Light babies anyone?
Aang smiled without opening his eyes. Experience, plus his gifts with earthbending, allowed him to pick up his daughter's small footsteps before she even came in sight. When he was up, she was up. And it was the other way around when she was a baby.
"Good morning, sweetie. Shouldn't you be eating breakfast? Does Mommy know you're out here?"
He sensed her shifting her weight from one foot to the next, her heartbeat picking up in just the slightest, and could see the smile on her face. Clear in her voice. "I didn't exactly give her time to...answer?"
Aang's smile widened and he finally let his eyes flutter open. The sun was higher in the sky now, coloring the surface in pinks and blues with its shine. He turned around using the palms of his hands and came face to face with one out of the three children the Spirits had graced him to have. On Ji.
On Ji was the middle child, Kuzon being his oldest son and Bumi the baby of the family. She was a mirror image of him, from the eyes to the child roundness that made her face perfectly round - and her smile. Spirits, he loved her smile. He adored her. He never knew what it was like to have a daughter, especially since his closest friends had them. And then On Ji was born, and it changed everything.
He loved all three of his children unconditionally, of course. Don't get him wrong. Like On Ji was to him, Kuzon was exactly like Ty Lee. Exactly. Aang's first born. His first child. He remembered the day he was born very clearly. The day Kuzon took his first steps towards his beautiful wife, and then him right after. The way his eyes lit up when he first visited the Fire Nation. And his multiple, multiple aunts.
Aang chuckled. Then On Ji came along. She was born in the afternoon ( and Bumi was born at sunset ). His baby girl. She took her first steps towards him. She always stayed attached to his hip wherever he went when he was not in meetings around the world. She curled into his arms when she couldn't sleep.
She was the very one who sneezed one day and the unexpected powerful burst coming from her small body sent her flying out of her seat at the dinner table. Kuzon laughed at the bewildered expression on his little sister's face ; Ty Lee gasped, shooting Kuzon a stern look before her wide eyes flickered to her husband's face ; Bumi, as small as he was, could only gurgle and clap his chubby hands together excitedly, bouncing in Ty Lee's lap.
And Aang was shocked to tears.
On Ji was an airbender.
"Can I meditate with you?" On Ji asked, hands clasped together in enthusiasm.
He didn't hesitate. "Yes, you most definitely can!"
On Ji beamed and plopped down next to him, getting into the lotus position naturally.
"There you two are!" Ty Lee sighed in relief as the two came into the kitchen some time later, identical smiles on their faces. "Don't run off like that, okay?"
"I was just looking for Dad to ask him if I could meditate with him." On Ji shrugged simply as Ty Lee wiped her cheekbone with the pad of her thumb.
"Would it hurt to tell me where you're going? Before you run off?" Ty Lee's lips twitched upwards in a little smile.
"You would have told me to eat my breakfast first. And by then, I would have missed my chance!"
"It's never too late for meditation." Aang winked.
"It's never too early for meditation either!" On Ji agreed.
"Nuh uh!" Bumi piped up, and Kuzon shoved his face in his food. Both Aang and Ty Lee started to open their mouths to say something, only to stop when Bumi's white-covered face suddenly popped up and he began laughing hysterically.
"Kuzon, apologize." Ty Lee put a hand on her hip.
"Chill, Mom! You don't see him complaining, do you?" Kuzon giggled himself.
"That was still impolite and very mean," Aang scolded, circling around the table to sit at the head of it. Passing Kuzon, he ruffled his son's hair, the latter giggling and feebly attempting to escape his father's loving clutches. "Only do it if he asks you to," he added playfully.
Ty Lee's wide eyes narrowed, a frustrated sound coming from her pink lips as she wiped all the gunk off of Bumi's face. She was looking right at Aang, and he couldn't avoid her gaze. He was in trouble.
"Just...not with your mother around," Aang whispered loudly with a wink, and Kuzon winked back at him with a toothy grin. Ty Lee's gaze only darkened. Oh yes. He was in very deep, deep trouble later.
"Am I in trouble?" Aang smirked without looking up from his paperwork.
"Very!" Ty Lee snarled, marching into his office.
"Okay. If you're gonna kill me, could ya do it quietly? I want the kids to sleep good tonight."
"I don't want our kids to ever think that bullying is okay!" she snapped, and he, having already gotten up and made his way over to her, placed a finger over her mouth, gently shushing her.
"What makes you think they're bullying each other? Sweetie, boys will be boys - and yes, that means they're going to wrestle around and be tough with each other. You were raised differently - with sisters. I get that you wanna prevent fights from escalating or something serious from happening. Believe me. I do too. But you have to trust me on this. Okay?" He smiled down at her tenderly. During his small speech, he felt her relax under his touch and his words, now sporting a pout with big eyes and puckered lips.
Ty Lee nodded and kissed his finger, turning her face to give the inside of his wrist the same treatment when his hand moved back to cradle her face.
"I just don't want them to end up the same way I did," she mumbled, and he coaxed her chin up with his knuckles, his concerned grey eyes staring down deeply into her own. "Being someone's doormat...doing anything they could to get the attention they craved but never got..."
"Hey, hey..." The other hand came up, thumb stroking her cheekbone. "Kuzon, On Ji, and Bumi have two loving parents who care for them so much, and an even bigger family from all around the world. Not to mention that they're going to see five special people tomorrow." He smiled wide and Ty Lee returned it half-heartedly. "You sure you don't wanna come with us, sweetheart? It's never too late to pack something. I can pack your bags if you want me to-"
Ty Lee's smile began to grow, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss his nose. "Aren't you sweet..."
"I just don't want you to be alone..." His arms draped around her slender frame, sheathed in her Acolyte robes. "Zuko, Katara, and the kids...They'd be so happy to see you." She hesitated, and he squeezed her a little tighter. "Katara's gonna need some company while Zuko and I are wrapped up in meetings together. The kids will have each other, but they're gonna be a handful..."
"Are you trying to convince me to change my mind?"
His hands traveled up. "Is it working?"
"Hm..." Their lips barely touched now, one ghosting over the other in a never-ending game of cat and mouse. "Try harder, Avatar."
Aang's lips pulled up devilishly. "Are the kids asleep?" he whispered in her ear, and she nodded. "Did you shut the door on your way in here?" Ty Lee nodded again, gasping as she felt her body being lifted off the floor and set down on his desk.
Aang leaned close to her face, slipping oh so easily between her legs. "You probably should have."
Her lidded gaze met his, their smiles matching from the playful manner to the more passionate meaning behind it all. He was brought forward with a thrust from her legs, already having made themselves at home around his waist, and their lips finally met in a searing kiss.
"We're here!" Kuzon cheered, leaning as far as he could out of Appa's saddle.
"Careful, sweetie," Ty Lee reminded him.
"Is it true that Uncle Zuko's coronation took place here, Dad?" On Ji asked.
"Yep! Right there to be exact." Aang pointed down below, and the children gasped, each child trying to climb over the other to look. Aang shared an amused look with his wife and chuckled, his eyes then returning to the view. The Fire Nation truly was beautiful, especially around this time of year.
After finding a good place to land, Aang was the first to hop off of Appa, stroking his fur a few times to show his gratitude. Kuzon picked up his brother, and the two jumped down together. On Ji used her airbending to give herself a little boost, but moved just a little too fast. Aang caught her in his arms, kissing her cheek, and set her down. Then he looked up at his wife expectantly.
Ty Lee leaned over the saddle, a bright expression on her face. "If I jump, will you catch me?"
That expression was something that touched both of their hearts. Those seven words were what drew them together.
But that was a story for another time.
So he smiled back at her and gave the exact words he'd always give her. "Always."
Ty Lee smiled and stood, turning her back to him with her arms stretched out on either side of her body. Then, closing her eyes, she took a step backward and let herself fall.
He caught her, scooping her up in his arms bridal style, and they leaned in simultaneously for a kiss.
"Eugh, Oogies!" A boy's voice exclaimed, causing every head to whip around.
There, standing at the very top of the steps, was-
"Lu Ten!" On Ji exclaimed excitedly.
Lu Ten came running down the stairs, his ponytail swinging back and forth behind him. He looked just like his father, but had his mother's beautiful blue eyes.
"Lu Ten, wait up!"
Kya, mocha skinned and gold eyed, wasn't far behind the middle child, running in a sprint with Ursa on her hip, the latter peachy skinned and had the most intriguing set of eyes; a perfect combination of gold and blue in her big orbs.
On Ji practically knocked Lu Ten off of his feet in enthusiasm, hugging him tight. Kya set Ursa down so she could greet Kuzon. Bumi held up his hand, and Ursa jumped to high five him.
"Young lady," Aang greeted Kya as she threw herself into his open arms. Her siblings decided to copy her, nearly tackling the Avatar after hugging the Kyoshi Warrior. Chuckling, Aang kneels down to wrap his arms around all of them.
"Where are your parents, hm?" he asked the three, balancing Kya and Lu Ten on each knee, and Ursa on his shoulders.
"With Mi Lee in the courtyard. Come on!" Kya hopped up, eagerly pulling Aang up to his feet. Lu Ten grabbed Ty Lee's hand with the same enthusiasm, and she couldn't help but giggle.
"That's pretty. Where did you find it?" Zuko bent down to his niece's height.
Mi Lee stared blankly at the grass, twiddling the stem of the flower she had just found. Her steel blue eyes lifted to meet his gaze as she shrugged, indifferent. "Around."
Zuko's lips pressed slightly. Yep. She was just like her mother. And he wondered whether or not he should be worried.
"Wanna go feed the turtleducks?" He stood, holding his hand out to her.
He was surprised when she took it, getting to her feet. "They're afraid of me."
Zuko chuckled. "No, they're not. Just give them time. They'll come around eventually."
"Of course you would say that!" she whined, but by then they had reached the pond. The turtleduck family, each taking their turn in feeding off of a slender, olive toned hand, swam away at the sight of Mi Lee. "See?! I told you, Uncle!"
The Fire Lady met her husband's gaze over Mi Lee's shoulder, giggling at the bewildered look on his face.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Katara asked her sincerely.
Mi Lee let go of Zuko's hand, crossing her arms stubbornly. She may be just like her mother, but she sure did pick up her stubborness from her uncle. The girl opened her mouth to start whining again when she saw two familiar faces coming around the corner and into the courtyard, followed by the additional three to her cousins.
"Flameo, hotman!"
Gasping, she shot straight for them, Zuko and Katara turning their heads to see what all the fuss was about. Upon seeing their old friends, Katara beamed and a relaxed smile graced Zuko's features. Ty Lee dropped down to her knees and opened her arms just as Mi Lee slammed into her, hugging her tight.
"I'm here, sweetheart," Ty Lee whispered to her, rubbing the younger girl's back in soothing strokes.
"I missed you," Mi Lee whispered back. "I miss my mom. I want to see her but they won't let me."
"I'll talk to them for you, okay? I promise, you'll see mama." Ty Lee kissed the top of her head.
"Mom, Dad, look who's here!" Kya and Lu Ten exclaimed.
"We see." Zuko chuckled as Katara flew into Aang's arms, and nearly got knocked over by Ty Lee in the process.
"You need to stop being strangers and visit more often!" Katara pulled away from Ty Lee's hug when they embraced, holding each other at arms length.
"Sorry? Love you?" Ty Lee grinned sheepishly, and Katara pulled her in for another hug.
"Aang. You can let go now."
"Do I have to?"
"You are making me uncomfortable."
"Say you love me."
"Okay. Then I guess I'm gonna-" Zuko's arms wrapped back around him, the Fire Lord sighing in what Aang took to be defeat and smiled - but then the hug suddenly got very tight, to the point where it was hard for Aang to breathe. "-let go now," Aang wheezed, and Zuko smirked before releasing his friend.
Zuko ruffled Kuzon's hair, picked Bumi up, and wrapped his free arm around On Ji in greeting. "Oh hello."
"Can we play?" Kya piped up.
"Go ahead, sweetie. We'll catch up in a bit," said Katara, and the six children ran off to play together, leaving the four adults by themselves in the courtyard. "Turtleducks?" She grinned at Ty Lee, who beamed back at her, and they set off for the pond, bursting into chatter.
The remaining men looked at each other knowingly.
"Remember that promise you made me?" Zuko asked as they set off for the corridors.
"About me killing you?" Aang chuckled.
"Yeah. About that..." The Fire Lord paused artfully. "I'm still holding you up on that."
The Avatar burst into genuine laughter, and his companion couldn't help but chuckle along.