A/N: So this i sthe final chapter for book one! Thank you to everyone who still reads and enjoys, I will eventually get on with the second book and continue the story soon hopefully :)

Chapter 15:

Ichigo woke up the following morning to the sound of Ron entering the dormitory. "Hey." He said, sitting the edge of Ichigo's bed with a tired smile. "Madame Pomfrey said I was good to go. Harry's still sleeping but she said he should be up in the next few hours. We can go see him after breakfast."

"Sounds good." Ichigo sat up and yawned. "How's your head?"

Ron shrugged, rubbing the spot where the white queen had stuck him. "Almost like new. Madame Pomfrey knows what she's doing."

"And Harry?"

"Still sleeping for now, Madame Pomfrey said he should wake up this afternoon." Ron grinned suddenly and jumped up, yanking the curtains open. Ichigo flinched at the sudden brightness, glaring at his cousin. "It's Saturday so we've got the whole morning to relax!"

"Let's start with breakfast though, I'm starving."

Ichigo got dressed, following Ron out of Gryffindor Tower and down towards the Great Hall. Yes had barely taken a step into the hall before they were surrounded by other students asking what had happened. Somehow everyone had found out. Hermione suddenly appeared at his side and smiled.

"What happened?" Ichigo asked.

"Some students saw Harry and Ron in the hospital wing and overheard Madame Pomfrey talking to Professor McGonagall." She explained. "Come on, let's eat."

Ichigo felt his stomach rumble as the delicious scents of breakfast reached him from the Great Hall. Seeing Ron was happily occupied talking to everyone, he slipped by and inside to the Gryffindor Table. He'd barely managed a few mouthfuls when looking up, he caught Grimmjow's eye across the room. The blue haired boy jerked his head towards the door and then got up and left.

Ichigo sighed, looking at his plate of food longingly before following. "I'll be back in a minute." He told Hermione before hurrying off. The group of students surrounding Ron didn't notice him as he walked by thankfully and Ichigo just caught sight of Grimmjow heading down the dungeon steps and followed. At the bottom of the stairs he found an adjacent door and sure enough, Grimmjow was inside. Entering the room, Ichigo closed the door and look at the other boy questioningly. "What?"

Grimmjow didn't say anything. After looking at him for a long moment, he sighed and unfolded his arms. "Are you okay?"

That took him by surprise. "Of course."

"Really? I would've figured you'd be a little shell shocked or something." Grimmjow approached him, stopping just in front of him. Then he reached out and touched his cheek, making Ichigo wince. "You have a cut here."

"It's just a scratch." Ichigo hadn't even realised he had one. "Why do you care?"

"I don't." Came his defensive reply and Grimmjow withdrew his hand. "I don't care."

"Alright fine."

"Fine." An awkward silence fell between them for a long time. "Well… if that's all you had to say, I'm going to finish my breakfast now." Ichigo turned to leave, shaking his head slightly at this odd encounter.

"Just wait a sec' will you?" Grimmjow grabbed his arm, sighing deeply. "Look, all I'm trying to say is…" He paused, seeming to search for the words. "I'm glad you're alright, that you didn't die I mean."

He couldn't help but smile, it was almost funny how hard it seemed to Grimmjow to say that. "Thanks, I'm glad too you know."

The other boy smiled too and relaxed, his grip loosening but he didn't let go of Ichigo's arm entirely. "Listen, want to go for a walk? Unless of course you'd rather join your cousin and all your new friends."

Ichigo pulled a face and was rewarded with a laugh which made his cheeks flush. Grimmjow had a nice laugh. "Ok." He agreed and the two of them went out to the grounds.

It was quieter outside, hardly anyone was about so the two of them went unnoticed. It was warm too, since the school year was ending. Ichigo suddenly realised the end of year feast was tonight as well. He glanced at Grimmjow, very aware that this was the first time they'd been alone since the boy had saved him from Filch. This not including the quick conversation they'd had about exams a few weeks ago.

"What really happened then?" Grimmjow finally asked, raising an eyebrow when Ichigo looked at him questioningly. "Last night. I want to hear it from you. At least then I'd know the truth. People have been going around saying there were trolls and knights down there."

"Well there was."

Ichigo laughed at the surprised expression Grimmjow now wore and began to explain the previous nights events. By the time he'd finished, they had circled around the grounds and were back at the bridge.

Grimmjow let out a low whistle. "You're lucky to be alive, you know that right?"

He nodded. "Trust me I know. But we couldn't let Quirrell get the Stone."

"Even if you died?"

"What else could we have done? What if You-Know-Who got the Stone? Then we'd all be dead!" Ichigo replied exasperatedly. "Sure, we could have told sent an owl to Professor Dumbledore first, but Quirrell could have escaped by then."

"Do you always put others before yourself?" He asked, a puzzled expression on his face. "Thinking like that, it'll get you killed."

"So what? Be an asshole and only look out for myself?"

"Why not, works for me."

"But you don't just look out for yourself, do you. You've been looking out for me." Ichigo hesitated, thinking about when they'd first met. "All year, even back on the train you got Malfoy to back off from me." He said quietly, looking up at Grimmjow and for the first time he truly appreciated everything the boy had done for him. "You've kept me alive as well."

"Someone has to, since you seem to have a death wish." Grimmjow replied softly, a small smile playing across his lips. "Good thing I've taken a liking to you."

Horribly Ichigo felt a blush creep onto his cheeks and quickly looked down. "Right." He replied after a moment. "I guess I should say thank you, for all those times you've saved me."

"A thank you would be nice." Their eyes met again and the smile slowly faded from Grimmjow's face, replaced with an intense look. "Just don't die over the summer. My life here would be pretty boring without chasing you around all year."

"I cant make any promises, but I'll try." Ichigo smiled, albeit a little nervously. They were stood close together now and Ichigo had to fight the urge to grab Grimmjow's hand, as the boy had done that one time ages ago. Even thinking about the memory made his fingers tingle. Stepping back, Ichigo cleared his throat. "We should head back. I'm sure Ron and Hermione will have noticed I'm missing by now."

"You're right. Can't have them thinking we're friends." He pulled an expression, looking at Ichigo in mock distaste. "Who'd want to be friends with you?"

"Ha ha." Ichigo replied dryly, rolling his eyes. "You wish we were friends."

Heading back inside, Ichigo was disappointed to find breakfast was over. He would have to wait until the End of Year Feast to eat now. Ron and Hermione had both disappeared as well so saying goodbye to Grimmjow, Ichigo headed back to Gryffindor Common Room. When he didn't find them there either, the next place to look was probably the Hospital Wing.

Halfway there he ran into Ron and Hermione and to his surprise, Harry was with them. "You're ok then?" Ichigo asked, relived to see Harry looked almost back to normal, if a little pale.

"Yeah." He grinned. "Come on, lets go back to the Common Room. I'm sure you'll want to hear what happened too."

Ichigo nodded and they returned to the common room where Harry explained what had happened after he'd gone through the potion room and Hermione returned to him. Ichigo was horrified to discover that You-Know-Who was actually part of Quirrell, underneath the turban the man had worn. That thought was sure to give him nightmares. That the Stone was gone now, Dumbledore had destroyed it.

"But what about Flamel?"

"That's what I said." Hermione said, nodding vigorously.

"Dumbledore said… 'the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure'. So I guess Flamel was ready to die." Harry replied with a shrug. "But at least Voldemort's gone for now. He can't come back without the Stone."

"For now?" Ichigo repeated, a sense of dread creeping into his stomach.

"Yeah." Harry said, his own expression darkening. "For now."

A silence fell between the four of them, broken by the sound of Ron's stomach rumbling and the boy groaned. "What time is it? Surely it's nearly time for the feast?"

"Half an hour." Hermione answered checking her watch. "We should probably go down and get our seats."

The Great Hall was already busy with students. The banners covering the walls displayed the silver-green colours os Slytherin. After all that had happened, Ichigo had forgotten they had won the house cup, again. A huge banner behind the High Table displayed the silver serpent which seemed to mock them as they took their seats. After all, it was their fault Gryffindor were now in last place.

People all over the whole went quiet as they passed, some even standing up on their seats to get a better look at Harry who seemed to be trying to hide between the three of them. As they sat down, Harry squeezed between Ron and Hermione, still trying to remain hidden as he kept his head down. Not that it worked, everyone in the Hall was trying to get a good look at him.

Ichigo sat opposite his friends, with a clear view of the Slytherin table. Which also meant he had a clear view of Grimmjow, who at that moment caught his eyes and smiled. Ichigo tried, and failed, not to return that smile. This luckily went unnoticed by the other three.

Over the next half an hour, the Great Hall began to fill up until every student must have been packed into the room. Professor Dumbledore stood up from his seat at the High Table and a silence fell over the students. "Another year gone!" He started cheerfully. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were. You have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts.

"Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has four hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy- two."

The cheers from the Slytherin table were almost deafening. Ichigo actually felt happy that Grimmjow wasn't cheering, but rather leaning back with his arms folded, a bored expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin," said Dumbledore. "However, recent events must be taken into account."

The Hall went silent.

"Ahem," said Dumbledore. "I have a few last-minute points to dish out. Let me see. Yes... First to Mr Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."

Ron went bright red, which of course clashed horribly with his hair. Ichigo couldn't help but laugh at his cousins expression. The cheers from the Gryffindor table this time were just as loud as the Slytherin's. When silence fell again, Dumbledore continued.

"Second, to Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."

Hermione buried her face in her arms, most likely having burst into tears. The Gryffindor's around them were going crazy with cheers.

"Third, to Mr Harry Potter," said Dumbledore. The room seemed to grow completely still. "for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house sixty points."

Ichigo thought he might go deaf, the noise was so loud, he couldn't hear himself think. Hermione had unburied her face, a giant smile spreading across her features. "We're tying with Slytherin!" She yelled. Why couldn't Dumbledore have given them one more point?

Dumbledore raised his hand and after a few minutes, silence fell again. "There are all kinds of courage," said Dumbledore, smiling. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr Neville Longbottom."

It was like some sort of explosion went off. Everyone was cheering, even the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's, only the Slytherin's remained silent, stunned that they had just been dethroned. Ichigo caught sigh of Neville, who looked like someone had petrified him before he disappeared until a pile of students trying to hug him.

"Which means," Dumbledore called over the storm of applause. "We need a change of decoration."

Clapping his hands, the Slytherin decorations instantly changed the red and gold colours of Gryffindor, a lion towering over the High Table. Snape was shaking Professor McGonagall's hand with a forced smile, something that made both Ron and Ichigo laugh. After that, the food tasted better than it ever could have before. It was gone midnight before they retired for the night.

After everything that had happened over the past few days, Ichigo had completely forgotten about his exam results. To both his surprise and relief, Ichigo had passed with good marks in every subject, of course Potions being his lowest and surprisingly, Transfiguration being his highest. Although, Ichigo did enjoy his Transfiguration lessons the most, even if they were some of the hardest. Ron and Harry had passed too, and of course Hermione got the best grades out of all the first years, no surprises there.

And just like that, the school year was over. The last day was on them within moments it seemed and the dormitory looked bare once all the bags were packed and taken down to the train. The four of them spent their last day with Hagrid before leaving across the lake on the boats again. On the train, they managed to get a compartment to themselves, along with Neville who was preoccupied trying to keep Neville from making another escape.

"We should start changing out of our robes." Hermione said after a few hours and she stood up, pulling hers off. This of course sent everyone into a panic about a girl undressing, except Ichigo, who just found the other boy's reactions hilarious. Honestly, it wasn't like Hermione was getting naked. She just rolled her eyes, pulling on a sweater, but smiled as she caught Ichigo's eye.

"Right, well I'm going to the bathroom." Ichigo said, leaving the other four to head to the other end of the carriage. Just outside the bathroom door however he was stopped by Malfoy who was leaning against the nearest compartment, a sneer on his face. "What?" He asked defensively, already set on edge by that look.

"You are such a loser." Malfoy laughed when Ichigo frowned in confusion. "Clinging to Potter like a wet blanket all the time. Do you think a little bit of his fame will rub off on you? Not that he deserves it anyway."

"I don't cling to Harry." Ichigo replied stiffly. "He's my friend. But I guess you don't know what that means right? After all, Crabbe and Goyle are more like oversized monkeys then wizards. I guess anyone with a brain can see right through you." Malfoy's face flushed red with anger. Unfortunately it seemed Crabbe and Goyle had both overhead Ichigo as well because they suddenly loomed behind the blonde haired boy, cracking their knuckles menacingly.

Malfoy seemed to notice the change as well because his smirk had returned. "What was that Weasley?" He sneered and Ichigo felt a stab of irritation.

"It's Kurosaki. Get my name right next time." He walked past, purposely nudging the other boy's shoulder before going into the bathroom. His irritation didn't disappear by the time he was done, neither did it seem Malfoy had grown bored because all three Slytherin's were still waiting for him when he left the bathroom.

"Alright Kurosaki, let's try this again." Malfoy started towards him, but something behind Ichigo made him stop, the sneer falling from his face. "What?" He asked indignantly.

Surprised, Ichigo turned around and saw it was Grimmjow, arms folded with a frown which wasn't directed at him, but Malfoy. "Draco…" He started with a sigh, before shaking his head. "Leave it be. You'll only get in trouble."

"But-" Grimmjow only raised an eyebrow, and with a huff and a pointed glare at Ichigo to let him know this wasn't over, Malfoy stalked back into his compartment with Crabbe and Goyle following reluctantly behind.

"Thanks." Ichigo said after a pause. Aware that anyone - specifically Malfoy - could be listening, Ichigo didn't want to say anything else. So he moved to walk around Grimmjow, back to his own compartment. His arm was grabbed however so he stopped, looking at the other boy questioningly. "What?"

"Always getting in trouble aren't you." Grimmjow said, a hint of a smile playing on his face.

"Good thing you're always here to rescue me then." Without thinking, he grabbed the other's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you, really."

Grimmjow didn't say anything, his eyes went wide for a moment, then surprisingly his cheeks seemed to redden. Was he blushing? "It's nothing." He muttered, quickly stepping away from Ichigo and breaking their contact. Then he was walking away and in a surge of panic, Ichigo grabbed him from behind.

"Grimmjow wait!" The boy stilled, turning to looked at him slowly and before Ichigo could consider his actions, he hugged him tightly. No-one could see them now, at the end of the carriage out of sight of all the compartments. "I'll see you next year, ok?"

Hesitation, then Grimmjow returned the hug. Ichigo was surprised at just how good he smelt. Whatever cologne he used, it was really nice. "You know it." He replied and Ichigo felt the boy sigh, then pull back from him. "You should get back to your friends, before they start to worry."

"Yeah." Almost reluctantly, Ichigo let him go. "See you around then."

"Stay safe." Then Grimmjow was gone, disappearing into Malfoy's compartment and after staring at the closed door for a few seconds, Ichigo shook his head and returned to his friends.

"What took you so long?" Ron asked through a mouthful of Bertie Bott's Ever Flavour Beans. "I've beat Hermione twice at Wizard's Chess since you left!"

"Ran into Malfoy." Ichigo explained, sitting down and grabbing a chocolate frog. "Not that anything happened, he was just trying to goad me into a fight."

"What a jerk."

"You said it."

The rest of the journey passed quickly and before he knew it, they were back at King's Cross Station and there was his Aunt with Ginny clinging to her hand, waiting for them with a big smile. "You must come and stay this summer, both of you." Ron said, turning to Harry and Hermione.

"We'll send an owl." Ichigo agreed, excited at the thought of the four of them at the Burrow.

"Thanks." Said Harry. "Ill need something to look forward to."

"There he is Mum, there he is look!" Ginny's shrill voice carried over to them and turning to look at his younger cousin, Ichigo grinned when he saw she was pointing at Harry excitedly. "Harry Potter!" She squealed. "Look mum, I can see him!"

"Be quiet Ginny, it's rude to point." His Aunt replied, smiling at them. "Busy year?"

Ichigo's attention was diverted as he caught sight of Grimmjow again. He was talking to a woman with long blonde hair, probably his mother. A second later their eyes met and Grimmjow smiled at him. Ichigo quickly returned it before turning away, afraid someone would see their exchange. Thankfully no-one had.

"See you over the summer then." And Harry waved goodbye, heading over to a large, moustached man who must be his Uncle. The man looked severely grumpy, and not at all happy to see Harry.

"I hope he'll be alright." Hermione said anxiously.

"It's only a couple of months." Ron said bracingly. "And then we'll all be back at Hogwarts."

"I suppose you're right. There's my parents, see you soon!" Hermione waved at a couple stood not far off and then hugged them both. Ichigo was surprised, but returned it nonetheless. Ron went bright red, and stammered out a goodbye as she hurried off.

"Ready to go dears?" Mrs Weasley asked.

The twins and Percy had also appeared and their large group left back into the Muggle World and back to the Burrow. But Ichigo's thoughts lingered on Grimmjow and he wondered if he'd be able to forget about him before the new school year started.