just as long as that smile remained on her face.'
Robin had no words, remaining still long after Daniel had walked away, long after the final words were spoken. His thoughts solely on Regina, on how he could never be enough.
So after a fortnight of staying sober, he decided that he deserved a reward.
And he went to the Rabbit Hole.
The burn of the alcohol down his throat did nothing to numb the ache he felt inside. Everything was blurry, out of focus, and yet, the pain from inside was as clear and striking as it had been for however long he had remained in this nightmare.
But then an angel appeared before him, her soft look directed toward him, existing for him, and the pang of heartache seemed so much more concentrated than before.
'Regina?' The mix of utter misery and awe wrapped up in those syllables, his true feelings slipping out without permission or dampening, made her heart bleed for the man before her.
'Oh Robin.'
'Why are you here? W- why aren't you with Daniel? He's your true love, he put you first.' He didn't attempt to disguise his sadness at the thought of how he failed her, of how she most likely ran straight into the arms of her first love. And he wouldn't be able to blame her for such an action. 'He deserves your love.'
'Come on, let's get you home.'
'No.' It wasn't as firm as he would have liked, but he staggered away from her nonetheless, afraid that she would do so. 'Roland... no.' His words were slurring into one another, almost indistinguishable to human ears, but Regina understood what he was saying, her expression softening at the way he so adamantly did not want his child to see him this state, the one thing on his mind, even while in such an intoxicated state, being his son.
'My home, Robin. ' But he pulled again yet again, a weariness she was not expecting present on his face.
'I can't... I canno' see you 'n him... I - please.' He sounded so broken, so unlike the man she had fallen in love with over the course of their acquaintance, and she couldn't help but come closer, hoping that her proximity would provide some form of comfort.
'Robin, Daniel is renting a room at Granny's. ' She spoke those words carefully, watching the realisation dawn upon the drunk, the unbelief written across his expression.
'Bu-' The words tasted strange on his tongue, the scenario feeling so bizarre to the man who had assumed it impossible. 'But why Gina?'
She paused, an indecipherable look on her face.
'Why what Robin?'
'Why me, why still, why?'
'Because I love you Robin.' Her voice hitched as she spoke aloud what had been weighing upon her mind and heart since Daniel had returned and her life had irrevocably changed. 'Because I love you and you choosing someone else is not going to change that. Now please, come home.'
And he nodded, because he was feeling awful, and Regina was safe, she was love and comfort and his only chance.
He reached for her, his arms outstretched, but he stumbled and fell.
'Robin!' And Regina went to her knees, pulling his head to her lap, her fingers running through his hair, attempting to comfort both of them. But at that moment it was just comforting her because Robin could feel nothing. His body was numb, the colours and shaped blurring into one another, Regina slowly fading from his view, the weight in his heart fading with her. He was so tired, the unsettling feeling gnawing inside him growing with each passing second. Somewhere in the back of his mind he questioned whether it was really the affects of alcohol doing this to him, but he didn't reflect on it for more than a fleeting moment.
His eyes fluttered closed, seeking the nothingness of oblivion, hoping that it would feel better than whatever he was enduring now.
'Robin!' She could sense his slow loss of consciousness and she panicked. He could hear her pain, her desperation, but he couldn't do a thing about it, he couldn't comfort her, soothe her... he had failed her again.
And with a flick of her wrist they both disappeared from the establishment.
However only one would have arrived in her house.
He was there, unmoving. And all she would have to do is kiss him for him to awake, to join her in the land of the living, to be here, with her. (But what if she was just kidding herself, what if she couldn't, what if she failed?) She had wanted to be alone, but the entire group was there, they insisted on being there, to celebrate her true love, to welcome Robin back to the world.
(To comfort her when she too failed to bring him back.)
She leant over his body, pausing inches away, clenching her eyes shut, afraid of the future, of the happy ending that had been pulled away from her over and over, of it occurring once more.
Come back to Roland Robin, come back to me.
But the moment their lips met, the pulse of magic spread throughout the town, a rush of happiness filling the hearts of every citizen for that brief moment, true love working at its finest.
'Regina.' And if there was any doubt in the minds of the others that she was not his true love, the way he said her name, how his tongue wrapped around each syllable, the awe that was captured in that one word said it all.
He barely acknowledged the presence of anyone else in that hospital room, his eyes firmly on the woman beside him, the one that rescued him when he dare not believe she would do so, not after what he had inflicted upon her these past few weeks. He watched her pull back slightly, her eyes scanning his face, disbelief shining in those dark pools, fear that this was just a dream, a nightmare that would torture her after she would awake.
His hand rose, cradling the side of her face, his fingers tangling themselves in her hair as he pulled her down once more, the taste and feel of her after all their time apart teasing him beyond the brink of his control, an all consuming need overcoming him in that moment.
And she allowed herself that one moment, one moment to give in to her selfish desire of being wanted, of being loved by this man. Because he did love her. Those words may never have been spoken, but it didn't detract one iota from it being the truth. And so she responded, pressing her lips against his, the feeling of love erupting with her, warmth traversing her body, bringing with it a light she never expected to feel again. She felt so cherished in that one moment, the feeling of his lips against hers, moving, caressing, worshipping her, absolutely magical.
It was Regina who pulled away first, a clearing of her throat serving to snap them both out their daze. her hand rising to brush her loose tendrils behind her ear. She looked awkward, the show of emotion and affection, while more than welcome, certainty also put her on edge.
And he finally became aware of his surroundings, of the Charmings, of his wife, the fairy that caused it all.
'I- I see.' Marian's voice trembled as she watched them, as she watched it all. She could no longer deny the truth, she could no longer fool herself into believing half-truths or compromises, it was evident that the Queen was her husband's true love, that the spiel she was fed by the Merry Men that they were soul mates, destined to be together by pixie dust, was not an exaggeration or bewitchment, but the cold, hard truth.
And she couldn't stay.
Not with Robin looking at her as though he hated himself for breaking her, and yet couldn't find it in himself to regret doing such a thing.
Not with the Charming family, their pity filled glances doing nothing to hide the joy that they felt for Regina.
Not with the guilt in the fairy's eyes, happy that she was able to unite Regina with her love, but sorrowful this was the method she had used to accomplish it.
They all felt for her, but they loved Regina, they were happy for Regina, and her feelings fell by the wayside when it came to the Queen's.
'I've got to go now.' Her voice had cracked, but she didn't have time to reflect in this as she made her escape from the room, rushing to Granny's so that she would be able to pick up her son, the one person in this world capable of bringing her comfort at such a time.
The room was silent as his wife left, the atmosphere thick with unresolved tensions and unspoken feelings. Robin looked down at his hand, his fingers unknowingly intertwining with his soul mate's some time after his awakening. She noticed his line of sight and, after awkwardly removing their contact, she moved herself to the other side of the room, wanting a clear head and knowing she would never have such a thing with him being so close, so alive.
'So, Robin I've got to ask you -'
'No Tinkerbelle.' And the Queen's voice rang across the room, interrupting the blonde before she could finish her question. They all turned to the queen who demanded their attention in those two words, her face void of any emotion.
'Regina -'
'Tinkerbelle drop it.' Any sternness she attempted to inject into her tone was lost as the quiver in it echoed in the room. 'It's not important now, it can be dealt with later.'
'No, I'm sorry Regina, but I need to hear the answer now, before he can determine its significance.' The fairy seemed determined, finding reluctant and guilty allies in the Charming family. And Regina, the one who bore everything on a set of straight shoulders and with her chin raised high, slumped in defeat, her back slightly turned, her eyes shut in an attempt to hide the emotions that were radiating from her. But then, witnessing the transformation before his very eyes, he saw her build up the walls, the cool face of the mayor in place before he could even contemplate what everything about her meant.
She straightened up, turning to them so they could all see what he had witnessed moments before.
'Fine, Tinkerbelle, simply so it would shut you up.' The fairy brushed off her words, instead turning to the man who had awoken not five minutes ago from a state of unconsciousness, induced by the fairy herself.
'Before you awoke, who did Regina choose?' And they were all looking at him with piercing eyes, longing for the truth, for the relief of a satisfied curiosity.
Even Regina, sweet Regina, who was putting up such a frail facade of indifference and annoyance, had hope shining through her eyes. And fear, she feared the truth. Because, that what it was, he realised. The decision she made in the dream, in that nightmare.
It was the truth.
But he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let her think that her first choice wouldn't do the same, that she was bound to always be second place in the lives of those she loved.
And so thief - the good, honourable thief - did what he should never have done.
('Daniel,' he coughed, unable to look anyone in the eye, least of all his soul mate, the woman he seemed cursed to hurting over and over. 'She told me that she had been in love with him for decades, that while she may have cared for me - possibly grown to love me with time - she loved him and now she could finally have her happy ending.'
He didn't flinch when purple smoke engulfed the inhabitants of the room. He said not a word when she ran away.
It was exactly what he wanted to happen.
Even if his heart felt as though it had never fully endured pain until that moment.)
He lied.
*cowers in a corner* Yeah. Hi. It got updated... and the scene I promised on tumblr was edited out. (Never fear when (if) this ever gets finished, I'll add a little addition of the entire scene). One more actual chapter to go. Oh. Oh damn. I'll go cry about that now. Un beta'd and unedited, but it's almost 2 AM here and if I don't update now, I'll never end up doing it. I'm not happy with it actually (no surprises really) - so I'm hiding behind the excuse of the sleeping curse making them all more evil versions of each other. And Robin, after spending so long under the curse, was so plagued by guilt he wasn't thinking properly.
I don't own OUAT.