Hey, guys! We're on the final five! When everything (should) go down! Enjoy!

Indigo sighed as she smoothed the creases in her dress and looked at herself in the shattered mirror. This is the final night of the plan and it will have a bittersweet ending. Indigo looked gorgeous for prom. Her lovely jet black hair was pinned to the side and her indigo dress was floor length and gleamed in the right lighting. The only thing that ruined it was that pair of glasses resting on her nose. Indigo sighed in defeat before leaving her room to the common area.

"Oh, you look just like your mother," Drakken said with a smile, causing Indigo to roll her eyes.

"You do look gorgeous, dear," Shego said. "Enough to lured any boy to a trap."

"Let's get this over with. The quicker, the better." Indigo sighed then scanned the room. "Where's Dante?" Both of her parents shrugged. "Whatever, let's go."

"You look beautiful, Anna," Devin said when the two met up in front of the gym where prom was being held. Indigo rolled her eyes at this comment.

"You look decent." Indigo actually thought he looked rather cute in his tuxedo, for a huge dork. The two walked into prom, hand in hand, taking in the lively atmosphere. It also made Indigo sick.

"Hey, you wanna dance?" Indigo eyed her boyfriend and crossed her arms.

"No, not really."

"Come on, it'll be fun," Devin coaxed before grabbing Indigo on the wrist and dragging her dance floor. Devin started dancing but frowned when Indigo standing stiffly on the dance floor. "Why aren't you dancing?"

"I can't dance," she hissed.

"No one cares about that, Anna," Devin said.

"But I care," she hissed back before deciding to sit down. Indigo sighed. Why did she think this was a good idea? She was a genius for god sake! Why couldn't she just kill the boy? A vine around the throat should do. Devin walked back over to Indigo.

"Why are we here?"

"What do you mean?" Indigo asked.

W"I mean why are we here?" Devin repeated, "I know you don't like social gatherings like this so why are we here?"

"Because you wanted to go to prom last year," Indigo explained.

"Then why won't you dance with me?" Indigo hesitated.

"I told you I can't dance," she said quietly. Devin shook his head then held out his hand. "What?"

"Dance with me."

"Do you have cotton in your ears? I said I can't da-" Devin pulled Annabella out of her chair by her wrist and the music changed from a pop song to a slow song. Devin placed both of Indigo's arms on his shoulders and placed his hand on her waist. The two started swaying though Indigo

stood there stiffly.

"Relax, Anna," Devin said into her ear, sending chills up Annabella's spine but she shook her head.

"I told you I can't dance," Indigo hissed again.

"Trust me," Devin sighed. "Do you trust me?" Indigo looked into Devin's eyes and hesitated. What these people making her do?

"You haven't given me a reason not to," Annabella said quietly. Devin smiled and Annabella relaxed a bit. Suddenly, the gym floor shook beneath them like an earthquake then a large vehicle with a laser attached broke through the wall but crashed into the adjacent wall.

"Party's over, children!" Drakken yelled after exited the vehicle as the teenagers fled the gym. "Sorry to crash the party!" Shego exited as well and groaned, both from the crash and the bad puns.

"Damnit, Dad!" Indigo yelled. "You couldn't wait ten minutes?!" Drakken gave her a confused look.

"What did I do wrong?" Indigo gave an exasperated sigh. Devin, meanwhile, watched the scene unfold.

"Wait, Dad?" Devin said confused, then looked at Drakken. "I know you. You're Dr. Drakken!" Drakken smiled.

"I see my reputation proceeds me," he said smugly as both Shego and Indigo rolled their eyes. "I'm assuming your mother told you about me?"

"The whole world knows you as the evil pansy that reformed almost twenty years ago and never bounced back," Devin said.

"I never reformed!" Drakken yelled," and I just was occupied with some other things in life."

"Excuses, excuses," Devin said then clucked his tongue.

"No matter," Drakken said, "this is the end for you." Devin pulled into a fighting stance.

"What makes you think that?" He asked.

"This laser," Shego said, pulling the end of the laser to point it towards Devin and shot the beam at him. Then Devin immediately did backflips to dodge the beam.

"What the...is cheerleading genetic?" Drakken said in awe.

"No," Shego said, "Kimmie obviously trained the kid."

"How did you find out?" Devin yelled at the two supervillains. Shego scoffed.

"Find out what, Stoppable? That you were trained by your mommy?" She asked. The laser stopped and Devin caught his breath.

"Wait, you don't know?" Devin asked between pants.

"Know what, child?" Drakken asked in an annoyed tone.

"He's Kid Vincible, Dad," Indigo said calmly.

"How did you guess?" Devin questioned.

"I'm a genius," Indigo replied, rolling her eyes, "doy." Devin smiled.

"You didn't exactly cover your tracks either. You have an alias as well, Anna?" Indigo smirked.

"Of course," she said, removing her glasses and unpinning the bottom of her dress, turning it into a cape on Indigo's new supervillain costume.

"Well, that was obvious," Devin shrugged.

"How so?"

"You're the only girl I know with indigo eyes," Devin pointed out. Indigo shrugged in response.

"Whatever." Then a vine shot out of her neck and captured Devin.

"What the heck?"

"You didn't know I had this power, did you?" Indigo asked smugly. "Never felt like I needed it." Then a shuriken flew out of nowhere and sliced through the vine, releasing Devin. Indigo snapped her head in direction in which the throwing star was thrown.

"Good aim."

"Thanks." Indigo looked over to the two figures in lavender and teal cloaks and hoods.

"Who are you!?" Indigo yelled.

"You're messing with family," the figure in the lavender cloak said in a female voice.

"Oh," Indigo smiled, "You must be Hana, correct?" Hana removed her cloak and smiled.

"Hello, Hannah." Indigo frowned then looked over to the other person.

"And you are?" The figure removed his hood, revealing a person Indigo began to detest.

"Dante..." Indigo scowled, "How dare you..."

"Hannah," Dante started, "we all knew this was going to happen." Indigo shook her head in disappointment. Dante turned to Hana, "Go get Devin." Hana nodded and ran over to her nephew.

"You bastard," Indigo hissed at Dante.

"We're twins, Hannah," He countered, "what does that make you?" Indigo glared.

"Dante, Dante," she responded, clicking her tongue, "You once told me that blood is thicker than water but what I don't understand is why you would rather wade in that tainted water," she gestured to Hana and Devin then her parents, "than accept your rich blood."

"What you are doing is wrong, Hannah." Indigo cackled.

"What does it matter? I was born like this..."

"What...screw is missing that you would want to kill your boyfriend solely for the sake of being evil?" Dante asked.

"This is who I am, Dante."

"No," Dante said, "no, it isn't. You are a human being. I see it in your eyes. I saw the remorse you had when you found out that you had to do this to him."

"Hannah," Drakken started, "what is he talking about?" Indigo turned to her father.

"He's...um, I, uh...well..."

"Oh no," Shego gasped, "she loves him." Indigo's eyes widen then she turned and blasted Dante, sending him back a few feet.

"I don't love anything, mother," Indigo hissed then she glared at Devin,"not even him." Dante recovered then frowned at his sister.

"Dante," Hana called, "do you want me to take care of her?"

"No," he answered, "I got this covered." Indigo scoffed then laughed.

"Of course you do," she said pulling into a fighting stance.

Okay, kiddies! That's all for right now! See you guys next time!