Hiccup P.O.V.

When I came into dragon training the next day, I still have that bite mark from Toothless. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. This was the first time I gotten a love bite and I actually enjoyed it! I'm not sure how am I supposed to hide this from everyone. It's like people wanted to be involved with my love life for some reason. As I sat down, Fishlegs, Snoutlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut came up to me. Aster was at the table looking over at me, but I pretend I didn't see him.

"Is that a love bite?" Snoutlout smirked.

Oh Thor, I couldn't believe they noticed! My shoulders tensed up and I tried to hide it. I shook my head, but everyone was gaping at me as if they knew what happened yesterday,

"Can we meet your boyfriend?" Ruffnut asked.

"He's not my boyfriend, Ruffnut." I sighed. "He's my best friend."

"Was he the one gave you that bite, then?" Tuffnut sneered.

"You can't meet him." I changed the subject. "He's...leaving today."

"Good riddance." Aster murmured.

I snapped. I switched my gaze toward Aster. What did he just say? Even though he didn't met Toothless, but that doesn't mean he could be rude to him. I feel like I'm going to kill this jerk anyway and I hope Toothless would enjoy burning him into a crispy blonde boy.

"Actually, he's leaving tonight." I told Ruffnut. "So he's going to be here for the whole day."

Everyone started talking at once. Aster looked like he wanted to stab someone in the back. What have I done? Why did I just say that? I just hope Toothless doesn't get too crazy when he's around Aster or anyone. Then Gobber came in. He seemed to be warned out.

"Today, you get a free day." He said. "No dragon training today. I'm tired. Good night."

Toothless P.O.V


I was on a rock. I glanced down and saw Hiccup running toward me. The love bite was still on her neck. I smirked to myself. I wonder if that aster guy noticed it. Hiccup looked around as she tried to find me. When she got near the rock, quietly, I leaped behind her. Hiccup shirked as her face is planted on the ground.

"Hey, Hiccup." I whispered inn her ear and bit it.

"Toothless!" Hiccup snapped. "What are you doing? Get off of me!"

"I can't." I playfully cooed. "You're so tasty."

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted angrily.

"I'm kidding." I got off of her and helped her up.

Hiccup gave me a stubborn glare. She wiped off the dirt off of her clothes. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. I snickered a bit. Her face is bright red. She's so cute when she gets flustered. Hiccup took out a fish from her vest and tossed it to me. I caught it with my mouth and ate it whole.

"My classmates wants to meat you." Hiccup sighed.

"Really?" I smirked. Well this is my lucky day.

Hiccup nodded. She looked annoyed. "Yeah, so..."

"I would like to meet them." I smiled.

Before Hiccup could respond, I took her hand and dragged her out of the cove. That means I'll be meeting Aster for the first time. Well this just makes my day even better.

Aster P.O.V

When Hiccup came back, I saw a tall man. He had pale tan skin, jet black hair, and cat-like green eyes. Like what Ruffnut said, he was wearing all black. I have to admit, this guy is better looking than me, but I can be more handsome than that guy will ever be. What does Hiccup see in this guy anyway?

"Guys, this is Toothless," Hiccup muttered. "Toothless this is my classmates."

I nearly laughed at the name. Who names their kid Toothless? Why is he even called Toothless anyway? This guy has teeth after all, it's not like he hides his teeth inside of his gums.

"So you're that guy who hangs out with Hiccup." Snoutlout raised a brow.

Toothless nodded. "Of course! Who wouldn't want to be with this young lady?"

Toothless wrapped his arm around and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I fumed with rage. then I noticed Toothless was giving me a glare at the same time. I cracked my knuckles. Him too, huh? I see we're on a verge of war with each other. Hiccup bashfully pushed Toothless away. Toothless only gave her a slight chuckled as he rubs the back of his neck, but his green eyes are still on me.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped.

"Oh nothing." Toothless glared at me. "you're Aster, aren't you?"

"Yes." I frowned.

"If I were you, stay away from my Hiccup." Toothless warned.

"Is that a threat?" I smirked.

"I consider it as a challenge." Toothless answered.

"Uh, what's going on?" The twins asked.

"Toothless, stop it!" Hiccup hissed.

I laughed humorlessly. "You're on! The winner gets a kiss from Hiccup."

"Why am I involved?" Hiccup demanded, but no one was listening.

Toothless and I shook hands. I can see we're on the same page. He thinks he's so perfect for Hiccup, doesn't he? Well I'm better than him. I'm a dragon killer and what is he? Maybe some poor farm boy that can't lift up a heavy sack of flour. Besides, after I beat him, Hiccup will go running straight into my arms and Toothless will go back to wherever he came.

"So what's the challenge going to be about?" Ruffnut asked.

"I have an idea." Toothless smirked.

Somehow, I don't like the sound of this...

Toothless P.O.V

"Alright, whoever, catches the most fish and holds their breath in underwater wins a kiss from Hiccup." Ruffnut sighed.

"Why am I involved?" Hiccup demanded.

"This is impossible!" Aster growled. "I can't hold my breath that long!"

I playfully rolled my eyes. Even though I don't interact with humans besides Hiccup, but I know that humans can hold their breath if they have strong lungs. Dragons can hold their breath for a long time and I know that Aster can't breath over many, many hours. Besides, I just want to see how long this guy hold his breath.

"The rules are, you have to dive into the water with only a basket." Ruffnut explained. "You have to be in there for long periods of time. The first person who fills up their baskets gets a kiss from Hiccup."

"Do I have to be involved?" Hiccup questioned.

"Are you ready?" Snoutlout asked.

At once, Aster and I took off our tunics. We both gave each other glares of hate. We stood at the edge of the dock, waiting for the signal. Hiccup was only shaking her head and muttering to herself. Finally, the beefy human, Snoutlout, blew the horn. At the same time, Aser and I jumped into the water. That human is going down!
As I swim in the water, I took as many fish as I could. Aster was quick, but not agile enough. Smirking, I swam deeper into the water. I'm not sure how long this human can hold his breath, but I hope he'll lose. Then everything became dark. Since Aster wasn't around, I changed into my hybrid form. I let out a tiny spiteful of fire and see if there are any fish in this dark water. My eyes widened with surprised. There's so many fish in here. Flapping my wings, I raced towards the fish in a speed of light. I opened my basket and get the fish. After my basket was filled up, I changed into my human form and went back into my human form. This is easy. I'll get that kiss in no time. I return to the clear water where Aster was only half way getting his fish. Then he saw me. We both glared at each other. I gave him a mocking smile and patted my basket. His eyes widened with anger. I knew he got the message. I stick my tongue at him. He is so going to lose when I get to the surface.

Out of nowhere, he punched me in the stomach. I gasped, accidently choking on some water. Aster threw his own basket away and took my basket instead. He smirked at me, giving me a farewell wave. Before I could let him go, I took his basket and threw it at him with full power. The basket slammed onto his face. His nose started to bleed. Glaring, Aster kicked his feet as he returned to the surface.
I was still choking. The water is going down into a different pipe. I tried to swim up my lungs was twisting around. I need to get to the surface and breathe. I wanted to turned into my hybrid form, but if I do that, everyone will know that I'm a dragon, I'll get killed and Hiccup could get banished forever. Then I started to sink, but I didn't want to. I glanced around to see where I can find something to hold onto. At the corner of my eyes, I saw a rope. With my full might, I swam to the rope and hung onto it. I glimpsed up at the surface.


Hiccup P.O.V

Aster came up from the surface. Everyone cheered, but I didn't. I don't know why, but I somehow have a bad feeling. The first thing I noticed was his nose was bleeding. Then the basket. It's been nearly ten minutes and he got a basket full of fish that quickly. The last time I checked, Aster can only hold his breathe for fifteen minutes and he's not good at catching fish either. The only person who I know can only hold their breathe in long periods of time and can catch fish well is Toothless. Toothless should be at the surface before Aster. This is strange. Very strange.

"So, can I have that kiss, Hiccup?" Aster smiled.

"Where's Toothless?" I demanded.

"He's still fishing." Aster shrugged.

"Why is your nose bleeding?" I questioned.

"I accidently got hit by my basket." Aster answered.

I crossed my arms. How can Aster accidently hit himself if the water will softened the basket's impact? Unless, Toothless use a basket and hit him with it, then that'll make sense. Toothless and I played a game with rocks before and when Toothless throws, he really does throw well. He throws like a powerful athlete. Besides, even though toothless has an addiction to fish, but he can control it very well. Also Toothless knows that when he fishes, he has to eat it when he's out of the water than inside because he said it's hard to swallow in underwater.

"What did you do to him, Aster?" I asked angrily. "You did something didn't you?"

Before Aster could answer, I dived into the water. I knew it. I knew there was something off about Aster. I should've known from the start. As I knew I can't hold my breath long like Aster and Toothless, but I have to make this quick. As I swam, I saw a dark figure holding onto a rope. My eyes widened.


I'm not sure if he's breathing, but I hope he is. when I got to him, I took his arm over my shoulders and held his waist. As fast as I could, I swam up to the surface. I winced. I can't hold my breath any longer, but I have to keep moving. I can't give up. I need to get Toothless out of the water and make sure he's okay.
Finally, we got out the surface. I gasped, coughing for air. I heaved Toothless onto the docks. I pulled myself up. I crawled over to him, placing my ear against his chest. His heart is beating, but why isn't he awake? What happened down there?

"Toothless!" I shook him. "Toothless, wake up!"

Nothing happened.

"Toothless, please, wake up!" I cried. "Toothless!"

Suddenly, Toothless coughed. Water squirted out of his mouth. I sighed with relieved. Toothless gave me a weary smile, but I hugged him immediately. Toothless chuckled a bit.

"Don't scare me like that!" I said.

"Sorry." Toothless tugged a smile. "but I was punched by a blonde fish."

I switched my gaze towards Aster. He punched Toothless in the water? I got up on my feet and marched over to Aster. The Viking was shifting his feet uncomfortably. I placed my hands on my hips. I glared at Aster with full anger.

"Tell me the truth." I snapped. "What happened down there?"

"Alright!" Aster confessed. "I punched him after he filled his basket with fish and then he hit me with my basket, happy now?"

I wanted to strangle Aster. Toothless could've died down there and all he cared about was wanting to win that kiss from me? I know he likes me, but I don't like him and he would be the very last person who I won't kiss, even if we were the only ones in this planet! Without warning, I punched Aster in the face. Aster yelped as he fell into the water. Everyone gasped, while Toothless was laughing.

"Come on, Toothless!" I muttered. "Let's go."

Toothless P.O.V

"I'm so glad you're okay, bud." Hiccup sighed as we ate at her house. "I couldn't believe Aster did that to you. That jerk!"

"Hey, I'm alright." I smiled.

When we got to Hiccup's house, I changed into my hybrid form. Hiccup had to change out of her wet clothes and put on a green dress. I have to admit, she looked really stunning in green. Green really brings out her eyes, even though they're the same color. We were in her room because she said that it's for cautious reasons, which I understand.

Hiccup nodded. "I know, but I wished I could act sooner."

"It was my fault for being arrogant." I chuckled. "but it was fun throwing a basket in his face."

"Toothless..." Hiccup murmured.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Never mind." Hiccup chuckled. "It doesn't matter."

I raised a brow. What's wrong with her? There's something off about her every since after the challenge. I scoot closer to Hiccup and stared into her green eyes. Hiccup nervously looked away. Her face was turning deep red. I put my hand over hers. Hiccup glanced back at me. I can see my reflection in her eyes.

"Hiccup, tell me." I demanded.

"Wh-When you told Aster I-I was yours.." Hiccup stuttered. "Do you mean-"

I placed my finger on her lips. Hiccup stopped talking. Then I cupped her chin. My eyes softened as I leaned towards her. Before my lips can touch hers, I stopped. I switched my gaze towards the stairs.

"Hiccup!" a voice called out.

"Gobber!" Hiccup hissed.

I quickly morphed back into my human form, but I was still on the same position before I could touch those pink lips. I wasn't sure who Gobber is, but when he came upstairs, I saw he was like the rest of the adult Vikings, big and beefy. When he saw us, he blinked a bit. Then he gave Hiccup a friendly smirk.

"Did I interrupt something?" Gobber asked.

"No, actually we were leaving!" Hiccup bowed her head.

She took my hand and took me out of the back door. We went into the forest. I couldn't believe it. I was so close. So close to kiss her and that Viking ruined it. Then I thought about it. Is it wrong for a dragon to fall for a human? When we got to the cove, Hiccup sat down and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry." Hiccup apologized. "I forgot, he's my baby sitter."

"It's fine." I smiled. But I was so close! "I really enjoy my day at Berk."

Hiccup smiled. "I'm glad."

Hiccup walked up to me. She went on her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek. My eyes widened. I couldn't help, but smile. I had an urge to kiss those lips, but I new I have to find the right moment. At her house was perfect, but Gobber ruined it. Hiccup rubbed the back of her neck. She waved farewell and left the cove. all I could do is fall on the ground, and sighing to myself. This has been a great day!