Connections 1

In Central Park a jogger is running the perimeter wearing sky blue sweats, brown hair up in a pony tail and ear phones in her ears, her doe brown eyes watched the surrounding area intently as she jogs. Skye stopped in her tracks as she saw a man walk past her with a peculiar symbol on his neck, her curiosity was slightly peaked as he walked into one of the for lease buildings near by. She stealthily walked to the back of the building and peered through the partially boarded up window and listened carefully.

"Your a SHIELD agent!" Yelled a big burly man named Kent, Skye looked and watched as a big burly man pulled a gun from behind him and pointed it at a restrained young man. Skye's eyes widen as the gun went off and the young man slumped in his chair, she covered her mouth to keep from making noise. A man entered the room he was blond hair green eyed and well dressed he cleared his throat getting Kent's attention " And just how are you going to keep SHIELD from suspecting us Kent?! You were suppose to keep Agent Modesto alive!" he hissed advancing on Kent with clenched fists.

Kent stepped back frightened " Now James.. I mean Mr. Bucks do you really think I would kill him without a plan?"he scoffed before crossing his arms and James raised a eyebrow as he asked "And your plan is what exactly? It better not be completely idiotic or I will shoot you myself." he finished with narrowed eyes. Kent smirked " How else would you throw off a SHIELD murder? You frame a SHIELD agent that has a iffy record and act like nothing happened. You see this gun is specially made and from what I understand only four agents have one and this one belongs specifically to Agent Melinda May. She is currently down at the bar completely drunk and incoherent she will black out and have no reelection that she didn't kill him, Between the gun, fingerprints and hair fibers found on Agent Modesto's body the agent will end up in prison or dead." James smirked actually impressed " Get to it Kent."

Skye stepped back and right into someone making her gasp, "You shouldn't be spying young lady, you know what happens to spy's?" said a Middle Age brown hair buff guard, Skye looked around panicked before she threw her right hand out and pepper sprayed the guard quickly, as soon as the guard yelled in pain rubbing his eyes she took off . Skye ran dodging through allies and streets before she eventually made it to her apartment out of breath. She locked her door followed by pushing a chair next to the door for extra security, she collapsed onto her couch and stared blankly at the tv as she rethought about everything that just happened. " I have to tell someone... But who?" she whispered to herself. Once Skye finally calmed herself down she made herself lunch and turned on the News. Four hours later the news reported a body of a federal agent being found in a building that was for lease, Skye watched the reporters background and realized that there were SHIELD agents investigating.

Skye jumped from her couch pulled on her running shoes and ran out of her apartment nearly running over a single mother and her two year old. She ran as fast as she could, her heart pumping a thousand miles an hour, she screeched to a halt in front of the crime scene tape and tried to get passed but Police kept saying " Sorry you can't go in there this is a crime scene." Skye looked around urgently for any available SHIELD agent she spotted a middle aged man in sun glasses with a stern impassive face coming out of the building, she quickly tried to push through the police saying "Please let me through I have information about what happened here!" The police restrained her and finally she had enough, she grabbed on to one of the mans wrist and with precise precision twisted it to where she completely dislocated it , she let him drop to the ground and turned around to see the Agent look at her with crossed arms.

Skye cautiously approached the agent with her hands up in a surrendering manner "Please I have information about what happened here exactly 4 hours and twenty four minutes ago." she said checking her watch to make sure that her time estimation was correct. The agent raised a eyebrow before saying "Follow me." he got into a SUV and she hesitantly followed " My name is Agent Colson...Okay now who are you? What do you know and who trained you?" he asked taking off his sun glasses and looking emotionlessly to her. Skye gulped and replied "I am Skye... no last name. I know exactly what happened in that building from the point right before Agent Modesto was shot to their plan to frame one of your agents and as for who taught me my few skills that's something you should know since it's a way SHIELD agents train from what I have heard." she shrugged and Agent Colson stayed impassive which would make anyone not use to it uncomfortable.

"Rodriguez lets go to the Triskillion we have a witness on Agent Modesto's murder." says Agent Colson looking to the SUV driver who quickly put the vehicle in drive and drove away from the crime scene. Skye was careful to observe her surroundings as the drive to one of SHIELD's main headquarters, she let a breath out as they pulled into a secure garage. "Miss. Skye if you would follow me so we can take your statement. Plus I also would like to know who taught you your skills, I have noticed your constantly aware of your surroundings and always thinking of what could be used as any type of weapon." Said Agent Colson as they both exited the vehicle.

Agent Colson escorted her into a questioning room as he started asking questions, "Who taught you some SHIELD training?" Skye crossed her arms before saying " By law I don't have to answer that question as it is personal we can come back to it later. Four hours and fifty two minutes ago I was jogging around Central Park when I noticed a man duck into a building for lease he had a peculiar symbol on his neck. My curiosity got the best of me and I followed the man around the back of the building where I watched through some partially boarded up widows. A young man later identified as Agent Modesto was tied to a chair and a big burly man stood in front of him who was quite upset that this man was a SHIELD agent, he pulled a gun and shot the Agent directly into the heart. I was about to run away but then another man who I can describe pretty acurately entered mad that his man shot the agent when he was only suppose to tie him up. The burly man explained that he had a plan, I listened as he explained the plan as soon as he finished I turned around to leave but a guard was there not happy about me spying. He tried to grab me and without a second thought I pepper sprayed him and took off running, I was careful and made my way back to my apartment trying to figure out what to do."

Agent Colson raised an eyebrow and asked " Can you describe the men? Did you hear their names? And what's their plan? This is important." he said leaning back more relaxed about Skye's presence. Skye was quiet before replying " Yes, Yes and Yes. But first my throat is killing me from all the running I did to get back to the crime scene... Can I get some water?" she have him a slight smile and Agent Colson stood up " Of course I will be right back." he says before walking out the door, he goes down the hall and into the cafeteria where he runs into " Agent Barton... It's good to see that your recent mission was a success since you are alive and well it seems." he says with a coy smile that the archer returned while replying "Hi boss and yes quite the success... What's this i hear about Agent Modesto's death?"

Agent Colson frowned " Murdered in fact we have a witness but she is being a little bottled up... Maybe you can use your great boyish charms to get her to corporate better?" he says grabbing a bottle of water before walking out of the cafeteria with Agent Barton on his heels " Of course sir... Honestly who can resist this face." he says gesturing to his handsome facial features making the older agent lightly chuckle. They entered the room and Agent Barton froze upon seeing the young woman "Skye?!" he said in disbelief moving from Agent Colson's side, Skye jumped to her feet when she saw Agent Clint Barton. "Clint!" she moved faster than Agent Colson could react and she leapt into Clint's arms in a bone crushing hug. Agent Colson stared at the jogger and his agent before clearing his throat and asking "Ummm Agent Barton how do you know Skye?" Skye and Clint pulled apart from their short hug and Clint replied "She is my little sister."

~Authors Note~ Hello all, I hope you enjoyed reading this first chapter and that your curiosity is now peaked, please review and let me know if you guys want the story to continue. Thanks for reading -PiratePrincess16