Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Warning(s): Wrong grammar, misspelled words, cursing, OOC and more if you can find others

Do's and Don'ts in Taking Care of the Don

by: Precious-Little-Girl

Chapter 2: The Don't no. 1

Planning was only brief for them, for they are the Vongola. It is a good thing, right? Depends on your outlook. Right now, they are all preparing their own recipe for the agreed soup. Why ALL of them? Apparently they didn't agreed to what one wants because the thing that one wants is exactly what the others don't want.

And so all of them decided to be by their own. Obviously all of them except for Kyoko, Haru and Fuuta, Ipin and Lambo, who had been forgotten the whole time and was sleeping, grouped together. And surprisingly, Bianchi didn't joined them this time.

They prepared their cooking materials and ingredients (which they took no more than 15 minutes to get). They set it up in all parts of the dining room/ kitchen. All of them have competitive looks in their eyes not wanting to lose to anyone if them.

Without any signal, all of them started to cook without any care to any of their fellow competitors.

With Hayato

"Boil the water, slice the left ingredients then..." Hayato said, reading the cook book on how to make a soup.

However, unaware of his cooking on fire, until he smelled that something is burning.


With Bianchi

With all the exotic and special ingredients ready, she started to make her masterpiece of soup.

"Adding this special earthworm, it will taste great." Bianchi said while getting the earthworm from her ingredients and mixed it on the kitchen ware were her 'delicious' dish is.

Purple smoke erupted from her said dish, clearly signifying that the said dish is poisonous and not suitable for eating.

"I think bugs will compliment it, adding a greater taste." She hypothesized as she gets some of the said ingredients.

With Ryohei

"I EXTREMELY don't know how to do this!" Ryohei shouted as he rampaged through out his 'area'.

Suddenly an idea came upon him.

"EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaimed, getting all the ingredients that he gathered a while ago, clearly doing what his instinct is telling him.

He mixed the bell pepper with the pepper in the boiling water, he grabbed a spicy ketchup and gravy and put it in the boiling water. "ETREME mixing!" He said as he mixed the ingredients. And putting the only ingredients he got, spices.

With Takeshi

"Haha! Maybe sugar can be the replacement for salt." Takeshi said as he looked for the sugar. Finding it, he immediately putted it in his dish. ALL. OF. IT.

He then found another two 'salt' like powder and both of them white and found yet another one but with the color of black. He puts it on his dish again, all of it. Completely missing the label with capital letters of, MILK, FLOUR and PEPPER.

"Haha! This is going to be delicious!"

With Kyoko and Haru's Group

Actually their group is doing really fine, no casualties as of now. As expected of the two girls.

"Kyoko-chan, are you done chopping the vegetables, desu?~" Haru asked her companion.

"Un!" Kyoko replied the she turned to the direction of their three other companions, "How about you Fuuta-kun, Lambo-kun and I-pin-can?"

"Nyahahaha! Lambo-sama did it all!" Lambo boasted which we all known is a half lie.

"Hai, we're done, Kyoko-nee." Fuuta said.

"Noodles. Finish." I-pin also said.

"Then let's do the real cooking now, desu~ So that Tsuna-san will feel better already." Haru said happily.

"Hai~" Was all they replied as they proceeded to their cooking without any complication.

2 hours had already past thus resulting that there soup is already done. Only to be 'presented' when their dear friend woke up.

No one left their station because they are still cleaning because there were some stains by the cause of their cooking.

And so, after 30 minutes of cooking, all ogf them went upstairs to check on their friend, if he is alreadt awake. When they arrived they cheered silently as they saw there friend already up. All of them went to him.

Tsuna's eyes widened as he his friends in his room. Mustering up his weakened strength, he persists to cough right in front of them although he failed miserably, he voiced out, "Minna *cough* What are you doing here? I thought all of you are *cough* in school!"

He was about to walk to them but at the moment he stood up, he lost his balance causing him to fall on his bed.

"Haha! Of course we are here! We are going to take care of you!" Takeshi said earning a glare from Hayato and a different affirmations from all of them.

Tsuna's touched by that, really. He didn't expect that they are going to stay here and take care of him but they did. And he's so happy about it. He choked out, "A-Arigatou *cough* minna *cough*"

He then looked at what they are holding. Confused, he was going to ask what it is but Bianchi cut him off saying, "We made a soup for you. So you better taste all of it."

Tsuna paled at the statement but nevertheless nodded. Oh no. He didn't like the sound of that. Especially the 'taste it all' part. Then he saw the girls and I-pin and Lambo went out of the room, they might be starting to clean the house or so.

They laid out their 'soups' at his mini table. First was Hayato's, next Bianchi's, next Ryohei's and then Takeshi's as the last. With the looks out the soups he screamed at his mind, 'These arenot soups at all! I'm so doomed. I'm so doomed. I'm so doomed!'

"(EXTREMELY!) Eat up now~" Everyone sang out.

With no choice, he picked up the spoon which was graciously provided and tasted Hayato's soup. In a second he screamed out, "HIEEE! Why does it taste like fire extinguisher?!" Tasting that for the first time, he went to the bathroom to release the 'soup' from his mouth.

"Gomenasai! Jyudaime! It was burning so I sprayed it with the fire extinguisher!" Hayato said while bowing many times oblivious to the fact that his Jyudaime had already flee to the bathroom.

Upon returning, Bianchi stuffed Tsuna's mouth with her cooking full of 'love' steaming with purple smoke. Immediately, Tsuna's stomach grumbled as he tasted the poison cooking. He sprinted back to the bathroom and vomited the contents.

Going back to the room, he calmed down, thanking the fact that he is immune to poison cooking.

He then saw Takeshi holding out his dish to him, silently asking to taste it which he reluctantly did but a little relieved since it was at least 'normal' looking.

He instantly paled after tasting while forcing it to be swallowed he said, "Why does it taste like milk and flour?"

All eyes were on Takeshi, who at the moment laughed it off and gave his explanation, "Haha! I can't find any salt so I just mixed the two white powder together with pepper!"

Hayato snapped, "Yakyuu Baka! Are you trying to kill Jyudaime!"

He would have continued but suddenly he heard Tsuna screamed out, "HOT! Water please! Water Please!"

Springing into action, he together with Takeshi sprinted to the kitchen to get some cold water. Thankfully arriving on time, Tsuna gulped down the water while Ryohei is screaming, "EXTREME!" The whole time.

"EXTREME! You really like it Sawada! I putted several chili and hot sauce there!"

"Lawn Head! You are not supposed to put any hot spices in a soup!" Hayato said.

Then suddenly they heard Tsuna's stomach grumbled.

"Haha! Sorry Tsuna, we don't know how to make a soup." Takeshi said guiltily as the others said theirs.

Tsuna, being Tsuna, obviously forgives them. It was not their fault anyway but he is so hungry.

"Don't worry, Tsuna-nii. There is still one soup you haven't tasted!" Fuuta, who had been quiet through the whole ordeal, cheerfully stated. At the same time, the girls had entered the room carrying bowls of soups. All of them placed the bowls at the mini-table enough for everyone but the one on Tsuna's front is 'specially' made for him.

"Here, eat up!" The three of them said.

Without any word, all of them tasted the food in front of it. Delighted, all of them ate it all. As they were finished, Tsuna fell asleep once again as the others went to do 'some' other tasks with the help of course of the one 'knowledgeable' about it.

In the evening, all of them ate happily. By the definition of happily, shouts, screams of 'EXTREME', 'OCTOPUS HEAD', 'YAKYUU BAKA' and more. After that, they all slept at Tsuna's room. Gradually forgetting 'something'.

But in Fuuta's case, he took out his ranking book and wrote;


Precious-Little-Girl: I updated! :3 Sorry for the late update.. And sorry if this isn't good enough to meet your standard... You are seething angry to me, right? I understand but I'm really sorry! *bows*

BTW, I'll be posting a new story because of a challenge sometime in the year... But I'll not going to back down from any of my stories..

Reply to Review:

RenaScarlet-san: Arigatou! I hope you liked this one.. :))

Hope you Enjoyed~