Summary (rewritten Feb/2/2019):
When Stiles' father died, he didn't think he'd every be happy again. For a while he thinks life has proved him wrong. He's adopted by an awesome (if a bit weird) family; He meets a handsome fellow orphan named Derek; he befriends his long time crush; and his best friend meets the girl of his dreams and makes first line. But then weird things start to happen around him. The least of them being his best friend getting bitten by a werewolf. As his new guardians, Dean and Cas, do their best at settling down as first time parents, he does his best dealing with his life seeming to spiral out of control.

This was Originally inspired by an awesome youtube video title "Teen Wolf x Supernatural Crossover - Destiel adopts Stiles and Sterek Happens" made by the wonderful moonlil. That video has no affiliation with me or this fic, nor does moonlil. We've never even spoken. But I do wish her the best in life for inspiring me to make this. (It was down for a while, but it's back up! If it's ever down in the future let me know. I downloaded it this time, just in case!)
Also don't be intimidated by the chapters or the word count! Yeah, we've come a long way but it's a very easy read and it honestly flies by! It's Fluffy, it's dramay, it's cute, it's crazy, JOIN US FOR THE FUN!


It was the day. They were going to meet their son, today. Any minute now. Though not quite any minute. Like 10-15 minutes. Thus Dean had stopped unpacking to tidy up and get ready, and now had nothing to do that he could thing of other than just killing time in their new home. They had managed to move in the kid's furniture that he insisted on bringing and his friend's mom was sweet enough to send over in a moving truck, unpack essentials, and get out the stereo before Cas had had to go to his interview at the school. (For what position they didn't know. The school was pretty vague when they'd called Cas to propose the offer.) Dean wasn't too surprised to find an unmarked CD in the player. They had plenty of bootleg CDs. Dean curiously hit play, wondering which one it was, only to have his eardrums be assaulted by utter crapwaves at high volume.

"Oh, Mickey! You're so fine, You're so fine, you blown my mind! Hey Mick-" Dean popped the player lid open, shocked and embarrassed, even though no one was in the house.

"Cas!" Dean shouted, somewhat scolding, but with a hint of amusement. He felt a presence behind him, but still jumped a bit at Cas' arms wrapping around him from behind. Cas sounded rather cheerful, muttering into his ear. Although Dean was personally a bit worn out, it gave him a bit of pep to hear the sound of a smile on Cas' lips, reminding him what a day for celebration it was.

"Play that one about the promiscuous young woman with the dance named after her." Dean turned his head to kiss Cas' cheek with a smirk.

"Only if you'll do the dance." Dean bargained jokingly. Cas sighed. Cas didn't see the harm per say in doing the dance, he probably would have done it anyway, he loved that funky little dance. But whenever Dean spoke like that and he did the action in question, they'd usually end up in bed, and they didn't have near enough time for any such nonsense.

"Dean, the child is gonna be here shortly." He reminded, settling to be the responsible one. Dean removed the CD from the stereo, and went over to the box the stereo had been in to find the case.

"Cas, the kid is 16. Not much of a child. And you should take off the trench coat. How did the interview go?" Dean asked, looking back over his shoulder at Cas. Cas tilted his head, in a 'well technically' argumentative sort of way.

"The paperwork they sent states differently." Cas said in a sassy, 'first of all' sort of way. Dean rolled his eyes with a faint smile, knowing he was in for a minor lecture, despite Cas pausing to let him make a counter point.

"I know legally he's a child, yes. But culturally, calling young adults children is considered disrespectful. Next?"

"It's technically an overcoat, not a trench coat." Cas said, half way between serious and jokingly nitpicking at this point.

"Noted. Next?" Dean sighed but laughed at the same time.

"The interview… went well? I think I have secured the position..." Cas said, rubbing the back of his neck. "The said I'll start teaching next Monday. They wanted to give us time to settle in."

"In what…?"

"... Into our home?" Cas answered confused as to what Dean meant. Dean rolled his eyes.

"No, Cas, I mean what are you going to be teaching in."

"Oh! I believe I will be teaching a class called Artistic Expression…" Cas informed sounding a bit proud of himself. Dean tilted his head.

"Your vessel had an art education degree…? Didn't he sell ad space?"

"Apparently so. I thought it would be confusing for me to ask them my qualifications."

"Jimmy's a strange man…." Dean shook his head, finally finding the case and setting the CD on top of the stereo.

"I suppose that would be a reasonable accusation." Cas agreed with a laugh.

"Unless we're planning on offering the kid a beer, I think I should go mix up a batch of Koolaid." Cas opened his mouth to say something, but after a moment gave a soft chuckle as Dean walked into the kitchen.

"That's meant to be a joke, regarding that he's not yet of legal drinking age!" Cas called to Dean. Dean hoped he was thoroughly proud of himself for figuring it out all on his own.

"Nothing gets by you these days, huh, Cas?" Dean laughed. Cas smiled and shook his head at the hint of sarcasm.