Ema is with Kaname because he picked her up from the University 10 minutes before class lets out. Futo went to go and tease Ema some more but when he got to the class he heard that she was gone with maybe Yusuke-kun's brother and Futo had a good feeling that it was Kaname.
Futo's View
Kana-nii is some freaking sneaky. It makes me mad that he came to the University and took her. wait until Masa-nii hears this it's really going to make him so mad. I made my way home and Yusuke stayed at school trying out for clubs and that sounded boring to me, as I step in the house Masa-nii is there. perfect just the brother I want to see. "Masa-nii there's something I think you really want to hear. Kana-nii came to the University and got Ema." I said as I played my cards right. the look on Masa-nii's face doesn't change, "Oh is that true Futo. strange because I already heard that from Yusuke and Kaname told me something interesting too; you slept with your step sister and that you forced her? What is wrong with you? Kaname said that you also had a big grin on your face when you told him that you had sex with her. I thought Kaname was in trouble but you have another thing coming to you if you think you're getting away with this mess! you forced her to do something she never agreed to." I noticed that no one else was home but us. "Where is everyone else?" I asked Masa-nii, "They're all out at the time." and that's all that he said to me not giving anything else away, the rage that was on his face told me that I've got chores in the near future and for a long time too. Kana-nii!
Kaname's view
geez, I feel a chill going up and down my back. might be futo talking bad about me behind my back, well he got what was coming to him. Ema is still here with me curled up in my arms and she looks too cute that I don't want to wake her at all, but I want to get a shower after last night's activities. mmmm... she gave a little moan and woke up, her smile gave a little jump in my heart, "Good morning Ema. Did you sleep okay last night?" I asked her and a sweet shade of pink crawled on her face, she was remembering what happened last night. I cupped her face up to mine and kissed her on her cheek. "Come Ema. Shower time." I picked her up and I made my way to the bathroom with her in my arms not letting her go that sweet shade of pink came to her face, "Kaname, I can walk you know." she said but she wants me to put her down but I don't want to. "I know that Ema but I want to carry you like a princess that's all." still not letting her go and into the spacious bathroom. We took a bath and had breakfast we sat in silence, "is there anything you want to do Ema?" I asked her to break the ice... I want to know what going on in her head; does she want to be here with me? does she still love or does she love another? not knowing the answer is too painful for my heart alone. I want to know but I won't force them out of her only when she wants to tell me, and try my best to keep it together when the truth comes out. "um if it's okay with you I'd want to go home and get a change of clothes and find something to do?" she said looking at me trying to read my face, what is she thinking?
Ema's view
Having to wake up like this right next to Kaname is the best. ever since the shower, he's had this look on his face that won't go away. I wonder what he's thinking? Breakfast was too quiet, he startled me by asking what I wanted to do today. when he heard my answer His face has been sad looking, my heart belongs to him so whatever is hurting him it's hurting me too. "Kaname is there something bugging you. You have this sad look on your face ever since the shower, please don't lie to me either." I said looking into his eye hoping that he would tell me... but he didn't say anything the look in his eyes said soon if it wasn't going to be too painful for him but there was only more worry in my heart after seeing him like that... we make our way home and when I turned on my phone there's were 15 texted messages from everyone with a phone and 26 missed calls from Ukyo, Azusa, Tsubaki, Subaru, Natsume, Hikaru, and Iori. Geez maybe I should have let them know what I was doing. I've been gone since yesterday and all this morning too. Soon enough we're home and Tsubaki gives me a big hug and gives Kaname the stink eye just glaring at him. "Tsubaki. you squeezing me too tightly, can't breathe." I said to him wanting to get out and breathe of air before he cut off all my air-ways, "Sorry, we were worried about you. what did he do to you? if he hurt you I'm going to kill him" Tsubaki said just glaring at his older brother...
Sorry this chapter is so short I've been having writers block and been working on something else. don't forget to follow me or the story. thanks
AngelicDevilsh Styles121