I am absolutely in-love with this new series! And after seeing the first episode I had an idea for this fanfiction. Note: It has been a month since Gabi and Josh's little 'affair'. Hope you enjoy!

Young and Hungry – Gabi's surprise

"What's all this?" Josh asked. He had just entered the 'main' room of his pent house, only to see a whole meal set up on the table. He and Caroline had broken up and called off the wedding the day before and he wasn't really in the mood to eat at the moment.

Gabi looked somewhat nervous. "Um, just a little something. I kind of have something I need to tell you."

"You're not quitting, are you? I can't take another woman leaving me!"

"No. It's just- how about we eat first?"

Josh nodded and sat down. Gabi sat across from him, biting her bottom lip. They began to eat in silence and were soon finished their delicious meal.

"Now, what did you need to tell me?" Josh asked, taking a sip of champagne.

Gabi took a deep breath before answering his question. "I'm pregnant." She said making Josh do a 'spit take' all over the table clothe.


"I'm pregnant. And the baby is yours."

"How..? Are you sure?"

Gabi nodded. "Yes, I'm sure." She showed him the test, it was positive. "And you're the only one I have slept with- as of late." To be honest she was a virgin until that night.

Josh sat in shock, taking a moment to soak this all in before smiling. "I'm gonna be a dad!" he exclaimed happily. Gabi looked surprised that he was so enthusiastic after hearing this news.

Josh snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Gabi?" he raised an eyebrow. Gabi shook her head and looked at him. "Yes?"

"Since your pregnant with my baby you can no longer work as my personal chef."

Gabi's eyes widened. "What! No! You can't do that. I need the money for my rent!"

"You won't need to pay for rent anymore because you are to live with me until the baby is born."

Hope y'all liked it! That's it for now. Read and Review and I'll try to update soon!