Arthur and friends goes to Venus

Sequel to Arthur and friends goes to Mars. This time they go to Venus. They will try to Terra Form it like they did Mars. That is their mission now. Different type of space suits. To survive on Venus. We begin at the space center. No need to name it.

"I, say send Arthur, and his friends there," said a woman, "Since, they went, to Mars?"
"Good, idea," said a man, "I, say yes to that."
"Who, should be, first on it?" said the woman, "Arthur, was first on Mars."
"I, say Bud," said a man, "He is, a funny boy."
"Yeah, but he says, Admit to much," said another man, "Like, he said when he came out. Admit it, i am on Mars."

They will send them to Venus. Still thinking who the first person on Venus. Some wants Bud, Some wants Ladonna and some wants it to be Buster. And 1 wants it to be Binky. So they will decide who does the best will be the first on it. They have arrived there. They love going to space.

"So, Venus now?" said Arthur, "Did, i hear right?"
"Yes, indeed Arthur," said a man, "Venus, it is."
"I, hope i, am first on," said Bud, "I, have the words ready."
"I, hope, it is me," said Binky, "I, can say good, words if i am."

Their training has begun. Little different than on Mars. Since they are going to Venus. This time anyway. Mars was last time.

"Good, training so far," said Brain, "Let's hope this machine, works good there.
"We, think it will," said Francine, "It, worked on Mars."
"That, is true," said Brain, "I, think it will work."

Next chapter they get more training. They will be eating space food again. See what happens next.