A/N: Ok, this is a really quick, crack oneshot, BASED ON A TRUE STORY! Seriously, almost everything you read below is word-for-word what happened last night when I played Uno with my siblings! It was too funny, I had to write it down!
Some of the stuff is paraphrased to fit the character's personalities, but yeah, this really happened!
Rules of Uno (only read if you've never played the game):
0-7 Uno: When a 0 is thrown out, players all switch card according to which direction play is commencing. When a seven is thrown out, person who threw card out may choose to swap with another player's cards.
Uno: Cards must be stacked according to color or number. When only one card is left for a player, they must shout "Uno" or pick up two more cards. 'Reverse' cards mean the direction of play is switched, for instance, if it is going clockwise and a reverse it thrown, the patterns switches to counter-clockwise. If a 'skip' card is thrown, the next person must skip their turn.
Take +2 or +4 cards means that the person next to you must take up four more cards from the deck. However, when a take +4 card is dealt, the other person may 'challenge' the player: meaning, if he guesses to for the dealer to have a certain color in their hand, that person must take the four cards instead of the victim. Challenge color must be given according to the card beneath the +4.
Richard (Dick) Grayson: 19-years-old
Jason Todd: 18-years-old
Timothy (Tim) Drake: 15-years-old
Damian Wayne (demon spawn): 11-years-old
Everyone: *sits down on bed*
Dick: *begins shuffling cards* "Alright, so here's how we play…"
Damian: "I wager five bucks!"
Dick: "This isn't poker."
Jason: "I'll raise you ten!"
Dick: "This isn't poker!"
Tim: "Can we make this poker?"
Dick: "No! We're playing a family friendly game."
Tim: "And so you chose Uno? I don't even know how to play Uno!"
Dick: "It's easy, I'll explain…"
Jason: "I'm bored."
Damian: "Yeah, let's play poker."
Jason and Tim: "Yeah!"
Damian: *mutters "Party pooper"*
Dick: "Alright, so let me explain the rules: I'll flip a card in the deck, and then we have to stack the cards according to either color or number. I'll go first."
Damian: "Why would you go first?"
Tim: "Yeah, shouldn't we vote or play rock-paper-scissors or something?"
Jason: "I say we play poker to find out."
Dick: "NO POKER!"
Tim: "Well, maybe Dick going first makes sense, since he knows how to play."
Jason: "Golden Boy gets everything. Big surprise."
Dick: "Do you want to go first?"
Jason: "Yeah, when hell freezes over. I'm outta here."
Dick: "We haven't even started playing yet!"
Jason: "My point exactly! We're gonna be here forever."
Tim: *sighing* "Sit down, Jason."
Damian: "All you imbeciles shut up and deal the stupid cards, Grayson."
Dick: *begins handing out cards*
Jason: *jumps to his feet* "Hey! Why did you give Tim the first card?!"
Dick: "I'm just handing them out…"
Jason: "Oh, I see how this works! Give Princess Timmy all the good ones, right!"
Dick: "I shuffled them!"
Jason: "So you say!"
Tim: "Actually, I saw him shuffling them…"
Jason: "I see how it is! A conspiracy! You stick me with the demon spawn, while Princess Timmy and Golden Boy team up and humiliate Jason, the bad boy. Well, IT'S NOT GONNA WORK!"
Dick: *shakes his head* "Just sit down."
Jason: *sits back down, still grumbling*
Dick: *finishes dealing out the cards, ignoring Jason's glare* "Alright, are we all set?"
Jason: "Let me guess, you're still going first."
Dick: "I thought we went over this."
Jason: "I hate you."
Dick: "Yeah, I got that. Does anyone else want to go first?"
*no one answers*
Dick: "Fine. Then I'm flipping over this card… it's a blue five. I'm putting down a blue three. Tim, your turn…"
Dick: "…I mean JASON! Jason goes next."
Jason: *throws out a green two.*
Damian: "Moron, you can't throw that out."
Jason: "Why not?"
Dick: "It doesn't match. Weren't you listening to the rules?"
Jason: "Rules were made to be broken."
Tim: "The rules say that you can't only stack the cards when they…"
Jason: "Ooh, look at Mr. Know-it-All. Shut up, Replacement!"
Dick: "Jason, just throw out a different card!"
Dick: *throws out a yellow 'Skip' card*
Jason: "You're all doing this on purpose! This is the eighth time I've been skipped!"
Tim: *hides a smile* "I don't know what you're talking about." *throws out a yellow three*
Damian: *throws out a yellow zero* "Take that you idiots. Everyone switch! Let mayhem rule!*
Jason: "I'd rather face daddy Bat when he comes home with Alfred than give my cards to Princess…"
Dick: "Jay!"
Jason: "Fine."
*everyone switches cards*
Damian: "Drake, what is with your cards?"
Tim: "That's why I didn't want to give them up. I just finished organizing them."
Damian: *mutters "Freak"*
Tim: *rolls eyes* "Says the kid raised by a family of assassins."
Dick: *throws out a yellow reverse card*
Jason: "I'm gonna KILL you, dick!"
Dick: *throws hands up in surrender* "Honest, Jay, that was the only card I could play."
Jason: "I hate you all!"
Damian: *throws out a yellow two*
Tim: *throws out a yellow seven*
Dick: "Alright, Timmy! Chose to switch with another person's cards."
Tim: *frowns* "I want… my organized cards back!" *rips them from Damian's hands* "Dude, you messed them all up! And spit on them!"
Damian: *smiles* "I am happy to admit to such a thing if it will bring more of that ridiculous eye boggling to your face."
Jason: "Finally, my turn!" *examines cards* "Shit! Why don't I ever have any yellow?"
Dick: "Maybe you're like Green Lantern?"
(A/N: Green Lantern's ring does not work in the presence of the color yellow)
Jason: *growls and picks a card of the deck* "Aw, come on!" *it's a blue three*
*only four more cards in the deck*
Jason: "Damn it!"
Dick: *laughing* "Jay, this game would've been over already if you didn't keep forgetting to say Uno."
Jason: "You keep distracting me!"
Tim: *chuckling* "Dude, it says Uno on the back of every single card. How could you forget?"
Jason: "Shut. Up!"
Damian: *throws down a wild card* "Okay, I chose the color…"
Jason: "If you chose yellow, I swear, something 'yellow' is appearing in your bed tonight."
Tim: "Wow, that was just low, Jason, really…"
Damian: "…yellow."
Jason: "You're dead, demon spawn!"
Dick: "Relax, Jay." *throws out a yellow skip*
Jason: *bat-glare*
Tim: *throws out a +4 card*
Jason: "Don't you dare say you're changing the color to yellow."
Damian: "I'm challenging, Drake!"
Tim: *frowns*
Damian: "You have a red."
Jason: "I mean it, Replacement. No yellow."
Tim: *sighs* "Damn, the demon child was right."
Dick: *hands Tim the last four cards*
Jason: *manages to see what the cards are* "SHIT!"
Tim: *looks at cards and laughs* "Wow. They're all yellow!"
Dick: "Tim, what color are you choosing?"
Jason: "What color do you THINK he's choosing?!"
Tim: *laughing* "Yellow."
Damian: *starts sifting through his cards*
Dick: *looks at him and laughs* "Dami, you've got, like, the entire deck in your handful!"
Damian: "I know that, Grayson." *angry glare*
Tim: *chuckles* "Oh my gosh, you have almost all the yellows!"
Jason: "Somebody dies tonight, I swear!"
Damian: *throws out a yellow five*
Dick: *throws out a red five* "There, Jay, I changed it for you."
Jason: *glares*
Tim: *raises eyebrow* "Let me guess: you don't have any reds either. What do you have?"
Jason: "Shut up!"
Dick: "Well, since there's no more cards to pick up, I guess Jason will have to skip."
Tim: "Wow, Jason."
Jason: *collapses on bed's headboard* "This is the seventh time I've skipped my turn!"
Damian: *smiles curtly as he throws out a card*
Dick: "Jason, if you keep rocking the bed, Uno will become Fifty-Two Pick Up."
Jason: *glares* "Shut up."
Tim: "Uno!"
Dick: "Haha, too late, Timmy!" *throws out last two cards* "I win!"
Jason: *throws his cards across the room* "Gee, what I surprise."
Damian: *scowls* "We should've played poker."
Jason: "Definitely."
Tim: "Hey, it wasn't that bad."
Dick: "Exactly. So who wants to play again?"
Jason: "No!"
Tim: "C'mon, Jason. This will be your chance to get back at Dick."
Jason: … "Fine."
Dick: *deals out cards, starting with Jason* "Damian can go first." *ignores Jason's growl* "What? Now you can watch and be prepared!"
Damian: *throws out a yellow five*
Dick: *throws out a yellow two*
Alright, I'm planning a Dark Knight Trilogy/Batman crossover - informing you guy for 2 reasons. 1: Crossovers don't get many views. 2: I need help with the initial plot.
So, the story is going to take off three months after the Dark Knight Rises; and ignoring the new Superman vs. Batman movie coming out next year. I've worked out how to include character John Blake, Bruce Wayne, and TADA! Richard Grayson! And it's a pretty good plot, really! The part I need help with is I need a villain group or a crime plot so bad that Bruce needs to hire Blake and Grayson to help him. I'm not too good devising villainous propaganda, so if you want to help, leave a GUEST review with your ideas and our username (if you have an account here). Purpose for the GUEST REVIEW is so the plotline, if I use it, is not spoiled for the readers.
Ok, that's about it. Thx for reading :)