Rakija meets Sake

A/n : what happens when to OP obsessed girls talk? THIS. Inspired by REAL events on the Balkan.

Fortunately for them don't own One Piece.

Rakija is basically schnaps or hard liquor that is found on the Balkans, made of plums or with herbs. It's strong and yummy :3 The language the girls speak is a mix of Croatian and Bosnian ( our countries)

Chapter of the cat

South Blue was famous for the climate, the passionate women and pirates. That evening a new group was founded.

The Kidd pirates. A young man with bright red flame like hair and goggles raised a cup of sake high and looked over his new mates. To his right a blonde guy wearing a mask sat, Killer, next to him a blue skinned guy with dreads and stitches, Heat and lastly wearing a long cloak and trident, Wire.

They were the core of the Kidd pirates – the next in search of the one true One Piece. Their ship would be finished tomorrow and the rest of the crew together with supplies would be ready for the long awaited journey. They all dreamt of the glory and riches awaiting the crew of the next King of the Pirates.

Kidd couldn't stop grinning as he chugged down more and more sake. The young man had acquired a Devil Fruit that allowed him to use the powers of magnetism. With this nothing could keep him away from his goal!

Killer eyed his young and brash captain. This would be a long night but they deserved it. It had taken some time for Kidd to persuade people to join him – most laughed at his dream. Few of them lived to tell the tale. Kidd was too impatient and he leveled him. Nevertheless he deemed him a true friend.

Wire and Heat were both grinning, being the silent ones they watched the display of their loud captain close. Few words were spoken between them but you could see the respect in their eyes.

Music and loud speech were suddenly muffled as a black cat ran through the tavern. Everyone watched as the agile feline went from one to the other table. It seemed to observe the occupants and carefully advancing to Kidd's table. Sniffing the air it sat on and started cleaning itself.

˝Beware young ones, it's the cursed cat!˝- An older sailor yelled from the bar. He laughed then and turned to his drink.

˝Crazy old fuck˝- Kidd muttered and glanced at the cat. It was still cleaning itself. ˝Why the fuck would this furry thing be cursed?!˝- he cursed at the cat and watched as it held his gaze than yawned and turned to exit the tavern.

˝That was weird˝- Killer said after a few moments.

˝Fuck it. Let's celebrate!˝- Kidd banged his fist on the table and called one of the girls for more sake. It was a long night.

*the next day*

˝Prepare the sails! Get those boxes in the pantry!˝- Killer shouted orders to the busy crew. He was still hangover and tired but the excitement took over. They would set sail to the Grand line soon.

˝Wire what the fuck is this!?˝- An angry and extremely hangover Kidd yelled and scared the crew. They all heard stories about Eustass Kidd and what happened when you pissed him off.

˝I'm not sure young Master, but could it be the same one from last night?˝- Wire replied politely.

Kidd stared angrily at a black cat. It sat content on the wooden railing and enjoyed the sun rays. Killer came to see what the fuss was and stopped abruptly. A black cat. Could it be the same one as yesterday? It seemed too weird but with their keen sense of smell nothing was impossible.

˝Maybe she followed our scent˝- he offered and the two guys turned to him

˝But we don't stink, Killer-san˝

˝Why the fuck do you think it's a „she"?˝- Kidd and Wire said at the same time.

˝I'm assuming, just look˝- Killer said turning to them and then back to the cat to emphasize but stared shocked. A half naked girl sat o the railing. She had a tattered black dress and raven hair to her waist. A pair of green mischievous eyes stared at them.

˝Miyao!˝- she said and giggled.

˝WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?˝- Kidd got in her face and the cat-girl frowned.

˝My, my so loud and impolite! I might just curse you young pirate! And all I wanted was to read your future. Phew, pesky pirates˝- she tsked with the tongue and watched amused as Kidd's face got redder and redder. Her dress was skimpy and revealed a lot.

˝What my Captain wants to know is how you got on our ship˝- Killer intervened and stepped between them. It was better to stop any unnecessary bloodshed.

˝Erm the bridge?˝- She pointed to a wooden plank where the crew was still brining in supplies. An awkward silence fell.

˝Did you say future?˝- Wire said after a few minutes passed.

˝Yes! I wanted to give you a gift but you're so rude!˝- she stuck her tongue out to the redhead who fumed.

˝Why you little!˝

˝Then could you please?˝- Wire asked and the men looked at him. He was usually silent but this seemed to interest him.

˝Come here.˝- Wire complied and tried not to look at her chest. He only noticed a few chains and various pendants. - ˝Give me your left hand, it's the hand you shape your destiny˝.

She studied it and frowned then smiled and eventually beamed at him. - ˝Your future holds many adventures and battles ahead. Keep your head high and follow you heart Wire-kun.˝- She finished proudly and Wire blushed. How did she know his name?

Killer watched her sceptically. She could have heard the name but a good omen always comes handy, in this journey especially. So, even though he didn't believe, he walked to the cat-girl and extended his left hand. The girl smiled and took it. Again she studied the lines frowning and smiling.

˝Your future holds many worries and..˝ - here Killer glanced at Kidd. Tell me something new. ˝And chances to rise above the rest. You must continue with your training and abandon string for spinning metal, Killer-kun˝- the cat-girl concluded while Killer stared. How did she know what he used in battles? Two spinning scythes but connected with string. He needed a way to improve them so that they wouldn't break easily. Too surprised to even say anything he turned to walk back to his place.

˝Now mine.˝- Kidd came to her and glared. She tsked but took his palm nevertheless.

A giggle, a frown, a smile. The emotions and expressions kept changing. Her finger traced the lines on his hand a few times.

˝Captain Kidd your future is most...intricate. Battles and pillages, a new title that would be heard all over the seas and a devil on your ship.˝

Kidd grinned at the part about „the title". -˝So I'll be King of the Pirates?˝

˝I didn't say that. It might be something else for the beginning.˝- the cat-girl said while shrugging her shoulders.

˝Hrgn ,what about the devil?˝

˝Female. She'll be the mother of your children and your mate for life˝- the cat-girl said in a serious voice but the Captain and fellow mates cracked up. Kidd and a wife? Children? Now that would be a first. Still laughing he turned to her. ˝Now that you gave us your „gift „ go. We need to set sail˝- Kidd said and walked to the main deck.

˝Don't mind him and thank you young miss˝- Wire said and followed his captain. The cat-girl stared and turned to Killer.

˝Watch over him. – He is troublesome˝- With a hiss she turned to a cat and jumped over board to the harbour.

˝Hell if I didn't know that already..˝- Killer mumbled and headed for the main deck as well.

*a year later*

Things had been going good for the Kidd Pirates. Slowly but steadily they have made their name heard on the Grand Line. Pillaging and the occasional civil casualty earned them first bounties and rivals. They were currently sailing to a small spring island to restock on supplies.

˝Wire, I can see something floating!˝- Dean shouted from the crown's nest. He was a keen guy who didn't mind being constantly on-guard guy. Scrawny and fast he didn't do much during battles but stealing and tricks were up his sleeve.

˝What is it?˝- Wire shouted back.

˝Heck if I knew. Look like a wooden crate˝- Dean said back. A wooden crate? What the? They were in the middle of the ocean!˝

˝You two look for it. It could be supplies floating after a shipwreck. The two guys nodded and went to fish it out.

˝Wire-san!˝- A few moments later he heard their voices in panic. ˝You should see this!˝

Killer and Kidd heard the commotion and followed Heat who was just to go on deck to see what the fuck was the crew shouting. The crew spilt to give them a path and saw Wire and two mates stare at a particularly big crate. Lying in there were two unconscious girls; a bigger blonde with facial piercings in soaking wet clothes and the other with light brown tousled hair with a bottle in her hands. Killer nudged her with the tip of his boot.

˝Hnnn aaa?˝- she tried and yawned. Her elbow hit the other girl.

˝Kaaj [ What]˝- she purred in her sleep and tried to shift making her fall of the crate. She landed face down on the wooden deck. ˝Jebem ti krvgavu kičmu.[Fuck me with a knobby spine]˝

˝Što to melješ?[What are you saying]˝- The other retorted and opened her eyes . Dark green eyes stared at the crew and slowly her mouth fell. ˝EEVAAA!˝

Said girl opened her eyes and revealed a set of pale green eyes ˝Kaj!? DI SMO?[ What? Where are we?]˝- Her face was in shock as she to stared at the crew.

˝Jebao me konj, koliko smo mi pile sinoć?˝[Fuck me sideways, how much did we drink last night?]

˝Da me jebeš, ne znam. Al kaj nismo mi u srcu Bosne bile? Kakvo je ovo mrtvo more!?˝[Fuck me if I know. Weren't we in the middle of Bosnia last night? The fuck is with this sea?]

˝Ahem, nije ti nešto poznato?˝[Ahem, isn't something familiar hear]

˝Jebeno poznato. Ček.ČEEK. KAE OVO? COSPLAY DAN?˝[Yeah. Wait Waaait. What is this? Cosplay day?]

˝Jebo te cosplay, ja briem da je ovo...˝ [Fuck your cosplay, I think this is..]

˝Kaj stvarno, daj me nemoj jebat. Daj pogle ih. Kak mutavo gledaju. Al ovaj fraer...˝[What real, you gotta be shitting me. Look at them. They're looking like idiots. But this guy..] - The blonde eyed Captain Kidd and blushed lightly.

˝Kae već gubiš glavu?˝ [Already loosing your head?]

˝Odjebi, gledaj onog svog nakaradnog˝ [Fuck of, go watch that cripple of yours]


˝Ovaj bar ne nosi limenu ploču prek glave˝ [At least this one doesn't have a tin plate on his head]

˝Možda skriva ljepotu, znaaš˝ [Maybe his hiding his beauty]

˝Možda je geeej˝- The blonde laughed and brunette huffed. [Maybe he's gaaaaaay]

˝STOP THAT GHOULISH TALK! Who the fuck, are you!?˝- Captain Kidd, now a notorious pirate yelled. Even his crew shrunk back in fear.

˝Cure s Balkana, srećo. I'm Eva and this is Anja. Now how the fuck did we get on a ship whilst drinking before that in the mountains?!˝- Eva scoffed in his face and glared back. [Girls from the Balkan sugar]

No one noticed Killer turn and think. Something was off but so much familiar..Then it hit him. The cat-girl.
