Five years.

Five years had passed since the Capitol fell and President Paylor rose to power. Five years since the Hunger Games were abolished and every last arena destroyed.

What followed was supposed to be an era of rebuilding a nation, putting forth efforts to reclaim peace. Instead, there was nothing but unrest.

The thirst for revenge was strong within many of Panem's citizens who had once occupied the districts. They refused to integrate with former Capitolites. Their hearts cried out for justice. Letting the people who gleefully watched their children die, who placed bets on the amount of blood that would be spilt, go unpunished? It was downright inane.

It wasn't enough that some had lost their homes during the bombings. It wasn't enough that they lost their beloved president. They deserved to go through the same torture the districts once had to endure.

Some were more outspoken about this topic than others. Protesters could often be found in every corner of Panem, some more violent towards Capitolites than others. There was only so much President Paylor could do to protect these unfortunate souls. A decision had to be made.

And so it was: the first Capitol Hunger Games and the final Hunger Games was given the green light.

The Capitolites were outraged. The districts, however, were somewhat satisfied. A single year couldn't take away the pain of seventy-five, but they felt it was better than nothing.

Little did they know, things would be different this year.

"Lucky for everyone, I was picked to be Head Gamemaker. They don't know what to expect. By the end of this, everyone's gonna be calling me a mad genius! A mad, bloody genius!"

A middle-aged man was currently typing away at a computer, muttering ecstatically under his breath. Every so often, he would flick a window off his screen, into the air where it hovered obediently. Eventually, he was surrounded in a cloud of floating notes.

With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair and observed the many weightless screens around him. Sometimes he still couldn't get over the technology that had belonged to the Capitol. It was truly amazing—and they were making advances all the time. Some of them thanks to his own brilliant mind. He would have never gotten his chance to shine if it weren't for the rebellion.

The Head Gamemaker glanced at a mirror across the room. His forehead shone with sweat and his square glasses rested crookedly on his nose. He ran a hand through his caramel-brown hair, which seemed to be getting a tad thinner every day. He knew this job wasn't good for his health. Oh, but it's so much fun…and don't even get me started on the pay…

Suddenly, the phone at his desk buzzed. The Gamemaker snatched it up instantly. "What?"

"Got that apple juice for you, sir! Can I come in?" A chirpy voice answered on the other side.

"Yes, yes. Of course," The Head Gamemaker said. He put down the phone with a click, and then pressed a button that unlocked the door to his quarters. You couldn't be too careful. Head Gamemakers had a nasty little habit of being brutally murdered, and he wasn't about to join their ranks.

A young man with sandy hair and big blue eyes came bustling into the room. Though he was fresh out of college, he looked (and sounded) a great deal younger. "Here you are, sir!" He said, proudly holding up a small juice box. "By the way, Miss Paylor is here to see you."

"WHAT?! Why didn't you say so earlier? What is WRONG with you?!" At once, the Head Gamemaker began scrambling to clean up his desk. He threw all of the windows back into the computer and shoved countless papers into drawers, attempting to hide them from view. Then he whipped around to face his office's mirror, adjusting his blue tie and glasses.

His assistant just held out the juice box. "I'm sorry. Drink this, you'll feel better!"

The Head Gamemaker tore it out of his hands and shook it at his face. "How many times have I told you?! How sophisticated can you look, drinking out of a godforsaken juice box? Go get me a bloody wine glass!"


Both turned to see a woman who looked to be in her 30s standing at the door. It was not President Paylor, as the Head Gamemaker had expected. Instead, it was a small woman dressed in business attire, with reddish brown hair tied back in a low bun. Her hazel eyes were narrowed with annoyance and she was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Thimblelina!" The Head Gamemaker gasped.

The woman put a hand on her hip, looking more irritated by the second. "It's Miss Paylor when I'm working. Show a little respect." She looked around the pigpen of a room, wrinkling her nose. "God, it smells like a daycare in here."

The Head Gamemaker's shoulders relaxed slightly. "I…I thought for sure you were the president."

"My niece? Please. She has more important things to do." Thimblelina made her way towards the Gamemaker's desk, stepping over a few balls of crumpled-up paper to reach him. "I see you've been busy. Did you manage to catch the Reapings, at least?"

The Head Gamemaker stared at her blankly. "…The Reapings were today?"

"Yes," Thimblelina scoffed. "How did you manage to forget?"

"I've been wrapped up in my work!" The Gamemaker said defensively.

"He's busier than a beaver," His assistant added helpfully.

The Head Gamemaker shot him a glare. "Where's that wine glass, Jarek?"

"Yes, sir!" Jarek said, scampering out of the room as quickly as he could go.

Once the two were left in peace, the Head Gamemaker turned his attention back to his visitor. "So why have you come?"

Thimblelina smirked, tempted to pick on her colleague for his childish taste in drinks. But she was on a business run and she didn't want to be here longer than she had to. "This." She handed him a folder.

The Head Gamemaker opened it to reveal a list of names. As his eyes roved over the paper, they grew wider and wider. "The tributes," he breathed in awe. "…It's really happening."

Apollo Brandt (18)
Mobius Fraus (14)
Perrin Halliday (15)
Zion Kim (18)
Perseus "Percy" King (13)
Ryiero Lynn (16)
Locce Palenciste (14)
Lancelot "Lance" Palmer (12)
Antony Byron Phillis (16)
Duke Travers (16)
Casca Vaesley (17)
Chip Weiger (17)

Eugenia Angelis (15)
Judith Batiatus (18)
Daphne Beaumont (18)
Elara Blackwood (18)
Junisse Cranton (17)
Gliss Feenix (17)
Reyn Monrove (13)
Brianne Ravelle (16)
Viatrix Reivan (18)
Cicely Tate (18)
Horatia Vici (15)
Tullia "Tully" Voss (18)

"It is…" Thimblelina murmured. "Hopefully, this will solve a few of our problems. Then our nation can finally start focusing on what really matters."

A bout of silence passed between the two of them, both lost in their thoughts. Thimblelina broke it with a clap of her hands.

"So! What can you tell me about the arena?"

The Head Gamemaker let out a nervous chuckle and tucked the folder away. "Nothing, I'm afraid. But I promise it'll be spectacular—as will the Games."

"Damn it," Thimblelina said, mocking frustration. "Well, I tried. I doubt I'll see you until all of this is over, so good luck." She held out her hand.

The Head Gamemaker grinned and shook it. "Thanks, love. And to you!"

"Thank you," Thimblelina smiled. "It's been a pleasure, Head Gamemaker Corr. Make these Hunger Games one the nation will never forget."

"Oh, don't worry, love," Head Gamemaker Corr said, a devious grin unfurling on his face. "I won't."

Thimblelina just rolled her eyes.

First of all, this is a story I adopted from my sister. She came up with a lot of cool ideas, but since she takes her time writing (perfecting the utmost quality!) she didn't think she would be able to pull it off. I thought there was too much awesome to never see the light of day, so I offered to write it. And so, here we are! Just know that a lot of ideas are hers, including the premise, the arena, and many other basic qualities you'll find in the story. Along the way, she'll probably help me with ideas for the characters/plot as she always does! Give her an internet hug for all her hard work. Actually, don't, she hates hugs.

Next, this is an AU, though I'm sure you realized that already. Yes, there's gonna be a Capitol Games despite there never being one in canon. And yes…I'm bringing back characters from my past stories to fill the spots of characters such as the Head Gamemaker, Caesar Flickerman, victors, etc. The characters are a mix of fan favorites and Hoprocker favorites. They're all people who died too, so rejoice and be happy that they're back from the grave! Sorry, the three victors won't be making appearances because they got lots of extra stuff plus a huge sendoff so I'm giving other characters a chance to shine again. And since I don't want everyone to be in their 40s or 50s, their ages are more mixed up. As for which ones will be coming back…you'll just have to wait and see! ;)