Hey guys, here's another one of them drabbles and I saw there were very few reviews, but I don't mind constructive criticism, negative reviews, etc, so it's whatever.
Well plz enjoy this one, I guess...
Drabble 5: Frozen Yogurt Fridays
"Hey Masamumu!" Frieda says.
It was a lovely Friday afternoon here in Brooklyn, New York. The young couple was just strolling through the park. This Italian-Japanese girl was wearing a light pink and white strapped tanktop with a pair of navy denim shorts and pink flip flops with 2-inch heels. To accessorize it all, he's wearing a pair of ombre pink sunglasses, a pink and black polka dotted headband with a bowtie and silver hoop earrings. Today, Frieda had something on her mind that maybe her boyfriend may like too.
"Yeah, Cherry girl?" Masamune asks.
"Can we get frozen yogurt?" The cherry haired teen questions.
" Frozen yogurt you say? Where? In Menchies?!" The Japanese blader exclaims.
"Yeah because it's my favorite place and I bet you love it there!" Frieda states while her baby blue eyes sparkle.
"Awesome! we're so going and I'll pay for it all!
So the young couple ran down the streets of Brooklyn and within a few minutes, they saw that one place they spoke of place called Menchies. Both of them smiled as they walked through the door, ready to eat some Fro Yo! Both Freda and Masamune loved frozen yogurt so they got large cups. Frieda got the following flavors: cake batter, strawberry, New York Cheesecake, and cherry tart. As for Masamune, he got Cookies n cream, irish mint, cookie dough monster, and also vanilla.
2 smiles appeared on their faces as the headed to the topping selection; the best part of a Fro Yo place is to always top off the yogurt with some goodies. Frieda added lots of cherries, strawberries, mochis, rainbow sprinkles, M & M's, marshmallows, you name it. Masamune even topped his frozen yogurt, especially with some Oreo crumbs. The Japanese teen even went crazy with the chocolate and caramel syrup. they went to the cashier and Masamune noticed a lot of Frieda's cup, being overfilled. But he doesn't mind because his cup too was full. Luckily, the Japanese blader still had enough money to pay for it all.
After the payment, this couple sat down near a window and started to enjoy their frozen yogurt. Masamune smiled on how happy Frieda was, enjoying her Fro Yo, especially from good ol' Menchies.
"Hey Masamumu! You gotta try cake batter because it's delicious!" The Italian-Japanese girl says.
"Sure thing and also try Cookies n' Cream too!" The Japanese blader suggests. Both blader fed themselves with other flavors of frozen yogurt and they found it to be very delicious. They held a thumbs up of approval.
"You're right Cherry Girl, it actually tastes great!" Masamune comments.
"Yeah and you're right too!" Frieda responds. "Also, we should visit Menchies every Friday."
"Um...okay, sure!" the Japanese blader answers.
End of 5th drabble...
TBH, I actually had so much fun writing this drabble. Heck, now I wanna get Frozen Yogurt myself; I seriously love Menchies. Next drabbles should be fun too, so read and review folks! ^^