Well, guess who's back from the dead? Hey guys. I know I've been gone for a little more than a year now, I think. I had some stuff going on in school and I just needed some time to get my things straight and see what I wanted to do, which led me to believe I wanted to stop writing. But I've been thinking about it and I realized I was wrong. SO unfortunately, you guys are just going to be stuck with me for a long time :) Thanks to all of those who were sending me those very nice PMs! (Also I might be a little rusty and my writing format may be a little different, so please bear with me) I don't own How to train your dragon or it's characters!

"Clothes, check. Hair, Check. Make up? Shit." Astrid rushed to the bathroom and quickly, but skillfully, put on her make up. Not that she actually needed much, or any, but she always tried to do some touch ups here and there. She checked the clock, 5:40. 'Just in time' she thought as she grabbed her car keys. When her mom asked her where she was going she simply answered "With a friend" which led her mom to immediately think of Ruffnut. She drove a Black 2002 Honda civic. Not the most luxurious car, but it wasn't any bad either. She started the car and drove away.

At the Haddock's...

Clothes, check. Casual TV channel, check. Cologne? Shit. Hiccup rushed into his room and sprayed some Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue "Check, now what time is it?" He then looked at the clock, 5:45, 'Just in time' he thought to himself. He then decided to plop himself in his leather couch that was way to big for just his dad and him, but his dad liked to keep a good house style. It was really amusing actually, a big, muscular, serious, manly man, who worries about how the couch had to mach the floor and the walls but not the staircase. But Hiccup would be lying if he said he himself didn't care about it either. 'I guess I am somewhat like my dad' he thought to himself. He was about to double check everything and make sure it was in place, until he heard a doorbell.

"Ok, Ok, here we go" He said to himself before he opened the door. What awaited him he was not prepared for. "O-oh h-hi Astrid" he mentally slapped himself. He really didn't mean to stutter, really, but he couldn't help it. Astrid was wearing her braid differently. Instead of the usual straight braid, it was now over her shoulder, and somewhat thinner. She was wearing a leather jacket that only went to her belly button, a red shirt, grey skirt and black leggings, along with her brown boots.

Little did our Hiccup know, Astrid was suffering from the same thing...

As Astrid pulled up, she was astounded by the houses, if they could even be called that, in the neighborhood. They were all easily two if not three times bigger than her house, and it wasn't small either. But the grand prize of a house was in the center. Astrid doubled checked the address to see if it was correct. Seeing the size of the house made Astrid feel, small. She then rang the doorbell, still thinking she had the address wrong. That is until a certain auburn haired person opened the door. "O-oh h-hi Astrid" he said, stuttering over pretty much everything he just said.

"H-hey Hiccup" She mentally gave herself a high five for not screwing up that sentence. She gave Hiccup a good look, and just when Astrid thought he couldn't get any better... He was wearing a black jacket (not leather) a grey michael kors t-shirt shirt, dark red jeans and black Aldo Aricien shoes. and then his face. He looked the same, but his eyes were greener, if that were even possible, than before. This only made her want to stare at them more.

"So, do you want to come in?" He asked breaking each other from their trance. She nodded and made her way in. The inside of the house was even more amazing than the house was from the outside. Everything was according to color and size. Even the TV was grey to mach the wall behind it.

"Wow, you have a really nice house" She said while still staring in awe at the place. "Your parents must have a real sense of style" she said. But Hiccup's face fell a little. "Hiccup, you okay?" she said, now concerned she had said something wrong.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just that you might want to change parents, to dad." Then it hit Astrid like a ton of bricks. Hiccup didn't have her mother.

"Oh my gods I'm so sorry Hiccup I didn't know." She said now worried she screwed everything up

"No it's fine, want anything to drink? eat?" He asked moving to the kitchen, which was easily three or four times bigger than hers.

"Well, a water would be fine." She said as she watched him walk to the kitchen. Something about his ass made her want to grave it and fee-

"Here you go." He said breaking her from the trance she had been in. "So let's start the studying." He said as he grabbed his books. "Alright, well first we have to review the three major religions, which are..." It took Astrid a second to realize she was suppose to answer the question.

"Oh yeah, they're Judaism, Christianity and Islam." She said confidently.

"Correct, now, which ones are Polytheistic?"

"None, they're all Monotheistic." She answered with a grin. And just like that, they spent an hour asking and answering questions. "Alright, I think we've studied for sometime, we should take a break." Suggested Astrid.

"Alright, well, if we're gonna do that, let me order some pizza, I'm starving." He said while reaching for his phone. Astrid had to admit, she was pretty hungry too, she just didn't want to say anything since she was still mostly shy when around Hiccup. "What's your favorite?" Hiccup asked before dialing Papa John's.

"Hawaiian, no pineapple." She answered

"Doesn't that take the whole point of Hawaiian off?" Hiccup said teasingly with a grin. Astrid just stuck her tongue out and Hiccup laughed, soon Astrid joined. He made the call and sat back down.

"Hey Hiccup, so we've been here for a while, do you think your dad might get mad if I stay for too long?" She asked

"What, my dad? He's not even in town. He had to go to DC for som- oh would you look at that, he's right there." Hiccup pointed to the screen where a man stood giving a speech on a recent treaty to reduce Co2 emissions. Astrid just stared at the man in the screen, and then at Hiccup.

"He's your father?" She asked. Although they had a few similarities, like eye and hair color, they're other physical features looked nothing alike. He was big, very big. He was more muscular than Hiccup, had short hair instead of Hiccup's wild and messy (But sexy) hair, he had a thick norse accent, but Hiccup lacked pretty much all of it.

"Yep, I know it's hard to believe, his muscles are nothing compared to me." he said with a smile. Astrid giggled.

"So, do you spend most of your time here?" Asked Astrid.

"Well, yeah now that I'm here, but back in Cali, I used to go everywhere. Not that I don't like it here, but it's just odd, you know? I feel like a stranger in this city." Astrid looked at him with understanding eyes. It must have been pretty hard to leave all of that behind.

"I know how you feel, I was in that place once. So, did you have a girlfriend back at home?" She asked while turning red. Hiccup did so too.

"Well, no. I mean there was this one girl, but I didn't feel that way about her. So no, there wasn't. How about for you, anyone special in your life?" He asked suddenly interested.

"No, still waiting for that one guy." She said with a sheepish smile.

"Well, whoever he is, I'm sure he's a lucky guys." He said now blushing slightly at his comment.

"I'd say the same. Wait, no but not a lucky guy, a girl, haha..." Astrid said nervously. Hiccup laughed and blessed even more.

"You really think whoever dates me is lucky?" He said, trying to push the boundary a little, feeling adventurous all of a sudden.

"Of course, do you think whoever dates me is lucky?" Astrid asked, in a sort of challenge.

"I would think so, but you do punch pretty hard so..." Hiccup said while smiling, but one that quickly descended into and "Ouch!" when Astrid hit him, giggling. "Should have seen it coming haha." He said while rubbing his arm.

"What's so special about me?" Asked Astrid, now curious too.

"Well, you're pretty, very pretty, you have a great personality, you know how to make someone laugh, should I go on?" He said all of a sudden gaining the confidence he didn't know he had.

"You really think I'm all of that?" Asked Astrid, now blushing madly. Hiccup just looked at her and answered, "Yes" as confidently as he could sound. He then felt himself leaning closer to her, and so did she. They were inches apart, then centimeters. Just as Astrid felt his breath against her skin, the doorbell rang, and they backed away.

"O-oh that's the, pizza, I'm just gonna, go, over there and, yeah." Hiccup said while blushing furiously, just like Astrid.

"Y-yeah you, yep." Astrid replied while moving her bangs to the side and looking at her shoes, then back at Hiccup. 'wow, so close...' thought Astrid. But little did she know, that Hiccup was thinking the same thing.

Well folks, there you have it, my comeback chapter! I hope you guys liked it and remember to review if you think something is missing or should be changed, thanks guys! And I'll probably update sometime this week, latest next week Monday. See you all soon!