Well, the first chapter of the rewrite is up. I guess I managed to do it. Damn. I took so long that the United States became two-hundred and thirty-nine years old. And now gay people can get married everywhere here! That's pretty crazy and cool. I honestly thought that would take another thirty years. Wait, it hasn't been thirty years has it? Shit. I should check on my animals. And parents.

Joking aside I should really keep politics out of this. And I'm really glad that I got the rewrite up. I actually did think that'd take me another thirty years. So this fic will be marked as completed and left behind. A memory in my list of things that I wrote and gave up on. I'm not really sad though. I think this fic just had too many problems hitting it all at once. Mainly my own naivety. I view this less like putting down Old Yeller and more like finishing the a video game that I liked but got frustrated with. Now I'm just playing a new video game. Or writing one. Or something. Dammit. Where was I going with this analogy?

Well anyways, Gray Death is all done. Now it's on to The Berserker's Dilemma. If you don't want to search for it through Fanfiction, go ahead and find it in my profile. I'll look forward to (hopefully) seeing you all there.

Oh and one last thing. I was a big dumb-ass and forgot to make that poll on my profile (the one about Team HRSE and their role in The Berserker's Dilemma) visible to the public. I've since fixed said brain fart and hope to see what people want to happen to them. They'll stay regardless, I just want to know how much or how little people want to see of them. After all, this is going to be Alexei's story, not theirs'. They might get their own. We'll see.

Anyways, that's all folks. It's done. Time to keep moving forward.