The Spring Festival (Valentines Day). The Kissing Booth;

Watching the queue slowly build just beside her stand, the blonde girl bit her peached lower lip and sighed heavily. Damn, and to think this was her mothers idea of raising money for charity at the Spring festival!

Taking this a lot better than she thought she would be, Grace sat down on her stool then pulled up her purse onto her lap from the ground, reaching into it to pull out some red lipstick. Dapping it into her lips, bracing herself for whoever was first in line to steal her kiss.

"Who's first then?" She called out and adjusted her petite figure to get comfortable on the stool. Just by looking into her eyes, the boys down the line could tell she was nervous. Yet they were all so grateful this girl looked pretty or quite decent to snog, especially when they were paying for this. "Please take a seat."

Sighing heavily with a blush stained on his pale cheeks, the red haired Russian sat his broad and muscular figure down on the seat, looking just as nervous as the blonde did. "Lets get this over with." He announced and reached over to hand the girl her ticket.

"Go on Tala! Give her a good snog!" His silver haired teammate called out from further back in the queue. "You can do it!"

"Ignore Bryan." The Blitzkrieg leader gasped with humiliation and slapped his forehead. "Can you tell who brought my ticket?"

Chuckling slightly at the attractive beyblader before her, the hour-glass figured girl placed her hand over his. "Whenever your ready." She winked in an encouraging manner before leaning closer to him, pouting her cherry red and seductive lips.

Tala then shifted away his hand from his forehead and revealed a smirk on his dry lips. "Oh I'm ready." He replied confidently and leaned back to the kissing booth chick, to kiss her back with his pouting lips.

The atmosphere between them just felt so smooth and hot as they both got a little more lost in the kiss than they should of. Tala closed his eyelids to embrace the moment and placed his right hand onto her warm cheek. The thought of making a girl blush in a kiss made his heart skip an unhealthy beat, especially when she was so cute!

"Hey! You only brought one ticket!" Another voice called down the line – Diachi. "Get to the back of the line!"

Opening her eyes with shock to realise that irritating loud voice was right, Grace pulled away and sat up straight like a princess. But when she peeked her glowing brown back to the beyblader, she noticed the lipstick had made a right mess on his smooth pale skin around his lips. "You looked like you enjoyed that." She stated and pulled out her lipstick to re-touch up for the next client.

"Maybe I did." Tala mumbled in a relaxed low tone, grateful that Bryan had brought him his ticket for this stall. After though, he stood up and looked down at the petite girl with a mesmerising look in his ice blue eyes. "Thanks, I guess." He finished, before walking off the stall to make his way past Bryan without even looking or even speaking to him.

"How was it? Was she a good kisser?! TALA!" His confident team mate called after him, sulking about the fact he never got a reply either. The silver haired Russian then nudged Mystel in front of him. "He must have loved it and been too proud to show it."

"Maybe." Mystel shrugged. "Its nice to know the girl gives you your moneys worth of a kiss then."

A/N: If you enjoyed this and would like to request a character from beyblade or Metal fight beyblade, then please feel free to leave a comment or drop a message :) I am so excited to start this mini series! I think its something different to have the two beyblade series put together in a complicated way :O. This idea was originally supposed to be a [Insert Reader]xBeyblade Character, but obviously that's against the rules xD Lots of love - XOAnn13OX.