Chapter 1

By Tempo & Sillyneko

Disclaimer: Jak & Daxter belongs to Naughty Dog, Inc.

Note: This is set after Jak X. The unedited version of this chapter and all chapters following (plus a special prologue!) are posted on my accounts over at AdultFanfiction dot org and Archive of Our Own. If you are of age, feel free to check it out!

Zoomers buzzed overhead, commuters blocking out the morning sun for a split second each. Jak tossed a duffle of equipment into his buggy, then glanced around the city he'd spent the last four years defending: battle-scarred, bare of beauty, but slowly rebuilding. Here and there, little splashes of life returned, be it in flower pots on apartment balconies or citizens nor longer scared of bright clothes for fear of attracting the Krimzon Guard's attention. Even the graffiti seemed cheerful.

As morning light warmed the giant metal idol his best friend had built to himself, he walked back the Naughty Ottsel bar. The dance floor stood empty, while a pair of orange ears bobbed behind the counter. All around the lounge area soap boxes sat in strategic locations, allowing someone just under three feet tall to reach tables and shelves.

As the door closed behind him, a blonde ottsel popped up. "Hey, Jak." Tess brushed a lock of hair from her blue eyes. "You're up early."

He nodded. "Gonna head out to the wastes. Heard some eco miners hit a cave while testing out new sites." He adjusted the morph gun on his back, then patted the rope at his hip. "Supposed to have a bunch of Precursor artifacts."

The lanky mustelid leaned forward onto the bar, standing on the foot-high step they'd installed. His best friend had a great girlfriend. Daxter kept people laughing at the bar. Tess made sure the stock stayed stocked, bills stayed paid, they had enough help, and… everything else. Her gaze stayed on the inventory tablet, though her tone softened. "Trouble with Keira again?"

With a grimace, Jak glanced in the mirror behind the counter. "Am I that obvious?"

She flashed him a gentle smile. "I've worked in a bar long enough to recognize something on the rocks." She cocked her head at the stairs. "Should we wake up Daxter?"

As if on cue, a groggy ottsel waddled down the staircase in a terrycloth bathrobe.

Tess perked up to a degree which should be illegal that early. "Morning, Daxxie-kins."

"Hey babe." He yawned and looked under the railing. "Jak! You just get here? Or'd ya finally use that key we gave ya?"

The blonde shook his head. "Just stopped in." He tried to hide a snicker with his hand. "Nice threads."

Daxter tightened the bright pink robe haughtily. "I'll have you know, it was the only one in my size!" He marched down the last stairs, then scurried up his buddy's body. "What's this I hear about adventure?"

Tess climbed from the bar and onto the hero's vacant shoulder. "I see how Daxter appreciates your perspective, Jak."

Unphased by mustelids climbing all over him, the young man cleared his throat. "We were just talking about some ruins."

"Are you taking my little honey-bunny with you?" Gripping his ear for support, she reached over Jak's head to pet Dax's shoulder.

"You can keep him this time. This isn't exactly fate-of-the-world stuff." Glancing in the mirror, the human shrugged under the weight of two ottsels. "Besides, I can't constantly pry the guy away from his beautiful girlfriend."

The female ottsel smiled at her boyfriend, then down at his best friend. "I could come with you boys."

Daxter cocked an eyebrow. "You sure you'd be up for that, Tess?"

She gave him The Look, with some extra to spare for Jak.

Her boyfriend averted his gaze and whistled his innocence.

"Actually, I was thinking you guys could stay." One in each hand, he lifted his fuzzy friends from his shoulders and set them on the bar. "I've been over here a lot lately. Hate to be a third wheel."

"Mi sofa es su sofa, Jakkie-boy, as always." His small orange fist bumped the man's shoulder. "Besides, it's not like ya snore that loud."

Jak gave a gruff chuckle. "Unlike some people."

"Hey!" The shorter of the Demolition Duo crossed his scrawny arms indignantly.

"Oh Daxter…" Tess turned on the coffee machine and slipped her hand around his flank. "You're talking to the two people in the world who'd know."

"Anyway," Jak said, "I just didn't want you guys to worry about me."

"We'll try not to." She gave a reluctant smile. "Call if you need help."

With a curt nod and quick fist bump with Daxter, he headed for the door and fought back the pang of jealousy that had become so normal around them he had largely gotten used to it by now.

Daxter had it good with Tess. She was smarter than she let on and, just as important, actually kind—a commodity rarer than eco in a world of assholes. Plus, Tess was the one person besides Jak who treated Daxter like a person, rather than an annoyance. Heck, Keira and Samos knew he used to be human and they didn't treat him as human as Tess did. Even before she had been turned into an ottsel he had tried to give the two of them time alone, between missions.

Jak, meanwhile, had a habit of chasing girls who couldn't decide if they liked him or not. He sighed. There was no point in brooding, least of all when new adventures waited for him outside the walls of Haven City. Outside, in the cool morning air, he climbed in his dune buggy and rumbled off toward the city gates, trying to outrun his frustrations.

- / - / - / - / -

Tess listened as Jak drove off. She wished she could think of something to say to make him feel better, something that wouldn't seem insensitive. She and Daxter never fought, though, so she had trouble wrapping her brain around the idea.

While the coffee brewed, her boyfriend padded back upstairs to get cleaned up. He'd figured out the correlation between having brushed his teeth and getting smooched. If other occupants of Haven City had been so clever, she might not have spent so much time single.

Why couldn't Jak just settle down, get his own place while he sorted things out instead of continuously bouncing around? The world wasn't in any particular peril at the moment, after all. Somebody in the city would rent to the man who'd helped Daxter save the planet. She'd even clear out one of the store rooms for him, if he ever got tired of crashing on that old upstairs sofa. Daxter wouldn't mind having him to pal around with, and Tess wouldn't complain about having another hunky guy around.

As she pondered, she also finished up the inventory. She made a mental note to order more cream liqueur and orange soda. Their new mixed drink, the Belly Rub, had proved pretty popular, though she wasn't sure people would be as excited about it if they knew where she'd gotten her inspiration...

A creak on the stairs interrupted Tess's daydream. She turned to see a pants-clad boyfriend bouncing down the stairs.

He crawled up onto a bar stool. "I can't believe he didn't take me. I mean us. I mean… ya know what I mean."

She poured him a coffee. Two creams and three sugars swirled his beverage to a pleasing tan color. "I know what you mean. But he's out in the wastes by now, checking out ruins. Too late to hitch a ride, I think." Reaching across the bar, she scritched under his chin. "Besides, I think he didn't want to drag you off just because he's having a tough time."

His tilted head up to enjoy the scratches as his orange paws closed around the steaming mug. "Still. I should'a made him take me. Explorin' the Wastelands alone is crazy, even by Jak standards..."

Tess nodded. She and her whiskerpuss had always taken advantage of Jak's occasional brooding to spend time together. It had started as innocent little datey-things back when, watching movies and eating popcorn, snuggled together, and led to, well… belly rubs. She ignored the lingering simmer of arousal and cleared her throat. "You've known him forever. What's he like when the world's not ending?"

"I'm not sure either of us knows." He took a sip of coffee. "I've been looking out for him for years, though, and he's a tough cookie."

The blonde ottsel gave him a slow nod. "Still, I think we should talk to him when he gets back." She glanced out the window. "I don't think he has anybody else to open up to."

- / - / - / - / -

Hours later, with a small satchel of Precursor artifacts at his hip, Jak considered heading back to Haven City. Outside the mouth of the cave, though, midday sun baked the desert. Heat rippled off the dunes, but in the shade of the rock opening the air hung cool and light. He guessed he'd have to wait out the heat there. It wasn't like anybody needed him back right away anyhow. Least of all Keira.

She'd still not really forgiven him for kissing Ashelin before they officially started dating, but she also still wouldn't acknowledge whatever had gone on between her and Erol—a recipe for resentment on both sides. Sometimes it seemed like a miracle they had ever gotten together at all.

When they were kids, Jak had always imagined himself being with Keira when they grew up. Even though he had been painfully shy, she had always liked him. Then again, coming from a tiny village, her social options had been limited.

But just today, they had broken up for what felt like the hundredth time. Maybe Dax was right after all, the last time he'd spoken up with uncharacteristic use of both tact and gentleness—maybe too much really had happened, and they'd grown too far apart.

At least Daxter never changed. Not much, anyway. Even with a sexy ottsel lady fawning over him he still wanted to ride around on Jak's shoulder, as his reluctance to stay behind that morning proved quite clearly.

Tess turning fuzzy, coincidentally, had turned out to have some surprising benefits. For one, an ottsel on each shoulder never threw out his back like carrying just Dax did. This earned him a few stray looks around town, but when you're the city's savior-on-tap, people cut you slack for being a budding ottsel hoarder. Another perk: the three of them fit in one zoomer now.

Now several years into life as an ottsel, Daxter took being short in stride, though Jak wished he would stop referring to it as "blowjob height." An image like that tended to stick in a guy's head. Really, all it would take would be the ottsel going on tip-toes to nuzzle right into his human pal's crotch. He couldn't even pinpoint exactly why, but lately, all it took was Dax brushing past to get him thinking about those gloved paws uncinching his belt, unzipping his fly…

Jak winced. The fact that he was having such thoughts about someone other than Keira was probably yet another letter in the writing on the wall. But more importantly even than that, he shouldn't be thinking like this about his best friend.

Sure, he'd had a crush on Dax when they were teenagers growing up back in Sandover. He was even pretty sure that crush had been returned, but insecurity had always kept his mouth shut, even after the time the two of them had "practiced" kissing. And after Daxter's swan dive into dark eco, they'd been too busy saving the world. Repeatedly.

Besides, heroes weren't supposed to date their sidekicks. And they certainly weren't supposed to stroke off thinking about them.

With a tired chuckle, he could almost hear his best friend snark: "Oh, don't worry; Jak beats things all the time!"

Mind awash in daydreams, he could feel a doze coming on. He had just enough energy to tuck his pack behind his head before heavy eyes drifted shut.

- / - / - / - / -

Jak opened his eyes to find that evening had fallen. He ran fingers through his long blonde hair and stood with a groan. Sleep hadn't come easy the last few nights; the need for real rest must have finally caught up with him.

Grabbing his satchel, he reached down to free the grappling hook from the ledge he had climbed down earlier that day. As he coiled the rope, though, a faint light caught his eye that hadn't been visible in the glare of full daylight. Deep in the cavern, a green glow faded in and out.

For a second, he considered heading back to Haven and coming back tomorrow. Daxter could probably use some adventure. There was no harm in checking it out first, though. Looping the cord through his harness, he rappelled back down the crevasse.

The ancient metal doors stood open a crack, bisecting their curved engravings. Shining his flashlight above it, Jak saw a fresh, jagged break in the rock, damaged that must have happened when the surveyors blasted in. Through the gap in the door, he glimpsed the weak, blinking light coming from what looked like some kind of hand tool.

Jamming his crowbar into the gap, he forced the doors apart. With a rumble and a falling curtain of dust, it slid open. Inside, ancient consoles sat dark and crystals refracted his flashlight's beam. He picked up the device that had drawn him here: some kind of power wrench. He stuffed it in his satchel. Sometimes the simpler Precursor devices led to discoveries of their own—after all, they had to be easier to reverse engineer.

He made a quick search of the room, just in case other salvagers made it down here before he got back. There in the gloom, under a fallen computer terminal, he spotted an ornate length of orange metal. He managed to work it free. The copper rod, about two feet long, clasped a polished green stone at the top.

Nice. Even if it turned out to be broken, they might be able to figure out how it worked. As he stuffed it in his pack, it gave a click. A soft little click.

A blinding release of energy flooded the room.

Warmth rushed through his body, lifting him from the stone floor for an instant before dropping him again. He could have sworn he fell further than he'd risen.

The flashlight in his hand suddenly seemed unreasonably hard to hold and heavy. He set it down, the beam the sole source of light in the inky cavern.

Shaking his head and blinking in the renewed darkness, Jak touched his forehead, then froze. He was covered in something, something soft, smooth, and familiar. He glanced down at a pair of fuzzy orange paws.

He swallowed, his throat feeling tighter, his voice higher. "Uh oh…"

- / - / - / - / -

To be continued.