I'm back. This is the end, it didn't get to be like it was meant to, but I liked the way it turned out. (Sorry for my poor english… Again)


2 years later...

Jack and Elsa was standing at a cemetery. But it wasn't just any cemetery. After years of searching they had finally found Anna's and Kristoff's tomb. It was the oldest tomb at the cemetery, but it was well maintained.

White roses grew around it, and the tombstone itself was beautiful. Their names was carved in cursive. The the left side of the stone Anna's face was carved and on the right was Kristoff's carved.

The where about to leave when a mother and a teenage girl came walking towards them. "Is it this one?" The girl asked.

"Yes, it its. Anna is you great, great, great, great, grandmother. And Kristoff is you great, great, great, great grandfather. I found an old story telling that Anna was the princess in the kingdom of Arendelle."

"Mom! I'm too old for your stories!"

"This might be more than just a story." From her bag, the mother found an old book. She opened it and began reading to her daughter. "This diary belongs to Elsa of Arendelle." She shifted to the next page. "My father gave this book to me, he hopes that it will help me to control my powers…" The mother kept reading and the daughter was listening. So did Jack and Elsa.

"My coronation is today. I'm scared, what if I fail my attempt to hide my powers? What if i hurt Anna again? There's so many what if's. I will do my best, and I'll hope it i good enough..." The mother stopped.

"What are you waiting for?"

"There's no more."

"Did Elsa hurt Anna again?"

"I don't think so. By the date in the book, and the date on the tomb, Anna died 63 years after Elsa's corotation."

"You do actually believe this?" The daughter laughed. "It's a good story. But what happened to Arendelle afterwards? And a girl with ice powers? How old are you?"

"I like to believe in a little magic." The mother looked at the tomb.

"Well I don't." The daughter began walking away from the tomb, the she suddenly began feeling cold. It began to snow where the mother and daughter stood. Elsa and Jack smiled.

"But… But… It's in the middle of the summer… It was hot a moment ago…"

"Don't question magic." The mother said, who saw what the daughter didn't see. She saw two people looking at them from the other side of the cemetery. "Thank you." She whispered.

That's it. I know strange ending, but you are NEVER too old to believe. I hope you enjoyed my fanfiction. I would appreciate if you took the time to write a review, and I would love to know if i made the same mistake over and over again.

Thank you if you left a review on one of my previous chapters, and thank you for reading my story. You are the reason i finished the story. :D