Reminder: This is a really old story! Things will be outdated as you read along!

"The dance of blades."

Quick Prey

Chapter 22

"Glad to see you're on your feet, boy." Katarina said from her father's desk. It seemed as if she had been busy with paperwork while her brother was recovering. Her emerald eyes glanced up at her brother walking into the study room. He struggled a bit, but when Quinn tried to assist him he shrugged her off. The redhead put her paperwork down while moving all of her focus on them. "Are you ready for the information I have for you?"

"Since when do you care if I'm ready?" Her brother snarled.

"The moment I saw you bleeding on your bedroom floor," she snapped back. "If you die, who would I have left that I can trust?"

Talon, taken by surprise, looked over at Quinn who had her eyes on the carpet. He had two women that cared dearly for him. One was open about it while the other hid it behind a cold glare. He nudged Quinn's arm, making her turn to him. Silently, he asked her if she was ready with a cocked brow. A confident smile appeared on her face, letting him know she would follow him.

"We're ready," he replied.

"Good because I've gotten word of a secret meeting between Swain and a couple of his old friends." Katarina explained as she skimmed through the stack of papers on the desk. Her fair face hardened into a glare as she read the names out loud, "The hemomancer known as Vladimir and Morgana the fallen angel."

"An odd circle of acquaintances…" Talon thought.

"The last time they got together, they resurrected Sion." Katarina slowly looked over to the scout, who narrowed her eyes angrily at the juggernaut's name. "I'm certain you're familiar with him?"

"Too familiar," Quinn growled as remembered their encounter on Summoner's Rift. Powers were suppressed there—who knew how strong that undead warrior actually was.

"What old time war machine are they going to resurrect now?" The assassin asked sarcastically.

"I'm… not too sure that's what they're doing. My spies could only tell me that those three were meeting for a reason. Swain's fortress is heavily guarded this time around." The redhead sighed while resting her elbows on the desk. She looked back up at the couple, thinking as she looked between them. It dawned on her that she had Demacia's Wings aiding her. Even if Katarina had Demacia's top scout with her, sending Quinn to Swain's fortress would kill her and Talon. But she had an idea, "You remember where Vladimir's old mansion is, right?"

"Yes, it's in the mountains. He purposely took shelter in a more deserted part of Noxus so travels would stop there." Talon snarled, "If someone needed a quick rest stop or even a glass of water he'd happily provide but at their price of their blood being drained." He looked at his hand, envisioning Vladimir's silver claws on his own fingers.

"The sick bastard keeps everything there. Quinn," Katarina said looking at her, "I want you to sneak inside and grab whatever looks suspicious. For example, a folder of paper or a notebook. Talon, you'll escort her there."

"What about Valor?"

"He needs to stay here. He is too recognizable to us Noxians. You'll be found out before you even have the chance to walk outside."

"Why can't I just go myself?" Talon objected. "You don't need to put Quinn in any more danger."

"How can you sneak inside when you can barely walk straight?" His sister retorted. She smirked when she realized he had no reason for arguing any more. "Good. Now, if we're all in agreement, you'll leave at sundown. That'll give you some time to prepare. Take the runestone if you need."

The night sky looked over the duo like a menacing shadow. A rugged trail leading away from the Noxian capital was lonesome and quiet aside from their boots crushing the dirt. They decided that using the runestone far away from Vladimir's mansion would be the best decision. Quinn walked beside her assassin, ready to catch him if he stumbled. Thankfully, Talon managed to regain his footing as they walked. Quinn thought maybe he just need to stretch his muscles.

"We're getting closer," he whispered. Talon hopped off the road and headed into the thick woods surrounding them. Quinn hurried after him, "We'll need to stay concealed in the trees before we do anything."

"Just in case Vladimir is home, correct?"

"Exactly." The assassin nodded, "If he finds us, we'll have our blood stolen from our bodies before we could even blink."

"You seem to know a lot about this man?"

"I've had my encounters with that maniac." Talon explained, "When father was around he too was suspicious of Vladimir's… hobby. He assigned me a scouting mission and… I saw him rip the blood from two young travelers… a man and woman. He made the woman watch as he stole her companion's life."

Quinn saw the assassin's eyes narrow in disgust while he remembered the moment. He growled as he adjusted his hood closer to his face. The air around them was uncomfortably cold— they were getting closer. The scout glanced up into the sky when the moonlight slowly faded. Clouds gradually covered the moon while the forest around them opened.

Talon stopped just before the exit, grabbing Quinn's arm just before she walked out to the openness. He pointed at an old mansion sitting on top of a hill. It looked ancient and unwelcoming. Iron gates covered in thorns surrounded it and there was one light on the top third floor. Why anyone would stop here was beyond Quinn's understanding.

"You see that slope behind the mansion?" Talon spoke up. He pointed at it, "He tosses the bodies of his victims down there. My curiosity got the better of me and I checked it out. I was horrified when I saw the two travelers lying on top of a pile of skeletons."

"No one has caught onto him?" Quinn asked, tracing over her back to her quiver.

"Just Swain," her partner answered. "Other than condemning him for his wicked magic, Swain befriended him."

"How evil," the scout shuddered as she stared at the downslope. "Do you think… we'll be okay? Or do you think he'll be expecting something?"

"What do you mean if we'll be okay? You're the most highly regarded ranger in Demacia and I'm one of the deadliest assassins in Runeterra. We will be fine," Talon scoffed.

"But only reason I stand out is because I have Valor. Without him, I'm just another normal human with a crossbow." Her golden eyes looked down at his body, seeing where his wounds were. She knew he was still pretty bandaged up underneath his armor. Quinn turned back to him, "And you're not at one hundred percent either."

"Quinn," he began with the false pep talk.

"You said he's allied with Swain, right?" She stopped him, "Why wouldn't he warn Vladimir about a duo that foiled his plans in Ionian or the team that beat him with a back door strategy on the Rift? I just have a feeling that he knows…"

"Eh, it was just that story of mine giving you the creeps. Like I said, we're fine." Talon stepped out forward while the moon was covered by the clouds, his hand reaching out for Quinn. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her behind him to a bush near the house. The assassin glanced up at the dark windows before pulling a dagger from his waist. Quinn watched him check the sharpness by running his thumb over the edge.

As much as she doubted it, they were ready.

"I'm going to pick the window open, jump in, and then you follow." Talon instructed before tumbling into the brush underneath the mansion's window. Quinn watched the glass for any movement on the inside. The assassin stabbed his knife into the lock and it opened immediately. Now Quinn understood how he got into places so easily. He pushed the window in, the two glass pieces folding in, giving the Noxian room to enter.

He waved his hand at her when the coast was clear and Quinn hurried after him. Talon grabbed her hand and yanked her inside. The scout looked around, seeing nothing in the darkness but the faint outlines of furniture. The wood flooring was surprisingly well tended and free of dust. Quinn expected it to be just as dirty and unwelcome as the outside.

"Come on," Talon whispered. "We have to split up if we want to find him."

"Talon, no." She argued, making the assassin groan. "We don't know who else is here."

"You really think he's gonna have someone here?"

"What about the other members of the Black Rose? They have to be on their toes now since Ionia." Quinn explained but Talon moved forward, "Talon!" She growled under her breath.

"Go up the stairs. If you don't find anything, meet me back here. Then we can check the basement together." Talon said before disappearing into the shadows. Quinn hated when he did that.

The scout carefully crouched down and walked towards the stairs. The foyer of the mansion was huge, making Quinn uneasy with each step. There were porcelain statues of a man with long hair and claws. As she passed each one, she was filled with dread. There was something not right about this place but she pressed on. The faster she checked upstairs the faster she could reunite with Talon.

Quinn was careful not to put too much weight on the wooden stairs but she was fast. She kept her crossbow pointed forward as she reached the top. Here, there was a single candle lit at the end of the hallway. She froze at the sight of it. From the outside, there was nothing indicating that there was light. Someone was walking around.

She took another step forward, making the wood groan under her boot. Quinn cringed as she took her foot off the floor, looking around for any movement in the darkness. The flame at the end of the hallway didn't even flicker. It relieved her momentarily as she moved on. Quinn tiptoed to the candle, her crossbow at her side. Her hand felt the handle— it was warm. Someone had just placed it there.

"Foolish of you to come straight to the spider's web, little fly."

Quinn flipped around, trying to find the dark voice that was in her ear. Suddenly, she felt something thud against the back of her neck and her vision started to go blurry. As she fell to the ground, she saw a flash of crimson. Her head smacks against the plush carpet and she could see colors mixing until they became black...

There was a faint smell of burning coming from the first floor of the mansion. As Talon followed the smell, his nerves begged him to stop and find Quinn. His ears rang in the dead silence but nothing jumped out at him. The assassin pulled a dagger from his waistband as he approached a door at the end of a hallway. His fingers pressed against the wood, feeling it move forward. Behind the door was a humongous kitchen with marble floors and fine wooden cabinets. That's when the horrid smell hit him.

Talon covered his nose as he fully entered the kitchen. He slowly approached the stove, seeing a pot of bubbling red liquid. The ends of the soupy mixture meeting the pot had turned hard and black. As he moved on, he saw more suspicious items lined up next to the pot. A bundle black feathers, a few small bones, rosemaries, and a vial of… blood. Talon's gut was now screaming at him. He looked back over to the pot, seeing something bubbling to the surface. There he saw a bird's head pop up before submerging again. There was something seriously wrong happening and he needed to find Quinn and run. Yet, Talon came closer to the ungodly concoction. His gloved hand reached for the vial and read the label…

"Essence of Raven?" He whispered to himself.

Suddenly, he heard a flapping noise pass over his head. Talon's amber eyes hesitated to look up but the flapping had stopped just above him. He gasped when he saw a raven sitting on a shelf but it didn't look like an ordinary raven. It had multiple eyes and they were a burning sinister red.

"What the…" Talon whispered again as he backed away from the bird.

It tilted its head at him, watching him creep closer to the kitchen door. It squirmed where it sat before screeching the loudest sound Talon had ever heard. The assassin jumped for the door and crashed through it. The force of the door slamming against the wall made a few picture frames shatter before hitting the floor. He wasn't sure where he was going in the darkness, all he knew was that he had to find the stairs.

Just then he heard a thud coming from his left, like something had fallen on the carpet. His heart stopped. From the top of the stairs, he heard a faint chuckling. That wasn't Quinn's laugh.


Talon sprinted up the wooden stairs but felt himself become heavy until he wasn't moving. There was a painful tearing in his chest— painful enough to make his eyes water. As he stood alone on the middle step, the assassin heard bare feet pad to him. He looked over his shoulder and saw a woman with a very familiar silhouette. He saw her torn wings and long dress dragging behind her.

"Talon…" she greeted, "Nice to see you this evening."

"Morgana…" Talon growled.

"You've seemed to upset my bird." Morgana mentioned as the same raven from the kitchen sat on her wrist. Her long fingernails scratched under its neck. She grinned, "Do you like her? I made her myself."

"Made her?"

"I'm sure you saw my little cooking station." She explained as she came closer to the stairs.

Her feet delicately touched the carpet near the base of the stairs and she hurried up to Talon. Even if he wanted to run, he knew he couldn't because of her. His eyes glanced to her other hand, seeing a thin tether coming from her to his chest. She was shackling his soul to one spot. It was no use.

"Vladimir was helping me learn this new trick… in return for me helping him obtain you and your little girlfriend."

"What does he want with us?"

"It's not what I want, it's what Jericho wants." A voice said from behind the assassin. Talon glared back at the voice and saw Vladimir with an unconscious Quinn in his arms. He lunged for the man but stopped when he felt that same tearing in his chest. "Hm, not so fast, lover boy. Morgana has your soul in her hand. Wander too far and you'll lose it… and I've got direct orders to keep you alive sadly."

"What does Swain want from Quinn and I?"

"Oh… just a little babysitting… a little painful interrogation… maybe a little blood magic after dinner." Vladimir said as he glanced down at the woman in his arms. He leaned down and inhaled the scent of her neck. The white-haired man chuckled, "My my… she smells so delicious. Virgin perhaps?" His crimson eyes flickered over at the steaming assassin and smirked. "Probably not. A sewer dog like you has probably already had your way. Must have been good if you're keeping her around."

"Get the hell away from Quinn…"

"Sorry, but my plans need me directly near her." Vladimir glanced back at Morgana, "Angel, help me take the garbage downstairs." The hemomancer stepped down past Talon with the same smug grin. As Talon hopelessly reached for the scout, he felt his tether to Morgana tightening.


The fallen angel snapped her fingers and the assassin's dropped to his knees. He rolled down the stairs to her feet. She kicked him over onto his back, earning a curse from the grounded assassin. Morgana's hand faintly glowed a dangerous violet before she gripped his neck. Talon felt his consciousness fading until everything was black. In the darkness, he heard chains rattling and felt a cold floor underneath him.

Jericho sneered while writing his nemesis' name on the paper before him. His grip on the quill almost snapped it in half but he had to finish. The grand tactician signed his name at the bottom and underlined a few key details in his letter. He heard footsteps behind him, knowing exactly who they belonged to. A delicate hand softly ran over his shoulder.

"How fast do you think this can get to Demacia?" Swain asked as he folded his paper.

"Within the hour." Emilia's sweet voice replied. Her dark eyes watched her leader close the envelope with melted wax. He pressed an insignia stamp over the red wax, leaving a raven formed circle. Swain handed the letter to his old flame, "By this time tomorrow, you'll be halfway to ruling Valoran. Of course that stupid prince will put himself on the line for the good of others. Once Vladimir has made our experiments work on those two peasants, we can move on to bigger targets."

"With a Demacian army under my control, not even the Institute of War can stop me. What are those weak mages have against their armor and weapons? I asked Jarvan to come alone— to give himself in exchange for the freedom of the scout and gutter rat. His father will come soon after. It's a flawless plan." Swain chuckled, relaxing back in his chair. Emilia set the letter down on a table behind her before she placed both of her hands on his shoulders. She lightly pulled away his coat, her fingers massaging his tense muscles. The Deceiver kneaded softly, earning a small groan from Swain.

"You feel so frustrated, Jericho." She whispered in his ear, "Need to… release some tension?"

"I just have this uneasy feeling that something… someone is in my way but I just can't see it." He said, shaking his head. Emilia kept on rubbing her fingers into his muscles as he thought. When he tried to stand, she held him down. She brushed back his white hair lovingly. "Are we sure Vladimir has those brats well secured?"

"Yes, darling. He has them separated with double locks and chains." She assured him. Just as he was about to relax, he tried to sit up again. Emilia lightly ran her fingers through his hair, humming. She knew even he had doubts about this plan. Swain forced himself to calm down as he heard Emilia's sweet voice.

In his letter to Prince Jarvan. Swain had mentioned that he has Quinn and Talon locked up. He agreed to let them be free if Jarvan surrendered himself. Swain did have some rules, however. He was to come alone, no weapons and no knights. If he was to not comply, Talon and Quinn would be killed. They would be executed tomorrow evening if he was left unreplied.

If Jarvan agrees, Emilia would then disguise herself as the prince and follow through with the rest of Swains plan. Just as she did passing herself as Karma in Ionia, she would have the trust of officials to bring war to Valoran. No one would question her but… that plan was disrupted by Quinn. That is why Swain needed her out of the picture. Talon would come to her rescue anyway and be even more of a headache. Having them locked away was a plus as well as part of his plan.

"That girl has foiled my plans before… in Ionia." Jericho spat. "We have to keep her watched or—"

"Easy, my love." Emilia hushed him, "You know if something should go wrong, give a signal and Vladimir will sap the life from them." She leaned down near his ear, "Imagine have the most elite ranger and assassin working for us. Have faith in Vladimir's magic, Jericho. I've seen first hand what it could do."

"Thank you," He sighed. His war-worn hand reached up, feeling her soft violet hair between his fingers. She smiled down at him before adjusting his coat back over his shoulders. "You've stayed so young and beautiful all these years. So alluring… So mysterious. I don't think you have aged a day since we first met." He chuckled, "Deliver the message and then meet me back in my chambers. I shall reward you for your loyalty."

"As you wish."

"Thank you for meeting with us, General Du Couteau." Prince Jarvan nodded to Katarina. She was pacing restlessly around her study, her emerald eyes staring out to the border of Noxus. On the window, she noticed raindrops hitting the glass. In her reflection, the droplets of water rolled down her eyes. Garen stood behind him, watching Katarina's guards glaring at the prince. He spoke again after several seconds in silence, "I know you must be worried.."

"I just got my brother back home," she whispered to herself. The redhead slammed her fist on the glass, "I sent him out there when I knew he wasn't ready. Your scout… Regrettably, I put her in danger too." Katarina turned, frustration clear on her face. She glared down at the ransom note Jarvan had brought her. "I don't suppose you have a plan?"

"Garen…" The prince gestured to his knight behind him. Katarina's green eyes flicked over to him, making him slightly nervous. The knight cleared his throat as stepped forward.

"You know Noxus more than we do… that is obvious." He started, "With a proper group we can fake a trade and storm Swain's hideout.

Katarina huffed as she rushed to a bookshelf in near the wall. She flipped open a decoy book and grabbed a silver canister that was hidden inside. The redhead grabbed a handful of a white powder and threw it on the letter from Swain. Carefully, she lifted it, letting the powder fall. She held up to the light in the room. Katarina counted three sets of fingerprints, knowing that the tactician wasn't alone in this.

"Knowing him, he has some backup in case we try to be tricky." The Noxian sighed. She tossed the letter on her desk before slumping in her chair, "How many soldiers did you bring along with you?"

"About two dozen," Garen answered. He saw Katarina look up at her own men, her lips counting silently.

"I suppose we can form a group and ambush them all. I warn you though, Your Highness." The redhead's voice was low, "There are going to be casualties now matter how careful we are. Are you willing to take that risk?"

"Quinn is an essential asset to my team… and I know that assassin is your brother. We have no other choice but to make a few sacrifices." Jarvan pounded his fist on his chest, saluting the woman with a traditional Demacian military gesture. Garen followed his lead, seeing Katarina smile slightly. "Lead the way, General."

"Ha, alright. Now, we have to know who we're dealing with." Katarina started before she opened a drawer in her desk, yanking out a thick box. She dropped it on the desktop, making a loud thump. The assassin used her dagger to unlock the secure latch around it. She flipped it open, revealing about a dozen folders. Katarina thumbed through the first few, taking them from the pile. She glared down at them, "Over the years, my father has always made sure to keep tabs on his enemies."

"Would there happen to be one on my father and I?" Prince Jarvan asked.

"No… my father didn't believe in this war nor did he think Demacia was our enemy. Noxus itself was." She grinned when she saw the Demacian's surprised expression. "My father has more information on these villains than the Institute of Justice does." Katarina threw down a stack of paper, showing the two men in front of her. "This is my plan. If things are executed perfectly, we'll get your scout back as well as my little brother."

Quinn laid on the brick floor, her body aching and her mind spinning. She heard a fire cackling somewhere around her and chains rattling. The scout went to grab her pounding head only to find they were strapped to her side. As she tried to move, she felt her whole body being weighed down. Her golden eyes glanced around, seeing familiar eyes looking back at her. She saw Talon in the same position as her— bound and weapons gone.

"Talon," she grinned weakly. Even when she was in the basement of a notorious hemomancer, she felt relief in seeing the assassin's face.

"You've been out cold for a while. I was… starting to worry Vladimir had done something to you."

"What… did happen?"

"I don't really know. After Morgana shackled me down, her black magic knocked me out. I felt like something was dragged out of me… like my soul."

"Where is he?"

"He walked off with Morgana. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are working for Swain. Them together on this night is too much of a coincidence." Talon could see that Quinn was still bleeding from nose and it was pooling near her face. He had seen men gutted alive but this was too much for him. Talon grimaced, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She said, "You've done nothing wrong."

"Yes, I have." He growled, making her glance over at him. "I've lead you to this. I told us to split up and now…" Talon frowned as he stared at the bruised and beaten Demacian. "I couldn't protect you. I let my father die and…"

"Your father isn't—"

"He is, Quinn. I've always known he had died but I kept pushing this sick thought that he wasn't. He was the deadliest assassin in all of Runeterra, he could have sent a sign to us that he was still out there. It's been five years, Quinn. He's dead."


"I'm not going to let the same thing happen to you."

Just then, from the gated drain above them, they heard something trying to get between the bars. The assassin saw that Quinn was smiling. He was confused until she heard her give a weak whistle. Flapping wings beat against the metal before a familiar eagle swooped down in front of them. Talon couldn't believe it.

"Good boy, Valor." Quinn praised. "Did Katarina send you?" The eagle squeezed into her cell as he cooed. Quinn gasped, her eyes filling with hope. She glanced over at Talon, "Prince Jarvan and Garen are here. Valor says Katarina is working with them."


"We need to get out of here."

"Agreed. Can Valor cut open our ropes?" He asked.

"Valor go to Talon. He has less ropes than me."

The eagle was reluctant to leave Quinn but he followed her command. Valor effortlessly got into Talon's cell and hopped on his chest. Talon leaned his face away when the large bird raked his claws against his bindings. He wiggled to put more tension on the ropes until the gave in. The snap of the ropes seemed to echo in the basement, making Talon halt.

"Something wrong?" Quinn asked, trying to peek over to them through the bars.

"Valor, go. Vladimir is coming."

The eagle escaped the cell and flew up to the gate he came from. Talon's eyes narrowed at the staircase that came from upstairs to the basement and saw him. Vladimir had his hands on vials and was humming to himself. Morgana seemed to be gone— she was most likely keeping watch or still performing those heinous spells without him.

The heels of his boots halted at the last step, seeing the two lovers were awake. With a wicked grin, he continued over to Quinn's cell. He used his claws to unlock the door before he slipped inside. Talon noted that he left the door open behind him and then made the fatal mistake of turning his back on him.

"Now, dear, this is going to hurt a lot." Vladimir said as he knelt down beside the scout.

With a wave of his hand, the blood mage conjured an orb of crimson. Quinn tried to scoot away but he caught her wrist. He yanked her up, bringing her uncomfortably close. The blades on his fingers snipped at her ropes— another mistake Talon noticed. His red eyes narrowed as he concentrated and held his orb over Quinn's heart. Suddenly, she began to scream. Talon froze when he saw her own blood being pulled from her chest. It stained her shirt while being added to his orb. Tears rolled down her eyes as she kicked her legs at Vladimir.

Talon couldn't take it anymore. Seeing her like this, made his heart pound. It wasn't the heart race he got when killing, it was fear. He was afraid that Vladimir was going to kill Quinn. The assassin hopped up and kicked the door of his cell, breaking the lock. Before Vladimir could react, Talon was already behind him. He used the rope he was once tied with to strangle the blood mage. Vladimir growled before his entire body began to melt into blood.

Quinn grabbed hold of his coat collar and punched him in the face. With his legs already deep in a pool of blood, Vladimir slipped into his magic pool. The blood disgustingly slithered underneath the cell bars before he manifested on the other side. He flung the orb on the floor, where it bubbled and distorted. To the other's shock, it formed into a crimson shape of a woman. Vladimir snickered as his magic clone took the likeness of Quinn.

"My, my. I have outdone myself." Vladimir congratulated himself.

"What… what the hell is that?" Talon growled, staring into the vacant eyes of the clone.

"Over the years, I've picked up a few tricks. This is my latest." The blood mage answered, "Do you like her? I say the resemblance is uncanny."

"Is that was Morgana was doing with those ravens?"

"A novice at the moment but soon…" He snickered, "You have no idea what is to come." Vladimir turned his attention to the scout, "She may look like you but she is much… much more. Watch."

Without a sound, a crossbow grew from the blood clone's arm. It fired rounds at Quinn and Talon but they managed to dodge in time. As Talon rolled to get back on his feet, the clone stomped on his hand. He growled as he tried to pull his hand from underneath its boot but it had a strong hold. Talon gasped as he felt his fingers starting to crack under the pressure.

Quinn tackled the clone, slamming it into the cell bars. It crashed but remained unphased by the attack. It smacked Quinn with its crossbow before turning back to Talon. A few of his fingers were busted and bleeding. Seeing his blood made the clone smile and grab his hand. It rubbed its thumb against the wounds before letting him go. It backed away slowly.

The scout rushed over to Talon, checking on him before turning to her clone. To her horror, there was something bubbling from the blood it took from Talon. Just like before, another body manifested, only this time it was Talon.

"Ah, a lovely couple." Vladimir grinned. He walked over to his creations, placing his hands on their shoulders. The blood mage laughed, "Just a few finishing touches."

His claws raked across their backs, causing them to gasp. Quinn stared in disbelief as their once crimson and glossy skin became flesh. Hair was bouncy and full of life and they were able to make sounds. However, they still had that empty look in their eyes. They looked just like Quinn and Talon but they lacked their souls.

"I hate to be rude but I have a prior engagement." Vladimir began, "Talon… Quinn…" He darkly chuckled to his clones, "When you're finished with these imposters please join me upstairs. Jericho has big plans for you two."

"Yes." They said simultaneously. Vladimir slipped away into the darkness of the staircase, his crimson eyes lingering on the real Talon and Quinn.

"We have to get out of here…" Talon whispered to Quinn.

"You take Quinn… I'll take Talon." She nodded.

They bolted for the other's clone, causing them to get confused. Talon managed to shadow-step behind Quinn's lookalike and grabbed its arm. He yanked it behind its back and lifted it off the ground. The assassin wrapped his arms tightly around and flipped it over his shoulder. The clone landed head first onto the hard ground, breaking multiple bones. It twitched while Talon hovered over. He frowned as he grasped its neck. Talon closed his eyes as he broke its neck. He stepped away while watching it melt into a pool of blood.

Quinn elbowed Talon's clone in the gut. It lurched as if it was in pain but it had that blank expression still plastered on its face. Quinn just kept landing blows until it was hunched over on the ground. Just as she was going to land another hit, the clone's arm shot up stabbed her through the shoulder. Just like Quinn's clone created a crossbow, Talon's clone turned its arm into a sharp blade. Quinn gasped as she turned to Talon, who was still hovering over the pool.

Talon's amber eyes widened as he saw what was in front of him. It was as if he was running in slow motion. As he tried to lunge for the remaining clone, it swiftly kicked him in the gut. Talon collapsed, holding his hands over his stomach. He felt as if he was going to vomit. There was something ungodly strong about this clone. He crawled forward as his clone reached over Quinn bleeding shoulder. He knew what was going to happen. It was going to use her blood to create another clone of Quinn. With how much she was bleeding, who knew how many he could create.

It stuck its fingers in her wound, making her cry out. Talon struggled to get to his feet as he watched in horror. The clone kept its eyes on the scout as he dug in deeper. It wasn't taking her blood for another clone, it was absorbing it. The blood pulsed and bubbled as it was added to the clone's arm. Talon's clone grew while Quinn became pale and began to shake.

"No, no." Talon growled as he looked around him. On the floor he saw a busted metal bar on the floor. It must have broken off one of the cells when Quinn and her clone crashed against it. He grabbed it and ran for the clone. The assassin rushed, holding the sharp metal out in front of him. He trusted it into the clone's head. It turned to look at him before it dropped Quinn. She fell unconscious on the floor and this fired up Talon.

He yanked the metal out and continuously stabbed at the clone, splattering blood all over himself and the walls. Talon thrusted harder and hard, shrinking his clone into nothing but a bubbling puddle. The assassin smeared the blood across the stone floor to keep it from coming together again. When he was sure it wasn't going to move, Talon turned his attention to Quinn, who's eyes were fluttering in and out of consciousness. He grasped her face between his hands, swiping her hair away as it clung to her sweaty skin.

"Quinn." He said, shaking her slightly. "Quinn," Talon said again, raising his voice.

"My head hurts, Talon..." Was all she manged to say before she fell limp.


"Prince Jarvan, I see that you came alone." Swain called out from across the road, he sneered. "Let's hope that is the case," the older man said under his breath. The prince remained unmoved as Swain took a step towards him. He stood there proudly with his lance in his hand, his nation's flag flowing majestically in the cold wind.

"I see that you did not," Jarvan mentioned as he gestured to more than a dozen guards behind him. The younger prince suspected that would happen. Unbeknownst to Swain, Katarina and Garen were waiting in a sewer drain a few feet behind him. Jarvan knew that the other man was standing right above them— they were just waiting for his signal. The Demacian only gave him a half smile.

The tactician's old eyes narrowed at him as he heard footsteps behind him. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing more of his own troops running towards him. They stopped and knelt in the dirt before him. Jarvan's stance became more casual, making Swain silently question himself. It was going too easy so far.

"Sir, there doesn't seem to be any others around the area," said the guard just in front of him. He kept his gaze from the older man as he snickered. Swain's wrinkled hands clutched his cane.

"I applaud you, Jarvan. You can follow orders."

"Where is my scout and the Du Couteau's assassin." He asked as he straightened up, the grip on his lance tightening. "We promised to trade, did we not?"

"We did…" Swain agreed. He looked back at the soldier that was kneeling before him, making the younger man shaking in his boots. The tactician pointed his finger towards his fortress, "Get Vladimir."

"Yes sir!"

Jarvan watched the other man run into the fortress, his eyes wide and full of fear. He turned back to Swain, who seemed pretty pleased with himself. The prince knew that even if he couldn't get the signal to Garen and Katarina, they would appear if something should go wrong. He wasn't worried but he was suspicious on why Swain had Vladimir with him.

"Why do you need that blood mage?"

"I've had him… watching… your scout and the Du Couteau mutt." Swain answered, "Believe it or not, but they are quite the handful."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from Quinn or Talon." Jarvan said proudly.

Before Swain could reply with his own remark, there was a hair-raising scream that came from the bowels of the iron citadel. Half of Swain's men stormed off but stopped when the other man that had went in came out covered in blood. He was pale and was tripping over himself. He didn't stop to explain himself, he just kept running. Swain swung his cane and a malicious claws sprouted from the ground and ripped through the man's legs. A tether of dark magic attached Swain's hand and the man's heart together. With a swift yank of his wrist, the man's heart was stopped. He was dead. Jarvan could feel his stomach paining to explode over the dirt but he swallowed the feeling away.

"What is really happening to Quinn and Talon? Surely with a reaction like this, they are not being babysat." Jarvan shouted, slamming his lance into the dirt. That was the signal for Garen and Katarina to prepare themselves for an ambush. Swain noticed this little action but brushed it off. The older man walked over to the dead soldier and kicked his lifeless body over. Jarvan grimaced, noticing that his throat had been slit before he fled.

"They're going to be executed." Swain spat. "So are you and that little rescue squad you have hiding. Don't think I didn't catch that juggernaut oaf Garen stomping around in the sewer."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I came alone. This Demacian will hold strong!"

The signal.

Before Swain could look over his shoulder, he heard his men cry out. Steel clashed and blood splattered— Katarina had arrived. The tactician growled when he spotted the redhead standing over the bodies of his soldiers. She smirked over at him.

"Hey." The assassin greeted.

"Emilia!" Swain called out.

Katarina heard someone appear behind her and she narrowly dodged an ethereal chain. She blinked before Jarvan, her blades out in front of her. The Deceiver had revealed herself yet there were multiple of her. They were used to seeing two of her… but not another squad's worth. Katarina's emerald eyes bolted around the clones surrounding them, counting more than twenty. LeBlanc was a powerful mage but even she wasn't capable to conjure this many illusions.

"Do you like my upgrade, Your Highness?" She smiled, "Vladimir is the one to thank."

"That blood mage…" Katarina growled. "Resurrecting Sion is one thing… what is he up to now?"

"Just a little secret." LeBlanc pressed her finger to her lips coyly. Swinging her staff, Emilia and her clones all shot more chains at the redhead, most of them missed but one. It snared around her ankle and tripped her. Katarina fell on the hard ground before she was dragged towards the clone. It walked up to her and Katarina grinned. He kicked her boot straight into its face, causing it to erupt and splatter blood everywhere.


Swain and Emilia looked over their shoulders when they heard a stampede of boots from behind them. Garen led a charge of Demacian and Noxians, their weapons held out proudly. One by one, they attacked Emilia's clones. Nothing was left but the original and pools of blood. Garen walked over to Katarina and offered his hand to her. She smirked and allowed him to help her up. Their eyes locked.

"Sickening…" Swain grimaced, "The banished Du Couteau and Demacians are working together. If I considered you a Noxian, I'd have you hanged for treason."

"I'm nothing like the Noxians you claim to be!" Katarina shouted. "My father told me a Noxian fights with power not cheap tricks. A Noxian holds their ground not hide behind unworthy allies like Vladimir." The redhead spat at him, "You're the one who is sickening."

"Ugh," The older man groaned. "That speech sounded so Demacian. Give it a rest. You haven't won."

"What do you mean?" Jarvan called out as he took his place beside his allies. "You have no one. It's just you and LeBlanc against us."

"That's what you think, Your Highness." LeBlanc giggled.

Before anyone could speak, the blood on the ground began to bubble. From the pools crawled more clones of the Deceiver, only doubled. They all mimicked her laugh as they surrounded the enemy. Clearly, they were outnumbered even with the unison of Du Couteau High Command and the Demacian Vanguard. Katarina pressed her back against Garen, holding her blades out in front of her. He looked down at her and then followed her lead.

"I bet I can kill more than you," she joked.

"I'll take you up on that, General." Garen cracked a smile.

"On three."



"Three!" The both shouted before leaping into combat.

Swain took the opportunity to sneak away from the massacre but Jarvan spotted him trying to enter the mansion behind him. He threw his lance in his path before rushing over. He pulled his lance from the ground and used it to force Swain back. Without warning, the older man sprouted wings and claws from his old skin. Jarvan was familiar with this transformation but something was different. He seemed to be infused with a dark magic unlike before. Swain's claws latched onto his shoulders and Jarvan felt his energy draining away. He began to overpower the younger man, forcing him down to one knee.

Talon ran out of the old mansion with Quinn on his back. He stopped when he saw the war going on in front of him. Katarina was throwing daggers at clones, bursting them with the force of her toss. Meanwhile, Garen swung his blade in circles, slicing hoards at a time. He turned his head and saw Jarvan struggling to keep his strength matched with Swain, who had turned into a monstrous bird abomination. The assassin set Quinn down against the old building before rushing to aid the Prince of Demacia.

"Jarvan!" He called out, both Jarvan and Swain turned to see the assassin charging at them. With a swift kick, Talon knocked Jericho to the ground, feathers scattering as he hit the dirt. Swain growled while he watched Talon help up Jarvan from the ground.

"The Du Couteau mutt... I see Vladimir failed to kill you..."

"If you think a little blood magic can take down a Du Couteau, then you're sorely mistaken." Talon spat.

"Thank you, Talon." Jarvan whispered to him before he retrieved his lance. He swung it at the older man's throat. With a scowl, he looked down on him. "Speak, war criminal. What is the meaning for luring me here and kidnapping Quinn and Talon Du Couteau."

Swain's eyes narrowed as he chuckled. He lifted his chin, keeping the pointed end of the Prince's lance away from his jugular.

"If you must know... I'm planning on using my newly acquired army to take control of Valoran. I will have LeBlanc's clones replace all the nation's leaders, tricking the countries to fall into an unwinnable war, and forcing the League of Legends to step in. While the Summoners are split, I'll pick them off one by one! With them eliminated, I. Will. Rule!"

"You're saying that as if it is going to happen, Swain." Talon huffed. "I think your age is getting to you."

"That is where you are wrong. I'm only allowing you two to hear this because you won't be alive to witness it!"

Talon suddenly felt a presence behind him. With a flash, he knocked down the Prince to his knees. He watched an ethereal chain launch over their heads. They were surrounded by blood clones of LeBlanc. Talon didn't think he had enough energy to deal with them all until his sister appeared behind him. He ducked below her arms and forced Jarvan's head down while she spun around, flinging knives in all directions. All the bodies burst, covering the three in blood. Just then, from the distance, Jarvan spotted a familiar blonde running towards them with other following her. She waved her staff in the air, signalling help was on the way.

"Looks like you won't see the beginning of your reign," Jarvan taunted Swain as she saw Summoners accompanying Lux.

Before Swain could retaliate, a golden orb dropped down from the sky, encasing the old Noxian in gold...

The Institute's hospital ward was cold and quiet, other than a few summoners walking around and chatting amongst themselves. A mix of magic and modern medicine was what they used to treat their patients. Vaccinations were used to relieve poisoning while magic fused broken bones back together.

Talon watched over the sleeping scout while she laid in the Institution infirmary, his hand next to her on the sheets. She'd been out since the Summoner's magic cured her wounds and put her blood back in her body. They had asked the Noxian to get some rest too but he wanted to see to Quinn's recovery. Vladimir's blood magic did almost kill her. The summoners say with the sudden loss of blood, the scout was close to having a heart attack. Talon's hand clenched the white sheets furiously.

"I swear if I find that monster…" The assassin growled. However, looking back at his scout, his anger faded. His amber eyes looked over her features, remembering the first time he watched her sleep. It was back in Noxus, in that dirty inn. That's when he fell for her. That's when he knew he just wanted to protect her. Quinn melted Talon's cold heart. His hand loosened, relaxing again.

A knock on the door behind him made him look back. In the doorway stood was his sister with Prince Jarvan and Garen behind her, all three still seemed concerned. They were bruised and cut but nothing like what Quinn and Talon endured. He'll never forget the screams of his scout.

"How long has she been asleep?" Katarina asked, taking a step into the room. Her emerald eyes noticed her brother's fingers playing with the girl's sleeve. She'd never admit it but she grew fond of Quinn—she was almost like family to her now.

"About sixteen hours," he replied with his tired voice. Talon turned his head to yawn, covering his mouth with his fist.

"I take it you've been awake this whole time?" Jarvan spoke up, his diplomatic tone masked his concern for the Noxian poorly.

"I want to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up," Talon answered.

"Ah, love makes people do some reckless things." His sister joked. Katarina's eyes flickered up at the Vanguard Captain for a moment, seeing his clean-cut face made her smile. He had a black eye but that didn't take away from his handsomeness. Garen noticed her staring and when he glanced down and met her eyes, he blushed.

"I think staying up for sixteen hours is the least reckless thing I've done for Quinn ever since I met her." The assassin's head shook his fatigue away.

"Yeah, you almost got her killed. Twice," Katarina chuckled, holding up two fingers.

"Maybe three times," he joined her in laughing.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Jarvan asked, smiling at the younger man. Talon looked over his shoulder to the prince. His eyes were dark and tired but they were alert as well. The Noxian glanced over to his sister, noticing her staring at the Captain. Why did the Du Couteau have this attraction to Demacians, he wondered.


"I can see your love is true," Jarvan bowed his head slightly. Garen gasped at the sight of his prince giving the lowly assassin such an honorable gesture. The prince raised his hand for the Captain to be silent. He straightened up, "I'll allow you to come to Demacia whenever you please. You as well, Katarina. It's the least I can offer for what you two have done for me, Garen, and our country."

"Uh, thanks, Jar— Thank you, Prince Jarvan." The assassin said. He lowered his voice as he turned his attention back to Quinn, "Now I don't have to sneak in through the hedges anymore, right, Quinn?"

"What was that, Talon?" Garen growled.

"You know, Talon, father would have loved meeting Quinn. I can hear him now. She reminds me of your mother!" Katarina laughed as she imitated her father's voice. She shrugged, "Then he would ask when was the wedding."

Talon chuckled as he turned to look back at Quinn. He couldn't imagine this wild girl in a wedding dress but he would pay to see it. The Noxian couldn't help but smile at the thought of his father approving his love for Quinn. It made his heart pain but it was a good kind of ache. His finger traced over a bandage wrapped around her arm and it trailed down her hand. He eyed her left hand, trying to imagine a ring on her finger.

He could see it happening.

"I don't think Quinn wants to marry me—"

"A marriage!" Jarvan smacked his fist into his palm as if he had a great idea. "Think about how revolutionary it would be! A Noxian and Demacian together! It would unite nations!" The Prince's eyes gleamed as he pictured the assassin and scout. "I can see it now. War would end..." The Prince of Demacia's voice trailed off. He grinned widely, "I can set up everything! A dressmaker, a horse-drawn carriage, a priest, a venue! It will be the most—"

"Not to burst your bubble there, princy, but I don't think my brother's marriage would unite anything. He's a dirty little boy that works for a well-known and well-hated assassin family." Katarina snickered, "You're going to have to find another way to end this war, man."

"When I want to marry Quinn, I'll ask her when the time is right."

"We should let them be now, don't you say?" Katarina whispered to the prince and Garen. The two men nodded as they turned to leave. Katarina grabbed the doorknob to close the door. She stared at her brother watching Quinn and she could see him nodding off. The redhead couldn't help but smile, "Get some rest soon, Talon." Katarina said before she closed the door.

Talon heard the doorknob click and he almost keeled over from his exhaustion. That was… until he noticed Quinn's golden eyes glimmering up at him. Her smile seemed to illuminate the entire room. It was the most peaceful and beautiful thing he had seen in such a long time. After all the pain and darkness, the simple curves of her lips made him feel like sacks of gold.


"A nationwide wedding wouldn't suit us anyway." She joked weakly. "It would be too out of character for two people who thrive in the shadows."

Talon laughed with her as he rested his forehead against hers. He couldn't recall the last time he had a lighthearted laugh. The assassin felt the woman wrap her arms around him and he curled up beside her. In her embrace, he felt like nothing could touch them. Quinn ran her fingers through his hair, knowing that the worst was over now. He almost lost her but never again.

"Where is Valor?"

"He's with Lux. She offered to watch him glide around the garden while you slept. He's a smart bird but that poor mage doesn't know what she's doing." Talon snickered. "You don't need to worry about him for now. I'm sure he's the one worrying about you."

"What happened while I was asleep?" She asked, her voice was a whisper.

"Swain and LeBlanc are facing judgement from the High Summoners. There has been no word whether anyone has found Vladimir or Morgana but I'm sure they will get theirs as well." Talon said. He felt himself glare, "If they don't, I'll make sure of it."

"Easy, Talon." Quinn hushed, "Once the High Summoners get wind of their whereabouts, they will be dealt with. Just, for now, rest with me." The scout giggled, "Even after all those hours sleeping, I feel extremely exhausted."

Talon adjusted himself beside Quinn, laying her head against his chest. She threw her arm over his chest and closed her eyes. Nearly half a year of knowing this woman, the assassin felt his hard walls had crumbled. No one had ever treated him with such kindness before or called him out on his bullshit. Jarvan's words echoed in his mind again. Talon knew that there could be nothing domestic about their situation. They could never live a happily married life. They couldn't have the luxuries of a normal person. She was married to her nation's honor and he promised his father to care for his sisters. They had to live on the opposite ends of the world. He was and always will be her sworn enemy.

Yet, even that didn't stop him from loving her.

He thought back to the night he had her at his blade's edge. The Noxian could have killed the woman he adored so much. His hand absentmindedly rubbed the back of her neck, letting that eerie feeling pass over him. Talon could imagine what he would be doing if he had done so. He would still be obsessing over his father's death, lying to himself that he was still out there. He understands now that he had others who needed him. His sisters and Quinn needed him. Talon lightly pulled her closer when he noticed she had closed her eyes.

Even if the universe didn't want him with Quinn, he was going to force it to accept them.



"Marry me?"

"Okay." She said, "But please do not let Prince Jarvan plan it..."

"Agreed." Talon smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too, Talon."

Finally. Peace. Those words had healed every cut and bruise on his body. Talon was finally happy. His amber eyes glanced down at Quinn one last time before he drifted off to sleep. The warmth of her body against his was loveliest thing he could have ever imagined. No longer would he had to feel the cold bricks of the Noxian sewers. He had Quinn.

From the hunter and prey to two destined lovers. Daggers, knives, arrows and intertwined hearts. Whatever the future brought, they were fearless.

The End.

Notes: I know this took a long time to update but I just wanted to get it just right. This was my first full story over twenty chapters! I remember writing the first chapter as a prompt for another writer but they didn't like it. I'm glad I kept it since this is probably one of the top three things I've written. I wanted to leave the first chapter as a standalone story but I got so many reviews and PMs asking for it to continue. If you've read all the way to the end, I would like to thank you. So, thank you. Without all you readers I don't think I would have kept writing over the years (since 2008! I'm internet old…)

As you may have noticed, the story followed the very old lore of most champions. Wouldn't it be great if someone made an updated version :^) Maybe if we hope hard enough, MYH will make things happen. But until then, I'll keep writing for you all. Talon/Quinn is my favorite pairing ever and that transcends all the games I've played and all the characters I've met. (Maybe if I write enough Riot will hint at them and then I can rest.)

Thank you all again and I hope you all enjoyed this long ride.

I love you.

See you next time.