Hi. For my readers who read my other story, "Running Through Pleasure" I am so sorry guys! I just couldn't resist writing this. If I have plot bunnies, they will haunt me until I write it. Even now I have an idea for a R27 and 5927 story. But I can tell you that the second chapter is halfway done. Oh, and guess what guys? I have a one month holiday! WOOHOO! That means I'll be very active.
Yeah, and I was gonna post this the day before yesterday but some kind of error happened to FFNet and I couldn't post. Anyways, enjoy!
Rated: T for Mukuro's mouth
Pairings: 6927, mention of Guar27 and R27.
"If you and I were the last men on earth, I bet we can do it in public."
Tsuna's eyebrow twitched heavily and gripped his pen tightly. Don't mind him, don't mind him, don't mind him. Tsuna chanted madly in his head, hoping to god that he would stop doing that.
"You remind me of a Twinkie. Every time I bite into you, you cream in my mouth." Mukuro wiggled his eyebrow meaningfully.
Tsuna gritted his teeth. He had an attractive bright red blush on his face. Mukuro had been dropping pick-up lines since he came to the office (completely uninvited, might he add. But then again everyone does that) and saw Tsuna idly keeping his pen in his mouth (*cough*deep throating*cough*).
Don't mind him, don't mind him, don't mi – "Kufufu, I hope Tsunayoshi-kun is not a vegetarian, 'cause I want to feed you some meat." He purred, leaning over the table and getting very close to the Decimo.
Said man blushed heavily and leaned a little farther, dragging his chair back along. Mukuro let out another laugh, even more encouraged by the brunette's response. "Do you like pudding? Cause I'll be pudding this dick in your ass tonight." With the other guardians. Mukuro said silently while mentally pouting. Alas I'll just have to be satisfied with what I have. The chibi Mukuro in his mind sighed dejectedly and shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head from side to side.
Tsuna let out an adorable squeak and Mukuro's eyes gleamed somewhat mischievously. Tsuna stood up suddenly and slammed his hands on the paper filled desk (he mentally winced and apologized to one of his' lovers).
"Mukuro! Don't bring my favorite dessert into this! And stop doing this!" He shouted vandalized. "Kufufufu, stop doing what?" The pineapple asked innocently. Tsuna made some wild hand gestures and let some stutters out from his pink lips.
The brunette let out a frustrated "Ugh!" and turned around, his back facing Mukuro. The indigo head looked at the trousers that was snuggling onto his perky butt and suddenly got an idea.
"Kufufufu, do you have a phone in your back pocket? Because Tsunayoshi-kun's booty is calling me." Mukuro said the last pick-up line and escaped in a dramatic puff of mist as a shout echoed throughout the building.
Don't worry, Tsunayoshi-kun, I'll make sure you have a good time tonight, kufufufu~