"Do they really have to come?" Dean growled in Castiel's ear as Beckett and Castle walked towards the Impala. Castiel didn't answer, having finally realized the difference between Dean complaining and Dean asking an actual question. He put his hand on Dean's shoulder for a second before walking up to greet the detective and the writer.

They were in an empty parking lot and Sam was walking back from a nearby coffee shop. Dean pulled his leather jacket closer and scowled at the kids off the edge of the lot. One was watching them with interest, but he looked like he was trying to entertain himself. Castiel was shaking Castle's hand and Beckett was motioning back to Dean, who sarcastically wiggled his fingers in greeting. Irritation passed through him when Beckett put her hand on Castiel's arm, and, if the look on Richard Castle's face was anything to go by, he wasn't to fond of how touchy she was with Castiel either.

At that moment, Sam walked up and handed Dean a coffee cup.

"Lighten up, this will keep you out of jail," Sam said, leaning against Baby. Dean scoffed.

"Do you think that I would get thrown in jail for ripping out her hair?" he asked with a look of disgust as Castiel patted her shoulder. Sam's head jerked in surprise before looking from the three back to Dean.

"Are you... jealous man?" Sam scoffed with a smirk. Dean looked away from the trio, pretending that he wasn't staring at Castiel's ass.

"No," Dean immediately defended himself, "I just don't like her attitude is all. And the writer guy is annoying." Sam rolled his eyes and pulled a bitch face.

"Whatever Dean," he said, obviously not taking it, "Kate says Richard is perfectly fine."

"Richard?" Sam rolled his eyes again. Castiel, Beckett, and Castle started walking back towards the Impala.

"Just be nice," Sam mumbled. He smiled pleasantly, or at least as pleasantly as a gargantuan can.

"Alright, so Vampire hunting!" Castle said, "That sounds fun."

"Yeah," Dean scoffs, "If having blood suckers attack you and having to cut off their heads with the risk of them killing you is fun. Then yeah, almost dying is fun."

"Wow, you're the life of the party, I can tell," Richard said.

"The worst part is that I actually am," Dean smirked.

"Beckett!" Castle yelled, the vampires noticed him and left Kate alone. "Great. Now what?" he asked himself as he turned down the vast halls of the nest. He turned toward the right before yelling over his shoulder, "Dracula was more impressive!" and taking off running.

"Castle!" Dean yelled and threw a machete through the air toward him. Castle caught it and spun around with the aim of killing. He would protect Kate. So he took off the male vamps head as he spun. Dean practically materialized behind him and threw his ax into the forehead of the female vamp behind the one Castle had decapitated. "Not too bad," he praised, giving Castle a once over, "But you swing you're other arm when you decapitate people, it makes you look like a faerie."

"At least I'm pretty right?" Castle quipped with a grin, Dean chuckled as he stepped over the wriggling body of the male and took off the female's head with his knife. He pulled his ax out of her head and glanced back with a smile.

"Yeah, but you're not exactly my type," Dean said with a wink. Castle rolled his eyes and followed Dean to where Kate had been.

"Don't feel too bad, Winchester, you aren't my type either," Castle said casually as they trotted through the halls. Castle cleaned his sword on his jeans as they jogged.

"What's your type?" Dean asked absentmindedly, checking around the corner before easing around.

"Flowing brown hair, careful, serious," Castle started listing. Dean turned around and smirked.

"You can NOT fuck my brother," he said. Castle chuckled.

"Oh and one more thing. Female."

"As I said."

Both of them chuckled gently as the ducked into the room that Kate had been in. Castle stood up and gaped.

"Kate?" he called. There was so much blood everywhere and Kate was no where to be found. Dean looked around and checked the bodies on the ground. Their faces were burnt out.

"Looks like Cas helped out your detective." Dean said with a grimace, "So the question is-"

"Where did they go after that?" Castle finished. He pursed his lips and looked around, "Lets go find Sam." Dean nodded and flicked the blood off his fingers that he'd touched.

"Exactly what I was thinking," he walked toward the other doorway. But before he could get there, Sam's huge form filled the door way.

"Speak of the devil," Castle said. Sam and Dean shared an uncomfortable look before Sam cleared his throat.

"I can't find Cas or Kate."

"Us neither," Dean said with a tone of suspicion. Castle looked around and sighed.

"Well then what are we standing around for, lets get looking for clues," he said before walking over to the wall where Kate had been cornered. Dean and Sam looked surprised.

"What happened to being just a writer?" Sam asked. Castle looked up.

"Bitch I'm a homicide consultant."

Castiel's eyes opened and he looked around with surprise.

"Hello baby bro!" Gabriel's cheery voice filled the air. Castiel calmly looked around and saw Kate sitting stubbornly on the couch, arms crossed.

"Hello Gabriel. Are you alright Kate?"

"Yeah, but this asshole is annoying," She said with a look of irritation toward Gabriel. Gabriel winked at her and wiggled his fingers tauntingly.

"So it's all as normal then?" Castiel asked Gabriel. Gabriel smiled sadly.

"Unfortunately no."

"We need to talk Castiel," Micheal suddenly appeared beside Beckett. She jerked away.

"Do you guys not know how to use a door?" She asked. Micheal cocked his head.

"What would be the point in that? Now, Castiel..." Micheal turned back to Castiel, "You have to help us."

"Help you murder our brothers and sisters?" Castiel bit, "No thanks."

"It wasn't an option Castiel."

"Cassie, you've got to understand that Micheal's right here," Gabriel said gently. Castiel turned on him.

"Castiel. My name is Castiel. And since when do you care so much about following Micheal's orders? In fact when did you start caring so much about following Father's orders?" Castiel said irritably. Gabriel shook his head.

"It's not like that Castiel," Micheal said with a sigh.

"Oh really. So what's it actually like," Castiel asked sharply. Kate watched concerned.

Gabriel hung his head.

Okay... and this IS the longest it's ever taken me to update. Sorry guys!