Hi! So, I've already started this fanfic, but I stopped because I was stuck. However, I managed to get (re)inspired, had some ideas and I'm ready to bring it back. For those who had never read it, here it is.
Thank u. Remember, reviews are love.
"Get him!" A woman's voice echoes through the halls of the salon like thunder. Her loyal servants vanish from sight in a blink of an eye. They know this woman knows no mercy and that they are nothing but little chess pieces in a much larger game. She sits on an iron throne carved to look like an eagle. She likes eagles, even though on her planet they didn't exist. She saw them once in this documentary about Earth and grew fond of them ever since. They are majestic, giants of the skies and killers.
She places her hands on the arms of the chair, carved like eagle claws, and waits patiently. She knows how to break him now. She will break him right now and dance on his little pieces. Next to her is a blue police box with its doors locked. She couldn't find the key, so the prisoner must have it in his possession.
Yes, it's a smart move, but it isn't the last.
The new crown on her head is heavy, but she wears it like it's made of feathers and leaves. Her hair is long, so blonde it almost looks white and her big grey eyes are locked on the room's door, counting every second. Her lips are painted red, the same colour as her long puffy dress. She waits with the patience of a saint.
When the doors open she allows herself to show the softest of smiles. Approaching her, dragged by two guards, is the last of the Time Lords. The very last one of them. She always thought them to be tall and strong, but this one is just… very, very skinny.
The very last of his kind has been trapped for weeks now without water or food. He doesn't talk ever since he was captured, nor does he move. Unbreakable.
Ah, but the new Queen has a new move to test. The game is not over.
"Get him a chair."
A chair is placed under her steps and there the Time Lord is set. He keeps his eyes on the floor, head bowed. Dirty brown hair, all knotted and an awful looking beard. The shirt he wears, once pink, is now brown. Around his neck, he wears what is left of a bowtie. His pants have holes in it and his feet are blackened.
There's no answer. Of course, he wouldn't answer. She snapped her long fingers and a small table was placed next to him, on it a plate of fruit. The Time Lord looks to the left and sees the silver plate containing plums, grapes, peaches, apples and a banana. He takes the latter and bites it quietly.
The Queen smiles.
"I see you are hungry."
Her voice is like honey. Soft. Quiet. Sweet. It echoes naturally in the room and she didn't even raise it.
"Will you talk now?"
Not a word again. The banana has disappeared, the prisoner placing its remains on the plate. Not a word. The Time Lord's hands are carefully placed on his lap, his head still bowed and still.
"I can make this very hard…" The Queen said again very softly. "Or very easy."
Not a word in reply. Anyone in this situation would snap and resort to violence. The Queen is surrounded by strong guards, any of them could destroy that Time Lord with a punch, but she needs him in one piece and so she remains calm.
"Time Lord, I only want a location." Again she says quietly and again he says nothing. "Where is the Princess?"
She needs to know where the Princess is. Any trace of that old life has to be erased. Long live the new Queen.
"The Princess is lost out in the wilderness and I am worried." She claims with sorrow and actual tears in her eyes "I only want what's best-"
"Your words won't work on me." The Time Lord's reply catches the Queen, and her entourage, off guard. The entire room holds its breath and the flames that light the room twitch like a window was opened.
"They won't?"
"No." The Time Lord keeps his head down and his hands in his lap. "I know who you are. I know what you did. I know your power."
"Do you?"
"Yes." The Time Lord raises his head and faces the Queen straight on. "Your words won't work on me."
The Queen faces him with defiance and shows him another smile.
"Time Lord, I only want the best for my new realm and that includes bringing to my presence the Princess, so she can be-"
"Executed." The Time Lord interrupts the Queen with a cold voice.
"Taken care of. I love her, I would never hurt her." The Queen reinforces a worried look on her eyes. "I truly want the best for her." The ancient men say nothing. There they stand, the Queen of the planet called Angiolnyght, the strongest planet in the Galaxy facing a Time Lord, just one and to top that, the last. "Where is she?"
Again silence. The Time Lord bows his head and goes back to being silent and still.
"Very well." The Queen looks at one of her maids, who sits quietly on the steps: "Bring me my cards, dear."
That sentence makes the Time Lord look up with an inquisitive look.
"What are you doing?"
"Now, Time Lord, you should watch the way you address me. After all, I am the Queen."
"You don't deserve the title."
"I'm wearing the crown, therefore I deserve it."
She says this in a very soft way, but with a slight tone of threat.
"What are you doing, Your Majesty?"
"Better." The Queen acknowledges with pride in her voice "
The maid returns in with a deck of cards. A plain, simple deck of black cards. "Thank you, dear. Now, Time Lord, you are my prisoner because you helped the Princess Buma escape-"
"I led her to safety."
"Interrupt me again and I will have you tortured. Don't think I won't, look around." This time the Queen's voice is cold, sharp. The Time Lord looks around and understands the message. He is surrounded. "You are my prisoner and I happen to know you, rather well. Who you are, what you do, your weaknesses and your strengths all of that."
The Queen starts shuffling her black cards.
"Last of the Time Lords, with a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), love to travel back and forth in time and all around the galaxy. You have archenemies, so many it's impossible to count, but those who matter happen to be our allies and most trusted partner: The Daleks."
The Queen's cards shifted between her long fingers like magic.
"What else did you find?" The Queen raises an eyebrow in warning and the Time Lord adds, "Your Majesty?"
"You travel in your TARDIS, but you don't do it alone. You hate to be alone." The Time Lords body stiffens and the Queens's smile grows brighter. "Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Amy Pond and Rory Williams - who are married now – their lovely daughter and apparently your wife, River Song and the ever so charming and immortal Captain Jack Harkness. Did I get it right?"
"What do you want, Your Majesty?" The Time Lord is a warrior and he is more than ready for a fight. The Queen picks seven cards, leaving the others aside
"Tell me where the Princess is." The Queen demands and he still says nothing. The Queen rises from her throne, looking strong and powerful. The black cards are in her right hand, covered with the left. "Where is the Princess, Time Lord?"
No answer.
She comes down the steps. Her shoes, covered by the long dress, echo on the stone floor. Her dress is so long it lingers at the top of the stairs, even though she is almost halfway through them. She stops right in front of the Time Lord, but only a few steps away. "Time Lord-"
"There is no point in asking again. I won't answer."
"I know." The Queen steps forward and leans so close the Time Lord can smell her soft perfume.
The Queen shows him the seven picked black cards; they have names written on them, his friends' names written in blood red. When did she write them?
"Pick one."
"I'm the Queen. I'm ordering you too. Pick one."
The Time Lord looks at the cards. Rose. Martha. Donna. Amy. Rory. River. And Jack.
"Do you want me to choose for you?"
"I got the right to one question."
"You've got no rights. You are a traitor."
"I'm not in your kingdom. I'm not under your spell."
"Not for long."
"I won't choose. I'll die before doing it."
"No, no you won't. You'll die when I say so. Choose."
The Time Lord looks at the cards. He stretches his hand, realizing its trembling just a bit. He can't choose! He would never! Rose was in a parallel world, to get to her the Queen would have to burn stars and galaxies. Amy and Rory were hidden and not even the Doctor knew where exactly. River, well… River was in jail and even if she wasn't there at the moment (after all, that woman loves to escape her prison bars) who knows where she could be?
He looks at the Queen, whose grey eyes seemed, at first, ever so kind, but now there was this murderous glow. This strange and scary glow that makes the man with the blue box realise that this has to be his move. He has to choose. Even though he doesn't want to.
"If you know me then you know that I won't choose. I won't put my friends in danger."
"Then answer me." The Queen stands patiently and the Time Lord says nothing. "I thought so. Are you willing to kill your friends just for a Princess that you barely know?"
" I'm keeping her safe."
"No, you're being a murderer." The Queen turns to her left and looks at the guard standing there. "Get over here." A big man with black hair, green eyes and big nose approaches. Around him is a futuristic looking machine gun that he has been holding pretty close to himself. He is a soldier and he is ready to shoot at any moment. "Here is the thing about Time Lords, you are all so loyal and honourable. It is annoying.
The Queen gives the cards to the guard, orders him to shuffle them a few times then to place face down. The Queen's hand hovers over the seven black cards, with her fingertips very softly touching the texture.
Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, River, Jack…
Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, River, Jack…
The Time Lord's two hearts beat like jungle drums. He could jump and push that awful Queen, but before he could even touch her, he would be covered with bullets. On the other hand, the Princess would be safe and so would his friends. No, he couldn't, he promised the Princess he would return to her.
"Why are you doing this? Stop it! The Princess is out of your way, you don't need her."
The Queen turns around, fast, with eyes as cold as snow. She comes close, like a snake that's ready to attack at any second.
"As long as she lives, she will always be in my way" The Queen's voice is no more than a whisper. It is pure evil in a soft voice. "I will not rest until I have her heart in my hand. I want her dead and she will die. You either can help me find her or let your friends be part of the body count. Your choice, Doctor. "
"I don't know where the Princess is."
"You said that you know who I am and what I can do. So you know then, that I can see straight through lies, Time Lord." The Queen's index finger touches his forehead. " It's only a matter of time. When I'm done with your friends, I'll go after their friends, children, parents, husbands, wives… I will kill a planet if I have too." She shrugs. " Did it before, I can do it again".
She stands again, proud and tall.
"You're bluffing."
"It sounds like that, doesn't it?" She says, raising one finger…
"WAIT!" He screams. The Queen's face is all smiles. The Time Lord didn't want to choose, but it was better if he was the one to make the choice instead of the Queen and her twisted mind.
"Wait…" The Time Lord looks at the guard, and he shows him the cards face down. The Doctors reach out again, his left hand trembling so much it looks like it's going to take off and run away on its own. And yet, instead of taking a card, he drops his hand again.
"I'll give you a name."
"You'll give me a name?"
"What name is that?"
The moment he sees the name float in front of his eyes a cold shiver runs up his spine. A very human shiver.
"Jones. Martha Jones."
The Queen looks at the Doctor.
"Why her?"
"You wanted a name, I've given you one. That is it." The Queen approaches the Time Lord.
"Well, you're you a faster killer than I thought."
The Time Lord makes a move to tackle the Queen, but she stops him mid motion. No, the Queen did not touch the Time Lord, neither could he, no matter how much he wanted to. There he was, fighting against this invisible wall of power that did not allow him to touch a string of her hair.
"Sit down!" And so he did. He was under her command. The Time Lord feels like he had just pushed a mountain. "No one can touch me, Doctor."
"You will not get to her." Says the Time Lord. "I won't let you!"
"How do you plan to stop me? You can't even touch me, Doctor."
"I will."
"You gave me her name. She means nothing to you."
"You're wrong." The Doctor says.
And then it all happens tremendously fast, not even the Queen sees clearly what happens. With a fast movement, the Time Lord gets up and knocks down the guard next to the Queen. He faces her, dead on, only a few inches away from her nose. Around him, he feels, more than sees, the guards pointing their guns at him.
"DON'T SHOOT!" The Queen orders. "I want him alive."
"You would like that, wouldn't you?"
"You won't kill yourself."
"True." The Doctor says. "But I will run."
Then he runs up the stairs, towards the throne.
The Doctor stops right at the throne, snaps his fingers, the TARDIS doors opening like magic, but he does not enter. Instead, he yells.
"WAIT!" The men coming up the stairs stop right away. The Doctor looks at the Queen smiling. "You don't know what you just did, do you?"
The Queen shows him a confused look.
"What are you talking about?"
"You just gave me the key to your success and you didn't even notice." The Doctor smiled. "I just beat you at your own game"
He lets out the biggest laugh, then jumps into the TARDIS closing the door behind him. Quickly, it's lights were flashing, that terrible sound was louder than life and the wind was blowing everything and everyone out of their part. The TARDIS was angry.
After the Doctor had vanished, the Queen let's out a scream so loud the windows break one after the other.