Teach Me to Fly

By Spunky0ne

(A request from Picklez80! This one is perfect being placed right between Tetsuya's and Ichigo's birthdays! Two broken hearted nobles are faced with the prospect of an arranged marriage. Both suffering from the deaths of past lovers, Ichigo and Tetsuya see their binding as an act of duty. But when push comes to shove, they find themselves really falling in love. And when the bearer and heir are threatened, Ichigo is determined, at all costs, to protect his new family.


Chapter 1: The Choosing

"Ichigo-sama, your father is ready to leave for the meeting of the Noble's General Council."

"Thanks Toshi," the Shiba heir sighed, taking a last look at himself in the mirror, "but you know I'm looking forward to this about as much as having a tooth pulled...or how about having all my teeth pulled. Damn it, Toshi, I don't want to get married!"

"I understand, sir," the Shiba youth answered sympathetically, "and I hope you know that the family was fine with letting you choose your mate. But then, the war with the quincies began and so many of the noble families suffered great losses. There is an urgency to match the remaining noble sons and daughters of child bearing age so that our numbers will be revived."

"Yeah, I get all that. That's why I'm doing this. I just...feel bad for whoever ends up with me. I can't see myself falling in love with anyone. I don't mean to be cruel, I just...I can't think of anyone that way."

"Well, I am sure that you are not alone in that. I, on the other hand, don't mind so much. With my mixed blood, I would probably have not married ever. The noble girls all look down on me and the commoners are intimidated by me."

"What? You're so easy to get along with. That can't be right."

"Well, that's how it used to be. But with the desperation to continue our bloodlines, even mixed bloods are being accepted more readily. I look forward to next year when I will be matched with someone."

"Don't rush so much, baka!" Ichigo said, ruffling the younger boy's hair affectionately, "You should enjoy your freedom while you can."

"Don't look so down, Ichigo-sama," Toshi said bracingly, "I am sure that they will pick a beautiful girl for you."

Ichigo sighed.

"But that's part of the problem," he admitted, "I've never been interested in a girl. I have girls who are friends, but the only person I ever started to love was a guy...and he betrayed me in the worst way someone can. I can't even think about going through that again."

"I heard about what happened between you and Kugo Ginjou. I am sorry if it bothers you to think about it."

"It's fine. He was a lying bastard, who only wanted to get at me to steal my powers. I didn't know any better and played right into his hands. And then I got my heart torn up and thrown back at me. But...the worst part was having to kill him."

"I'm so sorry, Ichigo-sama. But try to think of it this way. Everyone there today is there because they care about our families and want to do what's best for them."

"Yeah, that's what everyone keeps telling me. And they could be right. I just...wonder, that's all."

"That seems like a natural thing," Toshi said understandingly, "I just worry for Ichigo-sama because you seem so pensive sometimes."

"Sorry," Ichigo said penitently, "Nothing's really been the same since Aizen."

"No," Toshi agreed, "Ichigo-sama wears a troubling weight on his heart. But...who knows, maybe you will be matched to someone who will ease some of that weight for you."

"I doubt it," Ichigo sighed, falling in with the attendant and starting out of the room, "but who really knows? I'm not unwilling to give it a try."

"Ah, Ichigo!" Isshin said enthusiastically, clapping his son on the shoulder and earning a soft glare in reply, "Time to go and find that lovely lady of your dreams, ne?"

"Yeah, whatever," the younger Shiba sighed unenthusiastically.

"You know, I hear Aomori Ayisha is going to be there. She's a real doll."


"I wonder if Shihoin Minè is old enough..."


"Or maybe that girl from the Yukihane clan...Shika."


"Or maybe..."

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Ichigo yelled, "I don't want to hear anymore about it. I told you. I'll go and do this because it's necessary, but I'm not going to even pretend that this is a good thing or that I want to. I'm just doing it because there's no other choice, okay?"

The two men went quiet as they realized that two men stood a short distance away from them, at the entrance to Kuchiki Manor.

"Erm...hey, Byakuya," Ichigo said, blushing slightly with embarrassment.

He glanced at the young, blue-eyed man who stood silently at Byakuya's side, not quite making eye contact, nor saying anything as Byakuya replied.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Isshin," the Kuchiki clan leader greeted them solemnly.

"Byakuya, Tetsuya," Isshin answered, nodding briefly, "So, are you off to the council meeting?"

"Yes," the Kuchiki heir replied cordially, "I assume you are heading that way as well. Would you like to join us? We are just waiting for Renji to arrive."

"I'm here," the redhead called out cheerfully, reaching the noble and pausing to offer him a warm, chaste kiss of greeting, "Sorry, I'm late. I was making a report to Kyouraku soutaichou."

"It's fine," Byakuya assured him, slipping a hand into his and turning in the direction of the Noble's General Council Hall, "You are not really late."

"Hey, Tetsuya," Renji greeted the young noble at Byakuya's side, "No fleabag today?"

"Arashi threw a shoe this morning," Tetsuya answered quietly, "There wasn't time to wait for it to be replaced."

"Well, sorry if I'm not too disappointed about him not being here to nip at my hair and clothes."

"I am sorry, Abarai taichou," Tetsuya said quickly, blushing, "I did scold him for..."

"Don't worry about it," the redhead said cheerfully, "I was just teasing you."


"Kurosaki Isshin, will you and Ichigo be accompanying us?" Byakuya asked, without looking back at them.

"Yeah, sure," Isshin answered, nudging Ichigo forward.

The two fell in on one side of Byakuya and Renji, while Tetsuya remained a step behind the two and out of range for discussion. Ichigo dropped back very slightly and stole a few furtive glances at the young man while the others chatted.

"So, you and Renji are going to be confirmed?" Isshin asked.

"Yes," Byakuya replied, glancing at his red haired lover, "He is not a noble, but given that he is a captain class fighter with exceptional reiatsu, the Noble's General Council will approve. And even if they did not, we are determined to be wed."

"Is your cousin, there, going to be matched up as well?" Isshin went on.

"Yes," said the Kuchiki heir, his voice betraying a slight note of regret.

"Huh, sounds like you and I are in the same boat, ne?" Ichigo said, catching Tetsuya's eye for a moment."

"So it seems," the blue-eyed noble said softly.

"We had hoped that it would not be necessary for Tetsuya to be married, but with the ruling on mixed bloods of high reiatsu and the special ruling on the priority of including breeder males in the matches..."

"Eh, breeder males?" Ichigo queried, glancing at Tetsuya again.

Tetsuya gave no answer, but only remained quiet at his cousin's side as Byakuya explained.

"After the first war with the quincies, the noble houses found themselves in an even worse situation than we are. Most of the women and many of the noble children were killed, so it was necessary to find a way to make more viable couples. To do this, a very talented scientist identified a factor in some shinigami males that would allow a spirit chamber to form in their bodies so that they could actually give birth. The breeder males of old are the reason that we survived and began to thrive."

"Unfortunately," Isshin added, "once enough females had grown to child bearing age, the breeder males found themselves on the outside, cast off and discouraged from reproducing...especially once they realized that males born of a breeder male were often natural breeder males, themselves. Tetusya is a born breeder male, one of the last that survived attempts by activists within the clans, who tried to kill them all."

"What? Really?" Ichigo exclaimed, glancing at Tetsuya, who kept his eyes carefully averted.

"Tetsuya was born in an illegal prison," Byakuya explained, "run by those who disapproved of nobles who chose to marry commoners. They abducted and imprisoned many mixed blood families, and when they found breeder males, they were routinely executed. Tetsuya had been marked for execution and only narrowly avoided being killed when I discovered the location of the prison and freed him and what captives we could save. After his release, it was agreed that no pressure would be placed on Tetsuya to wed."

"But that went out the window with the Noble's General Council ruling, ne?" queried Isshin.

"It did," Byakuya confirmed, "The high council has the right to take such actions in extreme situations. So, there is no choice."

"I'm sorry," Ichigo said, drawing Tetsuya's sad blue eyes to meet his, "sounds like you've been through a lot."

The men stopped talking as they arrived at the council hall and climbed the marble steps of the entry. They passed inside and took their leave of each other to go and sit in their varied sections. Ichigo sat down alongside his father, watching as the representatives from the other families took their places and the meeting began.

"Noble leaders," the grand councilor intoned, "we gather today to address a great concern that has arisen out of the great conflict that we have just endured. Large numbers of our brothers and sisters have fallen, and we are left with dwindling numbers and not enough bearers. To meet this threat, our council has, first, placed us under rules of acute emergency and invoked the council's right to secure bearers and require them to add to our numbers as best they can. To those who will take on this task today, the council extends its appreciation. We are indebted to all of you for doing this. Marriages will be arranged today based on family status, with the ranking house Shiba choosing first, then the house Kuchiki and so on as shown on the monitors in front of you. Kurosaki Isshin, if you will look upon your screen, you will see your choices for yourself and your son..."

"What? Wait, you're getting married too?" Ichigo exclaimed, "Why didn't you say anything? You could have at least...!"

"Shh!" Isshin hissed, "Be quiet."

Isshin stood and regarded the grand councilor calmly.

"My apologies," said Isshin, "but I will be unable, for medical reasons, to commit to a marriage, as is outlined in the missive my healer has sent to you."

"Very well," the grand councilor said, consulting his computer, "I have received your healer's report. You are excused from service."

"Wait a minute!" Ichigo whispered hotly, "You told them you were infertile? How did you fake that? And why not do the same for me if you knew you could?"

"Shut up!" Isshin warned him, "I'm not getting married to anyone. Your mom was the first and last person I'll love. Don't rock the boat, okay? You don't even know what love's about. You'll be all right."

"Shiba Ichigo," the grand councilor went on, "please view the choices on the monitor in front of you and make your selection. You may choose any of the available women or the breeder male identified at the bottom of the page."

"Ooh, see, I told you!" Isshin whispered, pointing, "All three of those pretty, busty..."

"Shut up and let me see them!" Ichigo hissed back, moving his body so that his father couldn't see the monitor.

He scanned the pictures and names, trying to imagine one of them lying in his bed and getting pregnant with his child.

This is crazy! I can't imagine myself with any of them. Man, and what must poor Tetsuya be feeling, being put on that list and paraded in front of everyone.

"Kirosaki Ichigo?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Ichigo spotted Tetsuya, sitting at Byakuya's shoulder and keeping his eyes carefully lowered.

"Grand Councilor Yuudai," Ichigo said finally, "May I have permission to ask my choice personally about how the person feels about being matched with me?"

"Of course," Yuudai agreed, nodding, "I appreciate your consideration of our brothers' an sisters' feelings. Go ahead."

Ichigo rose and left his family's box, ignoring his father's whispered protest and moving slowly to the platform in front of the Kuchiki clan's section. He met Byakuya's curious eyes for a moment, then looked at Tetsuya, whose eyes were still lowered.

"Kuchiki Tetsuya," he said quietly, "Is it acceptable to you for me to request to be married to you?"

Tetsuya sucked in a surprised breath and looked up at Ichigo with a surprised expression.

"Y-you want...me?" Tetsuya asked softly.

"Our families are friends, so I think we at least have some ground to stand on. I think we have a few things in common, so...I think it could work. That being said, will you marry me?"

Tetsuya stole a glance at Byakuya, who kept his eyes focused on Ichigo. Looking back at the Shiba heir, he swallowed hard and forced out his answer.

"I will."

Ichigo smiled and extended a hand, which Tetsuya rose and moved to accept. Around them, a buzz of flustered whispers rose up. They were suddenly quelled again as a deep, male voice rose up from a seat several behind Byakuya's.

"I challenge the betrothal!"

Tetsuya's eyes widened in distress as the black-eyed Kuchiki rose and looked into Ichigo's.

"I want Tetsuya's hand," he announced, "I will duel you for him."

"No!" Tetsuya shouted, turning and placing himself between the two, "Orochi...!"

"I am a member of one of the five great families, and that gives me the right to challenge the marriage," the black-eyed man insisted.

"Stop! I will never marry you!" Tetsuya cried, his body shaking softly, "I have accepted Ichigo-sama's hand. You have no right to interfere."

"Of course I do," Orochi went on, "The charters of the Noble's General Council give me the right to..."

"Orochi," Byakuya said suddenly, standing and facing his darker-eyed cousin, "You may have the right in general to object to the marriage, but as the ranking member of our house, my will is set above yours."

He turned and nodded in Yuudai's direction.

"The challenge is rescinded. We accept Kurosaki Ichigo's proposal."

Orochi stiffened noticeably, but sat down again and watched with blazing eyes as the matches were made, one by one. When the choosing was concluded, Ichigo led Tetsuya to the central platform, where the others had gathered.

"I'm sorry," Ichigo said quietly, "I know you aren't happy about having to do this. I'm not so happy either, but I will try to make you happy."

"You needn't worry about me," Tetsuya answered softly, "I have no objection to marrying you, and in truth, I am grateful, Ichigo-sama."

"You really didn't want to marry that cousin of yours, ne?"

"Orochi is a foul person, who mistreated me in the prison. He would like nothing better than to continue to torment me with the full blessing of the Noble's General Council."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. If he comes near you, I'll kick his ass, okay?"

Tetsuya blinked in surprise, then yielded a small, tentative smile.

"Th-thank you, Ichigo-sama."

"No problem."

Ichigo slipped his hand into Tetsuya's and the two calmly took their vows with the rest of the couples.

"You may now share a kiss as the first gift of your new unions," Yuudai said, smiling.

Ichigo felt Tetsuya shiver softly, but he met the Shiba heir's lips readily, surprising Ichigo with how good it felt and how it struck him that Tetsuya kissed him with his eyes slightly opened.

This isn't so bad. I guess if I have to be married, I can accept being with Tetsuya. He seems all right with it too.

And I don't think either of us wants to fall in love. We can just be friends, then. We'll make the babies they want and stay together, but we'll just be friends.

"To all of you joined here tonight," Yuudai said in closing, "we wish you fruitfulness and prosperity. Go now, with your leaders and proceed to the consummation with our blessings and our good wishes." Ichigo led Tetsuya back to where the Shiba family members waited, then the three men left together, not registering the black eyes that glared at them as they walked out the door.