A/N: Okay, here comes a Jace and Magnus scene. I wasn´t sure about writing from Jace´s POV, because I didn´t know if I could get him right, but here it is. Since they are the only ones left in the training room they needed to have a talk too. Hope you enjoy :)

Jace POV

„Clary?" Jace called out to his girlfriend who just rushed out of the training room without looking back.

„Seems like she´s rather keen on getting away from you." Magnus teased.

„You´re one to talk. Wasn´t it your boyfriend who took the first opportunity to leave the room?" Jace retorted, but he wasn´t whole-heartedly at it. He was way too worried about his girlfriend.
She hadn´t seemed very composed today, even though she had tried to look like it. So had Izzy.
But who of them was fine, really, after all that happened? They had literally gone through hell, and even though they had all come out of it alive, it had left scars that probably won´t ever fade.
Jace closed his eyes and tried not to think of Max.

When he opened them again, he saw Magnus eyeing him. His face wasn´t mocking anymore, rather sympathetic, and somehow it was worse. It meant he wasn´t far from being pitied and Jace hated being pitied. So he covered his anxiety with a lopsided grin. „So, now that it´s just the two of us..."

„I knew you´d approach that subject one day, but sadly I have to decline." Magnus cut in before Jace could say more. „I happen to have a boyfriend. Who is ten times sexier than you, by the way."

Jace snorted. „Please, that´s not even possible. Sexy is just a synonym for Jace, so everyone who deserves being called sexy is just a pale immitation of my humble self. Even Alec." he announced. „Speaking of – since Alec is most definitely giving ´the speech` to Simon right now and Izzy´s preoccupied at the moment, I guess it´s up to me to give it to you."

Magnus made a face. „Your choices of words are always so well thought through." he mumbled, but Jace simply grinned.
„You know what I mean. Just listen, warlock. First off: you already hurt Alec once, and you only got away with it, because it wasn´t exactly solely your fault." Magnus snorted at that, but Jace decided to ignore him. „So, if you ever do anything that pisses him off, or breaks his heart, you´ll get the full force of Lightwood-anger on you – and trust me, that´s not very pleasant."

Magnus didn´t look very impressed, or at least, he didn´t show it. He met Jace´s gaze with steady eyes. „I thought you´d call yourself Herondale now." he remarked.

A real smile appeared on Jace´s face. Not like the grin he was showing earlier, with the purpose of intimidating the warlock. „I´m still a Lightwood, though. And Izzy will probably be just too thrilled to help me in this matter."

„I don´t doubt that." Magnus muttered dryly under his breath.

Jace nodded.
„Second off," he continued. „You´re on probation. You didn´t only get a second chance with Alec, you also have to prove to us that you deserve it. Every move you make, every single thing you say or do will be highly observed."

Magnus raised an eyebrow. „And thirdly?" he asked warily.

Jace smiled confidently. „Thirdly," he added a pause for the effect. „As strange as it is, you make Alec happy. I don´t understand that, but it´s not my business. And obviously he´s the best thing that can ever happen to you, because, I mean, he´s Alec. He´s strong and he´s considerate and he is the best man I know, me myself included. Never forget that, and never forget how lucky you are, Bane." he crossed his arms over his chest and eyed the warlock. „How was that for a speech?". He knew he could be theatrical if he wanted to, and right now he had wanted to, just to make Magnus a little uncomfortable. He meant everything he said, though.

It was a shame that Magnus was just as good in hiding his true emotions as he himself was. His face was almost impossible to read. Almost. The shimmer in his eyes gave him away. He could tell his words had affected the other man even if he didn´t show it.

„Impressive." Magnus remarked, not seeming impressed at all. „Now let me tell you one thing: I love your brother and I didn´t just stop during our... seperation. If you want me to promise you to never hurt Alec, I´m sorry, I can´t. Life is unpredictable and even my magnificent self can´t change that. What I can do is promise you I will always do what is in my power to make him happy. Trying not to hurt him is all I can do, for I have no control over anything else considering Alec." he said in a severe, almost somber voice. „Besides. You should really do something against that control addiction of yours." he added, in a lighter tone and smiled, which assured Jace that that last bit was only a joke. Or something. Alec´s way of telling bad jokes might have rubbed off on him at last.

„If it comes to my family, I never will." Jace simply said, miming Magnus´ light tone, but setting his jaw in a stubborn line to make clear he was serious. Magnus nodded respecting.

He´d never let anyone of his family down. His real family. Which had grown more and more during the past year, since that strong little girl had burst into his life and turned everything upside down.
Clary, he thought fondly.
She had been the first addition to the small group of people he loved and trusted without any doubt. (Which was considerable given that he had thought for a long time that love and trust meant being weak.)

Alec, Isabelle, Max. And then Clary.
And with her, the annoying nerdy mundane clinging to her, determined to not leave her side. Never.
And he hadn´t, in the end.

Involuntarily, Jace smiled.
He was lucky that Magnus had turned his attention away from him, letting some sparks emit his fingertips instead, to relieve his boredom. Jace didn´t want to let the warlock see him reminiscing.
Magnus too, counted among his family now, even if the whole wide galaxy was still too small for both their egos to fit next to each other.
He meant the world to Alec, so he meant the world to Jace.
Okay, maybe, that went too far. He liked him. Period. He wouldn´t admit anything more, not even to his own mind.

His thoughts were interrupted when the door was opened, and Alec peered in. He looked a little startled at their sight, as if it was unthinkable that Magnus and Jace were together in one room without carrying out a massacre. Jace grinned at the thought.

„What are you still doing here? The food is there. Let´s go to the kitchen or Isabelle will kill you."

They chuckled, but did as Alec told. Everyone who knew Isabelle, knew that she wasn´t to mess with.

This feels good, Jace thought, as he sat around a table with the five people he loved most in the world.
Almost normal.

… Well, normal in shadowhunter terms.

He squeezed Clary´s hand under the table and she smiled up at him; the tension had disappeared from her.
He looked right into her beautiful green eyes. It was only a look, but he was sure Clary understood what he wanted to tell her with it. She always did. They could communicate without using words, exchanging feelings, emotions, only with their eyes.

That´s what he was doing right now, he wanted to reassure her and tell her he loved her and that she didn´t need to worry all the time and so much more.

It was more than a few words could express, but if he tried, he´d know what to say.

As long as we´re all together, nothing can stop us.