
This is my first fanfic to be published. I appreciate all comments and suggestions. I hope you enjoy but if you don't, I will understand.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. All Animaniacs characters belong to Warner Brothers and all Phineas and Ferb characters belong to Disney.

Phineas was sitting at his computer while Ferb was lying on the bed reading. Suddenly, the door burst open. Candace stormed in looking angry.

"Phineas," she yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Hi, Candace," he greeted cheerfully. "I'm talking to my new online friend."

'An online friend?" she questioned. "Don't you have enough real friends?"

"You can never have too many friends," he answered. "Even if that sounds a little cheesy. I mean, I have my friends here in Danville, other parts of the world, and even across the galaxy. Anyway, I met him on this new social networking site, MyFace."

"What's his name?"


"So you've been talking to this guy and you don't even know his real name?"

" No. But I know he loves old timey movies, speaks Japanese, and his favorit actress is Mechelle Pfeifer."

"You don't know this guy. He could be dangerous. I'm telling Mom." Candace grinned evilly. "Oh you are so busted!" She ran out of the room calling, "Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Her mom, Linda, was downstairs baking cookies. Candace nearly knocked the hot pan of treats out of her hands as she barreled into the kitchen.

"Candace," Linda scolded. "Watch where you're going. I'm trying to make cookies for the neighborhood community garage sale tomorrow."

"Mom," she replied. Phineas is talking to strangers online."

"Okay," Linda said setting the cookies down to cool.

"Really? Wow, that was easier than I expected."

"Candace," her mom rolled her eyes. "I honestly don't see why you're so determined to 'bust' your brothers. I guess I'll worry about that later. I'm going to go talk to your brother."

Candace snickered triumphantly to herself and went to listen to the lecture.

"Phineas," their mom said as she walked into the boys' room. "Candace tells me you've been talking to a friend on the internet."

"Oh yeah," Phineas said excitedly. "He's so cool! He lives in Burbank, California, has two younger siblings, and can play two paddleballs at once."

"Two paddleballs at once?" she asked. "That's pretty impressive. Wait a minute. I'm getting off track. I want you to remember, you need to be careful about what you say to people on the internet. Don't give out any personal information and never agree to meet with them alone."

"Of course, Mom," he said. "I'll be careful."

"Good. Now, I've made cookies for the sale tomorrow. I have extras if you two want any."

"Alright! You're the best, Mom."

Phineas and Ferb ran downstairs past their mother.

Linda followed.

"That's it?" Candace asked as she passed.

"Yes, Candace," she replied in an annoyed tone.

"My life stinks," Candace went to her room to sulk.

Phineas and Ferb ran back to their room with their cookies. Phineas sat back at his computer and looked through his chat log between him and his new friend.

CarpeDiem_07: Hey. Saw your profile while I was browsing for friends. You seem pretty cool.

PaddleballPro_29: Let me assure you that I am at normal body temperature.

CarpeDiem_07: Haha. You're funny. So where are you from?

PaddleballPro_29: I live in Burbank with my younger brother and sister. Our home is kind small, but we manage to make it work. Besides, it's pretty high up and there's a great view. But enough about me. Where do you live?

CarpeDiem_07: I live in Danville with my brother, our older sister, our parents, and our pet platypus. My brother and I do all sorts of fun things with our friends everyday.

PaddleballPro_29: We always try to keep things interesting, too. What kind of stuff do you guys do?

CarpeDiem_07: All sorts of things. We built a roller coaster, helped a cute alien named Meap, raced chariots, became one hit wonders, traveled the globe, made ice cream on the moon, and so much more.

PaddleballPro_29: That's cool. My siblings and I have done cool things, too. We won the Nobel Prize for helping Einstein discover the theory of relativity, turned a radio D.J. into a babbling idiot (which to mean was an improvement) traveled to Hades, and I was even the king of my own country.

CarpeDiem_07: That's awesome! Maybe I should try some of those ideas one day.

PaddleballPro_29: I'm not sure if that's a good idea. We're professionals. If I was held responsible for you or your friends getting hurt, I'd be in a lot of trouble.

CarpeDiem_07: Yeah I understand. It's just sometimes it's hard to keep coming up with ideas for what to do for the day.

Phineas' face lit up with joy as he read the newest message from PaddleballPro_29.

PaddleballPro_29: Well, it's been a while since we've been out. I think it's time we get away from home and do something. How about we come to Danville tomorrow to meet you and your friends and we can all do something exiting?

"Hey, Ferb," he said. "PaddleballPro_29 says he and his brother and sister are coming to visit Danville tomorrow. He wants to meet us. This will be great! We can have a party with all sorts of games and a waterslide, maybe a circus, and we could try to get Love Handle to play."

"What about what Mom said?" Ferb asked.

"Oh right," Phineas thought. "What if we tell them to meet us at the mall by Slush Dog? Candace can come with us and we can invite the rest of the gang. Once everyone's there, we can all figure out something to do."

"Or we could-" Ferb began.

"Ferb," Phineas interrupted. "I know what we're gonna do today…and tomorrow."

Phineas quickly wrote a reply.

CarpeDiem_07: Awesome! Why don't you meet us at the Danville Mall near Slushy Dog around 12. Then, we can all do something fun.

They went to Candace's room and knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" she demanded as she opened the door.

"Will you take us to the mall tomorrow so we can meet our new friend?" Phineas asked.

"Didn't Mom already talk to you about this?"

"She said not to meet with him alone, but we're meeting him and his siblings out in public with you and our friends."

"Well," Candace considered. "I guess I can hang out with Jeremy while you talk to your nerdy internet friends."

"Great," he said. "Ferb, let's start telling the others."

Phineas called Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet, who all said they would definitely be there. Then, he looked around the room.

"Hey," he said. "Where's Perry?"


You can probably guess where Perry is. Anyway, thanks for reading my first chapter. And a BIG SUPER AWESOME THANKS to Rabbit '91 for being my first reviewer and suggesting that I edit the chapter. You deserve a cookie, but since I don't live near you, I can't give you any. Oh well it's the thought that counts. Thanks to all of you.