Disclaimer; I don't own Harry Potter.

One review asked me a question and I wanted to Moony will not be able to smell Yrrah's parentage, the blood adoption and the air in Myth has changed his smell too much to recognize him as Harry. I'm sorry for the ones hoping for the reveal, you'll just have to wait.

Last time:

James looked with awe to the small boy sitting next to him. Yrrah pulled up his sleeve to present the tooth prints in his right forearm. "One other thing before you leave Yrrah. I want you to meet someone. It's a bit strange that he works for you but never met you."

Ragnok jumped from his chair, leading the two Lord's to an office close to his. "Mister Lupin? Lord Pendragon is here to see you."

"Moony?" James softly whispered.

Finally, the next chapter

The two man exchanged hugs, both commentating on the bad look of the other. It was getting close to the full moon and it showed on the werewolf and James's hair was… well James hair.

"Moony, this is Yrrah Pendragon. He's staying with Lily and me for the weekend with two of his friends." James introduced. "Y, this is Moony, he's one of the marauders."

"I've heard about the third Marauder, Sirius told me a lot off stories but always called Mr. Lupin, Moony. I'm sorry to say, I hadn't made the connection." Yrrah eyed the man in a new light, which wasn't necessary a good thing. This was another friend that left his professor. According to Sirius, Moony had left for France a few days after Harry's disappearance, not able to handle his pack falling apart.

"Lord Pendragon." Lupin made a short bow, finally noticing the eleven-year-old. "I'm sorry…"

"Don't worry about it." Cut Yrrah in. "And please, it's Yrrah."

"Remus." Smiled the werewolf. "So how is old Padfoot doing? I heard he's teaching?"

Yrrah decided to be blunt. "Sirius could do better. He misses his friends but from what I understand James can't face his best friend and you're out of the country most of the time, so I guess there is nothing that could be done for him is there?"

Both men hang their heads. "You don't understand…"

"I may not understand, but Sirius is my friend, just as is Lily and you are, James. So why can't you be friends with each other too? Remus, it was pleasant to meet you, keep up the excellent work. But I must go, Hermione must be anxious awaiting my return. Ragnok, I'll be in touch soon about the thing we've talked about. May I use your office as exit?"

"I'll bring us to the meeting place." James said placing a hand on Yrrah's shoulder. "Moony, I'm glad you're okay."

"Make sure Lills got my love." Remus said looking at the table deep in thought. With Ragnok's permission, James turned on his spot and appeared away, taking a clearly annoyed Yrrah along.

Yrrah pulled away from James' hand when the world had stopped spinning and joined his two friends. James looked with pain filled eyes after the young boy, something that Lily noticed, and she walked up to her husband. "Did something happen at Gringotts?" questioned the red head worried.

"He has hired Moony." Said James. "And made clear that he's not happy with us leaving Sirius when Moony asked about Padfoot. I'm glad that Siri found a connection with Yrrah, our young prince is protective of his friends. Oh, and I became on first name bases with the goblin king and according to Ragnok, Yrrah's run in with the troll is one of his less dangerous adventures. Apparently, there were fire wolves on Yrrah's island. Two of them."

Lily looked over her shoulder to the eleven-year olds, who were lying in the grass with their eyes closed. "He's a puzzle."

Neville hand touched Yrrah's shoulder and a warming charm was mumbled. Not a spell first year learned or had the magical control for.

"They all are." James mumbled. "I'm curious to see if they can lay back and be kids today."


Yrrah, meanwhile, showed his friends a summarised version of what happened at the bank that morning.

"Makes me wonder if there is another reason professor Black has been cut off from his friends." Wondered Hermione.

"There has to be. Sirius and Lily even promised me that I'll understand one day." Answered Yrrah. "But until I've been told the reason I see this as one of the highest betrayals. Leaving a friend in need."

"So, what do we do now?" questioned Neville. "Are we going to leave it this way?"

"Lily and James have been really kind to us." Said Hermione. "They deserve the chance."

"Sirius doesn't mind it when I tell him about the letters and he's was actually kind of okay with us sleeping over this weekend." Yrrah said. "I say we continue our friendship with Lily and James, we need friends to aid us in the upcoming war. And the Potters, even with their flaws, lost their son to this Voldemort. They would want to fight."

"Agreed." Chorused the other two.

In one fluent motion jumped the trio on their feet and walked towards the Potters.

"These portkeys are activated and will take us straight to magical entrance." Lily showed them tickets. "James managed a portkey back to Diagon Ally and a car will be waiting for us there." A small nod was given by the smiling trio before they accepted the piece of paper. "When you're ready to go, say Disney."

Lily disappeared with a soft pop. "Disney." Yrrah said feeling a hook pulling his navel and he too disappeared.

Only to end up in a heap on the ground.

"That's it." Grumbled the young prince. "I official hate all normal wizard travel magic or whatever."

Neville and Lily, the only ones who managed to stay upright, both grabbed an arm to pull him up. James helped Hermione stand up, after pushing himself on his feet.

"I never got used to it myself." The Lord Potter said. "Flooing is even worse. I always wake a fool out myself."

"Worse than this?" Yrrah said unbelieving as they walked around the corner. He remembered the green flames from his shopping trip when he first arrived on Earth, but he didn't think it was worse than this.

"Hello visitors and welcome to Disney!" a giant mouse, Yrrah recognised as Mickey Mouse from his DVDs, said. "I hope you have a magical day."

"Thanks and have a nice day yourself." Said Yrrah, earning strange looks from the Potters. "What?"

Hermione nudged him. "You spoke French." She send him.

"I've been raised speaking several languages." Yrrah explained to the grown-ups. "My mom is a Ravenclaw, so I had to learn from different books from all different languages. And French has a great magic school to consider."

"Really?" Lily smiled, linking her arm with James'. "Your mother is a wise woman, speaking other languages is a great skill to have. Now let's see the attractions."

James pulled out a map, "This one looks interesting." He pointed, before turning the map around. "Uh, but how do we get there? This doesn't make sense, it doesn't mark your location."

"Honey this isn't really a magical park." Lily kissed his cheek and took the map. "Muggles don't have personal maps where your location is noted. Just follow me." They stopped by the first attraction which was a tower of terror. "Well go on, I'm so not going in there."

James looked with wide eyes at the building but when he noticed Lily's refusal he turned to his wife. "Do you want me…"

"Go on honey." Smiled Lily. "Just because I'm a chicken doesn't mean you can't enjoy."

"My lady." Yrrah held out his hand to Hermione. "You want to share this ride with me."

"O yes my good sir." Grinned the girl before pulling Yrrah along. "But there is a height restriction on these rides. I'm not sure…"

With one wave of James wand they had grown a few inches just to reach the required height. "Only for today, and don't tell Lills." After a second he added. "Don't tell anyone, I'm sure your parents won't take this with stride either Hermione."


With their special passes, they could skip the line and enter the ride immediately. There was a small story before they finally went into an elevator. As soon as the bars settled, Hermione grabbed Yrrah's hand. "Don't let go."

"I'll never let you go." Promised Yrrah, giving the girl a squeeze. Turning to his left he smiled at Neville, who was holding the bar in a death grip. "Here." Yrrah offered a hand, which was gratefully accepted. "We won't be in any danger as long as we're together." The prince spoke of his power to bring them in safety if needed but the people in hearing distance didn't know that. They only saw three friends, holding onto each other.

James, who was almost hopping in his seat, turned to smile down at them. "Don't worry," he said as they rose in the air and Hermione screwed her eyes shut.

"Keep them open," advised Neville in a rare moment of bravery. "We can look so far, it's beautiful."

At the highest point, they were set loose and fell before rising and falling again.

After the ride stopped, they all said they hadn't been afraid but even James had screamed.

Lily frowned at her husband hair when they exit the attraction. "It's even worse than it is after you fly." She tutted pulling a comb from her bag. "You three are next."

Yrrah grinned and fixed his hair with magic, making sure the scar was hidden behind a tuff of light brown hair. Neville combed his fingers through his hair whispering a wandless spell to make it stick that way and Hermione shrugged. "It's useless, my hair does what it wants."

"That's the magic, my dear." Lily said, turning on her spot to work on the busy curls. "It gives your hair a life on its own. I have something for that. Remind me about it tomorrow."

The next ride was a slow one, called Peter Pan. Yrrah, Neville and Hermione managed to get in one car, while James and Lily shared the one behind them. The muggleborn witches explained the pureblood's the story about the boy who never wanted to grow up. As they flew over London, Neville asked Yrrah jokingly if this was the way the warrior was used to flying to which Yrrah only smiled.

They continued their way through the park, changing partners on the go. Yrrah and James were seated next to each other in the mine roller-coaster, and later he shared a ride with Lily through the haunted house.

Yrrah claimed that he had to pay for dinner since the Potters paid for the tickets and they went to a restaurant.

After they finished their meal they went to the other attractions.

"You know there is a second park next to this one." James said when they walked to the exit around nine. "We could visit that one at the winter holidays if that's okay with all the parents?"

Hermione, hugging a large Olaf to her chest, nodded. "My mom and dad would probably want to join so I see no problems with that." Grinned the girl.

"I don't think Grandma would mind." Neville said, he was holding an equally large Tigger.

"I'll be joining too." Said Yrrah, keeping Stitch close.

He yawned, and James wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Stay awake a little bit longer champ. We'll be at the car soon."

The group made their way to the car just in time, when they left the parking lot the trio had fallen asleep on the back seat. Yrrah and Neville leaning against the doors and Hermione with her head on Yrrah's lap and her feet propped up on Neville's.

"They're conked out." Lily smiled, charming pillows under the children's heads. "This was a wonderful day. I never imagined I would have a day like this, they're great kids."

"I thought about him a lot today." James said after a minute of silence. The man let out a sigh, running a hand through his already messy hair. "I would like to imagine that Harry would have grown up to be like these three."

"He would." Said Lily, leaning against the door and closing her eyes.

Arriving back to the Potter mansion, James carried first Hermione and Neville upstairs before waking up Lily and carrying Yrrah in the house. Lily changed the children into their pyjamas with one wave of her wand and tucked them in, their new stuffed friends next to them.

The Potters watched for a moment in the door, smiling and then went to bed.


Yrrah woke up the next morning, refreshed and with his magic still a bit on the low side but away from the danger zone. Putting on some battle robes, he stretched in the back yard until Hermione and Neville joined him for a run.

Under the heavy wards, the three could practice magic without any trouble for underage magic use. Therefore, there was no excuse for the three to lack their training. Yrrah took it easy as he started to teach them the Stupefying Charm.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really." Yrrah said pulling out his wand. "This spell is also frequently used in duels, it's quite useful, if your opponent is unconscious and unable to continue the duel, it's a guaranteed victory for the caster. But it's a fourth-year spell so don't be embarrassed when it doesn't go right the first few attempts. It took me a week to get the charm right when I was eight."

So, they started while Yrrah did single sword drills Dominic had used on him so many times. An hour later Nev and Hermione had a weak red charm what only slowed down a rolling ball slightly, but Yrrah was proud so the two were beaming.

"A small duel before we go in for breakfast?" Yrrah asked, sheathing his sword.

Hermione looked hesitant. "Are you sure? Madame Pomfrey did say no magic for a week."

"My core can handle a small duel, as long as we don't use heavy battle magic or too much of the powers, I'll be fine."

"Only if you're absolut… Expeliarmus!" Neville tried to get Yrrah unguarded, but it was in vain because Yrrah had erupted his shield, anticipating the move.


James woke up to an unusual sound. Laughing of children. Slipping out of bed, careful not to wake his wife, Lord Potter quickly changed and almost ran to the backyard where the three children were laughing and trying to break through Yrrah's shield while diving from the stunners and unarming spells Yrrah send back.

The ease that these three did advanced magic was amazing and frightening at the same time. Yrrah didn't seem to have any trouble holding his own against the two, even though he should have been magically exhausted.

Trying to send a prank spell to the young prince, James could only blink when his hex was shielded and returned. His hair felled heavier and a shacking hand went up to his head where antlers were growing. "Bloody hell, you have some reflexes." James smiled trying to send a finite at the deer accessories, but it didn't change a thing.

"I did tell you I was trained from an early age." Yrrah grinned back. "And only I can remove them so don't waste your magic."

"Well could you…"

"No, Yrrah is magically exhausted, he needs to rest." Smirked Neville, "Come Y, then shall we see if breakfast is ready. Do you need someone to lean on?"

"Oh Neville, I'm so tired." Yrrah said dramatically holding a hand over his head. "I need to lie down and not use magic for the rest of the day."

"Hehe very funny." Grumbled James. "I get it, no more hexing in the back. Now please would you get these of me?"

"Yes, somewhere today," Yrrah said taking of in a run.

"Or tomorrow." Hermione piped up as she followed Yrrah inside.

Neville brought up the rear. "Maybe Christmas?"


It was a touchy James, sitting at the breakfast table pocking his food around while touching the antlers. He looked at the three children who were going over something and discussing it silently, how annoying. "What are you talking about?"

Yrrah turned the book to him. "They want to become Animagus, it's just that I don't know how to teach them, I was two when I changed for the first time."

"I can teach you, if you promise me that you remove the antlers before you go to school."

"Off course." Grinned Yrrah. "I want to buy some muggle clothing, so I might take Lady Potter shopping while you practice?"

"She would love that." Lily smiled as she entered the dining room. "James, I know you're proud of your form, but I told you before, no antlers when it's not Christmas."

The children burst out laughing while James grumbled something under his breath. "James tried to hex Yrrah in the back and Yrrah reflected it. Only Yrrah can remove them." Hermione explained.

"You better make sure that my husband is back to normal tomorrow young man." Threatened Lily sipping her tea. "It will teach him not to hex people in the back."

"You're supposed to be on my side." Complained James.

Lily send him a wink and turned to Hermione. "After breakfast, shall I teach you how to do your hair magically?"

"Yes please." Hermione ran her fingers through the busy mess that was her hair. "At what time do my parents arrive? I want to surprise them."

"Just before dinner so we can dine together." Lady Potter said. "Now, eat so I can get shopping."

"Yrrah you poor, poor child." Mumbled James, ducking just in time to evade being hit by his wife while the others chuckle.

After a day of shopping in the muggle world, Yrrah wondered why James complained. He had a marvellous time. It helped that he didn't have to fit the clothing, he would just shrink or enlarge it if it didn't fit. He also bought a muggle dress that would perfectly fit with Hermione's hazel eyes and a shirt with "kiss the cook" for Neville. They ate lunch together in a small restaurant and visit Diagon Ally for some Christmas presents.

He even made a quick stop at Gringotts to apologize to Remus for his behaviour the day before. Sirius was a friend, and he didn't like the way he was treated in the past. The man understood and asked if Yrrah could pass this letter along to the old mutt.

Back at the manor was James reading a book and Neville and Hermione were enthusiastically discussing something. Maybe because Neville's right arm was still covered with light brown feathers and Hermione spotted hairy pointed ears under her tamed hair.

"So, it's going well I see." Grinned Yrrah.

"Better than well." James placed his book down and moved behind his wife wrapping his arms around her waist. "They were master meditators, it took me and my friends months to find our inner beast and they did it in an hour."

"I'm an owl. James think that I might fly one day. I hope it's better than me on a broom." Rattled Neville.

"And I'm a wolf." Said Hermione proud. "Silver grey and she's so beautiful."

"That's wonderful," praised Lily. "But you better change back and fresh up. Your parents will be here any moment and Neville I believe that I hear the floo. Hermione, we bought you this fabulous dress to go with your new hair and Neville go grab a clean shirt. You have ketchup on that one. Yrrah, go put on some normal clothes without transfiguration."

"Yes ma'am." The three chorused before running up the stairs.

Dinner went perfectly with a lot of praise to the blushing house elf and the adults retired to the living room for a small drink while the kids went to bed. It would be an early day tomorrow.


And early it was, but not for the three friends who woke up every morning at five. They decided to have a lay in today to six and let Lily wake them. The bags were packed, and the new stuffed friends were shrunken and packed too along with all the other stuff they bought.

James, still wearing antlers, took Yrrah and Neville by their arms around eight and Lily grabbed Hermione, so they could travel to Hogwarts in one go.

With a loud crack, they arrived at the gates, and made the short walk to school.

Sirius was pacing at the main entrance, glaring at the staring students so they ran into the hall. Finally, the door opened, and three smiling children walked in followed by two adults.

"Sirius." Yrrah broke in a run to hug the professor, closely followed by the other two as they tackled the professor to the ground.

"Oomph." Grunted Sirius under the weight of two eleven-year olds and one twelve-year-old. "What did they feed you three?"

"Hey Siri." Lily's soft voice sounded through the hall, she took a hesitant step closer before smiling. "It's been a long time, I'm glad to hear you're doing so well for yourself."

Pushing the trio of his chest, Sirius rose his feet. "Thank you for returning them safely. I was worried about them… why is James partly transformed?"

"Oh yeah, almost forgot." Yrrah waved his wand and the antlers disappeared. "Thank you for having us this weekend. We had an awesome and educational time."

"Just ask Yrrah or I do it." Neville said pushing Yrrah softly.

"Well, if you have the time… and if you don't have it it's also fine… and if you would like to come…"

"Out with-it Y." James said confused. "You can ask us anything."

"My first quidditch match is this Saturday, and according to Ced and Fred and George, most players have a parent that comes to see them and since my parents well… are not here and Sirius has to be indifferent because he is a teacher…"

"We would love to see you play." James said, looking at Lily who gave him a small nod. "I'm sure we can stay in England another week."

"Awesome." Yrrah beamed.

"Now, go to your rooms and get your books, classes start in twenty minutes." Sirius smiled watching the kids give the Potters one last hug and thanks before disappearing up the stairs.

"They are an unusual set." Said James.

"They certainly are." Agreed Sirius suddenly feeling awkward without the children around them to distract them. "I better go prepare my lesson."

"And we better go home." James held Lily's hand as he walked back out the door. Like Yrrah, Lily stopped at the door, removing her hand from James and ran back to embrace a surprised Sirius. "I missed you." She said before letting go and going back to James who smiled sadly at his best friend. Sirius watched as the doors closed and took the Potters from his view.


The next week passed quickly, Wood yelled a bit because Yrrah missed the weekend training, Yrrah had given Sirius the letter Remus had written, homework was given and finished and before they knew it, it was Friday and the group were seated in the potion classroom.

"So here I was thinking you have the brains of your Slytherin uncle and then you do something reckless proving the sorting head right." Sneered Snape after Yrrah had taken a seat, the professor laid Yrrah's potion book down. "I heard you're back to your normal duelling with Black, is your magical core healed then?"

"Yep, Madame Pomfrey checked it before Sirius even raised a wand to me." Smirked Yrrah. "It's not complete refilled but enough to resume classes. Didn't stop me from blasting professor Black on his ass though."

"If you keep it up, I might start to like you Pendragon." Drawled Snape. "Black is fond of you, I'm almost pleased that that feeling is mutual but please don't stop battering his ego. Maybe we could cross wands someday."

"I would like that professor." Yrrah twiddled his wand between his fingers. "Will you allow me to heal that leg wound you seem to have?" Snape raised his eyebrow in surprise. "You've been limping all week, after Halloween if my memory serves me right. Since you didn't let Madame Pomfrey take a look at it, I might do it. You have to gain a healing licence before gaining your mastery remember?"

"It's nothing."

"I can always report it to Madame Pomfrey." Smirked Yrrah, he didn't look at the older potions master. "She can decide whether it is nothing."

"Slytherin move." Snape pulled his leg up, showing the bandages under the trousers. "Do you often get your way with blackmail?"

"Nah, I have my father's morals." Yrrah said as he carefully removed the bandages. "Quite a bite you have here. Could you use a cleaning spell at my hands after I uncork the vials?"

"You do know much about healing." Said Snape impressed.

"That almost sounded like a complement coming from you." After his hand was clean, Yrrah poured liquid on it from his stash. Using a little bit wandless healing magic, Yrrah's hand carefully rubbed over the teeth marks.

Snape's black eyes opened wide when he saw his healed leg. There wasn't even a scar. "How?"

"A healing potion my uncle made for me. I can't brew it as well as he can." Yrrah explained holding out his bloodied hands. "Could you?" A second later Yrrah's hands were clean again. "Thank you, I better go make my rounds."

He left a speechless and thinking professor behind. "What more secrets do you hide?"


It was Saturday. The day of the match and Yrrah was nervous.

"Yrrah, you need to eat something." Susan said pushing the plate to the boy.

Hermione nodded. "Use your potion if you have to but you need to strength."

"I'm not hungry." Mumbled Yrrah pushing the plate back. He felt awful, in an hour the game started, and his stomach was doing flips.

"You really need it Yrrah." Daphne said, the blond was seated opposite of him. "Seekers are mostly the first to be kicked out of the game."

"Thank you, Daphne." Grumbled Yrrah, "That makes me feel so much better, but I'm still not hungry."

"How can't you be hungry?" a cheerful voice said. "You're still growing, I was always hungry when I was your age." The whole great hall was staring at James and Lily who had entered.

"You came." Smiled Yrrah. The trio ran up to the Potters.

"Off course, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Lily smiled kissing the cheeks of the three. "Now introduce me to your friends, no wait, I heard so much about you that I might know, let me guess… The infamous Weasley twins, and this must be Cedric."

"Lady Potter." The three third years smiled, kissing the hands of the lady and giving a small bow to Lord Potter.

"This redhead must be Susan, you look like your aunt Amelia. Except for the hair colour" James grinned. "There was only one other boy, so you must be Terry."

"Yes sir." Terry nodded while Susan stood beaming next to him.

"You're Padma, and then you must be Tracey." Lily smiled. "But I don't know who Hannah is and who is Daphne. Yrrah never mentioned houses."

"Daphne Greengrass, Scion heir of the Ancient and Noble house of Greengrass. Heir to the Earl of Oxford. It's an honour to meet you Lord and Lady Potter." Daphne bowed.

"Hannah Abbott, Scion of the Noble house Abbott." Hannah repeated Daphne's curtesy.

"Please call us Lily and James, Yrrah's friends are our friends."

"Pendragon, Weasleys, changing room." Wood came collecting his team and Yrrah said a quick goodbye. Choruses of good luck followed them.

Around eleven it was like the whole school had emptied to come and see the game. Sirius had added himself to the group, uncomfortable taking place between James and Cedric in the Hufflepuff box. Daphne and Tracey braved the Slytherins reaction and had joined the Hufflepuff stands instead their own house, just like Neville and Hermione, Terry and Padma. Hufflepuff was neutral territory. Less chance of fighting during the game.

While everyone was getting a seat Yrrah quickly changed and settled down for Wood's speech but zoned out the moment he spoke the first word. Would his family be watching him in the mirror?

Taken out by his musings by a nudge of Fred. "We know Oliver's speech by heart. We were on the team last year." Yrrah only give a forced smile.

Oliver growled at the redheads. "Shut up, you two. This is the best team Gryffindor's had in years. We're going to win. I know it." The team grabbed their brooms and walked to the entrance, Yrrah walking next to Wood.

The captain looked down at the first year, "Nervous?"

"Yeah." Nodded Yrrah.

"That is normal. I was nervous too, at my first game." Admitted Wood.

"What happened?"

"Don't know," frowned Wood. "Got a bludger to the head in the first few minutes. Woke up a week later in the hospital wing."

Yrrah swallowed but before he got the chance to really think about it the doors opened, and they pushed off.

Lee Jordan's voice shouted over the field, while they were making rounds. "Welcome by the first game of the season, Gryffindor against Slytherin!"

Everyone took place in a circle, Yrrah and the Slytherin seeker slightly above everyone else. Madame Hooch was waiting for the players attention. "I want a clean game." She said, Yrrah had the feeling that her eyes lingered to long on Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain. The Snitch was released and it flew around Yrrah's head and around the Slytherin's seeker before disappearing in the sun. The bludgers were next and Hooch blew her whistle, throwing the quaffle in the air.

The game had started.

"And the quaffle is immediately in the hands of Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor. What is that girl an excellent chaser, and nice to the eye too."

"JORDAN!" McGonagall yelled.

"Sorry professor." Lee apologized. "There she goes, passing the quaffle to Alicia Spinnet, another wonderful found by Oliver Wood, who was reserve last year. Back to Johnson, and no Slytherin has the quaffle. Captain Marcus Flint has captured the quaffle and gains speed. He goes like an eagle on the target, he sco… no excellent tackle by Wood, the keeper of Gryffindor, who has the quaffle. Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor dives around Flint and … aww that must have hurt, a bludger against the back of her hand. Slytherin has the quaffle, no he gets hit by a bludger from Fred, or George Weasley, I don't know which one. Johnson has the quaffle she's going to the goal, dives away from the bludger, reaching the goal, come on Angelina, the keeper dives, missed and GRYFFINDOR SCORES!"

Loud cheering from the Gryffindor's and booing from the Slytherins sounded through the chilly air.

Yrrah made a celebration round before focusing back on his job. He saw it the same time as Lee questioned about it and speed after it.

He was faster than the other seeker, he could almost see the wings of the small golden ball, pushing to go faster, almost and.


Flint had flown against Yrrah and he was falling through the air, barely holding onto his broom.

The Slytherin captain got a chew out from Hooch but in the confusion had the golden Snitch escaped.

"At moment like this there should be red cards," mumbled Terry.

"Red cards?" Tracey asked confused.

"The referee can send players off if they make a dangerous offence, by giving them a red card." Explained Hermione.

Lily nodded, "They should change the rules! Flint could have hit Yrrah from his broom!"

Lee had trouble with keeping impartial. "Good, after that blatant and disgusting trickle cheating…"

"Jordan." Grumbled McGonagall.

"I mean after the obvious and foul offense…"

"Jordan I'm warning you…"

"Okay, okay, Flint almost killed the Gryffindor seeker, but that could happen to everybody, I guess. Spinnet takes the penalty and she scored, the game continues with Gryffindor in possession of the quaffle."

Yrrah went back to searching for the tiny ball when it happened. His broom made a sudden, frightening bucking movement. For a moment, he thought he was going to fall, that wouldn't be that bad, but he was more wondering what was happening to his broom.

It happened again, it was as if his broom was trying to throw him off and he had zero control over his broom.

"Yrrah what are you doing?" Hermione asked.

Yrrah was holding on with all his might. "My broom is being hexed. Hermione try to look around with a telescope. Nev, I need to keep an eye on the Slytherin Seeker, if he goes after the Snitch warn me."

"Hold on Y." Neville focused on the seeker while Hermione re-laid the information to the others.

Sirius, Lily and James pulled their wands, ready to catch the boy if he fell and the others from the group were searching the crowed.

"Look, Snape!" yelled Padma pointing at the teachers' box.

"He's not blinking." Hermione said, "That's a sign of hexing."

"Neither is Quirrell." Susan said. "What do we do?"

"Too late." Said Neville, "He has seen the Snitch." Turning to Lily he grabbed her wand arm. Hermione did the same with James and Cedric, getting the hint, grabbed Sirius. "Don't interfere. Yrrah knows what he's doing."

"Now I'll show you what I believe flying means." Yrrah grinned.

Screams of fright sounded through the crowed when Yrrah jumped from his broom. With his arms against his body and legs stretched out, he dove down head first. Seconds before he reached the ground, he started to make complicated arm movements and to the crowd's amazement, he stayed still in the air for a second before going back up, following the golden Snitch.

"What in Merlin's name." James mumbled.

"I guess that's why he didn't know we fly on brooms the first flying class." Mumbled Daphne. "He could have told us, you know. We wouldn't have made fun of him."

"It was actually a secret." Said Hermione softly.

"And he had all the rights to try and keep this hidden." Sirius said in awe, "I thought he used wandless magic like Neville during the fight with the troll, but elemental. The last known with that power was Slytherin. Where did he learn to control it like this?"

"He carries founders' book around from his home library, I'm sure there should be a book laying around written by Slytherin." Susan said, "Look!"

Yrrah was flying just below the Slytherin seeker, resting on his back as he stretched out to snatch the Snitch from under the other seekers nose.


Yrrah carefully floated down, it had been an awfully long time since he had felt the wind surround him like that, and he didn't know he had missed it so much until now.

Fixing his hair, he closed his eyes for a moment of piece, the crowd around him was shouting, protesting or celebrating but he needed a moment to shut everything out. One power had been revealed but he didn't care about that, he had won.

His moment was interrupted when he was tackled against the ground. Small fists were hitting him and he tried to shield himself. "Girls! What are you doing?"

"Don't you ever do that again." Susan was yelling. "I thought you were going to die!"

Yrrah pulled a face, letting himself helped up by Terry and Neville. "Don't be this dramatic. I told Hermione and Neville I had a plan?"

"Well next time tell me the plan." Hermione huffed, Yrrah just winked at her.

"That was awesome." Cedric grinned, "I can't wait till we play against each other."

"Can you teach us how to fly like that?" Fred asked. The twins landed, George carrying Yrrah's broom.

Flint, and other Slytherins were complaining about the unfairness of it all to Hooch, but since it never was stated in the rules that you had to use a broom, there was nothing that could be done about it. Gryffindor won fair and square.

So that's it for now. Please leave a review if you have any questions and I'll always try to answer them.

With love,

Xoxox Flora