Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Misty's drink

It was a hot summer day. Misty was sunbathing in a yellow bikini on the riverside, while her water Pokémon were splashing around in the water. She was starting to get thirsty, but was to lazy to get up to take the Fresh Water bottle in her bag.

Her Psyduck was the first to get out of the water, probably because of his headache.

"Hey, Psyduck! Go grab me that bottle in my bag."

Confused as usual, the Psyduck took a bottle of Protein instead of the Fresh Water. Without a glance, Misty grabbed the bottle, and downed it in two large sips.

"Huh? It tastes funny..." She then looked at the bottle in her hand: "Pro-Protein!?" And turning to Psyduck: "You what have you-", but she could not end her sentence, as she felt a great pain in her stomach.

As she doubled over, her arms on her stomach, she felt the pain slowly ebbing away, to be replaced by a hot sensation that then radiated in her whole body, that covered itself in sweat. She was feeling as if she had ran for hours.

Getting up on her hands and knees, she felt the warmth be replaced by a tingling sensation. Looking down, she saw her arms slowly swell, her muscles growing to huge proportion.

Straightening on her knees, she felt her back hardening and broadening. As she looked down she saw her small tits melt to give way to huge round pecs, that reaped through her bikini top.

Putting her hands on her stomach, she felt it harden and grow a six-pack.

As her growing butt pushed against her bikini panties and finally teared them apart, she felt her legs hardening beneath her.

"Wow! What was that?" She then flexed her arms, and viewed her new muscles rippling under her skin. "Nice...".

She then walked to the water, her sweaty body glistening in the sun, to watch at her reflection. "Unbelievable... Look at these abs, and these pecs...".

She had barely brushed a hand against her newly acquired six-pack that she felt a huge arousal. Laying down in the grass, she started to slowly brush her stomach, while her other hand took hold of one of her new pecs. While toying with her swollen nipple, the hand on her stomach slowly went between her legs.

Her arousal was already such that it was not long before her massive body was rocked by the biggest orgasm she ever had.

Once she caught her breath, she went to Psyduck to hug him: "Thank you you silly duck. Without you I wouldn't be like that...".

After a dip to wash herself from the sweat, she spent some more time sunbathing, enjoying the light wind that always blows along the river and the sun against her new body.

As she was about to leave, she realized that she had nothing left to wear, as her denim shorts and yellow t-shirt were now too tight for her new body.

"Pfff... No matter... It would be a shame to hide a wonder like that."

And she came back home that way, causing a lot of nose-bleeds in her wake.