Here is another story and it's a dream I've been having for a while so I wanted to write down. I really hope that you enjoy it because it's in the Middle Ages and since it's here well you just have to read and found out, let's just say the story happens only there.

Disclaimer: I don't own any yu-gi-oh series just my OC's Dawn and Amy.

Chapter 1: The kingdom of Camelot is a vast place and you can't even tell where the borders lie. The king who rules is known as King Arthur and is the best king this kingdom had so far. King Arthur saved this kingdom when it was on the reign of terror from the Great War between all the other kingdoms in the country.

Camelot was saved thanks to their new king and is now the biggest, most wealthy kingdom in the country. All of the people in all five villages including the castle wanted their new to have a queen. So he did and married the girl of his dreams and had a beautiful baby daughter who they eventually named Dawn and so her story begins.

Dawn POV

I was really never allowed to leave the castle until I was 8 years old. Once I turned 8 I made sure that I went outside the castle (freedom). I was running along in the market place and I didn't see where I was going and pushed someone to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going" said Dawn then I notice it was a man. "That's alright just be careful next time" said the man (holy cow this guy is hot and really handsome, wow).

"Did you hurt yourself when you fell" said Dawn. The answer was no but the expression on his face said he was so I examine him very slowly to make sure I don't miss anything (this guy is perfect in every way I think I'm getting feelings but I can't he's just a peasant).

After I was done I grab his hand "Hey what are you doing" said the man but I didn't answer I just torn some of the bottom of my dress and wrap it around his hand (I can't believe this, I am truly kind thanks mom).

"Your hand was bleeding, you must have scape it across the ground it's the least I can do for my debt of pushing you" said Dawn. I help him to his feet and started to walk away until "WAIT" said the man and I stop so he could catch up.

"Thank-you, you have a big heart for someone like me" said the man "Your welcome and like I said it was the least I can do, now if you excuse me I must leave" said Dawn.

"Wait, may I at least have your name" said the man (oops I forgot to say). "Oh where are my manners, I'm sorry my name is Dawn" said Dawn (always say your name girl did you not learn anything).

"Dawn huh, well until we meet again milady" said the man. He grab my hand and kiss it very softly and then left leaving me very shock (wow, what a gentlemen).

I was finally back at the castle in my room thinking about what just happen to me when I was in the market place. My father is going to call me anytime soon and is going to ask what I did today (he is not going to be happy about this).

I heard a knock at the door "Milady you father needs to see right now it's very important" said Kisara my personal maid and best friend. "Alright" said Dawn and went through the doors to go the throne room to see my father.

Atem POV

I was in the castle in the kingdom of Camelot with my father waiting for the princess to arrive. For some reason I can't get the girl I met in the market place at of my head (she was very beautiful for one and so kind, truly a big heart that girl has).

I saw the doors open and a girl with long very light blue hair walk in "You daughter is here King Arthur" said the girl "Thank-you Kisara you can have the rest of the day off" said King Arthur and with that she left.

"You're lucky you came when you did" said King Arthur turning his face toward me "Why do you say this King Arthur" said Atem.

"Because Prince Atem my daughter has just came back from the town" said King Arthur "Well that is lucky, indeed" said Atem and the doors started to open and what I saw made my eyes go when (it's her).

Dawn POV

I walk through the doors and was standing in front of my father "Well father this better be important" said Dawn. I never look to the side of him nor behind him just the man sitting in that throne.

"It is Dawn, please allow me to introduce you to Prince Atem from the kingdom of Argon" said my father. I look to the man my father was pointing too and what I saw surprise me (it's him).

There was a long silence in the room until "You're the man I pushed and helped when I was in the market place (and here I thought he was a peasant)" said Dawn. "Well didn't I tell you that I'll meet you again, so here I am but I'm surprise that girl was you milady" said Atem.

"Yeah I'm sorry but I don't like being formal outside the castle, please allow me to show you around Atem" said Dawn and with that I took him by the hand and we went outside the doors to show the castle of Camelot.

Atem POV

The last couple of days I spend most of my time getting to know Dawn and to tell you the truth she is not like the others I've met. Dawn knows I'm a prince but she doesn't treat me like one but instead like a regular person (like when I first met her).

When I first saw her I started to get some feelings and now since I know a lot more about her I've finally made my choice (she'll become mine).

I saw her sitting on a bench in the royal garden I'm going to surprise her and her head is turn around (perfect). I walk slowly toward her and put my hands around her eyes (let's see if she knows who this is).

Dawn POV

I was peaceful sitting on a bench in the royal garden until I had a pair of hands over my eyes (when I see the person I'm going to slap him or her).

"What in the world, what do you think you're doing wait a minute is that you Atem" said Dawn and the hands were pulled away so I could turn around and sure enough it was him.

"How in the world did you know it was me I didn't even speak or anything" said Atem. "Because silly you're the only one with a scar on his hand so yeah" said Dawn (he got it from me pushing him).

"Man I wish that thing will heal but it won't, darn" said Atem. "May I ask what I want to know is what you're doing here" said Dawn.

"Aw come on can I at least see my favorite girl, besides I have something to tell you" said Atem. "Really (I wonder what it is, my heart is beating fast right now)" said Dawn, he actually told me that he like me and I too told him that I like him to (I was so happy and he was to).

"Dawn I've been thinking for a while and I know I'm too young but you're the only girl I really like so…" said Atem. "Oh my gosh, is this what I think it is but are you sure you want me" said Dawn.

"I have never been more sure in my life you are the most caring, loyal, honest, and the most beautiful person I have ever met when we become the age to marry will you have the honor of becoming my wife" said Atem.

"Yes I would thank-you that was very sweet I'm blushing my eye color which is a pink rose" said Dawn (this is best day of my life can it get any better).

I moved some of his yellow part in his hair that was tri color and kiss him on the lips. He look at me with his crimson eyes and they were shock because I never once kiss him before (well I was busy getting to know the man I love, yeah I know).

After that I went straight to my room and my face was burning after kissing him (but it was just on the lips so why). I just went to sleep and my dreams were filled with him and everything about him but I still can't believe of what he said to me.

Atem POV

This day can't get any better than what it already is. I went to my father's room before I went to mine and I told him everything that happen I did during the day including the part with Dawn (I said more than once).

"I'm very happy for you my son but are you sure she's the ONE" said my father. "Yes Dad I'm 100 percent sure" said Atem and I went straight to my room and fell asleep with dreams filled with her (I'm so lucky nothing can go wrong).

The next morning…

When I woke up I ask Dawn if she wanted to go horseback riding and with a yes that filled my ears. She took me to the stables and I grab my horse and went through the entire kingdom with her at my side.

As we were coming back because it was almost nightfall I felt that something wasn't right (I was right when I turned my head around).

I saw Dawn falling to the ground hitting her head first really hard (ouch I felt my heart racing and went to her side). I carried her bridal style all the way to the castle since we were about to put our horses in the stables. As I carried her to the doctor I saw her father with terror in his eyes.

"What happen" said King Arthur and I told him everything "and that why she is in my arms I'm taking her to the doctor right now" said Atem (I'm so worried).

Her father and I was waiting for the doctor to come out then he finally walk out the doors "Ok I have some good news and bad news as well" said the doctor. Here we go but will I able to deal with the bad news I don't know.

"She is going to be fine but she will not remember anything when she first met you Prince Atem" said the doctor. "So you're telling me that she won't remember anything about me or anything I did with her" said Atem and the answer I didn't want to hear I heard.

"No this can't be happening, what will I do (wait I know I'll make sure that she will stay safe she may not remember me but I'll start over but I'll be a little better so no one else can take her)" said Atem.

Thank-you for reading this I do hope that you enjoy it like I said it was a dream so please be nice when you review if you do anyway I'll see you next chapter.