Evanesco My Life

Summary: Harry wakes up and steps are taken to get rid of Voldemort's soul after getting rid of his imprint on Harry's mind. Hadrian and the others are busy preparing for the next school term. What they didn't realise is that Dumbledore isn't completely gone as they thought, but its a minor inconvenience.

A/n: Next chapter up and running! As usual, please leave a Review/Comment!

1 Week Later

It was a week later and Harry was in as good a health as anyone would expect, he was still in his Veela form and had taken to flying around the Assembly Hall, circling around some of the students' heads before landing on Kellerian's lap and curling up on him.

They had of course introduced him to the staff a couple days before, so Hadrian had had to transform to his Veela form to talk to Harry and explain.

Several days before

Hadrian shook his head in exasperation as Harry practically molded himself to Kellerian side. No matter what he did or said, Harry would not release Kellerian so there he was, propped up against his husband's side.

He thanked Circe that his husband wasn't that far along or he wouldn't have been able to keep Harry propped up at his side that easily, but then again, he did have Magic so he would've made it work either way.

"Kellerian, the other Professors will arrive shortly so that we can introduce them to Harry, why don't you put him down?

He knew how Harry would react when the other Professors finally arrived so it's best that he stood in front of Kellerian as he was being introduced or he would've more than likely burrow his face as much as he could in Kelly's neck and cover his ears.

Kelly looked at him and huffed. "Be my guest." To explain his words, he tried to detach the clinging Harry from his side to no avail. The boy only tightened his hold on him if that was possible.

Hadrian snorted and walked forward, resting a hand on Harry's back as he transformed into his Veela form.

"Harry, baby, look at me."

Harry released a low hum and turned his head to look at Hadrian. "Nuh uh. Harry wanna hug Mummy."

Hadrian laughed even though it would sound like a squawk if the way Kellerian winced was anything to go by. "I know that, but we want to introduce you to the other Professors. If you behave yourself then you can go back to hugging Mummy."

"Hadrian!" Hadrian laughed again as Harry whined; he noticed the way Kellerian winced once more and carefully detached Harry from his husband before he went deaf from their squawking. He then focused on semi-reverting his face so that his human mouth replaced his beak. "Sorry about that, my love. He doesn't want to let you go."

Kellerian only gave him a look as he absentmindedly rubbed his ears. "Are you really surprised?"

He only chuckled in reply before transforming his face again as Harry began whining, tightly gripping his hair in his hands.

"Harry, behave!"

The boy immediately stopped wriggling in his hold and simply dug his claw in Hadrian's hair.

It wasn't exactly easy going with Harry as the boy saw Kellerian as more of a parent than him. He merely held the role of a brother figure seeing as they were cousins while Kellerian was the mother figure. It's a bit hard to grasp but it was the way Harry preferred things and he wasn't about to force him to call him Daddy.

"I'm going to put you down so that you can be Introduced to everyone and then you can cuddle with Mummy again, okay?"

Harry nodded and didn't fight against him as he placed him on the ground. "I want apple juice."

Hadrian just ruffled his hair. "Of course, buddy." He then turned around and walked over to his desk, picking up an inactive orb, he channeled his Magic into it and watched as it glowed to life in a matter of seconds.

It was similar to the orb he had used to summon Kellerian and Callie but the difference was that-

Good evening, what would you like to eat?

-It was a lunch orb. Everyone in the school had one but it was a part of their tuition. They couldn't afford to give these things away for free because they were powerful pieces of Magic and provided the students with whatever food they wanted from every culture available. They of course had to add the different menus so that no one would feel left out. It was still recommended to dine in the lunch hall to avoid messes and the likes but it wasn't mandatory. During school days, the students are allowed six meals a day and nothing more. They didn't want anyone gouging themselves on candy and ending up in the Hospital Wing like the last few times. The orb costed 20 Galleons monthly and hardly had any sweets available on them during school hours. Sweets were only available during the weekend and even then, they were only allowed a certain amount.

The greatest thing about the orbs was that it was able to translate all languages, whether it be the normal languages like French, German, Russian etc and the Creature languages like Mermish, Gobbledegook, Parseltongue and the likes. Most of the students didn't speak one lick of English.

"Pure Apple juice."

Within seconds, said apple juice appeared floating above the orb until an excited Harry swiped the bottle out of the air and opened it. Hadrian chuckled as he wasted no time to put the bottle to his beak; he quickly transfigured the mouth of the bottle into a very thick straw before the boy got upset that he couldn't get his juice.

Harry wasted no time as he began trying to drink all of the juice in one go.

"Harry, stop rushing before you choke yourself," He snapped out. He couldn't count how many times he'd had to remind the boy to take his time after he had ended up coughing from speed eating.

Harry slowed his drinking but not before looking up at Hadrian with a look of defiance in his eyes.

Hadrian only groaned as much as he could; he just knew that they were going to have their hands full with Harry.

Before he could continue to despair, a knock came at the door and he nodded at Kellerian to give the knocker permission to enter.

"Good evening." One by one, all the Professors entered the thankfully spacious office with some simply appearing inside or flying.

There were 41 Professors at the school including him and Kellerian as they wanted at least 2 Professors teaching each subjects. Some subjects had 3 Professors while Herbology had seven with three of those Professors also teaching Potions. The other three Professors took care of the Greenhouses as they were growing all sorts of plants including some very rare and expensive ones. They couldn't afford to place all that responsibility on two Professors as their Potions stocks and Hospital Wing depended on those plants.

"Ah, Kellerian. I see you've taken to bribing the little one." Professor Persephone Edgerton, sister to Kurtana Edgerton teased Kellerian as she noticed Harry finishing his juice before turning to Hadrian and probably demanding another one.

Hadrian seemed to sigh as he activated the orb and asked for another juice for the boy, transfiguring the mouth into a straw before a tantrum could be thrown.

There was laughter all around, alerting the boy who finally seemed to notice them there. Harry's eyes widened and quicker than they'd ever see a child move, he seemed to appear at Hadrian's side and clung to the man's robes, looking at them in apprehension even with his juice clenched in his claws and curiously not being poked with holes by the boy's talons.

Hadrian wrapped an arm around the boy and seemed to be calming him down as seconds later, the boy looked up at them in curiosity, placing the straw at his mouth as he sipped his juice; he then gently guided Harry away from the desk and closer to the other Professors.

Harry remained unbothered as he eyed everyone up whilst sipping his juice; he pulled away from the straw to release squawks of laughter as Professor Ayame Galadiir, sister to Kellerian made funny faces at him.

Reverting back to his human form, Hadrian greeted everyone. "Thank you all for coming today. I wanted to properly introduce you to my cousin Harry James Potter-Gaunt. Due to circumstances, he is unable to transform to his human form and only other Veela are able to communicate with him. I want to introduce him to you all incase Kellerian and I are not around, he'll feel safe enough to approach any of you if something occurs."

The Professors nodded at him in understanding.

"Great!" He clapped his hands then transformed back to his Veela form and ruffled Harry's hair to gain his attention. "Harry, I want to introduce you to the Professors so that if you can't find your Mummy and I, you can go to them for help."

Harry looked and him in curiosity even as he continued drinking his juice and he nodded. "Okay."

Hadrian breathed a sigh of relief that Harry didn't go in to panic at the thought of not being able to see Kellerian; he doubted that Harry would bat an eye if he didn't see Hadrian for a couple hours.

Sad but true.

Harry wasn't as awed by Hadrian as when he was Eleven, he now preferred Kellerian over him but Hadrian didn't really mind, the boy grew up not knowing who to trust or feeling the love of his parents. He very much doubted that those disgusting Muggles cared an ounce about Harry, so if he saw Kellerian as a Mother figure and him as a brother, Hadrian was happy.

He then began pointing out the different Professors as he doubted that Harry would be able to remember or care about which subjects they taught.

"There's Professor Edgerton and his sister, he helped to heal you along with Professor Ursula, she's the Fairy in purple that's flying around the room. There's Professor Ursula's brother. There's Professors' Vosterbeeken and his wife, Professor Boa Vista and her husband and his brother, Professor Kataliya and her cousin, Professor McAllister and his cousin, Professor Turnblatt and her sister, Professors' Baudelaire, Delaney, Casablanca… Ohh, and there's Professor Galadiir, she's Mummy's sister."

Harry perked up at that and stared at the woman in curiosity and she smiled at him; he then returned his gaze to the next Professor that Hadrian was introducing.

"There's Professor Juniper, Professor Palmalov and his husband, Professor McArthur and his boyfriend/partner Professor Cruickshank, Professor Murtagh, Professor Fossbaken and there's Gunther, his boyfriend/partner is Professor Cuomo."

Harry was looking at Gunther in shock and he looked up at Hadrian then back at Gunther who grinned at him, scaring him into dropping his juice and jumping Hadrian who sighed and sent the man a chiding look.

There was no way that Harry was ever going to go to the man for help now.

Gunther was a Pure-blooded demon and he preferred to walk around in his Demon form, they seldom saw his human form except for his boyfriend Brahms Cuomo.

Kellerian glared at Gunther who raised his hand in surrender.

"Okay, okay. I apologise for scaring him." Harry lifted his head and turned to stare at him, tears streaming down his face which was scrunched up; he was sniffling heavily. Gunther scowled and Harry squawked and buried his face in Hadrian's neck once more. "Now I remember why I don't want any snot-nosed brats."

He wasn't ready for the harsh elbow to the ribs that he received from Brahms who was glaring at him. He couldn't help the grunt which left his lips, Brahms was a Wood Elf and he was extremely proficient at fighting and knew just how much power to use to on Gunther.

"Stop scaring the poor child!"

Gunther frowned and averted his face, arms folded in front of his chest; he wasn't stupid enough to respond to Brahms.

"Okay, now that that's settled, why don't you continue introducing Harry?" Kellerian rubbed at Harry's back and spoke in soft tones to him until the boy raised his head and looked at him with red-rimmed eyes which lighted up when he saw the chocolate bar in Kellerian's hands. He squawked and pulled it from him, trying and failing to jump into Kelly's arms but being held back by Hadrian who kept a tight grip of him.

"Oh no you don't. Remember that Mummy is pregnant."

Harry squawked but turned to his chocolate.

Now was when the strangest thing happens. Harry's beak receded to reveal his mouth as he opened the chocolate and bit into it. This was what had always happened. Whenever he was eating something solid, his beak receded to reveal his mouth and when he finished with whatever he was eating, the beak came back.

It was all very strange and they couldn't find a plausible explanation for it, but they've learned to get used to it. The funny thing is that that was the only time Kellerian could communicate with Harry since the boy had developed the ability to speak Parseltongue from the soul fragment. To be honest, Harry didn't even realise that his beak was no longer there and if you brought attention to it, the beak would come back in a matter of seconds so they had just taken to talk to him in Parseltongue whenever they could and Kellerian was just happy to be able to communicate with him.

Harry munched on his chocolate, red-rimmed eyes looking at the Professors as a now human Hadrian continued his introductions.

There'sss Professsor Bourne, Ollivierre, Porter, Zachariasss, SSStallone and her girlfriend/partner Professsor Donovan, Professsor Rotherham and her brother, Professsor Byrde and hisss boyfriend/partner Professsor Bonesss and finally Professsor Ollivierre, not related whatsssoever to the other Professsor Ollivierre. SSSo, that'sss it. If you ever lossse sssight of Mummy and I, you find one of thessse Professsorsss, okay? Even if you don't remember their namesss, memorissse their facesss ~

Harry frowned at him and pulled what bar of chocolate out of his mouth. ~What doesss memorissse mean?~

~It meansss to remember. You look at their facesss and make sssure to remember how they look~


Harry said nothing more as he continued munching on his chocolate, wriggling in Hadrian's hold until the man let him down; he then walked towards Kellerian and snuggled into his side, turning his head to look at the Professors as he continued eating.

"Okay then. Now that everyone's been introduced, I want to ask for a favor." Hadrian looked at them imploringly and they looked back at him expectantly.

"I would like for Harry to have friends his age and so I had an idea. I've been planning this for a while and Harry's presence just sped it up."

"What is it? Come on, spit it out man!" Karlique Bones, Art Magic Professor murmured in impatience.

Hadrian rolled his eyes at him but continued nevertheless. "As I was saying, I've been planning on having a daycare added and I've began construction months ago and with Harry's situation, I've done the liberty of speeding up the process and now the daycare is finished. I've already interviewed the staff and they're scheduled to arrive when the term begins. I beli-

He was cut off as a body collided with his and sent them both sprawling to the floor. He lifted his head to stare into the excited eyes of the Musical and Vocal Magic Professor, Musika Rotherdam. "Please get off of me and please don't start singing your thanks." She was a Siren, yeah, how she managed to teach without placing anyone under a spell was his guess but she was great at what she did. Unfortunately she had no restrictions with putting the Professors under a spell.

Musika grinned and got up before helping him up. "You are the best, Hadrian! Now, I can finally spend more time with my Bonnie!"

Hadrian noticeably winced but smiled at her; he knew that she hated the nannies that her family have used for generations upon generations and the only reason why she hadn't taken her daughter was that Bonnie couldn't control her Siren's call and any nanny she hired would immediately fall under her spell. The daycare would nullify the children's power and therefore Bonnie's Siren call and Harry's Veela powers. He didn't have to tell Musika that the daycare would be safe because she knew the kind of person he was.

"Our little Alec would be so happy!" Conan Palmalov (Wand Crafting) murmured excitedly to his husband Ethan Palmalov (Dark Magic). Conan was mortal while Ethan, a Vampire. Their son Alec was a Dhampyr.

"So would my Gabriel." The Herbology Professor, Dante Delaney (Plant Nymph) clung to Musika after she had released Hadrian and was now murmuring back and forth with her in excitement.

"Great! I can finally get to see my son." A glare was sent to Dante by Cristino Boa Vista (Art Magic).

Hadrian hid his wince at the venomous look that Cristino sent Dante's way. Their break-up had been the messiest that a break up can get so they were hardly in the same room as one another. As far as he knew, they were sharing custody of their 3 year old son Gabriel and he could tell that the little boy was being affected by the tension. He needed to have a serious talk with them after this was over.

Dante only rolled his eyes and brushed off his glare by turning his back on him; he knew how much Cristino hated people ignoring him and as predicted, Cristino's face turned murderous and he looked about to stomp over to Dante and choke the shit out of him.


Said man turned his head at the sharp tone of Hadrian's voice and he huffed and averted his gaze.

Hadrian sighed and looked at everyone. "As I was saying, you're all welcome to register your children within the month before applications close."

"Where are the applications?" Jules Vosterbeeken (Soul Magic), husband of Danni Vosterbeeken (Necromancy) asked in curiosity, him and his wife were grinning broadly at the thought of seeing their children regularly.

In response, Hadrian turned around and picked up the stack of application from the desk. He had placed Kellerian in charge of accepting applications so they would remain in their office until the process closed.

"Okay then! Who's interested?" He grinned when they began closing in on him.

This Daycare would surely be a great addition to the school and it would also help Harry make friends.

It was a win-win situation.

The present

Hadrian stood up from his seat, gaining the attention of everyone in the Assembly Hall and causing a massive hush to envelope the room; he smiled slightly as he surveyed the room and met the eyes of the students who returned his smile.

There were many different species attending the school including: Humans, Nymphs, Fairies, Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Veela, Incubus, Sprites, Succubus, Druids, Sylph and even Nagas etc.

"Students and Staff alike, I welcome you all to another term at the Academy for years to come. I would also like to congratulate those who would be graduating next year and leaving the Academy." He stopped talking as many students began cheering with the younger ones clapping for them.

Waiting until they calmed down, he chuckled before continuing. "As you all may know, our Graduates have always been offered jobs or tutelage under well-known Masters of their fields and this year's batch is no difference. As long as your grades aren't affected then you will most likely be offered the liberty of becoming an Apprentice or given the opportunity of working for the Governing departments of Sudoku which in itself is a high honor. I do hope that you all keep striving for success as this is the year that you should be even more focused.

Now that that's said and done, you all may have noticed that the Academy now has a daycare available and I would be pleased to inform you that it's services are open to both the Staff and students alike. I am aware that some of you are already married and that it's very difficult managing the life of being a student and parent. Applications are open for a month and forms are available at the Headmasters' Office via Professor Kellerian Gaunt."

He smiled when his words were met with cheers and looks of relief being passed between the students. The only rule they had on any prospective parents are that they should be 17 years old before trying for any children because they would already be seen as an adult. As mentioned before, students graduate at 21 or if their birthdays are late then 20, so it's perfectly normal for them to begin planning their futures.

"All information will be supplied with the form and after classes, you can spend time with your children and even spend the night with them in the daycare. They are not allowed to sleep in your dorms but they can spend time with you there."

Murmurs erupted from his words but it was something he wasn't budging on. It was still a school after all. The parents could sleep in the daycare with their child/children but not the other way around as the dorms are only for students.

"I understand that many of you may be displeased with this decision but keep in mind that it's still a school. Fortunately for you, your children are allowed to spend the night with you in your dorms on the weekend but you'll have to take steps to avoid them disrupting the other students."

He smiled when he saw the excited looks on their faces and even saw some of them rubbing their distended bellies.

Most of them were even married.

"And now for the final announcement, Headmaster Kellerian and I have guardianship of my cousin who is stuck in his Veela form, so if you see him flying above you or curled up somewhere, please don't be alarmed. I instead ask that you alert any of the nearest Professors and if he's causing trouble then please report to either me or Headmaster Kellerian. He cannot understand English so if any of one wants to communicate with him then it has to be in Veela form and if you ever see him without his beak then you can communicate with him in parseltongue." As he spoke, he pointed at said boy who was curled up on Kellerian's lap and munching down on some of the potato pie on Kellerian's plate. He waited until Harry finished eating so that the students could see what he looked like as his beak reappeared.

After squawking at Kellerian, Harry hopped off of his lap and took flight, flying over everyone's head and sometimes releasing weak blasts of fire.

"Now that you've seen him in both forms, that will be all. Please enjoy your food and the rest of the day, thank you." He bowed then sat down to thunderous applause before everyone turned towards their orbs and began ordering their food.

He turned his head to look at Kellerian whose attention was completely taken by Harry who was letting out squawks of happiness while releasing weak blasts of fire against the roof of the Assembly Hall.

He smiled and shook his head in amusement, knowing for certain that as soon as he's finished having his fun, he would fall asleep on Kellerian's lap. Unfortunately, Kelly won't be able to spend the time with him as he had his Elemental and Healing classes to teach, so they'll have to leave the boy with the daycare until classes were finished.

Believe him when he said that he knew that they were in for the biggest tantrum yet.

So in the meantime, he just settled with enjoying his meal before the introductory classes started. With every year to ascend to, a new class is added. For example, when the students become Second years, the Etiquette class will be added, when they become Third years then it's the Languages class and so on. The First years class was Healing. Fourth years was Politics, Fifth years was Metallurgy, Sixth years was Weapons Wielding, Seventh years was Summoning, Eight Years was Rituals, Ninth years was Familiars while Tenth and Eleventh years was Soul Magic.

He sighed softly when he heard a squawk from Harry when some of the Veela students joined him in the air. He honestly felt sorry for those students as Harry would no doubt go to them when he wanted to play.

He received an elbow to the ribs from Kellerian and he looked to where his husband was pointing to see Harry on the back of one of the Veela students. He couldn't help the snort of amusement when the boy began ordering the much older Veela on where to fly.

"He is pure trouble."

Kellerian only chuckled as he continued staring at the sight.

"Don't I know it."

Days later

Hadrian's eyes were bloodshot as he looked down at a sleeping Harry who was curled up against his chest as he sat behind his desk; he was planning the next topic for his Necromancy class and Harry had plainly refused to stay at the daycare.

They had just given up at taking him as the boy's Magic had taken to act up, when it did, it was really powerful.

It also didn't help that he still had the Dark Lord Voldemort's soul fragment attached to him and was therefore tampering with Harry's emotions and causing regular tantrums.

Because of that, they had decided to enlist the help of both Jules Vosteerbeeken and Milanie Boa Vista in finally removing the soul fragment as they were Masters of Soul Magic.

The removal was scheduled for next week as they needed to make certain that Harry didn't have anymore emotional outbursts as that would only serve to allow the soul fragment to meld even more with his core. They couldn't afford for that to happen.

As for his bloodshot eyes, he had had to relieve Kellerian of taking care of Harry in fear of one of the boy's tantrums going awry and injuring the pregnant Elf. Of course Kellerian didn't believe that Harry would ever hurt him but Hadrian didn't want to risk it with the soul fragment tampering with Harry's emotions as it was.

He actually didn't mind the way Harry clung to him, he only bemoaned getting a good night's rest without the boy waking him up with tears streaming down his face. No matter how hard he pushed, Harry just would not tell him what was happening and the boy wasn't suffering from any nightmares so that was out.

He had decided to do a bit of investigating after putting Harry to bed later on, he wanted to see just what exactly was spookiny the boy so much that he was crying and refusing to speak.

He sighed and pulled Harry's sleeping form closer to his chest, placing a kiss on his head before returning to his notes.

Come tonight he would finally discover just what was scaring the little Veela.

Later that day

Hadrian smiled down at Harry who was eating his dinner as slowly as he could because he didn't want to take a bath and brush his teeth.

~No matter how ssslowly you eat, you're ssstill gonna brusssh your teeth and take a bath~ He chuckled when Harry pouted at him, forkful of pie at his mouth.

~Hadrian!~ he whined softly, looking at him pleadingly.

Hadrian shared a look of amusement with Kellerian.

~Come on, finisssh your pie ssso that we can get you ready for bed. It'sss getting rather late~ Kellerian raised an eyebrow pointedly at the scowl on Harry's face. ~Don't you even dare think of throwing a tantrum or I will ssspank your little behind~

~But Mummy!~ Harry relaxed his expression and pouted even as he proceeded to eat the rest of his pie and finish his apple juice.

Kellerian picked him up with the help of his Magic as he stretched out his arms to him; he smiled when Harry nuzzled his face against his cheek.

His beak had replaced his mouth again.

"You clean up while I go and get this little troublemaker ready for bed," he murmured, returning the kiss which Hadrian placed on his lips. "I'll join you in bed in 45 minutes."

Hadrian nodded and caressed his cheek before he turned and left with Harry who waved goodbye at Hadrian who returned the gesture.

He was just thankful that Kellerian took over getting Harry ready in the morning and at night because Circe knows that the boy was just like any other child who enjoyed playing in water one minute and hating it the next.

"Taking care of a kid is hard, imagine taking care of a baby." He couldn't help sighing in resignation. "I guess that I'll have to get used to not getting any proper rest sooner rather than later."


After getting Harry to brush his teeth and take a bath, Kellerian was now laying in the boy's bed with him as he curled up against him; he closed his eyes and smiled into Harry's hair when the boy whimpered softly and moved as close to him as was physically possible.

He wasn't exactly as surprised as he should be at how touch starved Harry was. Hadrian had already regaled him with stories on the despicable Muggles Harry had been living with; he was just happy that they hadn't physically abused him or that would've been another can of worms to open and of which wouldn't end well for the Muggles.

"Hey, is he asleep?"

Kellerian opened his eyes and looked at Hadrian who was standing in the doorway; he nodded slowly, careful not to wake Harry up.

Hadrian quietly entered the room and helped to free Kellerian from Harry's grip; he positioned Harry to lie comfortably on his tummy as Kelly carefully got up off the bed, making sure not to make any noise or he would be in the room for a while.

After Kellerian had gotten off the bed, Hadrian pulled the throw up on Harry's form then bent down and kissed the side of his head. He straightened and watched as Kelly did the same before they left Harry's room, carefully closing the door behind then.

They headed back towards their own room in silence, Hadrian's hand was placed at Kelly's lower back and he pressed closer to said man. "You know, it's been a while."

Kellerian glanced at him then returned his attention on the path. "Has it?"

Hadrian hummed and nosed a path up Kelly's neck. "It has. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit confused on how you're so unaffected. From the research I've done, it says that pregnant people tend to be very horny."

His husband hummed as they came to a stop in front of their bedroom door. "It seems that you've forgotten that I am not human and am therefore able to control any… urges." Without another word, he opened the door and stepped inside their bedroom, glancing back at Hadrian pointedly.

Said man smirked and entered after his husband, shutting the door behind him and locking it for good measure.

At least they'll have a couple seconds warning before Harry broke down their door.


Harry smiled in his sleep and kicked his leg from under the throw; he didn't like covering his legs at all.


Said boy scrunched his face up but remained asleep.


Harry released a low hum and turned on his side, releasing his other leg from under the throw. "Mummy," he murmured softly in his sleep.


Harry's eyes shot open and he looked around in confusion, looking for his Mummy for safety.


Said boy looked around in confusion after hearing someone's voice and his eyes widened as they landed on the man who kept coming into his bedroom.

"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" He squawked, sitting up in his bed and moving back towards the top.

"Hello Harry." The ghostly form of an old man greeted softly, floating closer to Harry who began squawking in fright.

"Get away from me! I'm telling Mummy!"

"No need to be afraid, Harry." The old man winced at the boy's squawks but his smile remained. "My name is Albus Dumbledore and I'm a friend of your parents."

Harry just continued looking at him in fright, not understanding what the old man was saying. "Leave me alone!"

Dumbledore frowned and floated a bit closer to the boy whose eyes widened before letting out the loudest squawk that he could, tears streaming freely down his face.

"MUMMY!" He didn't even realise that his beak had receded to reveal his mouth


Hadrian eyed up Kellerian's form as his husband removed his robes, dashing them to the side where the coat hanger came to life and caught them; he moved closer to Kelly and helped him unbutton his slacks and shirt. "Circe, it's been so long since I've touched your body like this."

Kellerian only hummed and took off his shirt, looking at Hadrian over his shoulder. "We don't exactly have much time on our hands, after all."

Hadrian helped him take off his slacks before throwing then to the side. "Hmmm, so fucking beautiful." He then proceeded to vanish Kellerian's underwear before turning the now naked man around to face him. "Yeah, we don't. We can make up for that though."

Laughter met his words but Kellerian wrapped his arms around his neck all the same. "Oh yeah? How are you going to do that? I doubt that we can go all out as we usually do." He looked down at his distended stomach in emphasis then back at Hadrian. "You're gonna have to go slow."

He only shrugged and pulled Kelly's body closer to his. "I don't mind going slow." He followed up his words by leaning forward and connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. "You think that I'd making love to you? I admit that I do like it rough but I also love taking care of you." He reconnected their lips and this time, the kiss was a bit more aggressive and Kellerian moaned lowly.

He moved his hands to Kelly's arse cheeks and grabbed a handful, squeezing the well defined mounds and eliciting a low groan from Kellerian who broke their kiss and tilted his head to the side. Not wasting any time, he attached his lips to the pale expanse of neck and began sucking a hickey into the bronze colored skin. "Hmmm." He moved his lips higher up Kelly's neck and placed a kiss just under his husband's ear.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He breathed out, eyes fluttering at the onslaught against his neck.


He huffed at Hadrian's distracted answer but whimpered a second later when the man's finger began playing with his pucker.

"Its been awhile since… Hmmm… since you've given me a hickey."

Hadrian's focus stone glowed as he conjured lube to his fingers; he pulled back to look at Kellerian's flushed skin and bit his lip at the sight he made. "So fucking beautiful." He watched mesmerised as Kellerian threw his head back, his mouth parting as a gasp left his lips as Hadrian's finger breached his opening.


Hadrian watched as Kelly's eyelashes fluttered in pleasure as another finger joined the first one; he pulled them out and rubbed them against the tight pucker before burying them once more in the tight heat.

"Aghn!" Kellerian shuddered in pleasure as Hadrian fingers moved deeper inside of him. "Had- MUMMY!"

Both men startled as Harry's voice reverberated through their room, and without a thought, Hadrian pulled his fingers free of Kelly's entrance, earning a low groan from his husband before Apparating to Harry's room, his eyes open and alert.

He frowned when he saw the ghostly figure floating above Harry's bed.

"Who the hell are you?!" He barely managed to stop his Veela from overtaking.

Harry's head snapped up at his voice and before they could react, the boy had gotten off the bed and flew at Hadrian, burying his tear stained face in Hadrian's neck and clinging to him as tight as possible.

The ghostly form remained with his back to Hadrian and before the man could ask any more question, it disappeared.

He frowned and looked down at a shaking Harry.

"Oh, baby, you're okay." He wrapped his arms tighter around the boy and buried his face in his hair.

The door opened behind him and Kellerian stepped inside, his form covered by a silken robe as he approached them. "What happened?"

He opened his arms as Harry raised his face from Hadrian's neck, his Veela appendages gone as he wiggled out of Hadrian's arms and practically flew at Kellerian who wrapped his up in his arms.

Hadrian looked at Harry's still shaking form as Kellerian fought to calm him down; he couldn't believe that a ghost had managed to infiltrate their rooms without them being any the wiser.

His eyes connected with those of Kellerian's and they both exchanged worried glances.

If it was what he suspected then Harry needed to have a more invasive Medical check up than he thought because no simple ghost could just break into Sudoku, much less their rooms like that.

"It's okay, you're safe now, baby." Kellerian calmed as he began walking around the room and rubbing Harry's back.

Hadrian motioned with his head for them to go back to their bedroom.

Harry was going to start sleeping in their rooms until they were certain that nothing else would be happening.

He was going to try and get rid of the soul fragment sooner before Harry became too emotionally unstable.

"You're safe now, baby."

'I'll be damned if this happens again under my watch.'

A/n: And another chapter is finished! So yeah, the soul fragment hasn't been removed yet, Kellerian only removed an imprint from Harry's mind so that Voldemort's soul couldn't take over Harry's body quickly by breaking down his mind's defences. As usual, please leave a comment/review!