AN: This based off of the following challenge from Dennisud - Challenge: Will you write a trio fic with Harry, Hermione and Luna, say about their 5th year on and how they fix things so they win in a non-canon way by their 7th year?

Night of the Fae

Chapter 1

Harry scowled as he left Snape's office for the third time that week. He cleaned cauldrons for four bloody hours. It was outrageous! Harry hesitated and then suddenly decided to take a detour to Professor McGonagall's office. He looked at his broken watch which he thought said 10:25. That was 25 minutes after curfew and an early night for Snape.

Harry reached her door and pounded on it. It took Professor McGonagall a few moments to open it and she was dressed in a heavy robes with her night dress on underneath.

"Potter!" she exclaimed as she scowled "This had better be important or life threatening."

Harry frowned and put his hands on his hips "I have come to be expelled because I refuse to go to Professor Snape's Detentions or go to his classes anymore." Harry threw his wand at her and stomped away.

Professor McGonagall was shocked to say the least at his outburst and came out from her office to watch him walk away. She could see he was angry by the way his shoulders seemed coiled and ready to snap. Along with his opening and closing his fist, she realized that Harry Potter was very angry.

Professor McGonagall went to her floo and called Albus "Headmaster we have a big problem. Mr. Potter just quit and I think Severus had something to do with." She then relayed the incident and what he said.

Albus wiped his face in exhasperation "Come to my office and I will call Severus."

Professor McGonagall arrived ten minutes later fully dressed. When she walked in Severus was ranting "Albus it is not my fault if the boy is unteachable. After five years he has learned nothing about potions. He makes a nuisance of himself in my class and earns those detentions."

Minerva slammed a thick book down on the headmaster's desk. "Sorry I am late but I took a detour to the recording room and brought the book of punishment."

Minerva scowled at Severus "Albus did Severus tell you what Potter did to earn a two week detention?"

Severus sneered "I should have given him more."

Albus was wary to ask but did anyway "What did he do?"

Severus seemed suddenly unsure but stated "He almost sneezed into another's cauldron."

Minerva looked at him very unkindly "Mr. Potter also went to Madam Pomfrey that evening because somehow he ingested powdered ross root into his nostrils."

Severus came back quickly "If Mr. Potter would spend more time paying attention and less time snorting ingredients perhaps his scores would improve."

Minerva suddenly lashed out and slapped Severus and then pulled her wand on Severus and pointed it at his chest. "Severus I have four students who saw the incident you speak of and swear that Mr. Malfoy blew it from his hands at Mr. Potter. Three of the four stated you watched Malfoy do it."

Minerva stepped back and lowered her wand "I checked that book and you have given Mr. Potter more detentions than any other student. Most are not worthy of points loss. For blinking, breathing, living, placing a cauldron spoon on the left instead of the right and many other ridiculas reasons and everyone was recorded in that book."

Minerva turned to Albus "Mr. Potter has spent all but ten days of this semester in detention with Severus. The last three nights Mr. Potter had to spend four hours cleaning cauldrons and he is never released until after curfew and without a note. Twenty times this semester Potter has been cited for being out after curfew and Filch has assigned another night with Severus."

Minerva looked over at Severus "This is Mr. Potter's Owl year as Severus well knows and he has taken every opportunity to leave Mr. Potter with no time to study for them." Minerva clenched her fist. I was not aware of this until Mrs. Granger and Mr. Potter came to me so he could quit the Quidditch team because he was more worried about his owl results. That was three weeks ago and I have watched and monitored since then."

Minerva crossed her arms in front of herself and waited for Albus to respond. Albus looked at her and then finally asked "What is it you would have me do?" Minerva's eyes glinted but she did not respond which unsettled the Headmaster. "Severus you are not to give Mr. Potter anymore detentions for the rest of this term."

Minerva snorted in disgust "Funny that Mr. Potter would tell me the exact thing you would say as a response. Albus I have had enough. Severus only tries to teach Slytherins and does not even attempt to teach the other houses. It is gone on long enough and I have asked the Board of Govenors to convene in two days."

"I have had enough of Severus's petty biases. I hope in three days time Severus will be the ex-potions professor." Minerva slammed the door on the way out.

The Govenor's meeting lasted all day and Minerva brought many students and their pensieve memories with them. Albus and Severus were both surprised with all the heads of houses testified to many incidents while disillusioned and monitoring Severus classes.

Severus jumped up "That is outrageous! They had no right to spy on my class."

An older governor spoke sharply "The assistant Head mistress has every right it is a part of her duties and she can assign it to others if she is too busy."

Minerva smiled at her "Pomona and Fillius are both head of houses and I asked each of them to fill in for me at times."

Albus was then questioned next and had no reply to many of the questions. He quickly realized that he had thoroughly been set up. In the end he said nothing for or against Severus.

The spoke person for the Board stood up at the end of the day and read their judgment "Head master you will place a portrait in the potions classroom." Albus raised a hand to speak but was cut off. "There will be no discussion on this or if you refuse Mr. Snape will be terminated as of now." Albus wanted to argue but knew that to do so was not a smart thing to do."

Another Govenor turned to the professor "Severus Snape you are no longer the head of Slytherin. You are no longer allowed to take points, you are no longer allowed to give detentions." Another governor cleared his throat "You will no longer teach Slytherins differently than other houses and the extra classes in your house common rooms will cease immediately."

Severus was almost beat red and an early stage of blue when the governor;s finished with him. He quickly stomped off as the Board of Govenors adjorned.

Albus walked besides Minerva "Minerva this was all so unnecessary you could have come to me with this."

Suddenly Fillius and Pomona stood beside Minerva. "Albus, you old fool. I know for a fact that over the years we each have come to you many times and complained and each time you did nothing about Severus. You knew exactly what he was doing and allowed it.

Pomona then spoke "Headmaster you do realize that three head of houses can override any edict the headmaster puts out. We have to report to the Govenors each time we do and why."

Fillius stood before him "We have all had enough and you are on notice that we cannot trust you to do the right thing and we are watching you."

Albus frowned deeply "You seemed to be threatening your boss."

Minerva replied sharply "We see most things the same way and it is not a threat, it is a promise that if you don't start cleaning house, we will start opposing some of your more questionable decisions. Enough is enough." The three turned and left. Albus was most troubled by this.

At Dinner that evening Minerva stood and announced the Boards decision much to Albus and Severus objections. What surprised everyone is when Harry Potter stood up with his eyes glowing and an angry façade. "That isn't justice. That isn't right. He doesn't teach, he hasn't taught since I first came here."

Minerva looked at him "Mr. Potter that will be quite enough. We may not like it but the Board did take a major step today and that will have to be enough for now."

Harry began to glow with a green light and looked around "I cannot because I know in my heart that justice was not served. My soul cries out and demands true justice. Harry began walking towards the head table with purpose Albus and Minerva looked very worried and that worry became even greater when the light surrounding him increased and he began to talk in gaelic.

"Níl mé an leanbh go cries amach chun cabhair a fháil. nó an bhean go screams le haghaidh cosanta. Tá mé an sin a freagraí a nglaonna. Tá mé an ceann iad siúd a guí ar an eagla lag." Harry screamed out to the hall.

(Translation: I am not the child that cries out for help or the woman that screams for protection. I am that which answers their calls. I am the one those that pray upon the weak fear.)

Snape looked suddenly scared as Potter closed on him and pulled his wand from his wand holster. Harry suddenly found a sword in his hand and pointed it at the hated professor. Energy transmitted down the sword and struck Snape squarely in the chest.

Severus Snape d'éalaigh tú Bhreithiúnais ach ní bheidh tú ag éalú dom. Iarr mé draíochta a breithiúnas a thabhairt duit fiú a bounty. Má tá tú a mheas fiú ansin a rá liom go bhfuil an cheartais sheirbheáil. Mura ansin éileamh mé stiall ceartais tú ar an áit seo.

(Severus Snape you have escaped Justice but you will not escape me. I ask magic to judge you worthy of its bounty. If you be judged worthy then I say justice is served.

If no then I demand justice strip you of this place.)

Snape looked shocked at first and began to scream in pain. Soon a yellow mist formed around him and began to form a solid shield of magic with Snape held firmly inside. A deep rumbling noise could be heard throughout the hall. It grew in intensity as it began to sound much like a voice. The voice deepened and then sounds began coming forth in gaelic again:

"Severus Snape have been tú Mheas agus fuair unpure. Begone ón áit seo agus ní ar ais."

(Severus Snape you have been judged and found unpure. Begone from this place and never return.)

When the mist dissipated Severus Snape was no longer in the hall. Albus looked concerned as he asked a very confused Harry "Harry what have you done to Professor Snape?"

Harry suddenly stood and placed the sword in a sheath on his back "Headmaster it is not what I have done. I did not but invoke magic to judge the Professor and he was found unworthy. He is no longer allowed to work here and I suddenly feel like all is right in the world."

Minerva looked at him "When did you learn to speak gaelic?"

Harry looked very surprised "I don't speak in gaelic."

Hermione stepped to stand beside him "Harry you cast a spell in Gaelic, in all Gaelic,"

Harry shook his head "No I said it in English."

Minerva sighed "I fear Mr. Potter that the entire Hall heard you speak in Gaelic."

Albus stood at his full height "Mr. Potter I am afraid I shall have to punish you for attacking a Professor."

Harry actually chuckled as he began walking away. "Headmaster Snape is no longer a professor here and I believe he can't enter the grounds at all. As for me doing any kind of detention, It is not happening." Harry held his arm out for Hermione "I seem to have a lot of free time care to study with me?"

Hermione smiled "Why Mr. Potter I thought you would never ask."

Just before Harry and Hermione walked through the doors Harry stated "I think Snape is at the gates trying to get back on the school grounds. Somebody might want to go and warn him that he may lose his magic if he is successful." Albus scampered off to warn Severus.