SesshomaruxRin Fan-Fiction: For You, My Love

Summary: Rin is no longer a little girl, she is now fifteen, and Sesshomaru has finally come back to the village to take her back, permanently. Rin begins to grow new feelings for Sesshomaru, and Sesshomaru does as well, but he must produce an heir of full demon blood, devastating the both of them. What happens when Sesshomaru's mother interferes, taking Rin on a journey to a temple known for hiding a power to change mortals into demons? Rin sees this as the perfect gift for sesshomaru, but will Sesshomaru?

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own InuYasha or the characters from it, only the ones I make up.

Chapter Summary: Lord Sesshomaru is visiting Rin at InuYasha's village, but this time he plans to not leave empty handed.

Chapter 1: Hai, Sesshomaru-sama

Rin's POV

I wake up to the sound of InuYasha yelling at someone, meaning it is a normal morning here. I sit up on my futon and stretch my stiff muscles, yawing as well. I look around to see that Miss Kaede has left breakfast for me over the fire. I walk over to my personal chest and open it up. I glance over the many beautiful, silk kimonos that Sesshomaru-sama has gifted me over the years before pulling out one of my work kimonos that I shall use for picking medicinal herbs. I quickly change into my clean kimono in case of sudden visitors. I then grab a bowl and a pair of chopsticks for my breakfast, which seems to be rice and sliced melon. Sitting down to eat my morning meal, a sudden break in the flap that hangs from the doorway startles me, almost causing me to drop my bowl of rice and melon.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rin. I didn't mean to startle you." a very pregnant Kagome says from the door way. I laugh and sit down before acknowledging her.

"It is fine, but next time, please knock for my sake." I laugh out, taking a bite of my fresh and juicy melon. Kagome waddles by and sits across from me, a smile woven on her face. I give her a curious look as I eat my breakfast.

"Rin is curious, Kagome. Why are you giving Rin such a smile?" I asked her, finishing my meal and placing the dishes in the washing bin.

"Oh, nothing, Rin. Nothing at all." she informs me, the scary smile still carved into her face. I raise my brow at her in suspicion before grabbing my basket to place the herbs in.

Before I exit the doorway, I turn back to Kagome. "Kagome, Rim finds your smile scary. Rin is leaving now." I say before leaving Miss Kaede's, well, my hut as well, and I walk gracefully over to the patch of herbs.

Along the way, I receive many stares from the young men of the village. Kagome and Sango have told me that I am very beautiful, but I do not believe them. My midnight black hair is long and pin straight, flowing past my bottom. My eyes, a light brown, are still as large and as bright as they were when I was a mere child. Unlike the tall and toned bodies that Kagome and Sango, when not pregnant, have, I have a very short and stubby-like frame. My breasts are large for my age, my thighs are meaty, and my hips are very wide. My height does not help with this, for I barely come up to five feet, maybe even less. Kagome told me that I have a very curvy body, perfect for child bearing, and apparently, the young, unmarried males of the village know this too. Even my skin has remained the fair color, never tanning from the sun. I have had to learn to deal with flirtatious and lecherous males since the age of thirteen, but it shall always be annoying. I finally reach the herb field and begin to pick the ready herbs. As I am picking them, I start humming. Soon, it turns into a song.

In the mountains, In the forest.

In the wind, In a dream.

Where are you, Sesshomaru-sama?

With an ally like Jaken-sama.

I will wait alone until you come.

Sesshomaru-sama, please return.

"You still sing that song, Rin?" a cold and deep voice asks me. I gasp, for there can only be one man, well, demon that belongs to that voice.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" I squeal out as I turn around to face the tall and handsome creature. His long, glimmering silver hair and amber honey eyes remind me of an angel, how ironic. His height, at least a foot and a half taller than me, making him roughly six foot five. I give him my smile as he gives me his usual cold stare, but I can see the happiness in his eyes, a trick that I had learned over the year of traveling with him.

"This Sesshomaru is guessing that Rin is happy to see me?" he asks me in his emotionless tone, a tone that matches his mood. I nod excitedly, and without thinking, I jump into his arms and hug him. I feel Sesshomaru-sama tense up slightly, I let go, blushing.

"Rin is sorry, Sesshomaru-sama." I say quietly. He nods with his usual "hn". I look back up at him and stare into his eyes. They show me happiness, nervousness, fear, and…love? Fear and love where emotions that I rarely see in Sesshomaru-sama. I wonder why they are present in his eyes?

"Rin." he calls for me, gaining my attention.

"Hai, Sesshomaru-sama?" I ask him, looking at him. I watch as his hand comes to my face, softly caressing my cheek. I softly gasp at the new feeling. Just as quick as the welcomed feeling appeared, it disappears.

"Rin, this Sesshomaru is curious as to if you would like to travel with me again?" he asks me softly. I fight back the happy tears, knowing how much he hates emotions, and nods my head.

"Hai, Sesshomaru-Sama." I say with a bright smile. I watch in shock as I watch his lips curve upward into a small smile.

"Good. You are to pack your things and return to me by noon." Sesshomaru says as he walks away, leaving me a very happy woman. I squeal and jump around, causing some prying eyes to stare at me, but I ignore them and I rush back to the hut. I grab a satchel and fill it with all of my silk kimonos.

I decide to change into one of my finer kimonos instead of this silly work one. I pick out the kimono that Sesshomaru-sama gave me last year. It was long and flowing. The color was a soft magenta with a dark blue crescent moon pattern. It was specially made to match Sesshomaru-sama's facial markings, which makes this kimono even more special to me. I quickly change into it and pack up the rest of my belongings before heading out. I'm not quite sure where Sesshomaru was, but I have a feeling he is where InuYasha's rants are coming from.

"Why did you have to come here and bother us, asshole?" I hear InuYasha say from a distance.

"INUYASHA, SIT!" I hear the voice of Kagome yell out. The thud soon follows, causing me to giggle. When will InuYasha ever learn? Kicking some stones on the dirt path, I finally make it to Kagome and InuYasha's house, where I see a dirt covered hanyou glaring at his dai-inuyoukai half-brother, who has an amusing smirk on his face. I walk over to them with a smile plastered on my face.

"Are you ready, Rin?" Sesshomaru-sama asks me.

"Yes, this Rin is ready." I say, walking up to him and suddenly grabbing his hand, but he doesn't stop me. He leads me away from the village, and I turn around and wave bye to Kagome and InuYasha.