This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless, and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. My village, in a word its sturdy, it's been here for seven generations, but every building in here looks new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunset. The only problem is the pests. You see most places have mice or mosquitoes, but we have...
A blast of fire shot at me, but I quickly shut the door, closing my eyes. I can feel the intense heat. I pray to myself, hoping it won't burn into crisp. After the heat is gone, I opened I eyes and gasped. "Dragons."
Most people would leave, but not us. We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues. I ran out of the house, as I saw many of the villagers were fighting dragons. One of the villagers just jumped onto a dragon and hit its head with a hammer. My name is Hiccup. Great name for a girl I know, but it's not the worst. Parents believed hideous names will frightened off gnomes and trolls, like our charming Viking demeanor would do that.
As I tried to make my way around the village, a man fell right in front of me, but he got up excitedly and charged off somewhere else. Many people were running with their blades and hammer in their hands, while I moved and duck out of the way. Then I turned around, walking backwards to get a good view of the battle. While I wasn't looking someone bumped into me and a dragon blasted near me. I fell backwards and one of the villagers came at me with it's weapon raised into the air.
"BAAAAA! Morning." He smiled. After that he ran off trying to hit some dragons.
I quickly got back up my feet and ran. While I was running some villagers passed by, telling me to get back inside. Of course, I never listen to them anyway for many, many reasons and I need to get to my destination. Before I can get to the smiting shop, a fire breathing dragon was flying in my way, creating a stream of fire and I found myself being pulled back.
"Hiccup!" a booming voice rang through my ears. My dad lifted me up by the back of the tunic and held me so people can see. Like every adult in this village, my dad is large, muscular, and beefy. He has long red hair and a long red beard. "What is she doing out side ag-what are you doing here, get inside."
That's Stoick the Vast. Chief of the tribe. They say when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head cleaned off of its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do. Dad took a large wooden table and hit it at a dragon. He watched the sight of the battle with his blood thirsty eyes.
"What do we got?" He asked one of the Vikings.
"Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks, oh and Hoark saw a Monstrous Nightmares." The Viking answered.
Suddenly, something exploded and a shower of flames landed on dad's shoulder. He doesn't seemed to be bothered with it. He just wiped it off as if it was a fly.
"Any Night Furies?" Dad asked.
"Not so much."
Then the whole village brought up the torches to distract the dragons. I finally got into the shop, passing my boss. I took off my fur jacket and put on a pink apron. As my boss saw me, he smiled. "It's nice of you to join the party. I thought you'll be carried off."
"Who me?" I giggled as I lift up a heavy metal stoned hammer and placed it onto the wall. "No, I'm way too muscular for their taste! They don't know what to do with all of his."
"Well, they need toothpicks don't they?" He joked.
The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber. I've been his apprentice since I was little...well littler. I open the window of the shop and many Vikings pushed their weapons towards me for sharping and balancing. I took the weapons and mend them as I can. As I do my tinkering, I saw my dad talking to the Vikings.
"We'll move them to the lower defenses, we'll counterattack with catapults." Dad announced.
Everyone did as they were told, but then a house caught on fire. See? The whole village, lots and lots of new houses. then I heard someone yell fire. As I watch, I saw a group of teenagers passed by. They grabbed buckets and put out the fire, but one of the teenagers were twins and they were fighting over a bucket. The big blonde is Fishlegs, the dark hair is Snoutlout, the blonde fraternal twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and...Aster!
Aster is a tall, blonde, lean, but muscular guy. He's Berks most popular guy in the whole village. I had a huge crush on him since we were kids. As the put out the fire, it exploded in behind him. I stared at him dreamily. Their job is so much cooler. When they passed the shop again, I leaned back and gaze at him in the distance, but I found myself wanting to go after him and talk to him.
"Hey!" Gobber snapped. He lifted me by the back fo my tunic and away from the window.
"Aw, come on!" I complained. "Just let me out please. I need to make my mark!"
"Well you made plenty of marks." Gobber said. "All in the wrong places."
"Please two minutes." I begged. "I'll kill a dragon and my life would eventually get better. I might even get a date."
"You can't lift a hammer," Gobber explained. "You can't swing an axe, you can't even throw one of these."
Gobber lifted up a throwing weapon, but a Viking took it and threw it at a dragon. The dragon got caught by it and fell onto the ground. I sprinted to my invention and showed it to Gobber. "Okay, fine but this will help me throw it for me." I patted my machine. Suddenly, it released a hammer and hit a Viking on his head.
"See, now this right here is what I'm talking about!" Gobber pointed at me.
"Mild calibration issue-" I try to clarify.
Gobber groaned some more. "Hiccup, if you ever wanted to get out there to fight dragons you need to stop all of this."
I stared blankly at him. "You just pointed to all of me!"
"Yes that's it. Stop being all of you." Gobber smiled.
"Oh." I nodded sarcastically as if I understood him.
"Oh, yes." Gobber nodded with agreement.
"You sir are playing a dangerous game. Keeping this much...raw Vikingness can contain. There'll be consequences!"
"I'll take my chances." Then he took a sword and handed to me. "Sword, sharpened now."
I took the sword. It was so heavy, I could barely lift it up. Why do I have to be so weak? Then I sharpened it. I knew that one day I'll get out there because killing a dragon everything around here. As I sharpened the sword, I watched what everyone was doing. A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough, taking down one of these would definitely get me a boyfriend. A Zippleback, exotic, two heads twice the status. The Zipplebacks blew the shed, revealing many sheep inside.
"They found the sheep!" someone shouted.
"Concentrated fire over the lower bank." Dad ordered.
Everyone did as they were told. Dad is really likeable since he's the chief and for me...well let's just say I'm useless and some believed I'm accident-prone. lovely isn't it?
"Hurry up!"
The Vikings launch the catapults as it hits one of the dragons. Then there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those, hence my Dad is one of them of course. The best in the village. These dragons have this nasty habits of setting themselves on fire.
"Reload, I'll take care of this!" Dad commanded.
As the Mounsterous Nightmare lifted its head towards Dad, he hit him with his hammer on each side of the face. The ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. While I was sharpening the sword, I hard a high-pitched sound. I stopped and looked up like everyone else. I knew what it was. This dragon we called...
"Night Fury!" someone screamed.
"Get down!" Dad cried.
Everyone did and a purple plasma explosion hits the tower and it started collapsed. Dad was yelling jump since almost everyone was on that tower. This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and never misses. After I put the sword away, I try to look for it, but I only saw another shot of purple plasma. No one has never killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm going to be the first. I walked at the back of the shop where Gobber was mending some weapons, but he was actually getting ready to fight.
"Man the fort, Hiccup." He said. "they need me out there." Gobber walked out of the shop, but he turned around and pointed at me. "Stay. Put. There. You know what I mean."
After that he yelled with bloodlust and ran into the battlefield. I could hear something explode in the distance. Without hesitation, I ran outside again. The Vikings around me where yelling at me, saying what I'm doing here and get back inside. Beside,s my invention was with me anyway. The Night Fury is out there! As I ran to put my invention somewhere I can shoot, one of the dragons were about to steal sheep, but my Dad caught them with his net.
Finally, I got out of the battle field and set my machine. I unload it and opened it up. I stared into the eyepiece, wondering where is that dragon. Hopefully, I can spot it in the dark, because it's really pitch black out here.
"Come on." I said to myself. "Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at."
I kept staring in the night. I look at every direction to see where the Night Fury could fly. Then I heard a screeching sound in the distance. A purple plasma fire exploded another tower. Then I saw something bat-like flying in front of the fire and I knew it was the Night Fury. The shot was clear, so I shoot the beast, but the impact caused me to fall on my back. The weapon I shot, spiraled at the Night Fury. I got up onto my feet, hearing a distress screeching sound. My weapon caught the Night Fury and it fell in the distance.
"I hit it!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I hit it! Did anybody see that?"
I cheered for my victory. I couldn't believe it. I turned around to see if any of the villagers saw that, but they didn't. Then I heard a growling noise behind me. I froze and turned around.
"Except for you." I stared blankly at the Monstrous Nightmare.
At once, I started running, screaming with terror. Even though I'm being attacked, but at least I caught a Night Fury. I can already feel the fame! The Nightmare shot fire at me, but it missed. I yelped, trying to escape, but it still keeps following me. I ran as fast as I could, but the dragon still blasting it's fire at me. I hit behind a large pole, hoping it wouldn't find me or at least eat me. The Nightmare snarled and blew out a waterfall of flames at the pole. I shriek, covering my eyes. As the flames died out, I look back. I don't see the monster at all.
Suddenly, I saw Dad tackling the Nightmare behind me. He took out his hammer. The Nightmare tried to blow out some flames, but he was all out. He hit him with his hammer and punched it many, many times. Then the Nightmare flew away. Oh and there's one more thing you need to know. The pole broke, which was lit up because it had a torch on the top. The torch fell, causing a huge fiery mess. I flinched a bit, three times at least. I'm so dead and this isn't funny.
"Sorry, Dad." I apologized. "
The torched rolled into village, causing the dragons to take our food away. I watched all the sheep being taken away. Well, I'm more than dead. I'm going to be disowned, probably.
Then I pointed to the flying dragons. "Okay, but I hit a Night Fury."
Without hesitation, Dad grabbed me by my tunic. I tried to get out of his strong clutches, but he kept dragging me. I knew he was mad. I'm always a disappointment anyway and not a boy either. It's not my fault I turned out to me a weak girl! Everyone in the village was wtahicng me as usual and their expressions were like my Dad's: angry.
"It's not like the last few times, Dad!" I explained. "I really, actually hit it! You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. It went down at Raven Point. Let's get a search party-"
"Stop!" Dad yelled. Then I stop talking. "Just stop. Every time you step outside, disaster follows. Can you not see I have bigger problems? Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed.
"Between you and me, the village could do a little less feeding." I said sarcastically.
"This isn't a joke, Hiccup." Dad snapped. "Why can't you follow the simplest orders?"
"I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I just have to kill it! You know? It's Who I am, Dad."
Dad groaned. "You're many things, Hiccup, but a dragon killer isn't one of them. Get back to the house." then he turned to Gobber. "Make sure he gets there. I have his mess to clean up."
Gobber pushed me and I started moving. I knew he didn't believe me. Every time I try to impress him, nothing every works. Why can't he see me more than a pathetic little fifteen year old girl. So I don't look like other people in the village. I have auburn hair and green eyes, while everyone has red, brown, black, and blonde hair. As I walk by, the teenagers were laughing at me as usual.
"Quite a performance." Tuffnut sneered.
"I've never seen anyone messed up that badly." Snoutlout smirked. "That helped."
"Thank you, thank you, I was trying." I muttered sarcastically.
Gobber pushed Snoutlout away, but I could hear him laughing. I was silent the whole way to the house. I can't believe Dad didn't believed me. Am I a joke to him or something?
"I really did hit one." I told Gobber.
"Sure you did." Gobber tugged a smile.
"He never listens!" I sighed.
"It runs in the family." Gobber joked.
"When he does, it's with this disappointment scowl." I said sadly. "like someone skimped meat on his sandwich." then I started to do my impression on Dad. "Excuse me, barmaid. You brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra-large girl with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here is a talking fishbone!"
"You're thinking about this wrong." Gobber chuckled. "It's not so much what you look like, it's the inside that he can't stand."
I stared ta Gobber blankly. "Thank you for summing that up."
I was about to go inside, but Gobber stopped me. "Look the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not."
"I just want to be one of you guys!" I cried.
I marched inside the house and slammed the door. Then I ran through the halls and went through the back door. Dad sometimes forgot he has a back door where I can escape from the house.
Toothless P.O.V
I crashed landed into the forest. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I was tangled up. I look up and saw my friends, carrying the food away. I breathe out some fire to tell them where I am, but they only ignored me. I growled sadly. Then a thought occurred to me. What if I changed into my human form? I pondered. Maybe that can help me get out!
I morphed into my human form. I struggled out as hard as I could, but like with my dragon form, I'm stuck. Well I guess human form wouldn't work either. What am I supposed to do? Wait here and get killed? Well, that's lovely! I sighed, lying my head on the soft dirt. Whoever has done this, I'll rip that Viking's head off.