I am going to enjoy every moment of this. Meant to be more lighted than 'Bonded By Blood', but same amount of innuendos, swearing, and Kyman... heterosexual Kyman... wonder if it's been done *shrugs*? Because I can, I'm bringing Oceane into this story also - again, because I can... and she's, like, the only character that's mine that I like*pouts*. This wouldn't be a prequel or anything like that to BBB, but it would sorta explain part of Oceane's history and as read in BBB, Oceane has always had a crush on Kyle; she could be Kayla's best friend.
"Ahhhhhhhh no! Let go of me!" 15 year old Kyle Broflovski screamed as he was strapped to a table; naked except for the sheet that was covered over him.. Three aliens looked down over him. They would look at each and say things in their alien language. They aimed a lazor machine over him, put on goggles, and turned the lazer on. "Stop! Please!" Kyle plead as he closed his eyes tight, still able to see the blinding light under his tightly clenched eye lids. He could feel his body tingling, unaware of the shifting and changing that was taking place.
His shoulders were narrowed, his pelvis widened a bit, his groin changed to fit his becoming gender, and what was below went to his chest to form perky C cups; slightly big for his frame but it proved an argument about being well endowed down there could mean the same thing as above that he had with his friends just the day before. When the aliens were satisfied, they turned off the machine. Kyle felt himself fall asleep and be put back into his bed. In his mind, it was all a dream. There was no way aliens abducted him and used some sort of lazor machine to change his gender, into a she, that was crazy. She awoke in a cold sweat. Thick auburn curls brushed against Kyle's back, which Kyle thought was quite strange. She looked down and saw her breasts, something that was really out of the ordinary.
"No. No. I'm going crazy. There's no way." Kyle tried to assure herself.
She threw on a robe and went into the bathroom. Upon looking into the mirror, Kyle's denial became overly obsessive to the point of being ludicrous. It finally hits her of the changes when she makes a mess using the bathroom. "Oh my gawd. This is real. This, this, oh my gawd." Kyle freaked. The only thing Kyle could do was scream for her mother.
"You're going to have to relax, Kyle." Shelia said upon seeing what had happened to her son.
"How can I relax?! I was abducted by aliens and turned into a girl!"
"An attractive girl." Gerald mumbled under his breath. Sheila looked at him, able to hear his comment, "That is still our son, Gerald! How dare you think that way about our son!"
"You two aren't helping." Kyle sighed. She had no idea how she'd tell the boys. Her voice was very much the same as her male self, so she decided to dress as she would as a boy and say that she, Kyle, would be going away for a while, and his cousin, Kayla, would take his-her place in class.
While it was still dark, Kyle tried hard to recreate her male image. She took a couple small towels and rolled them into her briefs, hoping to imitate as much of a cock as possible to be observed under her dark jeans. She took ace wrap and bound her breasts as flat as she could, and then wrapped a towel around his waist to create the shape she once had. Even with the modification, Kyle noticed her clothes were still baggy on her but it was enough to fool the others. Then she went to her hair. How could she hide her chest length curls? She took out her long lost friend, her green ushanka that she stopped wearing when she was 12 from it's hiding place in her closet. She combed her hair back and fashioned into a bun. She slid the ushanka on over it, perfectly hidden. Then she threw on her burnt orange coat with green trim and green gloves to cover her slightly smaller hands.
"Kyle, it's time for school." Her mother called.
Kyle sighed, it's just for one day and she could be Kayla until she can be turned back. She took her backpack and went to the bus stop where her friends Kenny and Stan were standing, "Hey, dudes."
"Hey Kyle." Stan greeted.
"Hey Dude." Kenny said, muffed as always in his orange parka.
"No Cartman?" Kyle asked, feeling somewhat secure she could pull this off if Eric wasn't around. Stan shrugged, "Haven't seen him yet."
Kyle eyed Stan, she always thought he looked good in his new varsity jacket, which looked good with his well trimmed black hair and bright blue eyes. Kyle would never admit she had a crush on Stan. Stan was forever with Wendy and she knew that pissing Wendy off could mean the death of her like their substitute teacher in third grade. Her hazel eyes drifted to Stan's skinny black jeans; he had the body for it. And then she heard the voice that sent chills down her spine.
"'Sup Jew." Eric seemed to be in a chipper mood that morning, thank goodness.
"'Sup Fatass." Kyle returned.
"Hay! I am not fat! I'm-"
"Big muscled, I know." Kyle finished for him. Eric wasn't the same fat kid she knew growing up. He got into lifting weights and had great upper body strength as well as chubby stomach. Still, old habits die slow and Kyle wasn't going to give up her long time insult; in fact, Kenny and Stan didn't either and it didn't seem to really offend Eric when she called him a fatass versus anyone else - more or less reacting to it to amuse Kyle, which didn't make much sense to her, "So why the pleasant mood, Fatass?"
"Can't I just be in a good mood, Kyeel? Geez, I forgot Jews hate happiness!"
"No Jews don't, retard!"
"Yup, could have sworn Hitler outlawed happiness, Eric." A sweet and yet tarty voice said behind them.
"Oceane." Kenny and Stan greeted with a slight nod.
Eric backed away and Kyle smiled, "Thanks Oceane."
"No problem. Can you not fight with your boyfriend today. I have a third eye ache."
"He's not my boyfriend!" Kyle and Eric shouted at the same time.
"No? Could'a fooled us, Dude." Stan shrugged.
Kyle grit her teeth and tried really hard to keep her cool without exposing herself, "He's not. He's just an asshole. Third eye ache? Uh... never mind."
"... So that is why I won't be here for a while." Kyle said in just about every class the entire day.
Her friends didn't really buy it, though that didn't stop Eric from throwing a party during their lunch hour. She rolled her eyes, annoyed, "Someday, someone is going to be bigger and meaner than him and he wouldn't fight back."
"Yeah, but no one is going to try it. You remember Scott Tennorman. Last I heard, he's still committed in a psych ward in Nebraska." Kenny muffled.
"Really? I heard Texas?" Stan shrugged.
The next morning, Kyle went to school in a more appropriate outfit for her new body. Sheila took her shopping in Denver and picked up the must haves. For her first outfit for school was a lacy mint green dress with a black corset belt. Her red curls were tied back in low pigtails. She introduced herself somewhat seductively, "Hiya, I'm Kyle's cousin, Kayla Broflovski from Nevada."
Oceane stared Kyle down. Something about Kayla seemed familiar, she could sense it but couldn't figure out what it was. She also liked Kyle's outfit of the day. As far as Kyle knew, no one caught on that she is really Kayla. After school, as they waited by the bus stop, Oceane kept eyeing Kyle, "You're really, really, really, Kyle's cousin?"
"Yeah. Really, really, really." Kyle answered, "We've been through this, this morning, Oceane. Kyle told me about everyone so I'd be prepared to live with Uncle Gerry and Aunt Shelia and be among his friends."
"I think the creepy part is you two could pass as twins." Stan commented, "Same red hair, same body type, same piercing eyes, and same level of sarcasm."
"Go fuck yourself, Stan." Oceane and Kyle said at the same time.