Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and the characters belong to their rightful author Naoko Takeuchi.
' thinking'
Hidden Princess
Chapter 1.3
...At their fast pace the royal troop arrived at the Vendish castle in the early morning hours just as the sun began to dawn. The soldiers and most of the nobles were exhausted while the Moon Queen, the Senshi and the Earth Generals seemed wide awake. The servants at the castle were quite surprised by their early and seemingly rushed arrival, but they took care of the animals and tired travellers without question, apologising for the Lord's absence at that early hour. The queen merely told them that it was quite alright and asked the servants to let the ruler of Vendish City in his bed. Composed she told the excited and anxious Senshi that they would wait for the Lord in the dinning hall. The four girl's seemed a bit disappointed by the order but complied nonetheless.

Nobody spoke all the way to the dinning hall and as they took a seat at the grand table. Mina was the first to speak up as another servant entered to serve them an early breakfast. "Excuse me, kind maid.", she started politely and the young woman serving looked up startled. "Yes, Mistress.", she asked a bit scared of her respectfulness. "When have the prince and the healer arrived?", the Venusian princess asked and a small smile graced the maid's lips at the mention of the mysterious healer. "They have arrived yesterday evening. And the Lady is alright. Do not worry, Mistress, if that is what you want to know.", came the polite answer. "I am happy to hear that but I wanted to ask if a meeting with the healer could be arranged as soon as she rises, kind maid?", the blonde princess continued and received a nod of understanding in return.

"I will arrange it and will let you be fetched when she is waiting. Am I right in assuming that the Prince should be present as well, Mistress?", the maid asked. Mina only nodded smiling before the young woman serving left the room to fulfil her task. "Why do you wish for a meeting with the healer, Mina?", came the soft voice of the queen which the Senshi hadn't heard for a long time. They look up startled. Amy answered in the end. "Before her and Prince Endymion departed she said something strange. As they were about to depart she whispered: 'You will find her soon.' We are sure that she can help us to find the princess, my queen." "I thank you, Amy. I guess we have to wait then. Let us eat.", she suggested and the group began to devour the meal in front of them starting to tell stories about the missing princess and how they would scowled her for disappearing for five years. The generals and the queen listened amused.
Just as the maid that Mina had appointed to arrange a meeting reached the healer's and the Prince's quarters, Endymion stepped out of his room. He was surprised at the presence of the maid and smiled kindly at her. "Good Morning. How may I help you, lady?", he asked seeing her standing there, twisting her hands nervously. "The Royals have arrived, Your Highness. They have asked for a meeting with you and the Healer.", she told him slowly and Endymion nodded smiling. "I see. Inform them that we shall meet in the library in half an hour.", he told her kindly before the maid huddled away.

The Prince of Earth stood in the corridor for another minute, a bit worried of how Serenity would react to that arrangement. He sighed before he walked up to her door, entering quietly. The vision that met him halted the prince in his tracks. Somewhere in the night the disguise Serenity had worn the night before must have worn of as her golden locks were now spread out around her head like a halo. Her eyes were closed peacefully and her expression was serene. As the rays of the sun hit her they made a stunning vision out of the frail looking young woman. Endymion was speechless and admired the Moon Princess' beauty for quite a while a gentle smile beginning to grace his lips.

At seeing her sleeping peaceful the prince knew that he already loved her more than life itself and would protect her from harm for all eternity. Slowly he made his way to the angel on the bed and removed a lock that had fallen into her face some time in the night. Softly he kissed her forehead and watched her as she stirred. Serenity opened her eyes sleepily and instantly felt warmth creeping into her body from the presence that had woken her. She smiled as she recognised Endymion while she sat up. "Morning, angel.", he greeted tenderly. Catching her gaze. She smiled back tenderly. "Morning, Endy.", she greeted back and startled him a bit by using his nick name but he quickly smiled and took her hand, his eyes growing concerned. "How did you sleep, Sere?", he asked softly and she chuckled. "Fine. Thank you.", she returned before she sighed a bit averting her eyes. "But I still do not know how I should tell my mother.", she admitted honestly.

Endymion smiled at her nervousness before he gently raised her chin so that their eyes met again. "Do not worry, Sere. I told you i would be there.", he repeated his promise and she nodded but couldn't help sigh a second time. She was a bit surprised when Endymion drew her into a comforting and warm embrace but she immediately relaxed, smelling his sent. 'Roses.', the princess noted and admitted to herself that she didn't know how she would be able to go on if he didn't return her feelings.

An unnoticed tear rolled down her cheek as she buried herself in the sent of the man she loved. "Sere", came his soft voice again and she looked up expectantly. "It has been arranged to meet your mother, my generals and the Senshi in half an hour in the library.", the prince told her quickly and felt the woman in his arms stiffen before she leaned into his chest once again. "What am I going to tell her?", she whispered more to herself. " The truth.", was the simple answer as she tried to relax once again. her stomach was knotted not only with the response of her mother and Senshi upon seeing her but also with the fear that Endymion didn't return her feelings.

She suddenly had the feeling to explode if she didn't tell him her feelings now and shrouded deeper into his embrace. "Sere.", the prince asked concerned and thought his heart had stopped by the response he got. "I love you. Hold me.", Serenity whispered nearly inaudible but he caught it nonetheless. His arms loosened for a moment. He was stunned but the Moon Princess mistook his actions and withdrew quickly, avoiding to meet his gaze. "I am sorry, Endymion.", she told him and the young man saw tears glistening in her eyes. In the next instance Serenity found herself in a tight embrace, hearing the prince chuckle.

"I love you too, Sere. I promise to hold you forever.", he vowed and unbelievable happiness flooded both their bodies. They had found each other. Their soul mate bound together for eternity. Tears trickled down the princess' cheeks freely as she hugged the man she loved back, laughing with joy. The two held each other until they were finally able to grasp what had just happened. They had each others love and heart and stand side by side through thick and thin. Endymion was finally the one who reminded them of the meeting. Reluctantly the two lovers let go of each other. "Let's meet in ten minutes outside. How about you confront them as Moonlight first? Alright?", the prince suggested, holding her face in one hand. Serenity nodded. "I love you.", she whispered, testing the new words. Endymion grinned. "Same here.", he whispered before their lips met in a short but meaningful kiss. With no more words said they parted to start the day.
Meanwhile the royals in the dinning hall had finished breakfast and had rejoiced as the maid brought the message from the prince. They were about to leave the hall when Lord Castal entered smiling. " Welcome, Your Highnesses and Earth Generals.", he greeted while he bowed. "Thank you for your hospitality, king Lord.", the queen replied and the man in front of her was surprised at her voice. She greatly resembled Healer's but he quickly dismissed the fact and asked what had made them arrive so swiftly.

If the queen was a bit nervous at the approach of the question she didn't show it. "We have come here swiftly as we are aware that my daughter is residing here?", he replied softly and the Lord stared at her confused. "The.. The Moon Princess, Your Highness?", he stuttered stunned and now it was the royals' turn to be confused. "Yes, we located her energy here in the castle.", the queen answered confused. "I am sorry, Queen Selenity, but the only guests that have arrived her were the prince and the healer of the village on the palace's north side.", the lord explained apologetically. "I see.", the queen answered shortly her eyes losing their light again. She smiled a small smile. "Thank you." Malachite swiftly changed the subject by asking the lord for the locations of the library. He seemed to know of the meeting and smiled, calling a squire to lead them. A bit subdued the group followed the young man, the Senshi trying to distract the queen unsuccessfully.

When they entered the library they found that the healer and the prince hadn't arrived yet and sat down in an arranged seating corner to the right of the great window. The sun was just fully rising, slowly letting the shadows in the big library vanish. They sat in silence watching the spectacle of nature while each followed his individual train of thoughts.

They were all startled out of their thoughts when the door was opened again. Looking up they found Prince Endymion and the cloaked healer in the doorway.
Serenity was still rather nervous as she and Endymion made there way to the library. The young man had his arm around her waist and told her about what had happened at Vendish castle in the last month. The healer gradually relaxed at the sound of his voice, leaning into him to feel his strength. As they were about to read the library he stopped her and kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry, love.", he whispered softly before he drew up her hood and stepped back a bit.

Taking a deep breath and smiled at him as her eyes filled with determination. With the regal aura appearing about her the two stepped into the great library, Endymion watching Serenity closely. The royals who were seated in the seating corner seemed startled by their arrival and the princesses searched the generals eyes in confusion. Serenity relaxed as she saw that they were just a nervous about what she would say. She took her time to cross the room, Endymion by her side, while she observed each of her best friends closely. Tears of joy formed in her eyes. After so long without family she was happy to see her family again.

The couple stopped in front of the sitting group and the prince was immediately greeted by his generals who hadn't missed the way he had looked at the healer. "We will talk later, prince.", Nephrite told him presenting him with a grin. Endymion chuckled and nodded while Serenity couldn't help but smile under her hood. The Generals were open-hearted and she could sense a bond between them and her Senshi as well as their prince. Endymion was now welcomed by the queen and the Senshi even if they were much more eager to talk to the mysterious healer that was in his company. The regal aura about her had surprised all of them a bit.

When the prince had finally greeted all of the royals formally he stepped back to Serenity and smiled encouragingly at her sensing that her nervousness had nearly vanished. She returned it before they took a seat as well and she focused her attention on the people before her. "Good Morning, kind Royals. I do hope you journey was comfortable?", she began, startling the nobles before her once more with her way of speech. "Yes, thank you, healer. The journey was quite wonderful. And I wish a good morning to you too I also would like to apologise that we suggested meeting this early.", the queen answered a bit guiltily but the healer just shook her head. "That is quite alright, fair queen. But do tell me how I can help me.", came the reply from the healer, a smile beginning to grace her lips. Endymion grinned at Serenity. She wouldn't make it easy for them. Somehow her mischievous string had come through and the prince had to do his best not to chuckle.

"We want to ask you about your knowledge in the vanishing of the Moon Princess.", Ray told her bluntly and received a disapproving look from the queen. "I see that you are anxious, Princess. Please ask your question I will answer.", the healer said surprisingly. The princesses perked up at her answer, excitement shining in their eyes. "Are you a seer?", Mina asked, watching her curiously. "No, I am not, Princess.", was the short answer. "Then what do you know about the vanishing of the princess? You have to know something or you wouldn't have said what you said at your departure.", Amy questioned now and received a short not. "That is right I know about her vanishing but I didn't remember until about a day after I left the camp and what I said was instinct, Princess.", healer explained slowly.

"What do you know, fair Healer.", the queen's voice came now and Endymion sensed Serenity growing serious. "May I ask a question first, kind Queen?", the young woman asked the older, surprising her. Selenity gave a short nod. " Do you have enemies on the moon, my queen?" The Royals' eyes widen at the question and the queen sighed. "Yes, I do but their weren't any problems since my daughter vanished.", she answered truthfully. " Is your enemy a Lord whose name starts with the letters Se, my queen?", came the next question and Selenity's eyes widened fearfully. " Yes, Lord Seth. But... he didn't kill my daughter did he?", the queen asked frightened while the Senshi and Generals as well as Endymion looked on horrified. "No, he did not. Please do not worry, my queen.", Serenity soothed her mother.

"How do you know? Where you there when she vanished? Do you know my daughter, Healer?", she asked looking worried. "Yes, my queen, I was there.", Serenity started, searching Endymion's hand before gripping it tightly. "Dark, cloaked figures haunted her. They let loose dogs and her horse tripped, throwing her off. She hit her head on a trunk and all that she knew she forgot until she remembered again five years later. The last sentence her persecutors had said came back to her, but she had teleported before she could hear the full name of her enemy.
'It will be a pleasure to bring her to Lord Se...' Yes, my queen, I know her.", she finished and the queen looked at her stunned. Suddenly the cloaked figure was bombarded by question of Where? When? and How? from the Senshi, who were bursting with excitement now. Even the light in the queen's eyes had returned but she remained composed.

The tension in the room broke and Serenity began to chuckle, startling the royals while Endymion began to smile again. The generals looked on confused. "You haven't changed, my friends.", the healer suddenly said, laughing lightly but halting the royals in their tracks. "How do you want to know that?", Ray asked a bit angrily. "Well, you definitely have the same short temper, Ray.", came the answer and finally the healer drew back her hood. "You were always a good fighting partner, dear friend of mine.", she told her quietly now looking at her friends guiltily and apologetically as they stared the group of Moon Royals and Earth Generals stared at her in confusion.

"I am sorry, my friends.", she told them tears gathering in her eyes as her disguise fell. The Senshi froze and the Generals' eyes widen while tears began to flow down the princess' and the queen's cheek. Endymion quietly took Serenity into his arms while the four inner princesses still stared at her tears beginning to form into their eyes as well. Totally shaken up they were happy when each of the generals drew one to themselves soothing them.

The queen was the first to recover and slowly walked over to her daughter and the prince of earth. A brilliant smile was gracing her lips as she smiled at Endymion who returned it before she called the name of her daughter softly. Serenity slowly lifted her head and first met her gaze with the man she loved before she slowly turned to her mother. In an surprising gesture the queen took her in a tight embrace.

"Forgive me for not remembering, mother.", she whispered and the queen only tightened her grip on her child, slowly stroking her hair. "It is alright, child. I am just happy that I have you back. I can not tell you what that means to me.", she told Serenity who just nodded into her embrace. After a long time they let go of each other and the princess was immediately taken into the embrace of her friends. She laughed, tears still running from her eyes as Endymion gave the Generals a sign for them to leave the room with him.

Quietly the Earth Royals left the room to let them have some time to talk about everything. Endymion smiled and left the room without a worry. Serenity was safe with them.
TATA. They finally found out. (but only because I wrote a longer chapter.) Just didn't want you to have to wait any longer. You would have probably come after me. Hehe. Next Chapter in a week. See you. REVIEW.
[ sqwert ]- Thank you for always reviewing.
[ Anima Princess ]- Liked it?
[ xx wolfpup xx ]- So did you survive the week waiting?
[ Princess Shinra ]- I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
[ Cyber ]- Thanks.
[ Small-lady19 ]- Thank you.
[ Anime Goddess ]- Was their a problem with chapter 8?
[ LOTUSNEKO ]- I thank you for the correction. I am just beginning editing.