Hey guys my new story, so yeah hope you like it!

I don't own the Teen Titans, blah, blah, blah . . .


Now that that's out of the way, enjoy the story!

Oh, and you can follow me on Twitter it's MySassyGirl101




It was around six in the morning and Robin had called all the titans in the common room. Cyborg was in the room first (after Robin), then Starfire, then Raven. Raven decided to get some tea first, and then joined Starfire and Cyborg on the couch with her tea. They were now waiting on Beast Boy. Beast Boy had always taken the longest when it came to getting up in the morning. It took about twenty-seven alarms to get him up, and then he took five minutes to get dressed, that is if he didn't fall asleep in the process. Finally by six forty-five he came in to the room.

"Beast Boy I came and knocked on your door at six," Robin started, "it really took you forty-five minutes to get dressed?! Even the girls were ready before you"

"No, it took me five minutes to get dressed", Beast Boy said taking a seat on the couch between Raven and Cyborg.

"Then what were you doing the other forty?"


"Beast Boy! You know what we don't have time for this!" Robin said transitioning to what they really needed to talk about, "Alright well Slade and multiple other villains are teaming up, and there target is Jump City, so I've called a couple friends to help"

"Who!? Who?!" Starfire asked excitedly.

"I was just getting to that Star," Robin continued "So I called Bumblebee, Jinx, and Kid Flash to help. They'll be here at noon. So Kid Flash is sleeping in your room, Beast Boy. Bumblebee in Terra's room, and Jinx on the air mattress in here. Now Cyborg, make sure all that's set up for them. Starfire and I will clean up around the tower. And Beast Boy, Raven, you two need to go to pick up a few things at the mall and grocery store. I sent you the lists on your communicators. Any questions?"

"Um friend Robin," Starfire started, "will we be cleaning friend Beast Boy's room?"

"Unfortunately, yes", Robin replied.

"Hey!" Beast Boy said, "Oh and by the way I have a question, when we go shopping do I get to dive the t-car?"

"OH NO WA-", Cyborg said.

"Cyborg", Robin interrupted, "he has to"

"But-", Cyborg said.

"I'm sorry Cyborg"


"Yes!" Beast Boy said, "Cy, toss me the keys"

Cyborg tossed Beast Boy the keys, but did not look at him.

"Come on Rae," Beast Boy said, "let's go" he was already out of the common room.

"Rae, make sure my baby comes back in on piece", Cyborg told her.

"No promises", she said walking out the common room.


In the garage

When Raven made it to the garage Beast Boy was waiting outside the T- car.

"It took you long enough", Beast Boy told her.

Raven rolled her eyes, "You driving?"


"Okay", Raven said getting in the passenger seat.

Beast Boy got in the driver's seat and started the car. Once they were driving on the road Beast Boy said something.

"So Rae, where do we need to go?"

"The mall", she replied.

"I know that part! I mean what store?"

"Robin didn't list stores. He just wrote mall and grocery store"

"Looks like we're stuff hunting then"


Beast Boy suddenly slammed on the brakes, "CAT!"

"What?!" Raven asked.

"Cat", he said pointing out the front window.

Out the window there was an orange cat crossing the street.


Beast Boy continued driving.


"So Rae, you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"With Aqualad?"

"Yes. I promise you I'm fine"

"Okay", Beast Boy looked at her. He thought there was a chance she was lying.

Beast Boy now turned into the mall parking lot. He parked the car and the two got out.


In Beast Boy's Room

Starfire and Robin had just entered Beast Boy's room with garbage bags, gloves, and a laundry basket. Beast Boy didn't have a laundry basket, well at least not by the looks of it.

Beast Boy's room had clothes everywhere, on the floor, on the ceiling fan, his desk chair, his wall TV, and a bunch stuffed in the closet and on his bottom bunk.

There was also food, plates, soda cans, cups, etc., on his bedside table, desk, and floor.

Beast Boy also had video games everywhere, and on his desk there were a headphone set with a microphone, a video game controller, computer, cup with pens, and green Beats.

"Friend Robin, where do we start?" Starfire asked.

"I have no idea", Robin replied.


Beast Boy and Raven had just gotten into the mall and were now looking at the map of the mall.

"This is pointless!" Beast Boy said, "How do we even know where we are"

"Um," Raven started, "That little dot that says 'you are here'", she said pointing it out.

"Oh", Beast Boy said seeing the dot, "So where should we start?"

"Let's head for Kohl's", Raven suggested.

"Okay", he looked back at the map, "we need to go this way", and he pointed in a direction.

"Grab a stroller", she said pointing to car strollers that were next to the two.

"Okay", he said grabbing a stroller and putting his feet in.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting in. Isn't that what you wanted me to do? Look like an idiot?" he said surprised.

"No seriously grab a stroller, there's a lot of stuff on this list and I don't want to carry it all"

He pulled his feet out.

"And you don't look like an idiot, you are an idiot", she said.

"Hey", he replied with a smile.

They began walking when they came across a store that was filled with superhero and comic book shirts. This store was called Hot Topic.

"Dude," Beast Boy said, "what's this store?" He asked heading into Hot Topic, leaving the stroller behind.

Raven followed, "Beast Boy!" she said irritated.

Beast Boy began looking at different t-shirts.

"Beast Boy, we don't have time-"

"I know, hold on," he continued looking, "DUDE! This one has our face on it!" he held up a shirt with all five titans.

Raven just realized something, "Come on we have to get out of here", she said grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the store.

"Dude! What's your deal?!" Beast Boy said.

"We have to get far away from the store", Raven replied and the two continued walking.


"Cause if we're going to get stopped by fans it's going to be there"


They finally reached Kohl's.


Starfire and Robin continued cleaning Beast Boy's room.

Starfire was cleaning the closet and Robin was picking up clothes and putting them in the hamper.

"No wonder I keep having to order Beast Boy more uniforms", Robin said.

Starfire came to a shoe box in Beast Boy's closet, "Friend Robin what is this?"

"Um, I don't know. I don't think you should open it", Robin replied not knowing what could be in the box.

But Starfire opened it anyway, "Oh friend Robin it is pictures!"

"Pictures of what?" Robin asked unsure.

"Us silly! What else would they be of?"

"Not important", Robin said sitting next to her.

They looked through pictures; surprisingly they weren't a bunch of selfies. They were pictures that were important to him. There was one of him and Cyborg, him, Raven, and Cyborg with the chicken they won, a picture of all five of them in Robin suits, the pictures he took of Raven on the way to Tokyo, a picture of all five of them in Tokyo, and a picture with a man, a women, and a kid with blonde hair and blue eyes in a rainforest.

"Friend Robin who is this?" Starfire asked holding up the previous picture.

"It's Beast Boy, before he got bit"


The two just stared at the photo for a few minutes until Starfire broke the silence.

"Friend Robin?"

"Yes", he replied.

"There is much about our pasts that our friends are unaware of"

"Yeah, we're probably going to have to pick a time to share our pasts"


"Okay," Raven started, "first we need a mattress topper. I'm pretty sure the beds are toward the back of the store"

"Kay," Beast Boy replied, "lead the way".

The two made their way to the back of the store.

"Wow I didn't realize how many different mattress topers there were", Beast Boy said looking at the many mattress toppers.

"Just grab a memory foam for full", Raven said.

Beast Boy did as he was told and put the box in the stroller.

"Now we have to get sheets", Raven said.

"Okay", he replied.

They made their way to the next aisle.

"What do we need sheets for?" Beast Boy asked.

"The air mattress and your bottom bunk", she replied.

"But I have sheets on my bottom bunk. Wait . . . do I?"

"And that's exactly why. Pick out something to match your room"


Raven got purple sheets for the air mattress, and Beast Boy got plain green for his room.

"Now we need a hamper", Raven said.

"For who?" he asked.


"But I have a hamper . . . wait . . . what happened to my hamper?"

"Something must have ate it"

"Oh come on Rae, be reasonable"

"I am. Your room is so messy it's probably full of tarantulas"

"Whatever Rae"


"Alright were finally done", Robin said.

"What about the under bed?" Starfire asked.

"I don't even want to know what's under there Star. Let's just leave that for Beast Boy"

There conversation was interrupted by Cyborg, "Y'all done?"

"Yeah just finished", Robin replied, "how about you?"

"Done." He replied.

"Alright, well I'm going to go call Kid Flash and Jinx and see where they are. Can you call Bumblebee?"

"Yeah, after that I'm going to play game station if you want to join"



"OOU!" Beast Boy exclaimed, "Candles!" Beast Boy went over to the candle display and started smelling candles.

"We don't have time for this!" Raven exclaimed.

"Calm down Rae. Besides Robin's always telling me to buy a candle for my room", Beast Boy wasn't paying close attention and when attempting to place a candle back on the shelf, he missed the shelf. The candle hit the tile floors and shattered.

"You idiot!" Raven exclaimed.

An employee rushed over, "Don't worry, accidents happen. We'll get it cleaned up"

"Thank you", Raven said.

"Yeah . . . sorry", Beast Boy said.

"That's alright", the employee replied.


Robin and Starfire had just gotten off the phone when Cyborg entered the common room.

"What'd Bumblebee say?" Robin asked.

"She's stuck in traffic", Cyborg said, "She's 'bout half an hour away. Kid and Jinx?"

"They should be here in twenty minutes"

Cyborg nodded, "You up for game station"

"You don't have to ask me twice"


Beast Boy had just spent twenty minutes picking out a hamper.

"Beast Boy," Raven said frustrated, "what took you so long?!"

"I had to get one that matched my room", he replied.

"Beast Boy, I'm standing twenty aisles away and I can see fifteen different green hampers"

"Exactly! I had to pick one that matched my room the best. There was plain green, which was okay, but I wanted something more fancy. Then there was camo, which was eh, then there was one leaves which I was about to get, but then out of the corner of my eye I saw this!" Beast Boy held up a circular hamper that was folded down so it was flat, but there was a picture of the hamper on top. It was a green hamper with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"

"Yep. Michelangelo's my favorite"

"Great. Can we go now?"



In the common room Cyborg and Robin were playing Game station and Starfire was watching and painting her toenails and fingernails. She was panting them bright pink.

The common doors opened. The three titans were expecting Raven and Beast Boy, but it was Kid Flash and Jinx.

"How'd y'all get in here?" Cyborg asked, pausing their game. "The door's locked"

"I know your code", Kid Flash replied. "It comes in handy when I'm in town. You've got good food. By the way you need more Chex Mix"

"WAIT that's were all our snacks are going!" Cyborg replied, "I thought I was sleep snackin' again. Anyways if you want Chex Mix, text BB he's at the store right now with Rae"

Kid Flash pulled his communicator out and began texting, "OOU! Hot date at the grocery store!"

Robin and Cyborg chuckled and Jinx smiled.

"Friend Jinx" Starfire started, "you must join me in the painting of the toe nails!"

"Kid and I actually just got our nails done yesterday", Jinx replied she had medium purple nails and black on her accent nails.

"OU", Cyborg started, "did you get a pretty pink color Kid?"

"No", he replied, "Jinx made me go. But I didn't get paint on my nails, just a pedicure. But I have to say, I don't know what language those ladies speak that do your nails, but they were laughing the whole time they were doing my nails. Can someone please tell me what they were laughing about?!"

"Your sixth toe", Cyborg replied.

"I don't have a sixth toe", Kid Flash replied, "But anyways where am I staying?"

"In BB's room", Cyborg replied, "And Jinx you're in here on the air mattress"

Kid Flash went in put his bag in Beast Boy's room and Jinx put hers up against the back of the couch.

Kid Flash came back in the common room, "Wow, Beast Boy has carpeting! I would have never guessed!"

"Yeah I was surprised too!" Cyborg replied.


Beast Boy and Raven finished shopping and were now waiting in line to check out.

Beast Boy's phone buzzed, he picked it up and saw a text from Kid Flash, 'Be a deer (LOL see what I did there) and get me some Chex Mix and the store'

"Kid Flash wants us to get him Chex Mix at the store", Beast Boy said.

"Okay", Raven replied.

In front of them in line was a mother and a son. The son looked about seven. The mother began to take their items out of the cart and place them on the checkout counter. Raven noticed one of the items she took out was a Teen Titans t-shirt. The little boy turned around and saw the two titans.

"Mommy!" the little boy said, "Those are the people on my shirt!" He pointed to Raven and Beast Boy.

The mother turned around and looked at the two teens, "Oh my goodness! Can you get a picture with him?"

"Sure", Beast Boy replied.

The two teens kneeled down and got on either side of the little boy.

"Rae", Beast Boy started, "put your hood down"

Raven gave him a look, and then pulled her hood down. Surprisingly Raven smiled for the picture.

After the mother took the picture, Raven stood up and put her hood up. Beast Boy gave the little boy a high five before standing up.

"Thank you!" the mother said as she picked up her bag off the counter and headed out of the store.

"Bye-bye!" the little boy said before following his mother.

Raven and Beast Boy paid and then made their way to the grocery store.


Cyborg, Robin, and Kid Flash were playing video games and Starfire and Jinx were talking about nail polish when Cyborg's arm buzzed.

"Someone's at the door", Cyborg said as he began fiddling with his arm. He clicked the front door security camera Bumblebee appeared on the camera. "Hey Bee"

"Hi Sparky", she replied.

Cyborg unlocked the door and about a minute later Bumblebee entered the common room.

"What are y'all up to?" Bumblebee asked.

"Nothing really", Jinx replied.

Bumblebee looked over toward the TV and saw the guys were playing a video game. "Is that, that new game everyone has been talking about?"

"Yes Ma'am, it is", Cyborg replied.

"Got a fourth controller?"

"Yep, right there on the coffee table"

Bumblebee joined the boy's game.


About an hour later . . .

"Hey guys were home!" Beast Boy said as he entered the common room. Him and Raven were carrying multiple bags and wanted to put them down as soon as they could, so they put them down on the island counter.

"Hey guys!" Bumblebee said getting off the couch, "You two relax. Sparky and I can put them away for you"

Cyborg got up off the couch and headed to the kitchen.

"BB," Cyborg started, "my keys?"

Beast Boy pulled the keys out of his pocket and tossed them to Cyborg.

"Oh and Cyborg," Beast Boy started, "about that . . . don't get mad but-"

Cyborg froze, "BB! What did you do to my BABY!?"

"I'm just kidding! I promise!" Beast Boy replied.

Beast Boy headed for the couch and then stopped when he passed Cyborg to say, "You should have seen your face, dude"

"That was not funny! I'm going to get you back!" he replied.

Raven went to her room to grab a book then took a seat on the couch next to Beast Boy.

Later that night Starfire and Robin made dinner then everyone went to bed. Little did Kid Flash know he was in for a surprise!


Hmmm . . . what's the surprise? I know that's not much of a cliff hanger, but I think I want to take this story day, by day. This is only the beginning, there is much more to come! So please follow, favorite, review! Also don't forget Kid Flash is sleeping in Beast Boy's room!

Bye! I'll update as soon as possible!
