A/N: I'm BACK!
And sadly, I'm gonna be a bitch.
I'm probably gonna have to discontinue. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to finish this fic, but I can't cuz … I guess you could say I lost interest. I'm just not motivated. And when I'm not motivated I have to force it, and when I force it, it comes out as shit.
I'll be working on other fics that I'm more motivated to work on. One of which is another Supernatural and Teen Wolf crossover, I got the idea from Tumblr. The other is for The Listener.
And hell, maybe one day I will finish this. Just not any time soon…
So terribly sorry! And thankyou for reading this far!
Chapter Seven: Escape
The sun was setting.
After Scott and the other group separated from his pack, they were left to travel the roads alone. Stiles mainly walked next to Derek. And Scott with Kira. Lydia and Malia mainly kept to themselves. They all carried a form of blunt object. But they wanted to protect Stiles, and most likely Lydia as well.
Derek was quick to suggest he stay by Stiles' side at all times.
They passed many undead, and they destroyed the brains of many of them. There were a couple of scares.
Malia was bit, but she quickly healed and everything was fine from then. Lydia was pretty worried, as was Stiles, but she showed no symptoms.
And then there was Stiles himself. He managed to smash the head of a zombie in, but it's blood got in his mouth and all over his face. Derek made a big fuss and forced everyone to stop. He sat Stiles down and made sure that all the infected blood was off of Stiles. From then, he was always standing next to Stiles.
But they still had yet to reach their main destination. It was getting close.
Scott noticed a massive pileup of cars ahead, and he could see no other ways around it, unless if they wanted to climb the walls around the freeway. So they headed for it. Malia and Scott went first. Kira came up on her own. Derek said he would go last.
Lydia and Stiles carefully climbed up the cars, nearly falling a couple of times. Neither of them were very athletic to begin with.
Lydia placed her foot down hard on a cracked bus window, and it came crashing in. Stiles was already over there by the time Scott and Derek were down. And he was already inside when the pileup began to slide. The cars moved like an avalanche, falling forward in groups. And Stiles and Lydia ran deeper into the pileup to avoid being crushed, while Derek and Scott got on top and over it. Derek could breathe easier when he noticed Lydia and Stiles crawling out of a car below them. They used the vehicles as tunnels to get out.
Ahead Scott could see the sign to Spinner County.
A/N: If you want to adopt this fic and write an alternate ending or continue or whatever you do, then contact me, and then once you do that go for it. You don't have to wait for my approval just…do what you do best!