I am super sorry you guys, but I think we all saw this coming. I just am not into the Vampire Diaries/Originals fandoms as much as I used to be. I have no desire nor motivation to finish this story. I know it sucks, I am saddened by it too. However, when I force myself to write what I do not want, it turns out horrible and sloppy. I want to give my readers the best content I can make, and it isn't happening for this story.

I am still writing, so if you like my writing style; do not fear. I will be writing for other fandoms, and who knows, maybe I'll come back to the TVD fandom. But for now, I am mainly in the DC fandom. If you like Batman, Young Justice, the Justice League, or Teen Titans, you should stay tuned.

Since I am done writing this story, I figure I should at least let you know what happens next. If anyone wants to continue this, just shoot me a pm and I'll check out your writing style.

The next chapter: (I did have most of this written for a while. It is the first draft, so don't judge. This is just so you can get an idea of what is supposed to happen)


It has been three weeks since Katherine was let out of the hospital, and she had been in there for six days. Ever since Elijah had discovered her little bad hair day, she had been in and out of that dreaded place. With tests and appointments, Katherine was in the waiting room more than her own bedroom. She was very disappointed, because this meant less time with Elijah and she was just starting to let him in again.

Of course, nothing ever goes right in her life. That's why she kept suffering. Caroline dropped her off at the hospital most days. Sometimes Stefan would, maybe even Klaus. Kol spent most of his time trying to get Davina back. As for Hayley, well she was under house arrest with someone watching her at all times. Klaus was taking every precaution.

This doctor was pissing Katherine off more than the last dozen she had seen. He was very insensitive and kept pointing out every damn flaw she had. So, naturally, she punched him in the face. She knew her hair was graying, but apparently her x-rays showed her bones were an unreachable age and then he laughed at her when she lost a tooth.

All-in-all, he deserved a lot more than that punch, but that's all she managed. Caroline stopped her from throwing another one. Instead, the blonde compelled Dr. Asshat to give it to them straight.

"You're aging." He replied in a monotone.

Katherine stopped fighting against Caroline to hit the doctor and she felt herself go numb. "What?" She whispered meekly.

"You're entire body is going through some sort of sped up aging process. You probably won't last the week." The doctor said as he collected his things and left.

The doppelganger tried hard to fight the tears that threatened to fall. She didn't want to cry in front of Caroline again, even though the blonde would let her. She had to be strong, pretend it didn't faze her. But it did, and it hurt so much to know this simple detail.

Caroline waited for the human to cry or throw something. Do anything besides stand there with a blank expression. But she never did and the vampire hated that more than anything. It was like Katherine was so used to bad things happening to her, that she had just become numb to it all.

They walked back to the car in silence and drove home the same way. Neither really knew what they were going to do.


Davina woke up in a bedroom at the compound. Sitting up, she looked around and cursed under her breath. Another day had come and gone, and she was still stuck. Did Marcel have another witch that she didn't know about? But who would be more powerful?

She knew she hadn't tried using magic on Marcel or his minions, but the day they kidnapped her was the day she had drained her powers. The spell to resurrect Kol took a lot out on her magic, she could barely light a flame.

She tested her magic, seeing if she could access it again. It seemed to still be drained. She wasn't even sure why now. It had been weeks, she was counting, since she brought back her ghostly friend. The witch was sure that she was being drugged, how else would she not be able to perform any simple spells.

Davina didn't know at all what was going on since she left. She was horribly out of the loop. The girl hoped everything was alright with the Mikaelsons. Though she doubted. Trouble seemed to follow them no matter what they did.

The petite brunette hopped of the bed when the door opened. Revealing himself for the first time in weeks, Marcel stepped in. She felt her entire body tighten.

"Marcel, it's about time you came to talk to me." She said, faking concern.

"Yes, well I wanted to make sure you were comfortable here before I showed my face again." He smirked at the witch.

"I guess I should apologize for running away, if I was actually sorry." She remarked, rudely.

"I would watch what you say. Your little host family would get hurt." Marcel warned the young girl

"You can't hurt the Mikaelsons. They are more powerful than you'll ever be." Davina snarled back.

"I'm talking about the little human pet they now keep. I have my vampires keeping an eye on her when she's in the French Quarter. They tell me she's sick." He said with an accomplished look in his eyes.

"Katherine's sick?" The witch questioned, her features growing soft.

"Yep, some might even say it'll be fatal." Marcel answered.

"Marcel, you have to let me help her." She pleaded.

"Now why would I do that?" The vampire wondered, amused at the girl's attachment to the human.

"I'll be your witch. I'll do everything you say with little remark. I'll even live here. Just let me stay in contact with my friend and help her." Davina practically begged.

"I'll think about it, D." Marcel said, "Oh, and your little boyfriend came around trying to see you. A Mikaelson boy, really?" He growled before walking out of her room and slamming the door.

Davina stared at the closed door, tears forming. Not only was she prisoner again, but this time she didn't have anyone to come and visit her. She fell to the floor and pulled her knees into her chest, crying. She spent yet another day wishing Kol was by her side.


"This is bad, we really shouldn't be doing this." Caroline whispered, her mouth pressed against Klaus'. He had his hands underneath her shirt, playing with the latch on her bra. She revelled in the touch of his hand on her skin.

"What do mean, love?" He teased as he unhooked her bra and actually tore it off. Caroline stepped back from him and glared jokingly.

"We are about to have sex. Your baby mama is in the house. So are your siblings and my friends. One of my friends is kidnapped and the other found out yesterday that she is dying. This seems a bit rude." The female vampire explained.

"Are you going to do anything about it, then?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"Apparently not." She growled, reclaiming his lips.

Klaus smiled and shoved her against the door. She pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed at his back. He hoisted her so she wrapped her legs around his waist and walked backwards till he fell onto his bed.

Caroline allowed herself to have this moment with Klaus. With everything that was going on in their lives, with all the drama, she was here in his arms. For the next couple of hours, nothing mattered. Nothing came into her mind. It was her, Klaus, and four and a half hours of ridiculously amazing sex.


"I have thought about and considered your deal. If I say no, life will be a lot harder for the both of us, won't it?" Marcel said, walking into Davina's room. She looked up at him and nodded. "Fine." He sighed.

"Really?" She asked, smiling. The vampire nodded, opening the door wide. Before she could run out, he stopped her and added;

"Yep, but if you don't come back everyday by ten o'clock in the afternoon I am revoking our deal." He warned. She nodded, smiling at him and ran out.

Davina made it down the stairs and out of the compound very quickly. She knew she was bound to Marcel now, but it was better than being locked up. She looked around at the French Quarter, taking it all in. This was the first time she had seen it in months. With getting almost sacrificed, rescued/kidnapped, running away, hiding with the Mikaelson's, and getting kidnapped again she didn't have time to see the city she grew up in.

The witch breathed in and out, loving the fresh air and all the people around her. As she looked around, she saw a familiar face standing out in the crowd.

"Kol." She whispered, a large smile spread across her face as she broke off into a run towards him. She jumped into his arms, hugging the life out of him.

"Davina, darling, you escaped?" Kol asked as she strangled him.

"No, I have to go back, but at least I can spend my days with you." She admits. Before the Original could say another word, Davina wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a very long kiss.

"Now, how can I help Katherine's situation?" She wondered after breaking away.


Elijah admits his feelings to Katherine

Kalijah Kiss

Katherine has a heart attack


See, not even finished. Yikes.

And here is the story's outline:

Chapter 10- She's Dead

Klaus and Caroline prepare for war against Marcel

Elijah worries about katherine.

Stebekah romance moment

Davina Performs spell, Katherine dies

Chapter 11 - Impossible

Katherine reawakens as an immortal

Kalijah sexytimes

Davina works with Kol to test Katherine

Caroline/Stefan/Katherine cuddle pile

Hayley/Katherine heart-to-heart

Chapter 12- Another Agenda

Kolvina sexytimes

Klaus/Hayley friend moment

Katherine tests her new abilities

Stebekah kiss

Elijah meets with Celeste

Chapter 13 - Witches are bitches

The witches(minus Sophie and Davina) decide to kill Katherine

Klaus threatens them

Davina and Kol try to understand and discover all of Katherine's abilities

Klaus tells Caroline he loves her

Celeste cryptically tells Elijah something, then disappears

Chapter 14- Elena's Here

Stefan tells Rebekah he loves her.

Elena calls Caroline and visits

Stefan gets fed up with Elena

Katherine laughs and boasts to Elena about her new immortality

Elena claims she just needs Katherine's doppelganger blood to revive Bonnie

Katherine gives it to her. Stefan tells her to never come back.

Elena leaves, heartbroken.

Chapter 15- Bonding

Caroline gets news from Elena about Bonnie's resurrection and Silas' death

katherine helps Hayley prepare for the baby.

Klaus, Kol, Elijah, & Rebekah sibling bond

Caroline tells Klaus she loves him

Katherine and Stefan bond

Chapter 16- Love is in the Air

Witches are looking for ways to kill the Originals

Katherine eavesdrops on the vampires

Davina realizes she loves Kol

Hayley talks about her fears

Rebekah has a run-in with Marcel

Stefan get jealous and talks to Katherine about it.

Chapter 17- Have a Little Faith

Hayley and Klaus bond while baby shopping

Caroline admits her worries about the baby to Katherine

Katherine learns she can communicate telepathically after getting kidnapped by Marcel

Witches try to find a way to de-spell Katherine

Chapter 18- Confessions

Elijah and Klaus rescue Katherine.

Klaus worries about not being a good father. Elijah comforts him

Kalijah sexytimes and love confession

Chapter 19- Birth

Katherine has a memory from her childbirth

Hayley gives birth to a baby girl.

Marcel kidnaps both girls

Katherine works with Sophie and Davina to help Hayley and Hope

Chapter 20- This is War

last chapter. The gang prepares to fight

Hayley dies. Marcel kills her

Marcel dies at the hands of Davina

Kol gets knocked out by the witches

Klaus and Caroline fight the vampires

Katherine rescues Hope

Mikaelson & co. win

Thanks for sticking with me and being so patient. I wish we didn't have to come to this conclusion, but alas, life happens.
